Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proud to be a TENNESSEAN

Please take a few minutes to watch this video (at the bottom of my post). Since I live near Nashville and recognize most of the places on the video, it made me cry. However, it also made me feel very proud to be a TENNESSEAN.

We are a hard-working, proud people in our state. This flood got almost no national coverage --but that was okay! Our people just rolled up their sleeves and went to work, taking care of things themselves. You never heard of any looting or robberies... It was (and is) just a 'people-helping-people' event. I guess we're not called the Volunteer State for nothin'!!!

Things happen to all of us --at one time or another. I guess it was just Nashville's turn. I'm just happy to say that I am proud of how Nashville chose to handle its problems. If you read the statement at the top of my blog, you will read that life is all about how we choose to handle the things which happen to us. Hopefully, people in Tennessee do a great job keeping that 'positive' attitude ---even through tragedy.



A Brit in Tennessee said...

Yes, makes you proud to live in the Volunteer State !
Those of us who live here, know that the Tennessee people would have it NO other way. Roll up your sleeves, quit your whining, and fix the problem. Help your neighbor, and be part of the solution, not the problem.
Doesn't it make you proud !
Thanks for sharing this wonderful video...

Jayne said...

It's been beyond sad to see...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

So sorry about the flood. When I was growing up in Sibu, in Borneo, every year for a week, we had floods up to our thighs.

As kids, we loved playing in the water, our houses were made with stilts, so the harm was not as bad as yours. But after the floods, the horrors begin, you see dead carcesses of animals, plants and so on.

I do not wish it on any body.

Tabor said...

It is finally starting to get coverage. So overwhelmed by the oil spill news each day. I remember spending an afternoon and night in Nashville and seeing that lovely river.

Bookncoffee said...

Thanks for sharing. I added to my facebook and tagged as a favorite on YouTube so I would always have it.

Arkansas Patti said...

Yes you can be proud. Your state has gotten a lot of coverage here, especially the losses in Nashville.
I am so glad your home was spared.
This has really been a year of natural disasters around the world.

Julie said...

I feel bedly because I never watch the news anymore (can't take all the political stuff, and horrible stuff they show)...so I was out of the loop regarding the flooding! I am so glad things got turned around...makes me want to live there even more!!!!! We were in Franklin once...very pretty there! Hope they are all OK too!

Connie said...

Such a disaster! I did hear a little about it on the news here but not a lot. I didn't realize how extensive the damage was.

penny said...

Betsy, that was a terrible flood and so unexpected. Our local news did cover this story for several days.
Our prayers go out to all Tennesseans.
We have been through devastating hurricanes and all of our neighbors immediate helped each other with whatever they need.

Harriet said...

It really didn't seem that the national coverage of Nashville was as much as some of the other disasters. I also noticed that on some of the reports it seems they spent most of their time talking about how it effected the country music people. I believe it effected more than just country music, there were everyday people in Nashville that were flooded.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my hubby and i were talking about why no national coverage, when it happens in other places, it is on every channel all day for days. we did see a few of these photos but not nearly all of them, beats me why they did not show it. it is heart breaking. I am sending this to my friend in WI, her son lives in Nashville and will want to see this I am sure. we saw a country singer on a talk show and he said hat most of he singers lost every bit of equipement that had, it covered a storage units that they all used for thier guitars and drums, all their on the road things when they were not on the road, he had tears in his eyes.

I especailly like the photo of the man rescuing the dog. pets suffer in these things and most don't pay attention.

Catherine said...

So very heartbreaking. I did not realize it was this bad. Isn't it amazing what humans can do when they pull together ~ when everyone helps.

Wishing everyone in the state of Tennessee warmest thoughts.
xo Catherine

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I don't usually watch a lot of TV,but I had seen some of these images.It is so sad to see this much damage.Thankfully not more people lost their lives.My prayers are with those who suffered this damage.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Yes, Betsy...We Are Tennessee...it is a challenge that Tennesseeans will rise up to meet...Our prayers are with our fellow Christians of Tennessee...

