Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mushroom Rock

On our Valentine's Weekend trip to Alabama, we visited the Little River Canyon. See pictures from Little River Canyon by clicking HERE. We love driving on Canyon Rim Drive (Alabama Highway 176). This little road connects eight overlooks along an 11 mile stretch of the Little River Canyon. The drive begins near Little River Falls where Alabama Highway 35 from Fort Payne crosses the Little River.

One of the neat places where we stopped along our scenic route was MUSHROOM ROCK. This is a rock formation found in the MIDDLE of Highway 176. The rock is shaped like a giant mushroom. It has also been known as Needle Eye Rock due to the slot in its base.

The story is that several decades ago, a road crew constructing the original scenic drive is credited with saving this canyon landmark. Plans called for the rock formation we now call Mushroom Rock to be removed. Construction staff refused to blast it away (thank goodness). SO---thanks to the determination of the crew to leave the formation intact, we now have Mushroom Rock in the national preserve.

Here are some pictures in and around Mushroom Rock. As you know by now, I am fascinated by all rock formations. SO--I loved these. While looking at the pictures, note also the lichen/colors--and overall beauty.

Does it look like a big Mushroom to you??? Aren't we all glad that the construction crew decided to save this beautiful rock? You can see how the road passes by it --on both sides.

For your info, the other 'rock' pictures shown here are in the same area ----on the canyon side of the road. It is a gorgeous little area---and if you ever get to the Little River Canyon, stop at Mushroom Rock.



Darla said...

It does look like a big mushroom, would love to have this in my yard...Kudos to the construction crew for standing their ground. Lot of lovely rock formations Betsy.

pam said...

Thank goodness for that construction crew!

Valerie said...

That is a really neat piece of creation! Looks like another great place to visit.
The photos are great (as usual!)

diane b said...

Very interesting rock formation. Glad the crew saved it. You look like you are having fun in the cold.

Arkansas Patti said...

I think it is so cool that you two don't let a little thing like the cold keep you indoors. Loved those rocks, especially the one you are standing under, The colors are stunning.

Kcalpesh said...

Now those are really strange shapes! Thanks for sharing these great shots!

Pixellicious Photos

Dorothy said...

Wow! those are some intersting rocks!

Beth said...

God bless that construction crew! What a treasure Mushroom Rock is, as are those other beautiful rock formations. I'm like you, Betsy---utterly fascinated by the shapes and colors of rocks.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE these rocks! And I'm thinking of Sandra now, you know how she loves rocks, wait till she sees these! Unbelieveable that the mushroom is right in the middle of the highway! But how wonderful! Now I would think that road workers would love to blow things up, and would never miss a chance! So Bravo for them!!

Susie said...

I like rock formations too Betsy. That one really does look like a mushroom. Looks like such a fun trip!

Small City Scenes said...

I love rocks too. What great formations. we have a little town---well gas station deli---called Big Rock. It is just up the road from here. Huge rock formations and out in a field a ginormous rock. Hence the name I do suppose.
Love the colors in the rocks there. MB

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Fun rock to show and they gave you a place to stop and get photos.

Joe Todd said...

Neat place to stop and get some photos. I've been called a mushroom. I'm not sure what that means LOL.. Have a great day

Diane AZ said...

It's great that Mushroom Rock could stay for all to enjoy. From some views it looks like a giant muffin or a tooth. It's just fascinating!

Joyce said...

Thanks for peaking in at my blog on St. Patrick's day. Sure hope you had fun celebrating wearin the GREEN. Smart construction crew to leave this rock. Lately it seems people just like to take down things and then spend money putting some weird thing in its place or nothing at all. It does look like a mushroom to me. Thanks for taking me along on your photo tour. Off to check out the rest of your blog.

Anonymous said...

With rocks like cloud formations, our imagination can take flight.

Anonymous said...

so cool!

Roses and Lilacs said...

I had never heard that story about the road crew saving the rock. It looks like something from a Tolkien novel:)

Tipper said...

It does!! I love the rock and the photos. I'm glad they saved it!!

I Am Woody said...

Love rock formations!!

Cheryl said...

Wow! The Mushroom rock is fantastic. I think its great the crew saved it. All of the photos are wonderful, the colors and formations are so intriguing. This is a place I would love to explore.

