Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Cutie Pies

I can't help myself. I just must show you some new pictures of some of my birdies. I took these pictures yesterday--off and on during the day. Above is one of our male Goldfinches ---who is trying hard to get his brilliant spring yellow color, so the ladies will 'swoon' over him!!!!

I've mentioned all winter about having SO many Goldfinches this year at our feeders. Last year, we had a huge bunch of Pine Siskins --and this year, we have NO Pine Siskins --but we have a huge bunch of Goldfinches. Sometimes there are over 50 of them on our deck and at our feeders at one time. Wish you could hear them singing way up in the trees when I'm out in the backyard. Their little squeeky songs are powerful when there are so many of them around.

I love our little Carolina Wrens. They love the peanut suet ---and will come to the feeders when most of the other birds are gone.

Usually, I only see one Carolina Wren at the feeders at the same time. But today--there were two of them taking turns... Aren't they sweet?

I love our White-breasted Nuthatches. They seem to know when I put out some special peanuts JUST for them... (They must be waiting in the trees!!!) ... Anyhow, once I put out the peanuts, there they come... They will grab one and fly away --and then another Nuthatch will come and get one. They do this--over and over until all of the peanuts are gone.

I missed the one picture I really wanted today... There were two Nuthatches at the plate feeder at the same time (which is rare). One went over to the other one and gave her a peanut... Wasn't that just so sweet???? Love in bloom!!!! AND---I missed getting a picture.... Darn!!!

Here is another picture of a Nuthatch ---but can you see the other bird in the picture?????? Look carefully at the suet feeder on the House feeder.... It's Mrs. Bluebird having some suet.

Here's another female Bluebird on the hanging suet feeder. See how much darker the females are on their backs than the bright blue males.

"Okay---I knew you wanted to see some part of me besides my back... SO--here I am. Aren't I beautiful????"

Other birds I saw at the feeder today (but got no pictures) are: Tufted Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, Cardinals, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and Downy Woodpeckers. I haven't seen the Pileated Woodpecker at the feeders lately---but I hear their 'call' up in the trees!!!! Many of the birds are busy this time of year getting ready to mate.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.


Beth said...

More wonderful bird pictures----I love them, Betsy! I'm partial to the Carolina Wren shots, but I like them all. I'm so glad you got to witness the sweet tenderness between the nuthatches, even if you didn't get a picture. Getting to see that was a gift.

Catherine said...

I can hardly wait until the finch start coming back! Soon I hope. You have so many beautiful birds out your way. Lovely lovely pictures! xo Catherine

Dorothy said...

Very good shots of your cuties pies! Can't wait for those Goldfinch to turn yellow!

Arkansas Patti said...

You and your new camera are doing such good work.That was a fine purchase. Great shots.
I am reducing my feeding to once a day as it is getting so nice out, they need to eat other stuff. Even before I cut back, my visitors were off finding their own food.
Need to clean out the birdhouses now of the winter roosting mess.
Think Spring is coming Betsy.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I'll bet your piliated woodpecker is drilling a new home for his soon to be bride.

My goldfinches are that strange color combination they get before the feathers become gold again.

We have seen no pine siskins or red polls this year. I'll bet the weather was good farther north this winter and the food up there was plentiful.

Susie said...

You sure are seeing a great mix of birds Betsy. They are so much fun to watch!

Sunny said...

I always enjoy your birdie pictures, the little bluebird is so adorable.
The sun finally came out after 5 dreary days, maybe spring is on the way.
Sunny :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the little blue bird of happiness. they are all really cute and you are blessed to have the wonders of bird watching. much better than TV for sure. you will never be bored with camera and birdies. have fun

Connie said...

What a nice variety, Betsy. Wonderful photos! I especially like that last one of the bluebird. :)

Betsy Brock said...

Yes, the ladies will swoon...even the human variety! LOL! I do love those bright summer feathers on the males!

Do you buy peanut suet or make it? We had a wren all winter and I felt so bad for him looking for bugs to eat! I'll have to supply him with peanut suet next winter!

Laura Lynn said...

They are so sweet. I love birdwatching. I can't wait until they come back up here and I can see the Cardinals - soon I hope!
Love your blog! I'll be back for updates.


Laura @Enjoying the Simple things

Tipper said...

Wonderful photos of your cutie pies : )

Plain Chicken said...

Great photos. I love watching the birds at our feeders too (so do our cats). >^..^<

Darla said...

What a great birding day you had...our birds are all doing the bird dance in the air, love it!

I Am Woody said...

This morning I discovered that I have a bully cardinal at my feeder. He lets his lady friend eat but no one else!

Harriet said...