I'm so happy you and George are back...its been quiet around here and I missed you both!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is so sad and devastating Betsy. Mother nature can really do some damage....prayers for all the victims!

diane b said...

We didn't hear about it here. Glad you weren't flooded yourselves. It sounds like you have a very proud and strong community. No looting, that is so good. I hope all the hurt people can recover as quickly as possible.

Susie said...

That's so amazing Betsy! We had heard about it more than we saw of it. So sorry to see it!

Sunny said...

When I first heard of the terrible flooding my thoughts were of you and George being away, I'm so glad that you're house was okay.
I think our local news stations carried more about flood than the national ones. CNN seemed to focus on the country music industry.
How great the human spirit to pull together under such disastrous conditions.
Thanks for sharing the video.
Sunny :)

Karin said...

We heard about it up here in Alberta! Such a tragedy - but nowadays one crisis seems to supplant the next doesn't it! I'm proud and thankful to know some amazing Tennesseans! God bless you and keep you in His care. I just put the video on my facebook for others to see!

Reanaclaire said...

that is real bad.. sorry to see that the flood is so devastating..

Lisa said...

Wow that was quite hard to believe. Has the water receded?

I must say I did not hear anything about it but then again I do not watch tv or listen to the news much lately.

I Am Woody said...

The stories that I have heard about how we, as a community, have come together to help each other are just amazing!

Roses and Lilacs said...

I agree, people are amazing. Generous, kind, and courageous. When a tiny city south of here was hit by a tornado, lots of folks from all over the state drove hundreds of miles to volunteer for clean up and rebuilding.

I feel so bad for everyone in Tennessee who lost so much in these floods. I can't even imagine their sorrow. God bless them all.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Thank you, Betsy! For bringing more awareness to the nashville flood!
I may post this video too. It really hits home!

xo, misha

Darla said...

Geez Betsy...

Don't know much about Fuschia, except they like shade and they are heavy feeders. Verbena tends to thrive on sun and neglect...

Mary said...

It really was a terrible disaster and I know that hearts everywhere in the country are crying along with the people there. I can't imagine what a clean-up project this will be and for how long. Having been to Nashville recently, I have tried to imagine this happening where I had just been.

Janice K said...

Boy, those pictures are beyond one's imagination. Certainly an unforgetable experience for all who have lived through it. I did see a lot of coverage on the flooding, but I saw it on the Weather Channel. Thanks for sharing.

Cheryl said...

When tragedy strikes here in our country it seems almost as if it gets a passing glance by the news world. We Americans pull ourselves up and get right back to work and don't expect anything from anybody. We are full of pride for our country and we are strong people! I do hope Tennessee is recovering quickly and am keeping all in my prayers.

Cicero Sings said...

My oh my Betsy, so much water! Unbelievable. I know you mentioned flooding in your last post but I had no idea. I can't imagine the clean-up!

Peggy said...

My heart ached watching the video but what was wonderful is the way everyone helped each other. The kindness, concern and caring. Your state is beautiful and filled with beautiful people. My prayers are still with those that have lost so much.

Mandy said...

It has been an emotional week for sure! I did a similar post to yours about how we had no looting and such - what great people we have here!

We have friends and neighbors that were affected, but thankfully we live on a ridge and the creek behind our house could probably never reach us.

Our community is definitely pulling together to help get people back on their feet!

Anonymous said...

