Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tulips in our Yard 2010 (Part II)

If you missed Part I of our 2010 Tulips, click
HERE. As I said yesterday, we have had 15 different varieties of TULIPS in our yard this year. They lasted about 2 weeks, give or take. They may have lasted longer if it weren't for Mother Nature and all of those high winds she gave us last weekend. Oh Well!!! Above is a very pretty Tulip, appropriately called APRICOT BEAUTY. Below are more!

This pretty white tulip is named PURISSIMA.

Here's a new tulip for us this year, called TOWERING PRISM.

This one is named SUN GOLD. I love the hint of red around the edges.




And finally, here is ALL THAT JAZZ. It looks a little like Peppermint Stick from yesterday--but is a much larger tulip.

Hope you enjoyed seeing all of our different 2010 Tulips in our yard. We now have Azaleas, Irises and Rhododendrons blooming... SO--there will be more flower pictures upcoming.

Have a fabulous Thursday.


marmee said...

these are all gorgeous. i love that little red hint of a line around sun gold too.
guinevere looks really pretty with a lot of depth to that pink.
of course they all look amazing.
you sure have a great variety.
happy april.

Snap said...

LOVED your tulip tour! YeeHaw!

diane b said...

Gosh! They are all so beautiful. I love the Haley's Comet.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

They are all just so gorgeous. It would be hard to pick a favorite, since they are all so spectactular.
Your place must look like a Dutch garden when they are all in bloom....how lovely.

Bookncoffee said...

They are so pretty.

Elenka said...

When I get home from work, I'm going to take notes on your tulips! Just gorgeous! Thanks.

Beth said...

I am amazed at the tulip variety in your yard, Betsy. I know your place must be a riot of color right now with so many things blooming. Thanks for giving us a glimpse!

pam said...

It's like a tulip festival at your house!

Catherine said...

So much wonderful color! It must be gloreous to sit out in your yard Betsy soaking it all in!

Hope you have a terrific day!
xo Catherine

Arkansas Patti said...

What amazing variety you have. I do favor coral tones. A lovely tour and I didn't sneeze once. You are loading with lightning speed now.
Thanks for sharing your lovely crop.

Jen said...

They should all have the word 'beauty' after their name, like the first one.
No way I could remember all their names anyway. ;)

Susie said...

Like you, I like the Sun Gold too! But then again, they are all beauties!

Karin said...

Fascinating that the petals are all different shapes and sizes! You've got a lovely bunch of tulips there Betsy! That's a lot of work! I always enjoyed my few tulips when we still had a garden, but every couple of years they all needed a lift, lol! Have a wonderful day! We've got rain here, yeah!!!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice collection!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Please tell me you guys have them labled somewhere and you don't just REMEMBER all the names. :)
Love the azaleas in your header.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I really like the color on the apricot one and the picotee edging on Sun Gold is beautiful.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Bring on those flower pictures.I love every one of them.I hope your day will be filled to overflowing with joy.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Beautiful tulips!!! I think you are enjoying that new camera!
Now, I need to know...how are you doing your backgrounds....I want to do one!!!
That header photo is marvelous!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh boy! I love Sun gold and Haley's Comet and...and...and...I could go one forever.

Love the new header and better color. (Better for me anyway). MB

Anonymous said...

They look sooooo pretty, everyone of them, but I love that name... ALL THAT JAZZ!!!

sorry i haven't been visiting (or posting) a lot lately... I've been engrossed in a series of books! lol!

Hugs & happiness

Diane said...

I can't help but pick favorites - the first one, I love the peachy pink. Lovely tulip pictures, Betsy. Blessings, Diane

Dorothy said...

Your tulips are all very lovely!!
I know you enjoy seeing your flowers every day.

Deb said...

Very nice!

~mel said...

Gorgeous!! I love tulips but have such a hard time growing them. I don't know if it's the squirrels or moles or what ... maybe even the long cold winter and frost; but my luck with them isn't the best. But you on the other hand... have the Midas Touch for sure! I've been making sugar flowers... I'll have to try to make a tulip one of these days. Thanks for sharing!!

Love Of Quilts said...

Betsy all the Tulips are so pretty..they just don't last long enough it seems.God Bless Trish

Jo said...

Betsy, these are stunning; the blooms and the images. The first one looks like a rose. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog today. You're a darling. (((Hugs))) Jo

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love Apricot Beauty the best! This tulip post is prettier than yesterdays. Did I tell you how great your header is?

Sunny said...

Hi Betsy,
I hope this comment shows up, I have been having a terrible time with comments not posting. I have no idea what the problem is; I went to the Blogger help area and I hope it has been fixed.

Your tulips are just amazing. Mine just opened up about 2 days ago. I guess I'm a late bloomer!
Sunny :)

Leedra said...

Your tulips are beautiful. Tulips don't seem to like me, so I enjoy everybody's elses tulips.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

apricot wins my favorite vote today, they are all lovely, but that one speaks to me.

Kay said...

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. I only have pink ones in my yard. Your's are so pretty. Mine bloomed about a month ago and are all gone now.

Glenda said...

Beautiful tour of your tulip garden! How do you ever remember the names of all your flowers?! Some days I barely remember my name!

The Apricot tulip is my favorite today, and All That Jazz comes in a close second! I really had no idea that so many varieties exist.

Anonymous said...

The Apricot one is my favorite today, too. I have an azalea bush that is blooming for the first time in 3 years! It is solid white and beautiful. Thanks for your opinions on my blog. I always enjoy reading your comments. You say it like it is, girl, and I love it!

Connie said...

Fantastic photos, Betsy! They all look so pretty!

Diane AZ said...

Great pictures! I love the delicate color of Apricot Beauty and the funny name of Halley's Comet. It's like a parade of flowers at your blog; looking forward to Azaleas, Irises and Rhododendrons!

Dar said...

Oh My, such beauties. I love the Towering Prism and Sun Gold. You must own the tulip producers by now. Your gardens must just POP.
I never tire of seeing the beauty of a flower for each is awesome. Check out Mel's sugar flowers. They look so real.

Rose said...

i lOVE that Sun Gold with just that tiny edging of red!

Mary said...

Sun Gold is awesome! Love that delicate edge color!

SquirrelQueen said...

They are all gorgeous but my favorite is Purissima. I rarely see white tulips in our area. Maybe I will add this one to my garden.