Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ocean Isle Beach, NC

We are home after a wonderful week at the beach in North Carolina. We only had one day of rain while we were there ---and the rest of the week was PERFECT in every respect. We enjoyed walking and sitting on the beach, reading, relaxing, sleeping --and most of all, the delicious seafood in the area. This is the 4th year we have visited the Islander Inn in May.

Ocean Isle is located just north of Myrtle Beach---so we are close enough to go to the 'city' ---if we are looking for some 'action'.. BUT--we are far enough way to get away from the crowds. AND--all of the delicious, fresh Calabash seafood is near here. This is a perfect place to be---in our opinion.

Our room is like a fancy motel room (with king bed, big flatscreen TV, internet, sofa, small frig, microwave, etc.)---and is perfect for us for the week. They provide a good breakfast each morning ---so we only snack at lunch and then eat a nice dinner out each night.

Here are some pictures taken this year while at Ocean Isle. Above is looking north from our balcony toward the fishing pier. Below are more.

This is another view of the Atlantic Ocean ---from our balcony. That place is just so peaceful!!!!

Here's one more picture taken from our balcony. This one is looking south. You can see the gazebo and part of the pool/lounging area in this picture.

Here's looking back at the Islander Inn from the beach. The Islander consists of 7 buildings (all with the red roofs). This year we were in Building 1 (last one on the right) --in the top left room. (NOTE: The building with the blue roof is part of another set of motel buildings next door, similar to Islander Inn.)

Here's a close-up of our building.. You can see that our door is open from the balcony into the room. We love to hear the waves ---so we leave the door open most of the time. The swimming pool is below us ---but since it was a quiet week, there was never much noise.

We picked a perfect week to go this year. There weren't many people around (which we love) ---and it seemed as if we had most of the area and the beach to ourselves all week!!!! And--as much as I love the sun, we were very careful this year ---using LOTS of sunscreen. SO- no sunburns!!!! Yeah!

We have many more pictures to share ---but just wanted to show you our little home this past week. It was awesome ---but I am also glad to be home again!!!!

Hope you had a nice Mother's Day. I did --since my 'baby' came to visit me. My baby is almost 39 yrs. old now... Yipes!!!! We had a wonderful day and went to dinner at the Cumberland Mountain State Park Restaurant. It was delicious ---but even better was the company of a wonderful son. He brought me two gorgeous hanging baskets for our yard. SO PRETTY!!!!

One more note: We also were lucky that our area of TN was spared from all of the flooding while we were gone. We did have 4.5 inches of rain that weekend in our area--but found everything at our home in good shape (including the weeds) when we got home Saturday. Please don't forget to pray for and help as you can, those people who lost so much due to the flooding. It's just very sad to see the devastation.

Hope all of you had a wonderful week. I read many blogs---but didn't comment as much as I usually do. Hopefully, I'll catch up with all of you soon.


Adrienne Zwart said...

Morning, Betsy. I was relieved to read that you didn't have any flooding damage in your area. I had prayed your home would be safe. What a pretty place you chose for your vacation spot. Love the cottage feel of your inn, and right on the beach! That's perfect in my opinion, too. :)

pam said...

It looks like it was a lovely relaxing time! Yes, we were thankful we were spared the huge rain amounts too.

Regina said...

Wow such peaceful and perfect place to unwind.
Beautiful scenes and captures Betsy.
and BTW we need rain still warm around here.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Gorgeous Beach! I like the first picture very much.

Glad you had a nice Mother's Day :)

Jayne said...

It looks like a wonderful get away place Betsy. Glad you all had such a relaxing week. :c)

Beth said...

Welcome back, Betsy! Ocean Isle is a beautiful place...and I really like the way the Islander Inn has those separate buildings rather than a huge, imposing high-rise that always looks so out-of-place on a beach.

RoeH said...

Oh wow...what a way to spend some time. Any amount of time. Preferably for the rest of my entire life. I lived in California for two years only a mile inland and those ocean breezes are not to be denied. I just loved them.

