Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Little/Lot of Everything

Well---to say that this 'Snow-Loving-Gal' is happy is an understatement... I loved finally seeing a nice snowfall here. However (you know this is coming), we not only had 5-6 inches of snow; we also had sleet AND about an inch of ICE... That was the part I don't like!

Our snow started out about noon on Friday. It was so pretty --and before dark (as you know from my last blog post), we had about 2+ inches. After dark, it snowed and snowed --giving us about 5 inches. BUT--in the late evening, when the temperature was only about 27 degrees, what did it do????? It RAINED.... We had FREEZING RAIN--which added up to another inch of something. GADS!!!

When we got up yesterday morning, It was pretty outside --but there was ice and icicles all over the place (even hanging from the bird feeders). I walked outside to replenish the feeders --and was shocked to find that the ice was so thick that my feet didn't even sink into the snow AT ALL. I have never experienced anything like this. (Usually the ice comes first and then the snow, but ours was the opposite.)

This was not the type of 'snow' to walk in, nor to make a snowman, nor even to make a snow angel... I couldn't even make any snow cream! SO---what did I do?? I just went outside long enough to take pictures, and then stayed inside the rest of the day. It snowed some more yesterday afternoon--and I love watching it snow.

The snow plow in our sub-division finally came by our street a couple of times --but there were NO cars out at all today. We didn't even have any mail service. There was just too much ice. I am glad though that we did NOT lose our electricity --because I'm sure that some people did. We did lose our DirecTV Satellite reception due to ice on the dish ---but that is okay for now. Our temperatures will moderate on Monday (I hope) ---but last night's lows were in the single digits. Brrrrrrr....

Between the two of us, George and I both took lots of pictures. It's hard to know where to begin---so it may take several blog posts to show them all to you... Today though, I'll take you for a walk around our home --on a very cold Saturday afternoon. Above is a picture of the front of our house which I took--from the street. Below are more.

I was standing in the middle of the road---looking up the street.

A close-up of some of our many trees; Enlarge this one so that you can see all of the ICE!!

Looking down the street (Can you tell that we live on a fairly steep hill?)

Enlarge this one and see all of the ICE on our Confederate Jasmine Bush.

This picture was taken on the 'upper' side of our house looking toward the deck and the backyard. See all of the snow in our side flowerbed.... NOTE: We may have had more than 5-6 inches... It just depended upon where you looked before and after the drifts!!!

I took this picture from our backyard --looking toward the deck. You can see the bird feeder area --which stayed extremely BUSY all day long. You can also see the icicles hanging all along the house (gutters) ----AND, you can see the satellite dish (which is FROZEN)...

We walked out onto the golf course fairway and saw some deer tracks. George took this picture of the back of our home from the fairway. See that 'snow girl' all bundled up????? ha ha.... Note also that we left no footprints since we didn't sink into the snow!!!! Weird, huh????

Finally, we walked down on the lower side of the back yard (next to the woodpile). George stands beside a big pine tree ---which was dragging the ground due to the heavy ICE.

Well---how did you like the grand tour in the snow?? Aren't you sorry you weren't here to walk the yard on such a cold, icy day??????

I hope that you have a wonderful Sunday!!!! I am hoping now for warmer weather so that George won't have to get up on the roof with a hair dryer to melt the ice on the satellite dish, or to even spray it with window washer stuff.... We may just have to wait until it melts all by itself!!!!



T said...

YAY!!! You got your snow!

D said...

Good morning Betsy! Sorry about the ice... must be that global warming across the nation. ;) Despite the snow and ice, apparently nothing seems to keep you down!

We love the snow, but our side of the universe has been draped in fog going on 5 days and only with occasional reprieve... sad to say we both likely missed seeing the Wolf moon. I won't tell you to have a good weekend, because I see you have a head start. Have a great today! Diana

Big Dude said...

Great shots - I love the look of a fresh blanket of snow on everything. Sounds like you fared well - we spent Sat without power for about 17 hours, but survived ok.

amelia said...

Snow makes everything look so pristine!! Your house looks like a cabin in the woods in these pics although I know it's far more than a cabin!!!

Connie said...

