Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

'Waterfalling' in the Ouachita Mountains, AR

On our first day in Arkansas, February 22, we went 'waterfalling' in the Ouachita Mountains in Southwest Arkansas. We drove WAY back into the mountains on a dirt/gravel road in search of several waterfalls (which we did find). Today, I'm sharing my favorite waterfall we found that day, Little Missouri Falls.

Don't be confused. We are in ARKANSAS. Little Missouri Falls is on the Little Missouri River in Southwest Arkansas. The river got its name when the early French settlers thought that it reminded them of the Missouri River. This is a rocky, mountain river which flows through narrow, forested canyons in the Ouachita Mountains. The Little Missouri Falls is a stair-step waterfall located in a deep gorge.

Here are some pictures of our little hike to see the Little Missouri Falls. Above is our Prius ---which takes us all over the mountains when we are 'waterfalling'. Mrs. P (as we call our Prius) handles those mountain roads as good or better than a 4-wheel drive vehicle would!!!! Between our GPS and our fabulous waterfall books listing the waterfalls and the directions (including GPS coordinates most of the time), we seldom get lost on those unpaved roads. Below are more pictures.

We love looking at creeks when we are traveling back in the mountains. We stopped to take pictures here since the colors are just gorgeous. The colors of the rocks and the clear, greenish water made for a beautiful setting.

It was a COLD day in the Arkansas mountains... The temperature wasn't too bad--but that cold, north wind was wicked!!!!! Here we are on the trail to the waterfall. Note the huge rocks around the area, including the moss and vines.

Here is Little Missouri Falls ---from one of two overlooks.

George is standing at one of the overlooks.

George did bushwhack down to get some close pictures. This is one waterfall (more like a series of cascades) which you almost need to see in person. It was gorgeous--and the entire setting was awesome.

I was getting ready to take a picture looking straight down into the water from that little bridge.

Here is what it looked like below the bridge.

From one of the overlooks, I captured this picture (along with several others) of all of the rock formations in the area. I am always fascinated by rocks. Some of them look like faces staring at us.

I was showing George how I could hold this big rock up with only one arm... Aren't I amazing??????? ha ha.... Note all of the moss on and around the rocks.

Finally, here is one more picture of a part of Little Missouri Falls. I like this one again because of the rock formations.

Hope you enjoyed seeing Little Missouri Falls and the surrounding rocky area.

Have a blessed Sunday.


June said...

You really captured it: I can feel the cool damp air!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful series on the Little Missouri Falls. It looks like a beautiful area to hike.

Small City Scenes said...

beautiful area and the Falls and creek are gorgeous. I love the huge rocks. they sorta fascinate me. MB

Rose said...

Your strength is amazing!!!! Of all the pictures you have shown, there is just something about all of these that are so appealing to me. Maybe it is because the area reminds me of places I have known, I don't know. I just really, really like them.

Valerie said...

The color of the water is so neat to see. I especially liked the 2nd and 4th pictures. The reds and the greens and blues and orange colortones are so beautiful,

I am curious ... how many waterfalls are on your list to see? How many have you seen and how many are left?

Those GPS things are pretty amazing. We don't have one - although when we were in Syracuse last week my H realized he had one on his cell phone from work - so we were able to find some places we would not normally have found - since we didn't have a map!

Dorothy said...

This is another great waterfall series, Betsy! It's wonderful that you record all this with photos! Thank goodness for the GPS!

diane b said...

I enjoyed my hike with you especially as i couldn't feel the cold but I could see the magic scenery.

Silver said...

Betsy, it's gorgeous! And rewarding after the hard walk.. ;)

Sending you warm thoughts..

Connie said...

I love the cascading waterfall picture, Betsy. It is so pretty. Looks like you and George had a wonderful time. :)

Maciek said...

Very happy and joyful blog ! Like it very much. Positive energy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all truly wonderful and beautiful places. You are so blessed to be able to travel and see all of God's amazing creation. thanks for the documentary of places i will never see. I am just a tad jealous.

Karin said...

Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!! Seeing you all bundled up, I shivered and almost felt the cold. Going warm up with a cup of coffee now! Not only do I enjoy looking at water, waterfalls, but also rock formation! Awesome!! Have a blessed Sunday!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

If this place is even more beautiful in person,and I believe it would be,It must be awesome.I just wish I could quickly travel there and spend a day shooting.That camera would be so busy.Thanks for allowing me to see these places through your eyes.

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the waterfall were pretty; I enjoyed following along on your hike to the waterfall. My favorite picture from this post, though, was the one of the creek. You captured the colors of the rocks in the creek bed so well.

imac said...

