Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jamestown Settlement --Part II

If you missed yesterday's blog, be sure and read it first. Today's blog is a continuation of our anniversary trip to Jamestown Settlement (in June of 2007). Above is a picture of me checking out the gardens. I was fascinated at seeing the pole beans wrapped around the corn stalks. Below are more.

Of course, George loved seeing and checking out the cannon.

I just had to stir the pot... Want some dinner????? Yum!

We watched this Colonist fire his musket... (Hold your ears!!!!)

In the Indian village, I checked out the 'skins'... There were raccoon skins and bear skins. I also saw a wolf skin... Glad he wasn't alive!!!!

We watched the demonstration of the firing of a cannon. (Again---hold your ears!!!!)

Hope these pictures make you want to visit Jamestown Settlement. This was only one small piece of Jamestown. We also visited Old Jamestown and also drove around the island. I'll post more Jamestown pictures at another time.


There are two things very interesting about the above picture of the moon. I took the picture last night from our deck --through the trees... Here's what is interesting about this picture:
1 . You'd never believe it by looking at that moon, but there is a big, bad STORM coming!!! I am hoping for SNOW and not ICE..... Yipes!!!
2. This picture was taken with my brand new camera!!!! I'll share that info with you in another post!!!



Anonymous said...

Very interesting pictures of Jamestown and the period costumes. It is a story filled with mystery about that settlement. I read a story about it a long time ago.

Connie said...

You guys go to the best places. What do you imagine would be cooking in that pot?

Jayne said...

A very neat place to visit with so much history!

Hope you all just get snow too Betsy, but it looks like it might be a mixed bag. Stay safe.

pam said...

Gorgeous moon shot! I can't wait to hear about your new camera!

Big Dude said...

As I sit in my nice, warm home watching TV and reading blogs, I can imagine a life where your entire day is devoted to survival. They were a tough bunch of folks.

RoeH said...

I love the last photo. I have GOT to get a new camera. I want one of the Nikon but I also need a class to learn more about photography. Oh...and Jamestown just makes me want to see it again. I love the photo of your husband with the guy holding down the cannon. :)

Darla said...

Still very interesting Betsy. Companion planting was very popular a long time ago, (may be making a come back) Squash grow at the roots of the corn keeping weeds from messing up the roots, beans grow up the cornstalk protecting from wind...bean put nitrogen back into the soil. 4 0'clocks planted near roses deter Japanese Beetles--garlic planted around peach trees deter borers--basil with tomatoes gets rid of hornworm...you get the idea..
A NEW CAMERA? You been holding out on us!

Thistlebrooms said...

Funny, I was always told by my parents when I was young that the white haze (circle) around the moon is a Snow Moon...I've learned to believe it!!!
AND I love the Waffle fencing in your first photo. My Dad always did companion planting too..
Great shots, especially the Skins Betsy...
My Best

Busy Bee Suz said...

For someone who likes to 'stir the pot' you are awfully sweet!
Love the moon shot...so happy about a new camera. Congrats!!!!
Stay warm and safe this weekend!!!

Harriet said...

Thanks for sharing all your pictures. Look forward to more with the new camera. Hope you get snow. Looks like we may just get rain.

Beth said...

I've been enjoying your Jamestown pictures, Betsy. What are you cooking in that big pot? I hope it's not raccoon (from that big pelt you were holding)! :-)

Gorgeous picture of the moon. I can't wait to hear about your new camera. I do hope you get lots of snow instead of that dreadful ice.

Neal said...

I love to go look at stuff like that. When I was growing up we always had beans out in some field of corn. We would go out every so often and walk down the corn rows picking the beans for my mom to can.

Lisa said...

I would love to visit Jamestown and your new camera is grrreat!

imac said...

Fantastic shot Betsy.

Cedar ... said...

That halo around the moon tells the story of the coming storm. Be careful you two, it looks like a doozy!

EG CameraGirl said...

I haven't been to historical site for a while. Hmmm. Maybe I can talk the hubster into a couple this spring. ;-) Love the comments that go with the photos.

Mary said...

I hope the storm isn't as bad as predicted. I don't want more snow and ice! Stay warm! Love the Jamestown photos. Mike would have been with George looking at the cannons :-) I'm glad we no longer have to kill for skins to keep warm. I have an old raccoon coat of my moms. It is interesting to feel the different kinds of fur.

Arkansas Patti said...

That really would have been a neat place to work today but it sure looks like hard way to live in the actual time period.
We are in the middle of a lovely snow and so far, no ice. Hope you experience similar as we are getting the same storm.
Had to put out two more bird feeders. Up to 5 now.

Reanaclaire said...

Interesting pictures Betsy! Have a nice wonderful weekend...

carolina nana said...


Diane said...

James town looks like a busy place with lots going on. Love your picture of the moon.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, wonderful photos. Loved seeing all the old Jamestown details.

I can't believe the original settlers had a tiny fence like that one. Deer would have just stepped over those rails.

Sunny said...

