I've featured many of our favorite Spring flowers so far (Crocus, Daffodils, Tulips, Irises, Azaleas, etc.). And now---our Roses are blooming and SO beautiful . AND--the Lilies are beginning to bloom now also. BUT---today I want to share a few more of the beautiful colors in our yard which we have enjoyed this spring. Above is a side view (from below the deck) of our big Rhododendron. Below are more Spring beauties!
This is one of two other Rhododendrons (the large one was already here) we planted in the yard after moving here in 2003. They are both growing fast --considering how small they were when we planted them!
These pansies are among several in our yard which made it through the horribly cold winter this past year. They continue to bloom and grow ---and should be pretty until it gets too hot for them --about July.
This is one of several blooms from our Mountain Laurel bush in our yard. Aren't these little blooms just gorgeous?
This is a macro of one of the sweet little blooms on my new Fushia hanging basket that my son gave me for Mother's Day. The blooms are incredible!
Finally, this is a macro of one of the Verbena blooms. Aren't the little pink flowers just so pretty?
Thanks for stopping by. I have an appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon today. My knee has gotten worse and worse --and now I cannot put any weight on it. Say a little prayer, or send some good thoughts my way PLEASE. I will try to catch up on your blogs when I am feeling better.
Thoughts and prayers for you Betsy.
Get well soon.
Those are adorable.
Get well soon.
Although you won't like it you may have to stop hiking for a few days until your knee gets better.
Take care of your self.
I was just coming here to comment and debating on whether to send you a note about your appt. or to just tell you to let us know here...I sure hope you find out something today. And that you get some relief. Take care,
Absolutely beautiful blooms, Betsy. Prayers going up for you and your knee here. I hope the Dr. can help you and you are feeling better soon.
Betsy, your flowers are so beautiful. Sending prayers and positive energy your way. Hope your knee is felling better soon.
Oh Betsy ~ I am sending you all my love and good thoughts in the hope that someone finds out what is wrong with your poor knee! You are too busy of a gal to stay down long ~ hopefully you will soon be on the mend and back to your active self!
Lovely colors in your garden ~ it is cold and raining and threatening snow here...SNOW! sigh....
Best of luck at the Orthopaedic Surgeon's friend!
xo Catherine
Fingers and paws are crossed here. Hope all goes well.
Praying for that knee!
How nice that your pansies come back up! That would never happen up here in Ohio!
Oh Betsy,I am so sorry to hear about your knee not getting better.My prayers are with you.I know it must be very hard not to be walking around getting those beautiful pictures.I love the Mountain Laurel,it is gorgeous.
I hate to hear that about your knee Betsy! I hope the doc has a good solution for you.
Can't believe you still have pansies blooming. I pulled ours out a month ago.
Your rhododendrons remind me of the New Forest in England where I lived. They would grow so big and tall. I don't know how they started growing in forests but they are everywhere.
Man that first photo is over the top gorgeous!! Everything is looks so good around your place. Prayers for your appt. keep us updated please.
i like your new color scheme, i forgot to say that yesterday. the macro is wonderful, the laurel is goregous
I wish one day I could see your part of TN. No doubt with all the beautiful flowers and birds, you live in a paradise on earth.
Such beautiful colors in your yard Betsy.
I pray the Dr. can figure out what the problem is. Hugs to you, Suz
Yes ma'am, Spring IS a beautiful time of year... in my opinion, the most beautiful - but that's just me! Heheheee
Beauties~~ love that Mountain Laurel, I wil have to investigate putting that bush in our yard.
Sorry to hear about your knee; I hope the doctor can put the Spring back in your step. :D
OX to you Betsy.
Sending a prayer your way Betsy, do hope that knee gets better fast. Gorgeous photos!
Such joyful flowers by and for a joyful lady.
So sorry that knee isn't getting better ... I do hope they get to the root of the problem SOON and hoping it doesn't involve some long, involved surgery and recovery!
Gorgeous flowers, Betsy! Would love to be in the Smokies if all the Mountain Laurel and Rhododendren are blooming.
Sending prayers for you to have your problem corrected soon. You need to be well so you can go hiking and searching for those waterfalls!
you've captured the essence of spring...beautiful pictures!
I love your Rhodos they are beauties. Heck, I love All flowers in their personal deliciousness.
Now, about that knee. Do take care Betsy so you and George can get more waterfall walks in. Listen to your doctors. Some of them actually know what they are talking about.
