One thing which George and I love when we go to Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina each year is to sit and listen to the waves as they roar. We even leave our door open during the nights so that we can sleep with that incredible sound in the background. Today, I'm sharing some more of our pictures from the beach ---and this time, we'll share some of the pictures of the waves. Hope you enjoy them.
Aren't the waves just gorgeous?
You can see the fishing pier WAY in the distance!!! See it?
Next to the fishing pier; The sea was angrier this day!
Looking under the pier;
Walking away from the fishing pier;
Hope you enjoyed more of our pictures from Ocean Isle Beach. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get my dose of the beach at least once a year. George is trying to talk me into going back more often --and I'd love that. BUT---there are so many other places we enjoy going to also!!!!! Oh Well...It's a nice problem to have!!!!
My knee is still very painful --even though I'm on some pain meds... For an active gal like me, this problem is very frustrating. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts.
There are a lot of memories for me, with beaches!! Your post really put me back into the past... Awesome collection of beach photos!
Pixellicious Photos
A beautiful scene I could watch for hours and hours, my friend... with out a doubt this one of the most gorgeous beaches I have ever seen, Betsy.
Have a delightful day :)
Like you, I enjoy sleeping with the sounds of the waves, so anytime we go to the beach, we try to open up the place at night.
Beautiful photos Betsy. Other sounds I really like are the sound of a gentle rain on a metal roof and a distant train whistle
Lovely pictures of waves. Third picture is a gem!
Ooh Betsy, what beauty !
Looking at the waves breaking, and the sereneness of the beach, it's as if I've been on the trip alongside you and George...
Thank you for sharing your awesome pictures with us.
I do love long walks on the beach. Sounds like a singles ad but true.
The sound and even the smell are wonderful.
Do hope you get that knee to behave. I take Glucosamine and Chondroitin soft chews for my hips. It takes about a month before it works and is a lifetime thing but it has kept me pain free for the past 8 years.
Feel better soon Betsy.
for me, there is no where better than the beach! I often say that is where I plan to live my life out...sigh my dream.
So sorry to hear bout the knee, take care so that you can be up and around soon.
Being beside water is such a wonderful feeling isn't it? The sound, the smell, the look of it. I was sitting by a creek this past weekend (photos will be on my blog soon) and I could have sat there for hours and hours just listening to the water. So enjoyable!
Have a lovely day Betsy!
xo Catherine
Now, if only this post came with the wonderful sounds of the waves rushing in!
How wonderful and amazing!
Gorgeous pictures.My favorite has to be the one from under the pier.I love all the angles and the water.
I hope that knee settles down soon.
I'm so like you in that I NEED a dose of the beach. In fact, I need it NOW! LOL! Oh, well, maybe we can work out something later this summer. I checked into your place and its a 10 hour drive from us. A little far for all of us including babies, but maybe later the two of us can take a leisurely drive over stopping along the way. Until then, I just enjoy your pics! :)
Betsy, hope your knee heals quickly!!! I love the ocean photos...would love to be there...
There is something so soothing about the ocean..the tide coming and going like clockwork.
Love the shot of the pier.
Sorry your knee is still hurting you Betsy.
Have you tried to take "Move Free"...it is one of those glucosomine condroiton (i know I spelled that wrong) We have friends who swear by it for your joints, Jeff is taking it and swears by it...I just started recently)
So what did the doc say about your knee?
Love the waves, wish I could hear them now.
Oh the sound of the ocean! My parents kept our door open in Hawaii when we went. It was some wonderful sleep :)
Mama loved how her skin was so soft after having the salt and sand scrub on it.
You two would have fun looking for waterfalls in Hawaii!
Waves are wonderful. Each one is unique and I love them.
I just wish the oil spill had not happened and they would successfully clean the mess before beautiful beaches and sealife are destroyed....so sad!
Betsy, I love, love, Love, Waves, waves, waves. I want to wade in the edge and feel the sand giving way and the water splashing and the sound of the surf. the atlantic roars with noise, our gulf is very quite, not many waves unless there is a storm, but it never roars like the atlantic.
Beautiful pictures. We have gone to the beach the last three years and this year we decided to stay home. I hate not going but we decided to just do some day trips around the area.
I think we all love the sound of the waves, it's so soothing. When we took the Alaskan cruise last year we propped our door open at night to go to sleep to the sounds of the sea. Quite wonderful.
So sorry to hear about your knee. I have arthritis under both knee caps according to the MRI and the surgeon wants to give me two new knees but I've heard such horror stories about knee replacements that I'm holding off as long as possible!!
I hope yours is something that can be fixed easily!!
Those beautiful blue skys were just perfect for makint those waves look so stunning.
Hope your knee improves quickly because I cannot imagine you sitting still very long. I'll pray for you.
Hi Betsy. I know how active you and George are so the knee problem must be very frustrating.
I'm not much of a beach person because they are usually so crowded and noisy. I do enjoy the beaches when I have them to myself.
