Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tulips in our Yard 2010 (Part I)

The Tulips are all gone in our yard now (sigh!)---but I wanted to share some macros of our 15 different varieties of TULIPS. I'll post the pictures in two parts and will keep the pictures small. IF you want to see any of them up close and personal, just click on the pictures to enlarge them. George took most of these with his macro lens. Above is one that we have had in our yard for several years and is always a favorite, RED DYNASTY. Below are more!



PEPPERMINT STICK (Look at the next one now--while remembering the name of this Tulip!)

PEPPERMINT STICK again----See how it got its name?????




I'll post Part II tomorrow. I think we had the best group of Tulips this year that we have ever had. I hope the Irises (which are beginning to bloom now) and the Lilies and Daylilies will all be as pretty as the Tulips have been.

Thanks for wishing me well --with my 'tummy bug'... Luckily, it moved away (hopefully NOT to George)...



penny said...

They are all lovely, Betsy. Tulips come is so many varieties its hard to pick a favorite. Although the peppermint stick does look special.

Have a wonderful time at the beach :0)

diane b said...

There are so many varieties, your garden must have looked a dream. How long do they usually bloom for?

Anonymous said...

I like tulips and your tulips are beautiful. I just don't grow them here as no bugs or birds seem to like them.

Hinton, WV is pretty nice. Mom who lived just out on a nearby mountain near Hix Post Office loved it.

Jayne said...

Your tulips are beautiful Betsy!

Beth said...

I love your tulips, Betsy, and I love their names. It must be so much fun for whoever develops those varieties to get to name them. I'd love to have a flower named after me!

Beth said...

P.S. So glad you're feeling better!

Connie said...

The tulips are lovely, Betsy! George did a great job with the macros. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

T said...

oooohhhh....love that peppermint stick one!

I like tulips, I just wish they'd last a little longer.

nanny said...

Oh your tulips are (were) beautiful! Would be impossible to choose my favorite!

Neal said...

Those are so beautiful.

Arkansas Patti said...

Sooo glad you are feeling better. Did you lose any weight---which is the ONLY advantage of a tummy bug.
I am partial to Cabernet. For some reason, none of my tulips came up so thanks for sharing yours.
By the way, your blog loaded up really quickly this AM. Nice.

RoeH said...

Tulips! Gotta love 'em. Wouldn't you like to be in Holland when they appear??

Jen said...

Q: What flower do you always wear?
A; Tulips. (two lips)

I know...pretty lame. Ha!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely bouquet of Tulips.I could not pick a favorite,they are each so pretty.Glad to hear you are feeling better.I had my sister at the hospital yesterday,with a stomach flu,I think she too is on the road to feeling better.
PS. I like the new look,very springy.

Susie said...

Hey Besty, I like your new header pic! My fav of the tulips is pink and yellow but that orange colored one you pictured is a beauty.

Peggy said...

Beautiful tulips! Mine didn't look that great this year. Everything else is blooming and beautiful though.

Dar said...

Glad you got your 'perk' back. I hate that 'under the weather' feeling.
Love your tulips, but am sure partial to your Alstroemeria in your header. Cool~

I Am Woody said...

Glad you are feeling better:) Just in time to get out and enjoy the sunshine today!

Anonymous said...

When I came by this morning your header took my breath away. It is just beautiful as are your tulips. I love the Mardi Gras one. It has rained here for days and it may be dry enough to mow today. My grass is a foot tall! It will take me all day.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful macros of the tulips! The tulips are all gorgeous. I do have a favorite, though, and that is Peppermint Stick.

Snap said...

you've redecorated! lovely azaleas. I do love tulips. Gorgeous Betsy. Thanks.

Karin said...

Love your new header! So beautiful! So glad you're feeling better - no fun being host to a bug! Your tulips are precious - love the light pink one! Great shots, all of them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the macros are beautiful, no matter what cycle they were in, open and closed are so pretty. do you have azalea's in bloom now? isn't that what is in your header?

Mary said...

Love them all! Especially the pink and the orange. Your header is gorgeous!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I DO adore tulips too. I am surprised they are already gone though....I suppose they are tempermental. Most beautiful things are. :0
Glad you are better!!!

Loran said...

Tulips are gone? I havent' seen one yet! We might see more snow though....Hope you are feeling better now.

Roses and Lilacs said...

HI Betsy, I wish tulips rebloomed! This year ours lasted quite a while but never long enough.

Love your new header photo by the way.

Love Of Quilts said...

Love your pictures...so glad your tummy bug is gone.God Bless Trish

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorites are all the pinks and the Cabernet. Too pretty to pick just one favorite!! I'm so glad you are better!! My cold turned into something like the flu, but Phil is better for the first time today. Can't wait to see the rest of the tulips! Are you sure you don't live in Holland??

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oops! Forgot to tell you what a nice surprise your header was, it's just lovely!

DayPhoto said...

Love your very beautiful header~!


Janice K said...

First of all....your new header is very stricking!

I am amazed how you know the names of all your flowers. I love those pale pink tulips. I planted some a couple of years ago. The first year they were pale pink, but this year they seem mostly white. Is that something that regularly happens?

Rose said...

They are/were so beautiful....love your new look...specially that header photo.

I put pics of Lorelei up on my blog fir today...I spent the day with her yesterday.

Diane said...

They're all beautiful, Betsy. Glad you're feeling better. I like your new pink header and pink background. Diane

Cheryl said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I loved the Peppermint tulip the best!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Glad you are feeling better Betsy!

I love all your pretty tulips and all their wonderfully descriptive names. I think the snow we had this winter had a lot to do with all the wonderful spring growth. Someone told me once that snow is nature's fertilizer!
♥ Pat

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Becky: They have brought beauty to your yard. I liked the Mardi Gras the best.

The Retired One said...

Loved the Mardi Gras one....gorgeous!
And, your new header is stunning!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Gone but not forgotten as long as there are beautiful photos. They are all so pretty but I really like Peppermint Stick and Mardi Gras.

Glad to hear you are feeling better, being sick is always a drag. I finally got the little birdies to cooperate, there is a female Red Winged Blackbird in my post today. The male will be in a later post.


Small City Scenes said...

beautiful, beautiful Tulips, Betsy. How long do the blooms last? Mine are seeming to last forever. I guess it's because usually the rain beats them down and we haven't had a whole lot of rain,. Some but not lots.

I am glad you remember the names. I like the little species varieties best. And isn't it funny the ones that open so far during the dau and then close up tight at night. Ma Nature surely knew what she was doing. MB

Glenda said...

Glad you are feeling better! These are the most beautiful tulips I've ever seen! The colors are just amazing! And your new header and your new blog colors are wonderful!
(I'm running out of appropriate adjectives!!)

carolina nana said...

Those tulips are gorgeous, I wish I had kept the names of mine when I planted them. Glad you are feeling better. Hope your night doesn't get too cold over there. We are under frost and freeze warnings tonight.Seems like the cold weather just isn't going to give up easily.Have a blessed tomorrow. Marilyn

Catherine said...

Lovely tulips Betsy! I was able to save 2 from my garden before the snow! Hopefully I will see some more pop up over the next few weeks!

xo Catherine

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I love your tulips, and the names are almost as fun as they are! I wish I was better at remembering names.