Jamestown looks like a great place for a family to visit. A lot to learn about days gone by.
I was taking pictures of the moon last night too...great minds DO think alike, ha-ha!
Have a lovely weekend.
Sunny :)

Karin said...

Lots of fascinating stuff! Had heard about the companion planting - think I'll read up a bit more about that! You two go to the most fun and interesting places! I don't have the energy anymore to motivate hubby to do something or go some place. Spring can't come too soon for me right about now. I think I'm coming down with cabin fever!!! Glad I can come to visit and focus on other things.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Fun and interesting. You are really getting into the spirit of things!! I love your enthusiasm, you are very like me in that respect. When you have it, it's contagious and just kind of oozes out of you. The photo of George and the cannon cracks me up because of that guy sitting on the end of the thing. He's just kind of perched there looking very tired. Doesn't seem to even know you are behind him snapping. It looks very dusty and smoky there. My sinuses are acting up just looking! But the moon shot, outstanding! It looks like it belongs on the cover of a mystery novel. Can't wait to hear about your new camera! Do you use those big SLR's that take a master's degree to work? Was the old one messing up, or did you just want a spare? Did you know there's a new point and shoot that has a little projector in it so you can show your videos on a wall? Do you use those big SLR's? I didn't know about George teaching in China! I saw the picture of the Wall on his blog, but thought he was visiting. How awesome, I bet he has many wonderful stories! What did he teach? Was it english? Snow coming for us tonight, as well! Frigid weather now, and maybe 5 or 6 inches by Sunday.

Small City Scenes said...

So....you got a new camera--when?...and what kind? Inquiring minds need to know. LOL

Love the Jamestown adventure. Looks like a neat place to go and be hands on.

I hope your weather is getting better.

I took a pic of the moon last night too, it is on my day4plus blog. Mostly it is playing peekaboo with the clouds. MB

Rose said...

I do love going to historical places like this...and congratulations on the new camera!

The Retired One said...

Love the dreaminess of the moon and branches shot even more than the Jamestown ones!

Ms. ~K said...

Great moon shot!
Keeping my fingers crossed for snow, not ice!!

Kay said...

I love this era of history and I love visiting historic places. Since I can't visit the ones in the easter part of USA, I love that you share them with us.

LV said...

Loved the final chapter on your journey to Jamestown.

Diane AZ said...

Fun post, I love the ones of you stirring the big pot and also the moon with your new camera!

Joe Todd said...

Just watched "The New World" movie from Netflex about JamesTown Interesting.Looks like a place I would like to visit. Computer seems to be fine now

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Looking at those pictures,makes me thankful for the easy life we have.It is interesting to see how life was lived many years ago,but, what would I do without my computer?LOL
Now you have me curious,about that new camera.

Janie said...

Jamestown looks fascinating. Great idea to let the pole beans wind around the corn.
The picture of the moon is beautiful. I'll bet you're having fun with your new camera.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

So happy for you that you got snow.We Looooove snow too,but not much here in Phoenix.BOL! Mommy says to send her love to you.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

PS-I did Jamestown twice in my life.As a kid, then with Patrick and Jessica.Loved it and the history it held! X-Cassie

Dar said...

I wish Jamestown was in my back yard...My GrandLoves would so enjoy that.
Your moon does look similar to mine peeking through the trees...hasn't the moon been something and isn't it something that we are enjoying it together even though we live half way across the country from each other.? It's still nasty cold here but I don't mind the snow...it makes everything look new and clean. Don't forget to build a snowman.
Have a great weekend and
God Bless You and George

SquirrelQueen said...

More great photos, it's like traveling back in time. It's hard to imagine living that way, live would have been so hard. Heck it's hard to imagine life in the sixties anymore, I'm way too dependent on technology.

Speaking of technology I love the moon shot and I want to hear more about your new camera. I also want to see some snow. It's seem like everyone in the country is getting snow but us. My daffodils are starting to push up out of the ground, it's January!


The Muse said...

(which pic won on the lovely bird shots)? :)

how much time did you spend there in jamestown? were you on a tour or on your own? if on a tour...did the group work well with your schedule?

as always i love seeing the history of our country!

Connie said...

Such a neat place to visit and learn about history, Betsy! Hope you stay safe and warm inside during the storm there!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

The snow is here!!!!! Have a good weekend, stay safe and warm...m..

Jo said...

Hi Betsy;) I asked yesterday if the figures/models were for real? Today I see a domonstration. So these are "actors" in the museum. Just have to know... (ha!) Wow to the beautiful moon pic and and CONGRATULATIONS on your new camera. Thanks for your help offline yesterday. I'll let you know what I manage to get. Bless you my friend. Keep warm. (((Hugs))) Jo

Cheryl said...

Betsy, what adventures you two have! I would love to visit Jamestown one day. I love the photo of you stirring the pot! As for the moon, it is a gorgeous photo you've captured. Did you know that if you see a ring around the moon that it means a storm is coming? That moon did look "stormy" to me!

Anonymous said...

Nifty moon shot! I enjoyed your Jamestown posts and am glad my computer cooperated long enough to let me catch up today.
Hugs and blessings,