If you didn't see Part I of our Irises, chick HERE. Today I'm sharing the second group of our 2010 Irises in our yard. Above is another of our pretty yellow Irises. This one is named SUMMER OLYMPICS.
This pretty Iris is named ENGLISH CHARM. Isn't it pretty?
Another yellowish one; This one is named WALTZ AROUND TEXAS. I guess it's not the yellow Rose of Texas---but it may be the yellow Iris of Texas!!!!
I love the colors in this Iris. We've had this one for several years. Its name is ELECTRIC SHOCK.
This Iris is named HALLOWEEN HALO. (Wonder where they come up with all of the names???? I promise you that I'm not making them up!!!!)
All of our yellow Irises are different, one from another!!!! This one is named HARVEST OF MEMORIES.
I grew up with ALL purple Irises... My mother had a huge bed along the bank --and there were tons of the purple Irises there. This one is named STELLAR LIGHTS.
Here's one more yellow one... Its name is LEMON REFLECTION. All of our five yellow Irises are different--one from another! They are all unique and special--each in its own way!
I love this 'curly' Iris. Its name is ORANGE HARVEST.
Well---that's it!!!!! Hope I haven't bored you to death with all of our Iris varieties. I'm sure I'll do the same thing when our Lilies and Daylilies bloom ---along with all of our beautiful Roses.
Sorry I haven't visited all of your blogs the past couple of days. I spent yesterday in the doctor's office getting my left knee X-rayed . I have been experiencing ALOT of pain the past week or two, so I decided it was time to get myself to the doctor. I will get around to your blogs as I am able.
Your iris's are amazing! I will have to send my sister to your blog - she has always loved iris's.
I honestly never knew there were such a variety of colors. I have one that is so dark purple it is almost black, but I have to say my very favorite is the grape. It even has a grape smell.
Beautiful beautiful flowers!!
Betsy - You sure have a collection of beautiful flowers around your place.
So many different varieties there Betsy and they are all beautiful! Hope your knee is OK.
Summer olympics and stellar lights are my favourite. So sorry to hear you have a painful knee hope it can be fixed easily. We had a lot of rain today and two waterfalls appeared outside Carol and Davids apartment ,I'll try to show you tomorrow.
Your lovely flowers are never boring! Hope your knee is OK and that it's something simple ~ you are such an active person!
Have a great day Betsy!
xo Catherine
you do have an amazing collection of Irises. I hope you pick some to bring inside.
Hi Betsy: I came over to chastise you for calling me Trish but----since you treated me to these gorgeous flowers this morning, I forgive you!!
Actually Andrew graduated decades ago but it was fun to go back and be a part of the graduation of a new generation of pharmacists. We had a good time! Texans are very hospitable people.
my today favorite is stellar lights. until your blog, i had no idea they came in so many colors, I thought they were all purple. they are all beautiful, but I love dark purple. who would have ever thought of a flower with halloween as part of the name.
Hi Betsy, Those sure are amusing names for irises. Your pictures are awesome, my fave is "Summer Olympics". I hope your knee feels better soon. :)
Who comes up with these names for the iris's?
Let us know how your knee is.
Gorgeous! Many of mine have died off over the years. I have yellow ones left, but don't know their proper name! I love your Halloween Halo...beautiful!
Think I am a new fan of the yellow Iris.
Get that knee fixed lady, you need to be in shape to hunt down waterfalls.
Take care.
English Charm and Orange Harvest are my favorites from today's pictures. At home growing up on the farm, we had a lot of light purple irises and also some that were yellow on the top and brown on the bottom. Seeing irises always brings back good memories.
You inquired about my new bird feeder station....So far no squirrels, chipmunks or raccoons have managed to get up it....lots of muddy footprints on the lower pole though. To try to keep them off my decks by I have been feeding safflower seeds in those feeders; however, I discovered a little chipmunk stuffing his cheeks the other day....You can't win them all!
I pray there is nothing seriously wrong with our leg.
Have a good day!
Love those iris. So many different colors. Would like one of each please. lol
Strange, my left knee is doing the same. Can't hardly walk. Do let us know how it turns out.
They say 'Variety Is The Spice Of Life' and I guess you proved it Betsy!!!
Take care of that knee, Betsy! I don't want you having any problems at all! Gosh darn it!!! Hope Doc can get you good as new real fast!!!
Purdy irises! I just adore them so much...maybe one day I will live where I can have some...till then I will depend on you and other bloggers to provide me with their beauty!!! Thanks!
xoxo- Julie
P.S. Thanks for your glowing comment on my Cholla Blooms sketch! I appreciated it very much!
Your irises are very beautiful!
I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. I do hope it is nothing serious. We walkers want those legs and feet mobile, the more wonderful things to see!