Oh my, Betsy! Well, it looks like you finally got your snow...and then some! HA! :D Hope you get some warmer temperatures so you can get rid of that ice. It's pretty, but it's not much fun on roads and sidewalks.

Dorothy said...

Glad you got your wish! I like to go walking in the snow before anything else has disturbed it. The ice is pretty on the trees but it can be very destructive also.
Enjoy your Sunday!

Diane AZ said...

Betsy, your snow pictures are so fascinating, I keep looking at them over and over! Most interesting is the ice on the Confederate Jasmine bush and big pine tree and icicles hanging from house, wow!

penny said...

I enjoyed your grand tour in the snow covered world you live in, Betsy. It looks like a beautiful ice and snow wonderland.
Have a blessed Sunday.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Love your house! I'd love to see more of the layout and etc. But completely understand if you don't want to put too much information, on the Net.

Living up in the NE, I've seen ice-on-top-of-snow, which you can walk on.

But now, I'd be too afraid to go walk on it. Good for you two, that you can and did!!! :-)

Richard said...

"Been there...done that" seems like about the only thing that comes to mind. Great pictures.

Next fall, spray your dish with Pam. Snow and ice won't stick then.

Richard said...

"Been there...done that" seems like about the only thing that comes to mind. Great pictures.

Next fall, spray your dish with Pam. Snow and ice won't stick then.

nanny said...

Pretty Pictures!!! I walked in the woods behind our house yesterday and followed the deer tracks....kept hoping to see them but never did.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love seeing your home covered with snow. The ice on the trees/plants is so pretty...and you look like a sweet little eskimo!!!

I Am Woody said...

Hope this sunshine melts the ice on the dish:) You guys got a ton more ice than we did!

Ms. ~K said...

Lovely Winter Wonderland!

Small City Scenes said...

Well Betsy you got your snow---and more.
I don't mind the snow but that ice is just awful. I hope when it all melts you won't have a repeat of last time. Look at the ice on those trees---ouch.
The snow pics are beautiful though and you have many photo ops. The pic down the road looks like you live way out in the country with nothing around---except deer and birds. LOL
Stay warm and have the hot cocoa ready. MB

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Betsy!!!! How absolutely GORGEOUS...you know I love the snow..I wish we could get this kind of snow in Alabama. The last really productive snow we had was in 1993...the Blizzard of '93...Remember? Thunder snow, etc. lol...Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful pictures with us. Looking forward to us meeting in May or June...love you!

Diane said...

You and George might not be able to walk on water but you can say that you can walk on SNOW! teehee

Seems that's the way snow is - it's wonderful to see and if you can't make a snowman what can you do with it??

Loran said...

Too bad the ice ruined all that perfectly good snow! I'm sure the birds appreciate the treats. I enjoyed your robin yesterday.

Snap said...

You sure got your snow! :D

Anonymous said...

The world is ok with a fresh blanket of snow. So peaceful to be outside amongst yourselves.

Karin said...

Did you have your cleats on? It would freak me out to walk on ice! You took lovely pictures for all of us though! The Dakotas had ice storms in the 60s, the years we were there! No fun! Blessings and have a great Sunday!

PS That Pam on the dish sounds interesting, but I wonder if the summer dust would mix with it and gunk up the works. Just thinking here!

Connie T. said...

Nice snow pictures. Don't let George get up on a ladder or on a icy roof. My brother in law just fell from a ladder and is in the hospital in critical condition. He is in a coma and cracked his skull.

Cheryl said...

Oh I am so pleased for you Betsy, you finally got the snow you have been hoping for!! Your photos are simply beautiful, ice and all! Please be very careful out there with the ice, and please don't let George get up on the roof! I love the photo of you all bundled up!

Anonymous said...

Glad you like the snow. We got another foot - at least no ice this time.

Janie said...

Pretty snow scenes, Betsy! Convenient that the ice on top kept you from sinking in, although I'm sure it was slippery.
The ice on the trees is pretty, but I hope it doesn't break any branches.

Unknown said...

Good morning, Betsy ~
We got 6" of that gorgeous stuff you had ... TY for sending it N. Your pics are wonderful!

Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~ Marydon

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Looks like your wishes came true.:) The ice is probably the worst part of it,makes driving very dangerous.

