Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A New Birdie at my Feeder

Two interesting things happened at our home yesterday. First, we finally got some SNOW. The forecasters were right this time... We had about 2 inches when it got dark--and it snowed most of the night... Most of you know how much I LOVE snow --and when we get some here in Fairfield Glade, well---let's just say that I am a 'Happy Camper'!!!!

Secondly, I had a bird come to the feeders yesterday who NEVER has come before. This common bird is a ROBIN. We always have Robins around our yard --and they are ground feeders. BUT--since it has snowed hard, the ground was totally covered. What does a ground-feeder birdie do??????

Well this Robin decided that he would check out my bird feeders. First he came to the deck --and finally he flew up to the Suet feeder. He sat there on the clothes line for a long time before checking out the Suet feeder. Once he ate some of that feeder, he must have loved it. He sat there for a long time eating and SITTING.... Seeing a Robin at the Suet feeder is definitely a FIRST for me. Have you seen one do this before????

Here are some pictures for you... Mr. Robin is above---when he first checked out the deck as the snow first started sticking!!! Below are more pictures.

"Hello, My name is King of the Robins. I am royalty!!! In fact, I am on my way to the Coronation. Don't you love my beautiful feathers???" (Is this not a fabulous picture of the Robin??? Of course, I used my NEW camera!!!)

Mr Robin decided not to go to the Coronation right now... Hunger took over!!!! He hopped up on the clothes line near the Suet feeders... He sat there for awhile before having some din-din. Isn't he pretty?

Next step for Mr. Robin: He now has moved from the clothes line to the Suet feeder... He needs to knock all of the snow off of the suet!!!

"Okay..... I'm going to try this delicious suet!" (The Robin ate and ate and ate ---and then stayed at the Suet feeder for at least 30 minutes!)

I guess even Robins do what they have to do in order to find something to eat in bad weather!!! Many, many birds were at the feeders yesterday --like they always are when it snows or rains. I took about 100 pictures --using the new camera!!!! I'm learning!!!!


This picture was taken yesterday afternoon --when we only had about 2 inches of snow on the ground. This is the new Flowerbed Wall... (This little wall has been featured alot lately!!!! ha..) Anyhow--I liked seeing the snow as it collected on each block on the wall, and also on the round Lamppost flowerbed....

This picture was taken from our deck ---looking up the hill in our neighbor's backyard.

And one more picture----the lower side of our backyard where the woodpile is; Hopefully, I will be able to show you many more 'snow' pictures in upcoming blogs --since some reports say that we may get up to nine inches!!!! That is extremely RARE for this area. I don't care how much we get---because I just LOVE it-- whatever it is!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Yes. Robins must eat meat so they will eat suet. And they will also eat the meaty parts or the sunflower hearts and pieces if nothing else is around. And so will woodpeckers. That is one reason why I only buy and feed sunflower hearts and pieces often called "chips" as there are birds that will eat it and survive. And, they will also eat and peck at peanut butter if you have the "natural" type. Squirrels love it too, as do many other birds. I use a knife and smear it on the bark of trees. In the summer, those spots on the tree bark are a slightly lighter or different color as the squirrels lick the peanut butter off -- every last scrap of it.

Your snow looks nice around the firewood.

eileeninmd said...

Great photos, Betsy. I have never seen a robin at my feeders. Your robin must be very hungry. I enjoyed your robin and snow photos. Keep warm!

imac said...

What a great day for you betsy, snow and a robin.

Diane AZ said...

I guess robins are not common in my area as I've never seen one at all. I love the "coronation" photo and the snow pictures!

diane b said...

Betsy in snow sounds like you are as happy as a pig in mud.The snow sure makes pretty shots and Mr Robin is splendid. What type of camera did you get?

Arkansas Patti said...

Super shots Betsy. Did not know that about Robins.
This snow marvleous!! I stayed by my window all day loving it. Last measure was about a foot.
Moved the feeders under the porch and increased number to 7. Such a mess they are making but I love it.
Never lost power either. Life is good.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Hi Betsy! Well so far we have had about 4 inches and it sleeted from 8pm through the night. We lost power at 10pm. ugh. But, we lose power often over here :(
I lit the oil lamps and said a little prayer for being thankful that we heat by heat!
Your bird pics are awesome. J fed the birdies last night around 5pm and there were arounds that came out of the woods to chow down!
We make our own suet and feed sunflower also.
Trying to get a weather report, our sat is down and we barly get a radio station here.LOL! We live in the country, for sure!
xo, misha

Carol Murdock said...