Prayers are coming your way
Your flowers are gorgeous, Betsy. I just love the little pansies, your picture is phenomenal. Diane
You bet I will pray. In fact, I included you in a prayer request that our whole church will be praying this week.
You are our link to seeing parts of our country many of us will never see, and I appreciate being taken along on all your adventures. God be with you.
Your flowers are beautiful.
Sending you Lots and Lots of
Love Hugs and Good Thoughts I hope your knee gets better very soon.♥♥
Thanks for sharing the wonderful flowers Betsy. They made my day complete.
Get well soon. I'll pray for your wellness and just keep on praying. God will be with you always.
Hope to hear from you :)
Hope you get some relief. I too have lots of knee pain and interferes in my gardening. You have some beauties blooming. I love the fuschia blooms.
May the Lord touch your knee with His healing power and make it great for hiking and the busy life you lead. Trust that they'll find what is causing the problem and what can fix it.
Just love your stunning photos of those beautiful flowers and bushes in your yard!
Hugs and prayer surround you!
Hope the knee is getting better! Your flowers are just beautiful!!
Lovely, lovely flowers.
Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way.
☼ Sunny
Your yard is beautiful.
How frustrating that the knee is not healing. If there is one thing doctors nowadays are good at its joint repair. I'm sure they will find and fix the problem. ((Hugs))and good wishes.
Sorry about your knee. Hopefully it will get better fast.
You certainly do have a lot of gorgeous flowers. We recently moved to an old farmhouse that has an enormous Rhodedenron growing by the front porch steps. I have no idea when it was planted except it must be pretty old by now since it's over ten feet tall!
prayers going up.... let us know how things go. Hugs my friend
The fushia is georgous, don't think I've ever seen one that close up before, it just looks so exotic! But my favorite would be the mountain laurel!! I've never seen any in real life, even though we live in the mountains. And it has two different kinds of blooms. I have been praying for you for the doctor to find out quickly what's wrong and be able to lessen to pain a lot.
I loved these gorgeous photos, especially the sweet pansies! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers about the knee-been there and done that!
Betsy - I'm sorry to hear about your knee! I'll be praying for you!
Enjoyed all your gorgeous flowers - you just reminded me that I need to get pansies too! They're such nice hardy flowers!
Gorgeous, Betsy! Lovely pinks. Sorry to hear about your knee. Hope you are better soon. Wishing you well.
You have flower power Betsy.
My prayer has gone up for you...maybe it won't require surgery to heal.
You have the most grogous flowers and bushes...I'm really envying that camera. I think I'll make a post on the email for everyone....what do you think.God Bless Trish
I love fushia (doesn't everybody) but I tend to kill them. Think this year I will just needle felt one. Maybe I won't kill that one! HAH!
Yes, I pray for healing for you and your knee problem, while I admire your photos. I find the mountain laurel photo very pretty.
Beautiful flowers, Betsy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope the knee gets better soon.
Oh my, your flowers certainly are so gorgeous, Betsy.
Sorry your knee has gotten worse. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Betsy.
No need to reply.. just feel better, my friend :)
Those flowers in your yards are stunningly beautiful! Our Rhodies just finished blooming as did our Azeleas. I love Fuscias in all those reds, pinks, and purples!
Oh Betsy, I hate to hear your knee is getting worse. Hope and pray you will be on the mend soon.
That rhodi at the corner of your deck is just beautiful.
♥ Joy
The flowers are gorgeous Betsy. I really like seeing the Mountain Laurel since I never see it here.
Sorry to hear your knee is continuing to give you pain. Hopefully the appointment today has shed some light on the cause of the problem. I am sending all the positive energy I can gather your way along with lots of hugs.
Get well soon,
Those are beautiful flowers. I'll bet your yard is gorgeous!
Blessings to you Marilyn
Aww Betsy, I was hoping your knee problem have cleared up, guess not ;(
I had/have a torn meniscus in one of my knees, I had a scope, and it still is not a knee I can depend on.
Glad to hear you are getting it looked at, I sadly waited too long.
Your flowers are just so pretty to look at, especially this time of year, thank you for sharing their beauty with us.
Your flowers are sooooo beautiful. Your yard must be a like a carpet of colour. Hopefully looking at them helps you bare the pain in your knee. So sorry to hear that it has worsened. I hope the medical professionals can help. All my best wishes are with you.
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