Harriet said...

What a wonderful view! Looks like you had a great time. Glad you had a good Mother's Day and got to see one of your sons. I've missed your blog!

Bookncoffee said...

Oh I enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if the Islander Inn allows small dogs? Have a great week.

Catherine said...

What a lovely beach you were at Betsy! And such a nice place to stay! So glad you and George made it home safe and sound and that everything was OK at your home even after the rain. Yes, those weeds always seem to always survive don't they. :(

You and George are just the sweetest couple ~ going places and doing things. You remind me of my mom and her George (which is really his name - ha!) as my dad passed away years ago and she and George found each other after his wife passed away and the two of them just 'clicked' and they are having such a good adventure together. Traveling and doing things together ~ they have so much fun! Love it!

You are an inspiration Betsy!

Welcome home!
xo Catherine

Susie said...

I was just wondering how ya'lls week went. Looks wonderful! I can't believe how bare the beach looked but I love that too!

Glad ya'll had a good time!

Julie said...

If you ever get a chance to come down to northwest Florida...you guys would absolutely love Cedar Key!!! We stayed at a one story place there with french doors that opened out to the pool and the water was 50 ft. from our door! Horseshoe crabs wash up on the beach there! Dolphins jump out in the water, pelicans everywhere, and a whole row of restaurants (lots of seafood too) along the water. You can just relax (like you did)...and oh, isn't the sound of the water just devine? Something about sun, sand and water just makes for HEAVEN! Your place looked just wonderful there, Betsy! I bet the seafood was sooooo good. I can taste it now!
You are making me think of going out on the web to find a nice vacation spot for this year! I am ready, even though we can't leave till after July 1 due to my husbands job. We actually love the northwest Georgia and Tennesssee mountain areas!!! You live in heaven year round!!! Lucky gal!!!
xoxo- Julie

Anonymous said...

Betsy- we go to north myrtle beach....i have never heard about ocean isle but i think i'm going to check it out for this years vacation.

The Islander Inn said...

Glad to hear you had fun with us this past week! Hope to see you again real soon....

Justin Harkey
General Manager

amelia said...

It looks so peaceful and serene but I don't see too many people in the water, was it cold?
We had a significant snowfall on Saturday and it's still on the ground today but melting!!

Anonymous said...

The Islander Inn looks like a perfect place to getaway for a relaxing week, especially when the crowds aren't there. I don't like crowds either! The Islander Inn reminds me of Montreal Inn at Cape May, NJ. We vacationed there over the Easter weekend a couple years ago. The Montreal Inn is along the beach as well, but not ON the beach. We had a relaxing weekend, I recall. I would love to go back there one day. I want to return to the Outer Banks as well. We spent a week there a few years ago. That vacation was TOPS in my list! I think our Hawaiian vacation will top it though ;-) I enjoyed looking at your pictures; look forward to seeing more pictures from your vacation. I'm glad to hear that your house and gardens survived the storm.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, it looks wonderfully warm there. It has been so cold here.

I hardly remember my one visit to Myrtle Beach more than 20 years ago. I'll bet is has really changed.

Glenda said...

So pretty! The perfect place to relax! I'm glad the weather was good for you in NC - and that your home was not flooded.

It's always good to "go," but that makes home even sweeter, doesn't it?

Have a wonderful week! I'm sure you'll be spending time in your beautiful yard!

Big Dude said...

Color me jealous. You guys have found some great spots in your travels.

I Am Woody said...

May and September are the perfect months to visit the beach. Glad you had such a wonderful time!

Sunny said...

Welcome home, I'm glad to hear that you had no flood damage.
The beach looks so inviting, that is one thing I miss since moving 'inland'.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
Sunny :)

Peggy said...