Congrats on the snow Betsy! What kind of camera did you get? The pictures are awesome!! I've almost got your room ready, better start making plans to head south! :) xoxo

T said...

Look at that snow! I know all my TN friends were very excited about it.

I love robins and to see one at the feeder is such a treat.

Jayne said...

My sister told me just yesterday that they have had Robins coming to eat some sunflower hearts. When times are tough...
Glad you got your snow Betsy, but most of ours was ice, and I was caught up in it trying to get home yesterday. I've blogged about my nightmare.
Hope you and George stay warm and enchanted there in the Glade. :c)

Neal said...

I've never seen a robin at our bird feeders. You got some great shots. I assume you're using your new camera for your pictures. The snow is very beautiful but concerning the snow I will say ..."Better ye than me" :)

Darla said...

Didn't you just have many things to do the happy dance for? Love the Robin and what wonderful photos you are turning out with that camera!!!You know I love looking at snow photos...stay warm..

pam said...

We got snow too! They finally closed school at 11:30. I would have enjoyed a whole day off, but I'll take a half a day anytime!

Anonymous said...

You always have the best pictures. I wish I had an eye like you do.

Jo said...

Oh Betsy;) the profile photo of the robin near took my breath away. You are taking wonderful photos already! I love your garden wall full of snow - mere days ago George was working there... Keep warm, my snow-loving friend! (((Hugs))) Jo

Connie said...

Your snow is pretty, Betsy. I'm so glad it's yours and not mine! HA HA HA HA HA! :D

Great shots of the robin. The first sight of robins around here is a sign of spring. Needless to say we haven't seen any yet. It will probably be a couple of months yet before they venture this far north.

Hope you enjoy your weekend and especially your snow! :)

Janice K said...

Beautiful Robin....Beautiful Snow. I'd say you and your new camera are getting along very well. Tell us what you got. I'm always interested in learning the kind of cameras people are using for this kind of photography.

Up here in northern Indiana to see a robin at this time of year, we would think Spring was just around the corner or this was just one very confused bird. The color and detail in your pictures were great.

Beth said...

Wonderful pictures of the robin, Betsy. I especially like the third one. Looks like you're putting your new camera to good use.

So glad you got your snow---it looks very pretty. We were predicted to get 12-14 inches, but now have only about six, which is fine by me. And we still have power!

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, I love that picture of the robin psrched on the line. It is one my favorites ever. I feel so sorry for it though...I want to bring it in and feed it a worm.

We did not get a single flake...kind of sad about it. But we do have sunshine, so I am happy with it. Kind of conflicting feelings...but going to make the best of it and get out and enjoy seeing sunlight.

Enjoy the snow and think of me!

I am so glad your foot still feels better!

Anonymous said...

Love your own, private, snowy, forest view from your deck (can't see the neighbours when it is snowing!) - beautiful photos!! Congrats on your new camera - it's always exiting to learn what 'the new ones' can do - ENJOY!

Regina said...

Such an amazing sight
A beautiful winter scenes!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Fabulous photos Betsy, and yes I think Mr. Robin is puffing his chest out to show how proud and grateful he is for your suet cakes.
We are covered in snow, here a little West of you, and maybe more to come today. Isn't it all so magical ?
I already see the difference in your photos, I assume you have a zoom lens or some fandangle thing ;)
Stay warm, put the kettle on, and enjoy !

I Am Woody said...

So how much snow did you end up with? We had about 3" by lunch yesterday. Then it turned to sleet. And then if turned to rain and melted quite a bit of it!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I don't understand... You never before saw a Robin? Or you never before saw a Robin, at your winter bird feeders? I think it's the later...

Busy Bee Suz said...

Mr. Royal Robin is gorgeous. I love seeing him all puffed up!
Enjoy your snow day!!!!
Did you get the sled out yet????

Jane said...

Great pictures! Looks like you guys got a good dumping of snow like we did. I'll have pictures posted later today.

Stay warm!


PCovi said...

I love it toooo!!
Love your birdie photos :)

Diane said...

