Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Along Little River Road in the Smokies

I am going to make you dizzy as I travel between trips --posting pictures for you. Yesterday, I posted some waterfall and water pictures from Arkansas (click HERE). Today I'm showing you some waterfall and water pictures from the Smokies here in Tennessee.

We took the 'long' way on March 8 when we left to go to the Serenity Falls cabin. We drove through Townsend --and followed the Little River Road into Gatlinburg. Of course, we had to stop at some of our favorite places along the way to get more pictures..

SO---today's post features our favorite waterfalls and water pictures along the Little River Road. Above is the lower part of Whiteoak Flat Branch Falls. This is a neat waterfall since you can hike up the creek from the road, and find a couple of more cascades up there. Below are more of our fav's.

In yesterday's post, I talked about the beautiful colored water and rocks in Arkansas. WELL---Tennessee has its share of pretty water and rocks also. The water was unusually clear the day we were there.

This is one half of the Cane Creek Twin Falls. I liked this picture again because of the beautiful greenish water.

Here's one of the many, many small waterfalls and cascades found in the Little River along our route.

This is one of the most popular waterfalls which can be seen from the Little River Road. This one is called Meigs Falls. It's much prettier in winter (since there aren't so many trees obstructing it) and when there is alot of water (like now). Isn't it pretty? There is an Upper Meigs Falls ---which we tried to find once but didn't find it. We hope to go back sometime, but it's quite a hike!

Here's another good picture showing the water and rocks in the Little River. Kayaking and Tubing are popular in this river during Summer.

Here's another of our favorite waterfalls, Mannis Branch Falls. I probably passed this waterfall 200 times in my life without seeing it (since it's back from the road with trees and foliage hiding it). We found it listed online (NOT in a waterfall book) ---and since finding it, we stop here almost every time we are in the area. In Spring, this is a butterfly area ---where lots of butterflies gather. Hopefully, we can go back this Spring and I can get some pictures of some of the butterflies.

Here is one final picture of the beautiful Little River near Gatlinburg, TN. Can you tell that George and I are enjoying our new cameras????? ha

For those of you who are familiar with this area, I need to tell you that both the Cades Cove loop road and the Sinks parking area are CLOSED for renovations until late Spring we think. BUT---if you come to the Smokies, I definitely recommend taking the drive between Gatlinburg and Townsend along the Little River Road.



amelia said...

As usual, lovely photos. Do you and George ever spend any time at home at all???? :)

Tabor said...

These are all so different!

Valerie said...

The last and 3rd to the last are my favorites. I just love the green of the water. So very pretty!

RoeH said...

Wow. Wish I had your camera...or its cousin. What beautiful photos. The waterfall is amazing.

Beth said...

I certainly can tell that you and George are enjoying your new camera...and so are we! What beautiful pictures you have taken here, Betsy. I especially like the last one with all the different shades of brown and green accented by the white swirl of rushing water. Beautiful!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love seeing the clear water with the purrrty rocks. It makes me forget about all the poluting we have for a moment or two.
Have a great day Betsy!

Big Dude said...

Great pics as usual. After living so close for 40 years, it's hard to tell how many times I've travel that road, but I still enjoy it's sights.

Joe Todd said...

Great photos and I can tell you are having fun with the new camera.. Good for you

Ginny Hartzler said...

My first impression is that they are all so very different! But my favorite ones are #3 and #4. Three for the beautiful shallow aqua water with the lovely shale rocks in the bed. It also looks so gentle, I want to sit and swing my feet in it. But the next picture is fascinating how the water is actually falling down the rocks, you can't see it till it gets over them, so it's kind of a double effect in the top and bottom half.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Superb watery images! Love them all!

Susie said...

Oh I can just hear the sound of that rushing water Betsy. Wish I could hear it in person.

Glad you guys had a great trip!

Catherine said...

So many wonderful photos and stories! It makes me sad that I live in the flat, can see for miles, prairies.

Wayne and I went for a drive for over an hour yesterday morning. We saw nothing ~ NOTHING ~ to take pictures of! Well...unless we would have counted the gophers...

Have a lovely day Betsy!
xo Catherine

Arkansas Patti said...

I appreciate how you all never race from point A to point B but enjoy the trip.
Beautiful pictures and while I have been in that area, I saw none of it. Thanks.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Beautiful photos. The water looks so clear and cold. Soon you will be seeing wild flowers in the woods along those streams.

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shots, Betsy. Is it you or the camera???? haha
Please go back in the summer and see the butterflys. And of course--take some pictures. MB

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite of these photos is the Cane Creek with the clear, clear water. i want to wade in it. i love all the romantic sounding names of the places you visit. Whiteoak Flat Branch Falls and Little River Road. Love the names of the places as much as the photos. congrats to you and George You guessed the answer yesterday.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful shots of the falls! I'm so glad they are making repairs on the Cades Cove Scenic Loop!!! It was way overdue!

