Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Petit Jean State Park, AR

There are three mountain ranges between the Ozarks and the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas. One is Mt. Nebo (where our cabin is). Another is Mt. Magazine --to the west of Mt. Nebo. And the third one is Petit Jean (to the southeast of Mt. Nebo). Situated upon beautiful Petit Jean Mountains, the park encompasses 2,658 acres of rare natural beauty. Included in this lovely mountain setting are an abundance of unmarred woods, ravines, streams, springs, spectacular views and interesting geological formations preserved as French explorers found them 300 years ago.

The mountain received its name from the legend of Petit Jean (Little John), the story of a French girl who disguised herself as a boy and secretly accompanied her sweetheart, a sailor, to America.

We spent a gorgeous day at Petit Jean (Feb. 24, 2010) while we were in Arkansas. I will divide my blog posts into several different groups --since we saw so many sights that day. Today I will show you the park itself and some of the gorgeous views. Above George is sitting at one of the Petit Jean State Park entrance signs. You can see what a gorgeous day we had while we were there. Below are more.

I took this picture of George standing at the Palisades Overlook (on the South side of the ravine, near the Petit Jean Sign in the top photo).

From the Palisades Overlook--we can see another overlook at the point across the Cedar Creek Canyon. See it????? It's the CCC Overlook. We took the loop road totally around the park so that we could enjoy all of the overlooks.

Now we are across the Cedar Creek Canyon, at the CCC Overlook on the north side of the canyon. This overlook as built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the early 1930's. You can see the Palisades Overlook across the ravine.

George took this picture of me at the CCC Overlook... I was taking a picture of the Cedar Creek Canyon and also the Palisades Overlook where we started our day!

Here's another picture taken from the CCC Overlook. We we looking southwest. You can see the Petit Jean River in the distance --and the Arkansas River Valley.

Using the zoom lens on our cameras, we took a close-up of the Arkansas River Valley and the Petit Jean River.

I am standing at the third overlook, the Mary Ann Richter Overlook. This overlook is located north of the CCC Overlook. This overlook was built by the YACCC, family and friends of Mary Ann Richter. From this overlook, we got a great view of the Arkansas River Valley.

This picture was taken from the Mary Ann Richter Overlook --and shows the mountain ranges while looking south. You can see the road we took while traveling up the mountain to Petit Jean State Park.

This picture of the Arkansas River Valley was taken from the Mary Ann Richter Overlook. In the distance you can see two rather large mountain ranges. The one in the middle of the picture is Mt. Nebo and the tall one to the left of the picture is Mt. Magazine.

Using the zoom lens on our camera, we zoomed in on the Arkansas River and Mt. Nebo.... Can you see our cabin up there????? ha ha

There's much more to share from Petit Jean (waterfalls, caves, rock formations, etc.)--but those will have to wait until another day!!!!

Hope you are having some good weather now!!!! We are still cold and dreary here, but they say that warmer weather and some sunshine is coming soon... I hope!!!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to ALL.


Catherine said...

Still no spring here ~ but I think it's getting close ~ so hopefully soon!

Fun pics as always Betsy!

xo Catherine

penny said...

The views are spectacular, Betsy. I can't tell you how much I enjoy looking over your shoulder while you travel to these beautiful places.
I love seeing the mountains, Thanks!

Beth said...

Wonderful pictures, as always, Betsy! I really love the ones showing the river winding its way through the valley. Thank you for letting us come along on your delightful journeys---it's a pleasure.

Beth said...

P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and George!

Jayne said...

What beautiful vistas!! Your new cameras are certainly getting a good workout!

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful scenery! I especially like the one from the CCC Overlook where the view is framed by the trees.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Wonderful Betsy, I have heard of PetitJean but have never been there, now I feel like I have visited it.
The 127 flea market sounds like so much fun.
We are planning to go to Glenn Beck's thingy in DC in August, how about you and George? Last year's march was such a great time Michael wants to go this year.

diane b said...

yes, I enjoy looking over your shoulder too. It is a great way for me to see The States. The day was lovely and sunny but you still look a bit rugged up. The scenery is big and beautiful.Looking forward to more.

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the view between the trees from the overlook the best. Thank you for making me realize I do need to see more of my lovely state.
One more place added to my list.
Thanks and have a great St Patrick's day.

Randy said...

Okay Betsy, I want to know what kind of diet you guys are on that you have so very much energy. You must eat vitamins like eat M&Ms. If I did half the things you two do I would stay worn out all the time.-- Randy

Dar said...

What a wonderful clear day you had for your tour of some of Arkansas' wonders. I love the pic of you taking a pic.....what a view on each photo. A must see some day.
Mt. Nebo, is that where you stay in the stone cabin?...cool
Blessings Betsy and George
Thanks for the tour

Dorothy said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy! You and George are real 'Gad-Abouts"!! Happy Wednesday!

PCovi said...

Beautiful and fun! Fresh air AHHHH :)
Guess who will be staying at the Serenity Falls cabin on spring break?


Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning. What a wonder place. So serene. I'd love to just sit there for hours and enjoy those views.

RoeH said...

Beautiful, beautiful country back there. I would love to just travel the backroads seeing all of it.