Love those waves - I'd be just like you, keeping the window open! Maybe the swoosh of the waves reminds us of the time before birth, lol, safely cradled in the womb. I would love beach time every year!
Thanks for your kind words on my blog.
I LOVE water photos and the waves ... gorgeous ... especially the one under the pier. Hope you have news about your knee and it is feeling better. Have to have you out on the hiking trails taking pictures!
Oh yes, love, love, love the sound of waves ... big or small. Beautiful shots.
Did the doc say what was wrong with the knee. I sure hope it heels up and soon.
Oh I hope your knee is better soon. I loved the pictures, we visited Emerald Isle once. It was so beautiful and I would love to go back.
Why do we get such rejuvination from the water? I't so healing, the sound, the smell the sight. It's especially wonderful to someone from Wyoming who seldom experiences it. BUT - I can feel it through your pictures, Betsy. Diane
I love the shot under the pier. Don't you just love to listen to the sound of the waves rolling in an out?
I love the pictures you are posting. Thank you for sharing them. This place looks similar to the location used in the movie "Dear John"
I love the beaches too Betsy, especially when the surf is up a little. I also remember being on vacation and loving the sound of the ocean, would leave the balcony door open at night and fall asleep to that sound. Fantastic and so are your photos! I was sorry to hear you are having trouble with your knee and hope it feels better very soon.
Waves, waves and more waves. They are beautiful aren't they. I am going to the Ocean this Sunday. MB
Beautiful wave pictures, each so different. But that first one!! The clouds are looking just like the waves, so you could hardly tell whuich is which! I'm sure you could walk out into those first little waves and say you were walking on a cloud!
I love the beach and the soothing sound of waves rushing up.
We are so fortunate to live about 6 miles from the ocean. There is nothing like the sound of the waves. The last time we were in Jamaica we too left the door open at night to listen to the beautiful sound of the waves. I do hope you are feeling better. I can certainly commiserate with you regarding knees!
Beautiful shots of the beach and waves. We also leave a door or window open when we are at the beach, the sounds of the waves crashing makes a lovely lullaby.
Sorry to hear your knee is giving you problems Betsy, I hope it gets better soon.
Good evening!
Very beautiful place!
Looking at those beautiful photos I could almost hear the waves crashing. Makes me want to head to the beach for the day!
The waves are beautiful so getting to see the waves even in photos is really nice.
I hope your knee is responding to healing.
I sooo wanna run thru the water on that beach! It looks like a load of fun!
Great shots, Betsy!
Betsy, I can almost hear those lapping waves. The photos are wonderful. I'd love to live by the sea--somewhere without humidity!!!!!
I wonder about the restaurant in Blowing Rock you mentioned. We ate at The Speckled Trout one evening. I seem to recall some outside tables but it was so foggy and wet that we opted for the inside where we had--trout!
I also love the ocean waves..the look,the motion, the sound, the feel.
These are awesome photos, thanks so much for posting them.
I hope they solve your knee problems soon. I can recall how frustrated I was when I fractured my foot and had to wear that boot cast for 3 weeks....it really limits you.
Ohhhhh I gotta have me some beach too. lol
I usually get it about once every 3 years. It's such a blessing.
I hope our Destin Gulf is spared of the oil.
Ya'll have a good evening and rest of the week. This one is flying by fast.
The beach/wave photos are beautiful. I love the idea of leaving teh door open at night while sleeping to hear the roar of the waves-wow. I would sleep like a baby.
Hope your knee is on the med and you will soon be at 100%.
Take care of yourself.
Ohh my god it's hapiness!!
I like your all fotos Betsy :DDD
Love from Türkiye :))
Gorgeous photos, Betsy! Wish I could be at the beach right now. Hope your knee feels better soon.
Betsy, I do believe these are some of your best photos! I love the one shot under the pier; it's amazing . . . but then all of them are gorgeous! I go to your blog each day wondering what beautiful things you have to share today!
You do your share of highlighting God's creative beauty! Thanks!
I hope your knee gets "all better" soon! I know that it's frustrating . . . especially this time of year.
Still praying your knee will heal and no more pain! I know what you mean about going back to the same places...always more places to explore and see, right??? Gorgeous beach and pier pics!!!
I could hear the roar of the waves and taste the water. So beautiful. Thank- you so much...hugs....m..
fabulous beach and wave shots. I just love the under the pier pic. Don't you just love walking for miles along the beach. i do. Hope your knee improves soon.
I can hear those waves now...just by looking at your photos.
I love to listen to the waves, too. Beautiful photos. I can almost hear the crashing on the beach.
Sorry about your knee problem. Hope it resolves soon.
Oh my - Betsy - that shot under the pier is amazing! Love that one.
And the one with the pier way in the distance - it looks like the clouds are mountains!
God surely created a beautiful world.
Love the ocean and waves. I really miss Virginia Beach!
Lovely pics!!! Your post brought back fond memories of my visit to Carolina Beach, NC.
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