Look at that gorgeous bird above. He's a ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK---and he's back to visit me again this spring. These birds stop off here for about a week or so in Spring while on their way north for summer. Then they come back in Fall, on their way back south. The males come first --followed in a week or two by the females. I get so excited just seeing this gorgeous bird. Below are a few more recent visitors to the feeders.
We are blessed to have alot of AMERICAN CARDINALS at our feeders year-round. I'm hoping that this Daddy will bring some wee-ones to the feeders soon (like he did last year).
The BROWN THRASHERS are back --after being gone all winter. They love to dive into the suet feeders.
Oh how I love our EASTERN BLUEBIRDS... BUT---due to the fighting with the Chickadees over the nestbox, both the Bluebirds and Chickadees are now GONE. The nest is empty. We finally emptied it totally ---hoping that someone would see it and claim it. So far though, it's empty... (Sob Sob)
And---here's another of my favorites, our PILEATED WOODPECKER. This guy has been coming to the suet feeder about 2-3 times a day lately. He's like the Red-bellied Woodpecker in that he sends us his call before swooping down to the feeders. I love that red hat on his head. Do you???
Other birds I've seen the past month at our feeders: Goldfinches, lots of Bluejays, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches, Carolina Chickadees, Carolina Wrens, Mourning Doves, Chipping Sparrows, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, and Northern Flickers. We are fortunate to live in the woods and get to see LOTS of beautiful little backyard birds.
Have a wonderful Friday! I will do one more post on Saturday morning ---and after that, we will be gone for a week on our annual beach trip to Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina. Yeah Rah!!!! We have someone who will check on our home while we are gone --and will make sure the flowers are watered and the birds are fed!!!!!
Betsy, your photos are gorgeous! You are so lucky to have all of those beautiful birds come to visit you and your feeders.
Be well and have a delightful weekend.
What a treat to have with my morning coffee! It's how I feel sitting on the porch and birdwatching with you would be. Beautiful photographs of beautiful birds. Next time I'll bring coffee cake!
The birds are so beautiful, non of them are familiar to me. Their colours are so stunningly beautiful
Great photos and have a grea time at Ocean Isle Beach
I've not seen any migrators at my feeders yet, and I am so jealous they are already there with you! Have a fun time in NC Betsy!
I always love your beautiful bird photos...I saw a Rose-breasted Gross beak one time in my yard (about three years ago) it was so exciting...I had to do some research about what it actually was!!!
Have fun on your trip!
Lovely bird photos Betsy. Have a safe trip!
Great job with these photos, Betsy. I love that first one. He's posing just for you!!
Have a wonderful vacaton, Betsy. I was glad to see the Rose-breasted Grosbeak...If you say he is heading north, maybe he just hasn't gotten to my house yet. I was beginning to think he skipped me this year.
Have a great day!
I am so glad you are still feeding. This time of year, I let mine fend for themselves so I don't attract that darned cow bird.Really, really don't like that bird.
My blue birds out fought the English sparrows and now have 5 eggs. The sparrows also have found a nest. Most peaceful year yet.
todays favorite is the brown thrasher, he is adorable and that is a really good shot of him.
I do love that red hat on the woodpeckers head...I just love your pictures....getting to see all the pretty birds up close is really neat.Have a great vacation. Trish
You are so lucky to have such a wonderful variety of birds in your yard. Great pictures!
Have a safe trip and fun time.
Sunny :)
Love them all but I yearn for that red hatted fellow.
Enjoy your beach trip! Maybe you can make a sand angel on the beach. ;)
I just love to look at all these birdies Betsy! I sure hope some homeless little bluebirds will find your home soon.
You guys be careful driving to NC for your vacation and have lots of fun!
Betsy, I'm so envious of the birds at your feeders!! We had one male RB Grosbeak stop last spring, but none so far this year. No orioles, no bluebirds. :( My bluebird houses are empty still as well. I thought a pair of chickadees was going to nest in one of them, but something scared them off. LOVE that pileated woodpecker! We don't have enough trees for those I think.
The rose breasted Grosbeak is a beauty and great shot too. Have a great week at the beach.
Beautiful pictures!! I can hear our rose breasted grosbeaks but haven't seen them yet. The females have the most lovely warble!!
Too bad about the bluebirds and chickadees, could you maybe put out more nest boxes or will more of the fight over them too do you think?
Good job, we have lots of different birds here too, including a bright red bird that is the size of a small canary. I don't know the names of most of them, but I love to see them and hear their call. I will compare your photos and keep an eye out for these guys.
Enjoy your vacation,
Betsy, those are great bird photos. You have a nice variety of birds.
I just got the RB Grosbeaks here at my feeders.
Wow beautiful captures Betsy.
Regards and enjoy your trip.
I LOVE that Grosbeak...so cute.
Great photos Betsy!
Have a wonderful and relaxing trip with your honey!!!
Please tell that Grosbeak that I am waiting for his return.I know it won't be very long now.Hav a fabulous time while away and take lots of pictures.
Oh, I love the rose-breasted grosbeak photo; they are beautiful birds. We saw two of them this week here as well as a blue grosbeak. Love all the pics, of course.
Have a wonderful week at the beach; I know you'll take some wonderful shots of that area. Enjoy!!
Thank you for another great bird show. No doubt your part of the world is filled with many different birds. We do not have that many around here. I truly enjoy seeing yours.