Wonderful bird pictures! From your post the last few days looks like you had a great trip!!

Peggy said...

You have the cutest birdies at your feeders! While I am here at Hidden Haven I am filling all my old bird feeders and watching the birds come back. Use to enjoy sitting on the back porch and watching them while I drank my morning tea. Think I will have to take some of the feeders with me when I go back to the tiny cabin.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the wonderful and very cheery photos of the birds. If they won't come visit my yard at least I get to enjoy them through your photos! Love the Caroline Wren.

Anonymous said...

I liked all of your bird pictures. I hope that I will be able to get some photographs of birds in the coming weeks!

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all so cute. I am sure they are excited about spring coming soon!

Diane said...

Each one touches your heart in a different way. They are such exquisite creations from God. Diane

Glenda said...

Love seeing your birds!! We have lots of goldfinches this year, too!

Randy said...

I'm afraid we've been very bad bird keepers this season. We haven't fed them a single time! Shame on us! Those are beautiful photos.

Diane AZ said...

Cutie Pies, perfect title! It's interesting that this year you're seeing so many goldfinches when last year it was the pine siskins. I wonder you'll see a bunch of next year.

imac said...

Tweet tweet tweet, beautiful birds Betsy.

Carol............. said...

You sure know how to capture them with your camera. Nice shots!

Kay said...

They know spring is here.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't apologize about more bird pictures!!!! I enjoy them perhaps more than the waterfalls, because I am a real birdwatcher! I have never snapped a bluebird!! Missed two good chances out in the country this weekend, they flew away too fast. My very fave is your wren pictures!! So tiny and spunky!! I was attacked by one a few years ago, and plan a post on it sometime!! I would enjoy bird posts from you five days a week! I have gotten some good ones lately with spring here, and will be posting them here and there all spring and summer. You will laugh at them because they will never be as good as yours, because of your feeders being so close.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Picture No.1 is perfect!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I just love looking at your bird pictures Betsy, so colorful, and characters...all of them !
Do you feed them all year round, or cut back once the nicer weather is here ?
The squirrels are taking all of my seed off the feeders, I think they eat more than the birds....beggars.
Great pictures !!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That was a fun group of feathered friends.

carolina nana said...


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your birdies are so lovely.Oh,I wish you had gotten that special feeding picture.At least you have it in your minds camera,so you can relive it over again.Thanks for sharing your birds with me.

nanny said...

Great pictures....really great!

I have never had as many goldfinches as this year...
I love them, and their singing! I hand the socks of thistle from a limb and they just cover the sack! I love it. when the sock is empty they move to the sunflower seed!

Janice K said...

Neat pictures, but that bluebird was "special."

Joy said...

Love your Cuties Pies. Such good pictures Betsy.
♥ Joy

Connie said...

I love the bird pictures. I've learned to identify some of my own birds from seeing your blog photos.

You're getting some good shots.

The Retired One said...

I love seeing all the returning birdies..we haven't seen any pine siskins yet here either, and there were a ton here last year at this time! Wonder where they all are???
I hope no disease got to them!

Karin said...

LOVE all those precious birdies!! Blessings!

Unknown said...

You inspire me to put out another feeder, we have one but I think a suet one might be good too. Your pics are fab Betsy x

EG CameraGirl said...

I can see you find a lot af joy watching the birds at your feeders!

Carletta said...

Hi Betsy!
These are wonderful!
We didn't have Pine Siskins or Goldfinches this year. The Goldfinches will return I feel sure.
You saved your best pic for last. That last shot is beautiful!!!

So glad you paid me a visit and yes, I'll wear my green for St. Paddy's day. A red haired Irish girl shouldn't be caught not wearing green. :)

Small City Scenes said...

I do like the little Wren. I have feeders out but I sometimes forget to fill them---like right now. I guess I will do that tomorrow. MB

penny said...

Your cuties are gorgeous, Betsy. I love the color of Mr Goldfinch.
We use to have a variety of birds come to our yard, but the more they developed this area more bird habitat they destroyed. Its sad, I miss them:(

Anonymous said...

Oh my ... you do get the most wonderful variety of feathered visitors and take lovely photos to share! Thanks ...
Hugs and blessings,

Leedra said...

I love the last photo, of the Bluebird. It is so cute!

SquirrelQueen said...

I love all your photos of the little birds Betsy, I never tire of seeing them. The first shot of the Goldfinch is beautiful but I really like the Carolina Wrens and Bluebirds. There are so many of your birds that I never see here.

We had seventy degrees here yesterday, it was fantastic.

Rose said...

You sure had a lot of visitors! I bet they do really miss you guys when you are gone.