I always stressed about the robins because what they REALLY want is worms. When it's storming and they can't get them then what!! I've read about mealyworms being a good feed for robins and I Have seen them eating fruit. I leave plums on the vine and apples and they also like certain berries. But when the weather is very bad they probably eat things like this one did. You got some great pictures.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I am so happy for you,you have SNOW.Yeah!!!It looks like that new camera is taking great pictures.As for the Robin,have you tried putting out raisins?I fin that they really like them.

Jen said...

Oh Happy You!
What's this about a new camera; did I miss something.
Anyway your pics are grand!!! Tweet tweet!

Unknown said...

Great bird piccies. I think you got the same snow we had the past two days, we have about 10 inches and like you I love it too. Stay warm.

Cicero Sings said...

So glad you got some snow ... and enough to make things pretty! It is pouring rain here this morning ... possible snow up country. Once this front moves through we will head home ... maybe Sunday or Monday. It's two whole weeks we've been down this time, probably the longest time we've been down since moving up-country.

Becky said...

I am sooo glad you finally got snow! All we have here in Ga. is grass and dirt.lol We had some sleet and about 30 minutes to my north got a couple inches.

Connie said...

Great pics with your new camera.

Glad you got the snow you wanted, and I wish I could give you all of mine as well. I'm looking forward to seeing the beautiful flowers your yard produces each year.

SmilingSally said...

Better you than me, Betsy; I couldn't take that snow!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Is it still snowing there? We are almost in February..

Carol said...

Love seeing your snow Betsy, we barely got any here in Cosby, just barely covered the grass. I was so hoping for the huge amount forcasted! Maybe next time, pristine bird shots too!

Kathy W said...

Great shots Betsy. I'm with you I really love snow but could have lived without all the ice that came down first. Look forward to seeing more of your snow pictures. =)

Snap said...

you got your snow! Looks beautiful. Enjoy!

Robins showing up here, too. I actually think they stay all year. I'll try to remember to upload him and get him on the blog.

Cheryl said...

Wow, love the snow photos! I especially like the stonewall covered with snow. You must be so very happy! We saw robins here a couple of weekends ago. They are very common here in the spring/summer but have never had one go to any of my feeders or suet cakes. They like worms for sure! They feel right at home with you Betsy! Enjoy the snow! It is peaceful I think, to watch it fall and I imagine its even more so when you are cozy by the fireplace!

Ms. ~K said...

Lucky you...our trees are all glazed w/ ice...no snow!
I've never had a Robin visit my feeders either...Lovely shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the King is Gorgeous! really he is just beautiful. and your NEW camera did a super job and so did you. loved this story. I know he was so happy to find food in the snow. great post, love it

Ginny Hartzler said...

Georgous pictures! It doesn't look like you had any learning to do! I love the second one where he's so puffed up! Poor thing is cold. You really got the detail. You have robins year round? We don't. They leave in the fall and come back late winter or early spring. Then they start their many territorial fights. I've never seen one at a suet feeder or a bird feeder. He must have been starved! George's wall looks like a piece of art with the snow on it. How lovely!

Bookncoffee said...

Beautiful pics of the Robin and of the snow!! What designs took shape with the snow and garden bed wall. We got about the same kind of snow here near Nashville.

Kay said...

Those bird photos are excellent!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,

Boohooooo....we didn't get near the snow that was predicted...maybe 2 inches...but it's been a combination of those huge snow flakes that are so pretty, then it went to sleet, then to rain, then back to snow....so you know what that did to the pretty layer on the trees..just ruined it!

I did take some photos yesterday before dark when it was just snow coming down. This afternoon it snowed pretty hard for a few hours.

The photos of the Robin are fabulous..you need to tell me which camera you have again....and you took those through your window?? Just great photos. :0) And I've never seen a Robin do that either..that's too exciting. :0)

Thanks for coming over for a visit...I've had one of those "Murphy's Law" kind of days...nothing worked right or happened on time..LOL

Stay warm,

Adrienne Zwart said...

Wow, Betsy, you can really tell the difference that your new camera has made. These pictures are amazing! Your robin photos reminded me of one spring in Pittsburgh that we had a very late snow. There were at least a dozen robins in our holly bushes, busily gobbling up the berries. I am happy you finally got some snow!

Hubby is holding his own. We have had a good week together. Thanks for asking!

LV said...

It looks like one time when they said it is going to snow, they hit their mark. It is lovely to look at it, but I can do without it. That robin took my breath away. The most beautiful of all is the bluebird in your header. Love it. Stay warm.

Mary said...