Great bird pictures, Betsy. Have fun on your beach trip. Hope it's beautiful for you. Mmmm I can smell the sea water. Diane
You have so many varities of birds where you live. We don't seem to have that many. I see bluejays, sparrows, hummers and crows and that's about it.
I know there are a lot more over in the canyons near us though. There I've seen woodpeckers, hawks, etc.
Your pictures are so lovely. I can learn from this. Thanks!!
I saw one of the first birds at my feeder. Did not have a clue what it was. Thanks for the identification!
We're off for a week on Saturday ourselves. Just our regular trip to the coast.
Have yourselves a GREEEAAAAT time!
Thanks for these great bird pics. I recognized the Grosbeak right away! I've only ever seen them once before, and then it was a different kind of grosbeak. LOVE the shot of the pileated, we have them here but they are so shy they crawl on the other side of the tree when they see anyone. It must be so cool living there with all the birds! I would love it, except I'm scared silly of spiders and other bugs, which I'm thinking you may get a lot of along with the birds. Are you taking your camera with you? Hope you have a fantastic trip and come back with lots of good pictures and stories!
What stunning photos, Betsy. We only get one Grosbeak here in Africa and it's actually OFF the West African coast on Sao Tome island. I love that you posted yours for me to see. Thanks. Re your question about my camera: I've given it and the manual to hubby Grant who will see if he can set the programs/settings for me. Have a BLESSED week away. You take care and come back to us. (((Hugs))) Jo
Your get such a wonderful selection of birds at your bird feeders, Betsy! The suet really seems to attract them. It's sad that your nesting boxes weren't used ...maybe next year!
Have fun on vacation! I know you will return with lots of beautiful photos!
♥ Pat
Your feathered neighbors are gorgeous. Have fun on your week away! I'm sure you'll take lots of photos to share! :D
Your photos are awesome Betsy. We have a lot of cardinals around but for some reason they are pretty skittish.
I enjoyed each and every one of your spring bird pictures. How wonderful that you were able to see the rose-breasted grosbeak while he was stopping by. :)
Well, I feel better about the lack of birds here so far. I see you are just getting them down there so there is till some hope. I would have to go back through my journal last year and see when he rare ones came through or if I recorded them at all. I have them to look forward to.
The catbird is gone after three days here. Sorry to see him disappear but that is the way it is with so many of these birds. Here today and gone tomorrow -- the migrants.
Your camera is getting a good workout.
So many pretty colors on your post today! I hope you have a most wonderful time on your trip ~ I look forward to many beautiful photos! :)
Take care!
Love your excellent photos of these gorgeous birds! What a paradise in which you live! Such a joy and blessing to visit your blog. Have a wonderful vacation! Enjoy! I know you will! Hugs!
I am sooo jealous, Betsy! I want those friends of yours to come perch on my feeders!
Have a beautiful & safe travel(s). Will miss you ...
Have a great weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs of love, Marydon
You sure are fortunate, like you said, to live in the country and see all this beauty! I hope you have a wonderful timeo n your trip...but something tells me you are having a wonderful time wherever you are, Betsy! Take care...
We haven't seen any rose-breasted grosbeaks yet. It sounds like they will be making their way up here soon though. Too bad there isn't some way you can brand the ones that come to your feeder so we could tell if the same birds that visit your feeder visit mine!
Have a great vacation!
Very nice shots Betsy. Of course, my favorite is the bluebird. We saw a wren on our feeder the other day. I don't think they eat seeds but it was on the feeder. Patti put out her hummingbird feeder today...some people have already seen a few.
I am amazed at the pileated woodpecker...seems like around here they are more wild than that. It by itself is a wonderful capture...let alone all the other great photos.
You have managed to capture 2 of my favorite birds..that pileated and that Cardinal....so wonderful!
Yup, I'm still jealous of the wonderful area you live in Betsy. So many beautiful birds come to your feeders.
Great photos! I'm glad to see that the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks are at your house, because that means they will be here soon! We only get them as they pass through, too. I really look forward to them.
Oh my, the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak is indeed gorgeous. What a great photo. All of the little birds are so cute. Sorry to hear the box is empty, you would think a couple would claim it.
In case I miss you in the morning have a great trip and enjoy the beach. It looks like we may be headed for some snowy country in the mountains for our trip.
Lovely collection of birds yet again!
Hi Betsy, I dropped by George's to see what flowers he has blooming and then came here to see what birdies have been visiting. :) You never disappoint.
Besty, your photos are terrific. We don't have cardinals here in Oregon, and how I miss them!
Betsy: What a wonderful set of bird photos, nicely done.
What a nice assortment of birds you get to enjoy! We have lots of sparrows, but there are a few cardinals, blue jays, wrens, and a number of robins. One of the robins is my friend. It spent about an hour gardening with me one day, and when I see it around, it makes eye contact with me. Today, it did a dance on the fence, I think, drying off from the bird bath, and looked at me to see if I was looking. I think it was smiling at me. I recognize it because it has a healed injury to its chest.
Anyway, yes, I like that red cap on the woodpecker.
Hey, I looked at an online map, and it looks like we were a couple hours from Ocean Isle Beach. I see it's near Myrtle Beach. Do you ever slip over there while you are at the beach? When we were at the Outer Banks, I met a woman who usually goes to Myrtle Beach. I told her this was our first trip to the ocean, and she told me it's called the beach. LOL
I hope the weather is good for you.
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