Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 28, 2010

2010 Roses---Continued

Last week I posted 6 of our Roses (click
HERE) out of the 55 different varieties in our yard. Today, I'm featuring six more for you to enjoy. Above is another of my all-time favorites, VETERANS HONOR. I love large red roses that have a fabulous fragrance---and this is one of the best!!!! Below are more!


SWEET FREEDOM (white roses are so special)

GEMINI (a fabulous picture, me thinks!!!!)

ABOUT FACE (another of my fav's, which is dark on the outside of the petals and light on the inside)

MEMORIAL DAY----Isn't this a perfect name for a Rose that blooms on or around Memorial Day each year?????

Hope you have enjoyed seeing more of our Roses. AND--I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. I will again take the weekend off from blogging --and won't blog again until Tuesday morning. Did you know that Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day? People would decorate all the graves at the cemeteries to remember those servicemen and women who had died for our freedom. My mother was a member of the DAR--and she was always in charge of decorating some of those special graves at our local cemetery in VA.

Thanks so much to those of you who have continued to come regularly to my blog even when my visiting to your blog has been sporadic this week. That means SO much to me. My knee is NO better and I had my MRI yesterday. I won't know the results until next Tuesday or Wednesday--but I have a feeling that surgery will be necessary. I am still on some heavy-duty medication. Thanks again... Have a wonderful weekend.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Very WIDE Waterfall

When we went to West Virginia in April (see other posts from that trip by clicking
HERE) we saw an incredibly WIDE waterfall. It is so wide that we had to take three different pictures in order to capture it all. The waterfall is named SANDSTONE FALLS and is near the quaint little town of Hinton, WV.

Sandstone Falls is on the New River ---and this area is now known as the New River Gorge National River. People come here to hike, camp, fish and go whitewater rafting. We were there on a rainy day in April --but even with the rains, we enjoyed seeing this unique and fabulous place. They have built a large boardwalk --so that we could walk out quite far in order to see the entire waterfall and more of the wild and raging river. The New River is about 1500 feet across---and the waterfall encompassed the entire width. It's not a tall waterfall (only about 25 feet in height) --but just seeing the entire river was worth the entire trip to that mountainous area.

Here are some pictures we took of that waterfall and area. Above is me standing near the beginning of the waterfall --as we started walking out on the boardwalk. Below are more.


Part II of SANDSTONE FALLS; This is near the middle of the river... We enjoyed walking out on the boardwalk to see this river and the falls.

George is on the boardwalk. Hope you all get to visit this neat area if you are ever in West Virginia. It's awesome!!!

We are standing at the end of the boardwalk in order to see Part III of SANDSTONE FALLS. This is the prettiest end of the falls ---and I love seeing the mountains surrounding this beautiful river.

Using the zoom lens, here is a close-up of part of Part III of SANDSTONE FALLS. Isn't it gorgeous?

On the other side of New River, there are high bluffs. We had read that there was a look-out from up on the top where you can see the entire waterfall from above. WELL---we drove back to Hinton, crossed the river and took the road up that mountain. We did find the lookout ---but were disappointed in the overall look of the river and falls. Be that as it may, here is the best view we could find of SANDSTONE FALLS ---all 1500 feet across. My advice is to take the boardwalk and enjoy the waterfall in its 3 parts.

Besides seeing Sandstone Falls and the New River Gorge area, I was impressed with the small town of Hinton, WV. Hinton was a booming railroad town many years ago. Once the railroads began to disappear, Hinton almost disappeared also.. BUT--the people have kept the town alive --due to tourism, and history. When you visit Sandstone Falls, be sure and check out Hinton also!!!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Total Relaxation

How many times have I talked about loving my Backyard Birds???? They are just so entertaining in so many ways!!!! One thing that birds enjoy doing in the hot spring/summer is relaxing their tummies on the deck and deck railing. I have read several possibilities as to what they are doing ---so I guess nobody knows for sure. But--whatever their reasons, they do enjoy feeling the heat of the deck on their tummies!!!

Here are some pictures showing the birds totally RELAXING in our backyard.. Above is one photo that I absolutely love, even though it is a 'tad' blurry. I have featured this one before--but it's so good, so I decided to share it again. The Mourning Dove is sitting on the edge of the birdbath --just relaxing, and sticking his footsies in the water. Isn't that just hilarious???? Below are more pictures.

See how they spread out???? They only do this on a hot, sunny day! I think (correct me if I'm wrong) this is a Carolina Wren.

Here's a little Tufted Titmouse 'sunning' himself!!! Isn't he precious?

Here's another Tufted Titmouse facing the other direction... When I first saw a bird do this, I thought something was terribly wrong with the bird. Then, I saw several birds do it... Guess they like it!!!!

I took this picture this past Sunday (which was a HOT day here). Those two Mourning Doves enjoyed the feeling of that sun on their bellies!!!!

Even Mr. Pileated Woodpecker sat on the rail for quite a long time this past Sunday--and 'sunned' his tummy... That look on his face makes me think that he is saying: "Ooh-Ahhh"... SO--it's not just the little birds that do this!!!! The big ones do it also... Amazing, huh????? I'm just glad that all of our birds feel safe enough to relax here with me!!!!