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful,lovely and fantastic shots !! This is simply amazing !

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

You and those new cameras are doing a fantastic job.Each picture is so vibrant.The beauty in that area is beyond words.I sure hope you get to photograph lots of butterflies later in the season.

Janice K said...

So may beautiful pictures! So many beautiful places to see!...and you remember all their names..WoW!

The greenish water I have seen in your recent photos reminds me of some of the glacier feed lakes, etc., in the Rockies.

Darla said...

Love, love, love the greenish tint in the water!

Anonymous said...

Your cameras are very good at pulling out the colors of the rocks and in the foliage. The colors are very rich. Beautiful pictures.

Small City Scenes said...

BTW: About the town of Sedro-Woolley. It was two rival towns--side by side--and as they grew together they decided to incorporate a one town. Since it is a logging area the Sedro is for Cedar (trees) and Woolley is named for the founding father. This all happened in the early 1900s I believe. MB

Diane said...

You really capture the rush, the smell, the color, even the sound. Very nice shots, Betsy. Have a great day. Diane

Glenda said...

Such beauty! Thanks for posting these pics taken near Townsend. That area is one of our favorite places when we get to go to TN. You are so blessed to live so near all this beauty!

Glenda said...

Such beauty! Thanks for posting these pics taken near Townsend. That area is one of our favorite places when we get to go to TN. You are so blessed to live so near all this beauty!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Beautiful scenes, Betsy!
Jeff is doing ok today, thanks for asking.

I Am Woody said...

Boy, am I glad to hear of the renovations to Cades Cove Loop. That road was in TERRIBLE condition the last time we were there!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Betsy! You've taken so many wonderful waterfall photos, but I especially like Cane Creek Twin Falls, the water color is... WoW! It actually looks like some place tropical! heheheee

Karin said...

So lovely to take another travelogue with you! Swishing my feet in one of those pools on a HOT summer day would be fantastic! Blessings!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Driving through Townsend on Little River Road to Gatlinburg is my favorite drive...of course that's the long way for us! Beautiful pics Betsy.

Connie said...

Betsy, I love the greenish colored water, and yet, how clear it is too. You can see every rock on the bottom there. Very neat! Great pictures! :)

Carol............. said...

You photos are wonderful...

Jen said...

Great pictures Betsy
Don't you also love the sound of the waterfalls.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I can tell and the camera is helping increase the quality of the photos. You are capturing some beautiful sights.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Oh my!!! These are all just beautiful. We are waiting for our Nikon D90 to arrive...then we are gonna start the day trips to explore. I want to find that old old church that is supposedly in Cades Cove. Remember me posting a photo of it a long time ago? I found that photo at the scrapbook super store.

When we were in Townsend at the Woodcarving place they mentioned that Cades Cove was closed and they were repaving the main road and also putting up some fencing to keep people from driving their cars of the road.

Have a great day...

Stephanie ♥

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can tell you are enjoying your new cameras and I don't blame you one bit. That last picture is just amazing. It looks like a painting not a photo. Your pictures are so interesting.

Suzie Button said...

I hope there are waterfalls in heaven! Suzi

Rose said...

Betsy, those sure make me homesick! You sure gave us some beautiful views.

I started looking at this this morn, then started talking to Sarah and we headed down to see her before I ever got through looking here.

Lorelei was her usually happy self today...laughing at everything. Kept wanting her papaw to chase her. We took her outside, and she did not want to come back in.

Kay said...

All very pretty but my favorite was the Cane Creek Twin Falls. I agree with you, the water is spectacular.

LV said...

I can save my money and just take a daily trip with you. The way you and George take picture and present them makes you feel you are right there too. Great job and lovely place.

Cheryl said...

I love all of the photos here. I am glad you and George like to take photos! The falls are beautiful. I can understand why you would want to go back over and over. I would love to visit the butterfly area!

Mary said...

The colors in the water are great! You really got some great water shots here. I like that small falls as much as the large ones.

The Retired One said...

I liked the one with the greenish water too...and I see you are playing with your slow shutter speeds to make the water look dreamy.
I love waterfalls too...even though they all look alike, they are all gorgeous to me!

Connie said...

Beautiful shots Betsy. I'm so glad I live in your neck-of-the-woods.

SquirrelQueen said...

Gorgeous photos Betsy, all those different colors in the waters are incredible. That is a great area to visit. I would love to see Cades Cove again someday.

Regina said...

Refreshing and lovely scenes!
Great captures Betsy.

Have a nice day.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I can stay days and days here, letting the water clean my hair naturally.

imac said...

Beauty Betsy.
You sure do get around.

Neal said...

Great pictures Betsy. Some of them make me homesick for TN. :)

Anonymous said...

Today's post is another wonderful one Betsy! Your photographs are super and I enjoy learning about all of the places you describe. Beautiful photos of those creeks and rivers. I love waterfalls, too!