Can we be cousins or something so I can follow you around without fear of being cast as a stalker? :)

Loran said...

I never knew that Arkansas had such beautiful scenery. I love all your excursions in to nature.

Cedar ... said...

What a nice day trip from your cabin!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Magnificent scenery there..you can see miles and miles of land..Superb vantage point!

nanny said...

Beautiful pictures....I need to get myself to Petit Jean!!!
I love the one George made of you...the tree in front of you is so pretty....

Reanaclaire said...

its super hot in my country.. what awesome pictures.. mountains.. remind of john denver song Rocky mountain High..

Mary said...

Can't quite see the cabin, Betsy, maybe you can mark it with an X for us :-) You guys have such fun on your trips and see so many lovely things. God is good!

Janice K said...

How interesting.....because I live in Indiana on the rim of Cedar Canyon through which flows Cedar Creek! The one in Arkansas is a "wee bit bigger" though.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful mountain vistas, Betsy. That is a nice picture of you at the third overlook.

Harriet said...

Another beautiful place to visit. Betsy you should be a travel agent, tour guide, write for a travel magazine.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like all the overlook shots, feels like I am there when I look at them. good story about Little John

Jeanne said...

What a beautiful - clear day you had for taking pictures. We have been to Petit Jean before for the day but I would love to go back soon to camp for a week or so!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful views! I can actually see the two overlooks, they kind of make a u shaped loop! I'll look forward to the rest! About your comment on my blog today, yes, I ADORE the sparrow hymn, and sang it in my head the whole time I posted yesterday! But I already did a post about it on Jan, 9 "My Eye Was On The Sparrow", so I didn't want to repeat myself.

Connie said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Betsy! :D

I Am Woody said...

What a beautiful place:)

Cassie said...

Golly Betsy, what time of day do I have to get up to leave a comment before the 30 mark??!! Great photos. The overlook reminds me of Canyon Vista(I think that's the name) in Pennsylvania. Sure makes one in awe of God's creativity. :<)
Happy St. Paddy's to you friend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely view! Happy St Pat's!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a gorgeous place, the views are incredible. I can see why you and George love this area.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This looks like a lovely park to visit!
Spring is here! But we had some rain today as well...which is fine, I have been in bed for a few days.

LV said...

What a great place to visit. You two seem to know all the great places to visit. All your pictures turned out very well.

Cheryl said...

Lovely photos. I would love to follow the route that you did with all of the wonderful outlooks. You and George have the best trips!! Today we had temps in the low 60s, a heatwave. Got some yardwork done so hoping for no more winter!

Diane said...

Of course I see your cabin. It's right......there! Nice scenic shots, Betsy. Happy St. Pat's Day.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,

Love all the photos...so I'm wondering just how far away from home do you and George travel to see the waterfalls??

I've got my St. Patrick's day post up and my eyes are green so I'm good to go. :0)

Stephanie ♥

imac said...

Careful George, mind the edge.
Love all these great shots Betsy.

EG CameraGirl said...

Very pretty countryside, Betsy! I like it when there are lots of overlooks to see the view in the distance.

Anonymous said...

what amazing photos. thanks for taking us along on your trip!

Rose said...

Betsy, till you guys started posting about your trips to Mr. Nebo I had not idea Arkansas had such beautiful scenery.

carolina nana said...

That is truly a gorgeous place,I'd love to visit there one day. We are back in the clouds here today but no rain just cool and damp.Have a blessed St, Patrick's day! Marilyn

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Gorgeous scenes.The blue sky makes for excellent photos and a perfect day for enjoying all this beauty.

The Retired One said...

Loved those canyons, hills and overlooks..just gorgeous countryside, isn't it?

Unknown said...

You and George have the travel bug ... that's a good thing (and good times!)

Kay said...

I love all of the views. Thank you so much for sharing these.


~mel said...

I can certainly understand your love of that piece of country; because I'm a huge fan of it now too! If we would have had a few more days we would have spent them over by Petit Jean and Mt Magazine. I thank you ten thousand times over for sharing your love of adventure with us. Beautiful!

Jenny said...

Betsy, this is gorgeous. I love going on your trips with you. I need to start contributing sandwiches or something to these trips.

Glenda said...

Love your tours, Betsy! Your commentary makes me feel as if I'm standing right beside you as you point out interesting views!

rghawki said...

Love your pictures
We visited Mt. Nebo this past weekend. Your pictures inspired us to go there. It was absolutely beautiful, just as you said it was.

Laura Lynn said...

Gorgeous pictures - look at that blue sky! I bet you had a great time.

Lola said...

Happy St. Pat's. Gorgeous pics. Thanks for taking us along. I didn't know Arkansas had all that beauty.
Would like to see more.

Anonymous said...

WoW! What GORGEOUS VIEWS!!! So high up

Happy St Patrick's Day!!!

Regina said...

Beautiful views and scenes!
Wonderful post Betsy.
Enjoy the springtime!

Happy St Patrick's Day to you and George.

Anonymous said...

You and George take such wonderful trips together and these are lovely photos here and in the next two posts as well. I'm doing what I can to catch up ... bit by bit as time permits. Once my sister hits the road with her husband again next month I'll have more time for blogging.
Hugs and blessings,