They are all so lovely...my favs are the Electric Shock and Orange Harvest. WOW, WOW, WOW...the beards are so interesting. My iris' won't be open for quite some time yet. You sure have lots of beauty in your spring gardens. Give us an overall peek at your gardens...Pretty please.
All is well that ends well!
Thanks for your concern Betsy. You are a peach.
Thanks for sharing all your wonderful Irises pictures. I have a question I have several different colors but the last few years it seems that only the purple ones bloom, does anyone know why some don't bloom every year?
Lovely Iris! They are a favorite flower of mine.
Summer Olympics is a gold medal winner. Love the color.
Knees--what's with them???? My left knee too. Keep us informed. MB
All beautiful! The first yellow one is my favorite.
So sorry you're having knee problems - hope they find the problem and can fix. You need it for hiking for sure!! Love those gorgeous, showy Irises, clothed in their finest!
I never knew there were so many varieties of Irises...really beautiful.
Hope everything is okay with your knee.
☼ Sunny
Lemon Reflection and Orange Harvest are my favorites but I really like that Electric Blue one also. I wish you lived closer, we could share our surplus. I have the white Immortality and a black Superstition that you probably don't have.
Oh they are so beautiful. Such pleasure to see, thank you for sharing. What are they exactly? They look strong like orchids.
Betsy, what did the doctor say? I hope he was able to help you.
The Irises are so beautiful...I do enjoy seeing all of them.
beautiful iris! reminds me of Ms. Fran's. She so loved working in her flower gardens. One of the roses I planted this year has a sweet smelling big bloom. I can't wait to see your roses. Ms Diva is doing fine. I went and saw her and the rest of the herd a few weeks ago. It was bittersweet.
Orange Harvest and Stellar Lights are two of my favorites in this post. The colors of all the combined irises must be gorgeous! I say you and George score an A+ in gardening!!
English Charm is my FAVE!!!!!! Let us know what the Dr. says...please.
Hi Betsy!
I love that you have many different varieties of bulbs and flowers ..and more importantly, that you remember all their names! Do you keep a garden journal and write down what you plant and where you plant? It's a nice idea!
I hope your knee is feeling better soon! I went through a period where my knees were always giving me trouble. The meniscuses were tearing and breaking. The doctor said they were like old rubber bands that just "snap". Happily they haven't been hurting that much lately...knock wood...lol!
♥ Pat
Hi Betsy: I'm pretty sure God broke the mold after he created southwestern Virginia! And, when He "dresses" that area for autumn--oh my!
Orange Harvest would be my favorite here. But now Nurse Ginny has to kick in. Did you hurt your knee it in an accident of some sort, or did it just start hurting? I am well aquainted with all kinds of knee problems, unfortunatly. What did the doctor say? You know that a regular x-ray will only show bones, but if you have soft tissue problems, like a torn meniscus, which is common, you need an MRI. No one asks more questions than me except Sandra, and maybe not even her.
And to think I always associated iris's with being BLUE.
Gorgeous variety you both have in your yard.
I hope the Dr. finds out what is going on with your knee. You have not been moving rocks have you?
Take care, Suz
You have so many different colors. Just beautiful.
No,I am not bored with the Irises.I love each one,and especially because I don't have to weed the flower beds,or even water them.:-)
Sorry to hear about your knee,I hope it is nothing serious.
Betsy, these are simply beautiful. I think their names are so cute! I hope you found out what the knee problem was and are feeling much better. Maybe all the hiking and waterfalling and gardening??
Good evening!
I hope Your knee is OK!
Thank You very much for so beautiful flowers!I have several sorts of irises.
Your Iris are so beautiful. I don't know how you remember all the names of your flowers. Hope it's nothing to serious with your knee.
Wow - you flowers are always so beautiful!!
You are so much further along than us. My iris are just now budding out.
You have a LOT of irises!! They are all very beautiful..
I didn't know they came in so many beautiful colors. My favorite will always be the purple.
HOpe you can get some relief from your knee pain and hope it isn't any thing serious.
OOOOooooo, I loved all of these...that Halloween one...wow! Irises are one of my favorite flowers,so thanks so much for growing them and for taking these beautiful photos of them...hope your knee feels better soon...maybe you need cortisone shots or a replacement?
Very beautiful iris, Betsy. I love them.
Sorry about your knee problem. It's hard when your knees aren't working right. They're so.......necessary!
Gorgeous Betsy!
Get well soon.
The iris are absolutely gorgeous!
Love them all, but the Stellar Lights one is incredible!
Sorry to hear your having knee problems, I can relate, it's no fun.
I can only imagine what your garden looks like with all of these Iris's in bloom, simply heaven !!
I am totally amazed at all the different varieties of Irises you have in your yard, I didn't know there were so many.
One of my favorites is Summer Olympics, I would love to add some yellow to the Irises in my garden.
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