Anonymous said...

This rock formation would have captivated me as well. There are several different colors on the rock in the pictures of you standing in the opening. In the one picture it looks like you might be trying to push the rocks apart ;-) I really like the last picture. It shows just how large that mushroom rock is.

Big Dude said...

Very interesting rock formations

Karin said...

Quite enjoyed this Betsy! Love fascinating rock formations. It's just so fascinating how all these 'mushroom' rocks are formed. The chemical composition of the lower rocks must be more susceptible to weather and erosion than the top parts of the rock. We have the hoodoos in southern Alberta that are fascinating as well. Thanks!!

Plain Chicken said...

That is a cool rock! Thanks for sharing

Cedar ... said...

What interesting rock formations. You know those layers indicate that it was all under water at one time eons ago... millions of years ago. fascinating!

Kay said...

You have the coolest things to see where you live. This is so interesting.

Cicero Sings said...

Great rocks, wonderful rocks ... we only have plain old homely, pesky in your garden kind of rocks here! Boo-hoo! How come you find so many neat spots?

Dar said...

Isn't that interesting. I love the colors formed by natures, water, wind, and the movement of the earth. It looks like some of the Mushroom Rock is actually a quartz. It's awesome. I'd love to see it.
Thanks for sharing Betsy and

Busy Bee Suz said...

The Shroom is so cool. What a Fun guy (Fungi) standing in front of it.

I just could not resist.

I too love rock formations....just another natural part of the earth to enjoy.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

SOmetimes people do surprising things,like save a beautiful rock.We need more people who see beauty in God's creation and allow it to remain in its natural state.

Shelley said...

It certainly does look like a mushroom - I'm glad they left that beautiful rock standing! Nature is the ultimate artist!!
Hugs to you,

Glenda said...

You do get to see the most interesting sites! Awe-inspiring formations . . . and I'm in awe of The Sculptor, too!

LV said...

Those are outstanding sights of that huge rock. I wonder how many times it has been hit. Now that is one interesting place.

The Retired One said...

How cool! thanks for sharing these with us...I love rock formations, large or small...and especially the unusual...which this definitely is!!!

DayPhoto said...

I love rocks! I love canyons! WOW!


imac said...

Fascinating Betsy, glad the top rock is safe.lol.

EG CameraGirl said...

My goodness those rocks are BIG!

penny said...

Mushroom Rock is a wonderful formation of nature. I am glade the works refused to destroy it.
The adventures you and George take are marvelous, Betsy. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Neal said...

Those are some great pictures Betsy! We'll have to visit that area if we're ever in the vicinity.

Ms. ~K said...

Very cool rock formations...We do have some natural beauty in the southeast, huh?

Wendy said...

What an amazing rock formation! And in the middle of the highway. I'm glad the road crew refused to destroy it.
Love that you took pics of both you and George in the arch of the rock. Gives it perspective.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wow! The those rocks are fantastic!

Kirigalpoththa said...

By the way, is it only one place or do you find many similar rock formations in this area?

Connie said...

That rock is so unusual and so pretty, Betsy! Thanks for sharing that. How neat! :)

Mary said...

I like that mushroom rock! I hope you don't have to stand there holding it open forever :-) Fun shots!

Carletta said...

Thank goodness somebody had some sense back then to know beauty! :)
These are fascinating!
I can imagine how impressive that would be coming around the turn.

Rajesh said...

Great shots of beautiful rock formations. Very unique.

Rose said...

I love them all! I have always had a thing for rocks...and I think Lorelei will, too.

Diane said...

This is a very interesting rock formation - so are the other ones. You sure do find some interesting things on your jaunts. Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW do you get what i am saying? these are truly wonderful ROCKS. never seen anything like them. i want to see them in PERSON. I like these even better than the water falls.

SquirrelQueen said...

I was reading through the comments and knew what I was going to say until I got to Sandra's comment. All those Oh Wows! made me forget, lol.

It does look like a mushroom, I am so glad the road crew refused to destroy it. I vaguely remember the rock formations but it has been a while since I was there.

Tammie Lee said...

incredible rocks. I love mushrooms and rocks and these are a mix of both.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I missed this post, Betsy. I'm glad I came back to take a look ...more fascinating rock formations! Glad they saved them from destruction.