I visited the Orthopedic Surgeon yesterday about my left knee problem --and the doctor 'thinks' I have a torn Medial Miniscus. BUT--until they do the MRI (which will be tomorrow), we won't know for sure. Fun-Fun-Fun!!!!! Can I tell you that this is NO FUN??? Special thanks to blog friend GINNY who has had this surgery before --and is giving me lots of great advice and ideas. Thank God for all of my wonderful Blog Friends!!!!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spring is a Beautiful Time of Year

I've featured many of our favorite Spring flowers so far (Crocus, Daffodils, Tulips, Irises, Azaleas, etc.). And now---our Roses are blooming and SO beautiful . AND--the Lilies are beginning to bloom now also. BUT---today I want to share a few more of the beautiful colors in our yard which we have enjoyed this spring. Above is a side view (from below the deck) of our big Rhododendron. Below are more Spring beauties!

This is one of two other Rhododendrons (the large one was already here) we planted in the yard after moving here in 2003. They are both growing fast --considering how small they were when we planted them!

These pansies are among several in our yard which made it through the horribly cold winter this past year. They continue to bloom and grow ---and should be pretty until it gets too hot for them --about July.

This is one of several blooms from our Mountain Laurel bush in our yard. Aren't these little blooms just gorgeous?

This is a macro of one of the sweet little blooms on my new Fushia hanging basket that my son gave me for Mother's Day. The blooms are incredible!

Finally, this is a macro of one of the Verbena blooms. Aren't the little pink flowers just so pretty?

Thanks for stopping by. I have an appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon today. My knee has gotten worse and worse --and now I cannot put any weight on it. Say a little prayer, or send some good thoughts my way PLEASE. I will try to catch up on your blogs when I am feeling better.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Sun's Rays on the Ocean

On May 5, after getting back to our room from having dinner at the Boundary House, we sat on the balcony and watched the sun's rays hit the ocean --as it began to set in the west. Today I'll show you some of what we saw that evening ---and the next morning. The picture above is looking down the beach to the right. Isn't everything just gorgeous this time of evening? More pictures are below! You can thank George for taking ALL of these gorgeous pictures.

One of the Casino Boats is heading out to sea for their Sunset Cruise. They have to get 3 miles out in order for people to gamble.

The water looks so blue with the sun shining on it. This is looking straight ahead from our room. (If you have missed any of our other Ocean Isle Beach trip pictures recently, you can look on my sidebar and find the label which says OCEAN ISLE 2010.)

I love the way the sun is reflecting off of the fishing pier in this picture. This is to the left of our balcony.

Then, we got to see those gorgeous pink clouds in the distance --over the water. Awesome, don't you think?

AND THEN------------------ this is early the next morning when we woke up. What did we see????? FOG..... Isn't life interesting staying on the beach? One can see all kinds of things (sunshine, rain, fog, rainbows, clouds, etc.).... LOVE IT!!!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Pink is for "Purdy"

Most of you know that George grows Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses. Most of them are fragrant roses --so you can only imagine how pretty they all look in our yard, and how good the yard smells. Growing Roses is not the easiest thing to do --but George is fantastic at it. He loves his 'babies'. AND--with the new camera and macro lens, he takes fabulous pictures of them also.

As of today, we have 35 different varieties of Rose blooms out of our 55 bushes. Many of these 35 have several blooms and buds. I love all of our flowers --but the ROSES are my all-time favorites!!!!

Today I will show you six of this year's blooms---some of our pretty pink Roses. Above is one called PARADISE. Below are five more.

This one is named ELLA.

This is one of my favorite roses EVER. Its name is DOUBLE DELIGHT.




Roses are amazing to watch. Some of them start out one color, and as they age, the colors change. AMAZING!!!! Hope you enjoyed some of our 'PANK' ones!!!!! Aren't they just 'purdy'?????? (Tennessee Talk!!!) There will be many more to come.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring Backyard Birds

Recently, I featured our Woodpeckers. Today, I'm featuring some of our other backyard birds. These little guys are such JOY to me.. Since my feeders are on our deck, I can sit inside and watch the birds coming and going all day long!!!! Above is the 'other' redbird ---well sorta!!!! He's a male House Finch. Isn't he pretty? Below are more!

We have LOTS of Brown Thrashers --and they love the suet feeder. They come OFTEN all during the day. This is one of the best pictures I have been able to get of a Brown Thrasher. Look at the red above his eye and the hair under his beak!

Daddy Bluebird has been coming to the feeders quite a bit lately. The Misses must be sitting on the eggs since I haven't seen her. I love the Bluebirds even though they are not using our nestbox yet this year. I can't wait 'til the fledglings get here and visit the feeders.

Our Mourning Doves love to come to the deck and clean the floor for me. Wish they'd come in and mop the kitchen and vacuum our floors!!!!! Geeesh!

Daddy Cardinal is in love now. He brings his Sweetheart to the feeders and then he feeds her. Isn't that sweet????? I can't wait 'til they have their babies since the Daddy always brings the fledglings to the feeders and teaches them to eat. The little ones sound like little tinkly bells as they shake all over when Daddy helps them. TOO CUTE!!!

This is Daddy Cardinal's Sweetheart... Do you notice something strange about her? Somehow, she has lost her tail.. I don't want to think what could have happened. BUT--her man still loves her so that is good! She doesn't seem to have any trouble getting around though. I think that she may be sitting on some eggs the past couple of days since she hasn't been to the feeder. Daddy comes and I think he's taking food back to her. Awe--ain't love great????

Thank You for asking about my bad knee. I did find out (through the X-rays) that I do not have a chip or break in any of the bones, and I do NOT have arthritis. The pain is still with me --but my doctor wants me to wait a week or two while taking these pain pills to see if the pain will just miraculously disappear... I can only hope that that will happen!!! So far, it's still with me! The next step is an MRI if necessary. Thanks Again!