Darla said...

Better be careful what you wish for...that's some snow fall you have!

Cicero Sings said...

Snow is nice but ice is sure no fun ... hard on the vegetation. Good thing you don't need to travel anywhere and can stay safe at home. Sounds like quite the icy crust.

I don't think George should get up on the roof ... what's no T.V. for a couple of days ... we don't even have a T.V. so I'm sure you'll find lots of great things to do ... shake your routine up a little!!!

Valerie said...

I smiled especially big - when I saw the last two pictures! I never get over the thrill of a beautiful snow fall - and even the icings - they can be so very dangerous, but are so beautiful too.

Our snow is just blowing around today. White cloudy sky to match, it's hard to tell what is up and down - but I am staying inside to keep warm - its almost 1pm and the temp say 19F.

I think I will make some chicken soup!!

Enjoy your snow!

RoeH said...

So pretty! You should come out here sometime in the wintertime. I'll give you the two dollar desert tour. Not that we have never had snow. It's done that but boy it is rare. And when it happens, I'm lovin' it!!

Dar said...

Wow, Betsy and George...you sure got nailed...we chose to live in snow country but when the ice storms hit, we too, don't like it. You are fortunate to still have power. Nothing is worse than no power in winter like north of us all Sat. Those poor folks without heat in such bitter cold temps. Horrible.
Only good thing about it, the photo opportunities for some pretty cool pictures.
Stay warm and enjoy your white stuff
God Bless You Both

Anonymous said...

Thabks for stopping by - we live just outside Asheville NC - ont he southeast side toward Black Mountain. I have not heard of Otto but then we have only lived in NC for 11 years. will be back to visit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This post is great! I wish I knew what all my blogging buddies houses looked like! I always wonder and try to imagine. A grand tour!! You really do live right on the golf course, don't you? Does it ever bother you? Does George play golf? He strikes me as a much more adventerous type, I'm thinking golf would be way too boring for him. We have Direct T.V., too. But we're lucky, our dish is on the ground so we can get to it easily. Your deck is lovely with the bird feeders and bright aqua striped umbrella. It makes me think of sipping mint juleps there in the summer and swooning from the heat. What on earth is a Confederate Jasmin? Are jasmin the plants that smell so good? Great picture of the ice, and I love the one of George and the big pine, you can really see where the ice is loaded up on the bottom of it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry ya'll got ice, we didn't get ice, THANK GOD! The snow sure was beautiful to watch, though.
Ya'll stay warm & hope the ice disappears quickly for ya!

storyteller said...

Love all your snowy pictures! Sorry about the ice. It sure looks COLD to this barefoot So Cal gal ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations

Anonymous said...

As one who has lived in Wisconsin all there life, when I was younger, I would have thought that was pretty.. Now.. "brrr"..
You took some great pictures!
Good for you and I am happy your wish came true..
Please never wish for sub zero temps.. as I think Wisconsin ought to be a place where only Penguins hang out.
Love to have you at my blog at this time for sure..
YOu have two chances to win..
just leave a post..
Hugs, Darlene
I still smell the jasmine from when I moved to Fl. for a short coule yrs.
hugs, DArlene xo

SmilingSally said...

I hope that you and George stay inside and warm!

carolina nana said...

Beautiful pictures,ice turns everything into a winter wonderland but you are fortunate you didn't lose your power. we're still pretty much snowed in over here in NC. Have a great Sunday Marilyn

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we will all be here waiting to see the rest of your pictures. i like the ice on the confederate bush best and of course the pictures of you and George playing in your long awaited snow.

Anonymous said...

If I don't have to go out and drive in this kind of weather then I don't mind it so much. But since our one daughter moved back home, Patty has to pack up the granddaughter and take her the one mile to school and then go back and pick her up. We are 8/10th of a mile and the bus stops at 9/10ths. Would you believe that?

Anyway, my daughter has to drive in it and she is going to school to be a nurse. She works in a hospital in human resources and goes to school two nights a week. So we always worry about her getting to work in bad weather and then going to school from work and then getting how around 9 PM.

I have been reading a book about us leaving our footprints on Earth. How much we use and how much we leave for others to use. It is a sad state of affairs really. I wish I could get rid of my car so that would be done with. Don't see a way to do it now.