The flood did get lots of coverage in NC and I have friends in Nashville. TN has been in our thoughts and prayers everyday. I know first hand what it is to experience that - 3 hurricanes in 2004 devastated parts of our county! Wishng a speedy rebuilding!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I posted about the lack of coverage on my blog and got a great comment from AL who explains how networks chose their news. Makes me wonder. BBC gave better coverage than USA. We Canadians saw a bit. Your clip says a lot about the people. Still I do think there ought to be federal support. Many lives were lost and help for all should come from everywhere! You make a valid point but I feel bad because I don't understand why there's so little aid offered.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This whole video just stuns me. The news stations should just run this, and not even say a word, I bet donations would pour in. Amazing the Beatles song they are playing, something upbeat!! They chose not to play "Who'll Stop The Rain". Painful to watch those cars on the highway with people drowning in them. I did not know about that part. Phil and I were just talking about The Grand Ole Oprey and a few other facts this weekend. Something so horrible bringing out something so beautiful in people.

Diane said...

I did see a lot on the national news, Betsy. That has to be a nightmare to go through something like that. Diane


I have not seen before so like things.It is very sad!

nanny said...

That video is truly heartwrenching.....thanks for sharing it...we all need to be aware of what Nashville is going through.
It made the point about looting...and no I haven't heard of anything bad related to the flooding!
Sad, sad photos!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back from vacation safely. Good blog entry today as always. The flooding was terrible but as you have mentioned, our wonderful Volunteer spirit has been tremendously helpful. I urge anyone who has the means, to give charitably to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, or any other recognized charity that is in a position to give help to Nashville and other flooded communities! Go Volunteers!

Thanks again Betsy!

Together We Save said...

Wow - I can't beiieve you have this on your blog... I just watched it this morning... my boss saw it somewhere. I is unreal just how little coverage we got. I hope you faired ok. George's family? I believe the area they live in was hit pretty hard. We have family dealing with a mess. But it is like you say... Nashville will pull together and be fine!

PCovi said...

Tough people...Steel Magnolias!
I saw images in this that I hadn't seen...I wanted to see Opry Mills and never did so that Bass Pro shop image made my heart sink...and the inside of the hotel where we started our honeymoon...goodness!

Anonymous said...

Our lives can change in a moment, but no matter how horrible, the world keeps rolling along. Thanks for reminding me that out of gratitude, I should be helping someone today. This is the Volunteer State.

Cassie said...

Betsey dear, I thought of you when I saw a bit on the news with a young country singer from Nashville whose musical equipment was destroyed in the flood. Didn't know how close you were to the devestation. Hooray for the good people of Tennessee and their spirit!! That gimmee-gimmee attitude that so many freeloaders have makes me ill. XX-C

Pat - Arkansas said...

Thanks for sharing that wonderful video, Betsy! You VOLUNTEERS have much to be proud of in the face of the terrible devastation. I'm proud to be your neighbor.
My granddaughter lives in Brentwood, a Nashville suburb, and I've heard through her mother about some of the awfulness of the situation. It's a shame that the events got so little national attention.

Dar said...

Betsy, Your Pride Shows. You took a tragic situation and turned it into hope just by the words you translated to the turmoil. I see why you are so proud to Be a Tennessean.
God speed recovery to your proud state and its present pain. You will all heal because of your determination.

Kay said...

So this on YouTube. Must have really been scary.

June said...

The power of Nature is irresistible and awesome, isn't it? And the power of the human spirit is equal to it. In the face of real tragedy, people are generally reliable in helping their neighbors. It's a way to see a Good come out of Disaster.

The idea of people drowning in their cars is horrifying. It's sad to lose material stuff and income, but to think of those poor people!

Connie said...

Your video covered more of the flood then I have seen on any news coverage. It is so sad.

Jo said...

Yeah Betsy, you're right. The floods in your state got no coverage here in Africa (that I noticed) Well done to the Tenneseans for their togetherness in such a disatrous situation. Bless you all and I pray for relief and healing now... (((Hugs))) Jo

Pedaling said...

You are correct, this has not gotten much coverage at all- though i did know about it and have been thinking of you and all in Tennessee, especially Nashville.
what a great video!
and Wow!
I love your people!
What an example!
If i ever move from here I'm comin' your way!
Love to you.
Take Care, my friend.