I'm glad you got some snow, but I wish that we hadn't. Ours isn't going to last long, which is fine with me. It did make for a change of scenery today! I love your Robin. Those ones on the suet feeder are great. I never know what to feed them either. This storm caught me without any seed other than sunflower and some cracked corn.

D said...

Hello Betsy, I've been mia, scrambling, posting little... we are relocating our greenhouse and I'm starting seeds indoors... I'm getting too old for all this stuff. lol

Beautiful shots of the Robin, and speaking of a plump fella... How wonderful to have a First. Hugs to you Betsy, Diana

Tootie said...

Betsy, your pictures are beautiful! I sure could see they are great quality. I think your new camera is great!

Elenka said...

Hi Betsy, We get more snow than we know what to do with, but you know what my husband saw yesteray....in Maine??? On our deck? TWELVE robins, at the same time, on our deck!!! Eating our winterberries that I put out there for decor!
I hope it's a good sign of good things to come.
Love your photos.

Together We Save said...

Wonderful pictures!! I love the shot of your wall!! The way the snow stacked up shows a pretty pattern.

You asked about my girls.... 17, 15, and 12. They are growing up so fast it is just hard to believe.

Wendy said...

Wow! What awesome pics you have of that robin!! Your new camera is really good (or maybe it's the photographer!).

Robins here mean spring, so we won't get any until April. Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy the snow!

Dar said...

Wonderful Robin pictures. When they return here in the too early spring, I throw seed on the ground for them since they are ground feeders. I'm sure he can't find worms right now., which is their main staple.
love Love LOVE the stone wall...the snow is beautiful on each stone...
I can see you are loving that new camera...and doing great with it.
Snow on a woodpile has always been a favorite of mine...and once again, thanks to your great photo.
Have a great Sunday
God Bless You and Your George

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Betsy, I'm so happy it snowed for you as I know how much you enjoy it. We have snow too and I love it, always so pretty when it first falls and I love looking out the windows when it's dark with the house lights glistening off the snow. You've taken some amazing photos of your robin and I love the others, especially the one of your new wall. Shows up in such a pretty pattern with the snow on it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy

What a magnificent Robin! We only see them here in NY in the spring. They hop around all the lawns hunting for earthworms that come to the surface in the spring rains. I'm glad this one found your suet bird feeder.

I heard about all the snow in the south on the news..I think the south has had more snow than the north the past few winters!

Stay safe and warm inside and enjoy how beautiful everything looks covered with the white blanket!

Hugs, Pat

The Retired One said...

We have never had a robin come to our feeder or suet....so I think that is unusual! You got great pictures of it too...your new camera is so much clearer than your old camera's pictures! Congratulations...looks like you got a great camera there...you are going to have such fun now!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I just throw my bread, rice etc to the grass and footpath to my birds, I wonder if it will work with a feeder.

You feed your birds with suet?, do you mix it with something else? (By the way, Suet is my chinese name meaning snow)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Really neat photos of the Robin. He must have been hungry. You now have more snow then I do.

EG CameraGirl said...

I have never had a robin at a feeder. I rarely see them this time of year...no worms here as the snow is too deep. ;-) In early spring, I see them eating sumac berries and any other fruit still on shrubs and trees.

Small City Scenes said...

YAY!! Betsy got her snow. It is so pretty and the patterns on the new garden wall look just great.

Poor Robin must be really hungry. The Herald of Spring---Is he trying to tell you something? Groundhog Day is coming up too. Yikes. MB

Joyful said...

Oh,the little birdie is so fat..and so cute. It is obviously well fed by you and perhaps others :-)

Janie said...

I'm glad you got some snow. It's beautiful. Love the robins. They do look all puffed up like royalty. I've never seen robins at our feeders, maybe because they still have crabapples to eat.

storyteller said...

I love your robin series of photos ... and all the snowy pictures too! Glad it's at YOUR house, not mine ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

SquirrelQueen said...

Our Robins all migrated South for the winter, probably to where you are. I'll bet they were in for a surprise, they should have stayed here where is is warm and rainy. But in all my travels I have never seem a robin at a feeder.

Great photos of the snow, it does look really pretty on the wall.

Sunny said...

Hi Betsy,
Your Robin pictures are priceless, how cute!
Enjoy the snow!
Sunny :)

EcoRover said...

That was one hungry Robin--nothing like a good meal of suet on a cold wet day.