Welcome home!! I am about an hour and a half from the beach but never seem to find the time to go. I love walking on the beach as its so peaceful. Loved the photos and glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day.. now get out there and weed! LOL

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so glad you both had a wonderful week!!! This looks and sounds perfect.
Thank goodness your home and area are fine...nothing seems to hurt the weeds does it?

Cicero Sings said...

Looks like a wonderful place to holiday. I like it that there weren't too many people as we're not for big crowds either.

It is always good to be home and I'm glad you're home was washed away while you were gone.

Mary said...

Nice to have you back home again! That looks like a great place to stay and so close to the beach. Was it warm enough to swim?

Janice K said...

I was thankful to hear all was well when you got home. I remember when you left all those storms were heading through your area.

Looks like you picked another great place to rest and enjoy yourselves. Looking forward to hearing about your week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Glad you had a good time on vacation. Your place you stayed looks like a perfect location and like you said a quiet one. I would love that. I can almost hear the waves while looking at your pictures. Can't wait to see more. Glad you are home safe. The flooding in Nashville was awful. Hope you have a good week at home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob and I love beaching it more than any other place to be. if we were rich enough we would live on a beach just like this one. we live on the gulf beaches but we loe the Atlanta best. what a wonderful place to spend a week

Love Of Quilts said...

Looks so nice there glad you had a good time...and really glad your home was still there..I have been concern about it not hearing from you in what seem like a long time..isn't it great to have weeds. God Bless Trish

Karin said...

This does look like an idyllic place - no wonder you keep going back for more! It is just beautiful and so peaceful looking! Ocean breezes sound invigorating! So glad you had an amazing time and also a great Mother's Day! Good to see you back! Enjoyed all your pictures very much!

Randy said...

I CAN'T believe how much the two of you get around. Just how many miles do you travel a year! LOL-- Randy

Loran said...

What a great vacation! I love the sound of waves too. I'm glad you didn't find a flooded out house when you got home.

Becca's Dirt said...

What a beautiful place to enjoy each other. Glad you had a good time.

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh boy, oh boy, I get to go to the beach, well kind of, in a second hand way.
What great timing. You missed all the mess and had the beach to yourselves. How lovely.

Kay said...

Beautiful beach. Thank you for showing me the Atlantic Ocean. I was born and raised in SoCal and all I've ever seen is the Pacific.

Diane said...

Betsy, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. I love the ocean, it's just wonderful. I thought about you every time I watched the news. That was just terrible. Have a great day. Diane

Rose said...

So glad you had a good time...and so glad you got to see your son on Mother's day. I spent the day with my babies...part of it was moving the last of the small items from Rachel's apt...she made the comment what a way to spend Mother's day...I said well, it may be the last one we spend together for 2 or 3 or 4 years!

Diane AZ said...

Sound and looks like a delightful week at the beach, and Mother's Day with your son. So glad your area was safe from floods. Have a wonderful week, Betsy. :)

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Looks like a wonderful time for sure! We have been blessed with some perfect weather lately and I've come to appreciate each and every perfect day! Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Sounds & looks like ya'll had a WONDERFUL time - The photos sure are NIIIIICE!

Anonymous said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

Land Sakes, you got 41 comments! I hope you even see my little one. So glad you're back to an unchanged home!! When you say you live on the Platuau, it makes me thing of a very high, flat place. The very first thing I noticed about your pictures was the lack of people on the beach!! Maybe it's too early yet? I'm so glad you posted your pictures of where you stayed. If you didn't, I was going to ask you to send me one. I couldn't figure out what kind of setup it was. I'm so happy that everything is O.K!! Beautiful pictures, and I can't WAIT to see more!

carolina nana said...



I love the sea!
Wonderful place!

From the Kitchen said...

Betsy, I can hear those waves lapping at the shore. I needed your beach post today. It is cold, raw and windy here. I keep looking at my summer frocks but putting on turtle necks!


Jo said...