I always listen for the trees cracking when they are covered with ice like this in your photos. Sometimes they crack like a shotgun. Or they do here. Sometimes the whole tree splits and falls down with a thunderous crash and showering of ice.

I am anxious for spring and summer. First, to see how my lungs will work in warm weather as they don't in cold. And second to see if I can dig a hole or plant some things or just get outside and watch and photograph the birds, bees and butterflies.

SquirrelQueen said...

That is so cool Betsy, you got your snow! Sorry about the ice however, it can really make a mess of things. I have seen it come in and make the snow so hard you could walk without leaving tracks, it is sort of neat but a little slippery.

Great photos, looks like you and the new camera are bonding. What kind is it, inquiring minds want to know.


imac said...

Lets see if you are still loving your snow in about another 6 weeks lol.
Im pleased for you Betsy.

Arkansas Patti said...

We are both happy campers. We ended up with a foot but today has warmed up and a lot is melting. It will take a while for a foot to go away though.
I have never seen where you could walk on top of the snow. How cool. Mighty would have appreciated that.
Keep enjoying, I plan to.

Sunny said...
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Sunny said...

Hi Betsy,
I'm glad you got your snow. All that ice makes me cringe after the terrible ice storm of last year that left us without power for 7 days.
It sure has been a strange winter this year. We have not had as much snow as usual but it has been bitterly cold.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures.
Sunny :)

Rose said...

Betsy, I loved your tour! You captured some beautiful scenes! Did you see that Mary had snow? We were probably only an hour north of her and no sign of snow....but that is nothing rare for Indiana.

In driving about 12 miles to work, I have drove into thunderstorms and out to bright sunshine 3 or 4 times before getting to work.

My brother took a few pic and Beck send me some...sure made me homesick.

Carol Murdock said...

LOL! :) You are the CUTEST Snow Bunny in Tennessee! I love that you got your snow!! XOXO

Unknown said...

Looks like our typical winter...in Michigan! although this year we have less than you do! I enjoy the way it sparkles in the sunshine and how fresh and clean everything looks... for a few days that is. Not fun to drive in though!
Enjoy it for the time!

Jen said...

You header picture says it all and then some.
WOW! I'm so happy for you :D

Marge said...

Beautiful pictures! We didn't get any ice - thank goodness, but I think there may be more coming this week - yikes!

Bill S. said...

Looks like Idaho. But you can keep the ice - we usually don't get much of it.

June said...

Your joy at all that makes me feel happy! I'm not seeing all that joy on faces up here in the frozen tundra.
I do love the way an ice coating makes magic diamond coatings on the branches. And I'm glad you didn't have to go anywhere.

I do believe that you have more of the *stuff* on the ground than we do here...a true anomaly. Yours will be gone long before ours is.

I guess this is only the second time I've visited you...I lost track of you until I went back to my "I want to move to Tennessee" blog post. Now I'm following you so I won't forget to check in!

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

Those shots of the trees are so pretty!

Happy Sunday!


EcoRover said...

Wow, that was one amazing ice storm. Glad we don't see much of that--makes for treacherous driving and even simple everyday things (like climbing up on the roof to clear the TV dish?) become dangerous!

diane b said...

I love your header, you look like you are in heaven. The snow does make everything look so pristine and pretty. Amazing experience walking on snow and not sinking down. I hurt my knees falling while skiing on that stuff (in Australia would you believe?) I'm glad you didn't suffer any power problems. Don't let George go on the roof. I have 2 friends who broke their back falling from their roofs. I am happy to enjoy the beauty of your snow without enduring the freezing temperatures. Thanks for that. We are having cooler 28C/83F, wetter days now.

Diane said...

I love your banner, too, Betsy. Gorgeous colors.

Kirigalpoththa said...

It is white everywhere!!!

Very Beautiful!!

Love your header picture too :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a lot of fun in your Winter Wonderland. You have a lot more snow then I have up North. Mother Nature can do some strange things.

Jenny said...

Wow. Double wow on the jasmine bush photo. Love the snow. And, did I mention? Wow! Must go find a blanket and some long johns now!