Great shots Wonder Woman Betsy.lol.
Beautiful place.

Arkansas Patti said...

You make me realize there is a lot of my state that I need to explore. Thanks for showing me the best places.

Cheryl said...

Oh wow. The photos are wonderful, I especially liked the second one with its lovely colors. What wonderful adventures you two have. I do love "hiking along" with you! I bet you are loving your cameras more and more each day.

Diane said...

For some reason I love the second picture the best - it's just so perfect. And that picture of you holding up the big rock??? You don't fool me, you stopped to catch your breath, didn't you, tehe. Have a great Sunday, Betsy. Diane

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, these photos are wonderful...the first one's colors are breathtaking!!! Wishing you a lovely Sunday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I enjoyed these pictures very much! The first one is so unusually pretty with the aqua and red colors of the creek bed. But that picture of the steps leading up to the stones! How foreboding; the rocks seem to be just hanging there, ready to topple over, or maybe it was just the angle of the shot, which is really something! We name our cars, too! With all these mountain trails you travel on, do you go through cars very quickly? Your comment on my blog today absolutly cracked me up!!

Tipper said...

Beautiful photos-those rocks are amazing!!

Diane AZ said...

I love the picture of you holding up the giant rock with the moss all around!

Elenka said...

I'm amazed at what colors you have captured on a bleak, winter day.

tea time and roses said...

Hello Betsy!

What beautiful photos! I love the falls! Thanks so much for sharing.



Kirigalpoththa said...

Super area for hiking..!

BTW, I have tagged you and George :D

wildcatwoods said...

What a lovely spot. My husband lived in the AR mountains for a number of years and finds a lot of similareties with our NC mountains.

Carolina Mountains

Anonymous said...

YOur blog is one of my blessings this Sunday. Lovely photos and I feel the joy you and George experienced on this trip.

Thank you for sharing such beauty joy.

Neal said...

Great pictures Betsy! It sure looks like you were having a great time!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Fab photos Miss Betsy! We would love to run and romp in those falls even though they look very cold!!
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
(& their human, Cassie!)

SmilingSally said...

I love those cascades.

Catherine said...

I love all that moss! All the colors are so rich around you. An exciting place to be with your camera ~ lucky girl! :)

xo Catherine

Chris said...

Wow Betsy, what a wonderful place. I agree, the colours in the first shot are stunning. I love rocks too and can see faces in one of your shots. It's often better to visit in winter as you can see more of the water whilst the trees at
are bare.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a beautiful hike Betsy. It is so nice to see how much you and George appreciate all the natural beauty out there. (me too)
I hope your weekend was wonderful. We were away for a bit, now home and trying to catch up!!!

~mel said...

THANK YOU!! It is because of you I am now a fan of Mt Nebo and I even posted about you today on my blog! The water color all the way through the Ozarks is just so pretty ... that aquamarine blue. So... where we off to next? I sure wish we would have run into you up on Mt Nebo ... we were only a week apart from being there at the same time. Take care ... and keep on hikin' and showing us where you've been. I enjoy your blog immensely! Thank you for sharing.

The Retired One said...

Gorgeous Betsy! I love the rock too..it looks almost volcanic, doesn't it?
We have lot of rocks here where I live and around our lake too.
I loved the faces in the rock that you captured in that one photo, too..I saw them!

Love Of Quilts said...

I two enjoyed the little Missouri Falls with you.....How many waterfalls are there in tennessee to visit.

Glenda said...

You do find the neatest, most amazing places . . . and you're giving me the "itch" to go find some waterfalls! I'm not sure I have your spunk and perseverance, however! And your joy in finding these beautiful places always, always is reflected in your posts!

carolina nana said...

Those are more beautiful pictures Betsy. I'm figuring my canera out slowly but surely,I think!!
Have a blessed evening,

Unknown said...

I may have to take a trip over to our neighbouring state, the landscape is so different to here! This area really reminds me of up north in the UK and the wooded areas with huge rocks and streams. You would love it there too.

DeniseinVA said...

These photos are wonderful Betsy, always love to see you and George in them. Love those waterfalls and the one of you holding up that big rock ;) That sure was a pretty area you visited.

RA said...

It's always joyful to join you on your beautiful trips to mother nature. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week :)

Kay said...

The rocks in Vasquez are actually thrust faults....earthquake faults.

SquirrelQueen said...

Little Missouri Falls is a beautiful place. I really like the the first photo of the water with those red rocks. You and George and both bundled up but still wearing your smiles and having fun.

Are GPS's great, a nice way to find some really out of the way places.