Oh what a perfect place for two perfectly lovely people! I'm so glad you had a good time. What beautiful photos. And I'm thrilled for you that your "baby" visited you for Mothers Day. Both my babies (36 and 31! Yikes!) are far away in South Africa but Skyped, phoned and mailed me. Aren't we blessed? (((Hugs))) Jo

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Glad to hear you had a good time and now are safely back at home.The pictures are beautiful.I can see why you go back every year.I had a lovely MOther's Day.My son BBQ steak and it was better then any restaurant mea,at least for me.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

So very restful and what fun!!!

Snap said...

Welcome home! Looks like a wonderful place to spend a restful week!

Jen said...

Now that's a room with a view and the right kind of 'street' noise.

LV said...

Thank you for taking me along on your wonderful vacation. I have always wanted to go there , but never made it. I enjoyed it thorough your lens though. I am so happy you two are able and out enjoying life. Take care.

Deb said...

It looks lovely and peaceful. So glad to hear you missed out on that terrible flooding.

Leedra said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time. Here I was concerned about you in all the rain, and you weren't even home. Working from Knoxville, but working on the communications restorations in middle Tennessee. Glad your place was ok without you.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun blog

Heirloom Goods website for photography and knit

Photography By Leedra blog

Dorothy said...

So glag you and George had a good time at the beach! Looks like a nice place. If Joe is having a good day while we are in Augusta, we may run over to Myrtle Beach while we are this close. Looks like it is only a couple of hours from here.

SmilingSally said...

[sigh] How beautiful, Betsy!

imac said...

Its great to get away but its also nice to come home.
Great place to take a break at.

Jeanne said...

So glad to hear that your section of Tenn. didn't have flooding. I was at a convention at the Opryland hotel year before last and it was just awful to see the pictures of that beautiful place.

Glad you had a nice vacation and look forward to more pictures.

nanny said...

That looks like the perfect place for a vacation...I love the Inn, it looks great!
Glad you had a restful week and you didn't return home to damage!

Shelley said...

I'm so relieved none of the flooding affected you! I am praying for those who were - so sad! Enjoyed your vacation photos, I could look at that water all day!!! Glad you got to spend time w/ your son. Looking forward to more photos!

Joe Todd said...

Glad you are back missed your posting/photos. Linda and I have been to Ocean Isle a couple of times and as you say a great place. My favorite so far is Palmetto Dunes at Hilton Head (off season) with Savannah close to hand. Maybe golf has something to do with it LOL

The Retired One said...

What a wonderful place..looks gorgeous! The beach reminded me of our beach at Madeira Beach,Florida..which also didn't seem to have many people while we were there which we also love!
I was so worried about your area when we heard about the flooding...so glad your home was safe. On our drive home to Michigan we didn't see much flooding, although we went through Chatanooga instead of the Nashville area.

Connie said...

It looks so pretty there, Betsy. I love the beach. I'm glad to hear you had a good time. Happy Belated Mother's Day to you! :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: So happy you had a wonderful time at the beach.

Carletta said...

That looks like a wonderful place to visit!
I like it quiet too without a lot of crowds.
So good to hear you weren't in the flooding. It was such a sad thing to see and read about.
Thanks for coming by and leaving well wishes for me. I'm feeling better but just not quite me yet. Must be the old age. It takes longer to come back to normal these days. :)

penny said...

Betsy, How wonderful your view of that beautiful beach was and the ocean was right at your door step. The sunrises must have been gorgeous.
So glad you and George had a good week, beachside.

Cheryl said...

Oh Betsy, I would so love to book a week (or longer!) in one of those cozy looking cottages! Looks as if you had a perfect spot. So pleased that you had a son visit you for Mother's Day! Both of my sons and of course Miss Ashton popped in on Mother's Day and it was wonderful! And I want to thank you again for sending me the wonderful photo during your vacation time, it meant a lot to me!

Pat - Arkansas said...

What a beautiful place to vacation! Thanks for sharing your photos; makes me long to hear the ocean.

Glad you are home safely.