Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our American Eagle

I've been thinking alot this Memorial Day weekend about our country, our flag, and the soldiers (and others) who gave their lives for us and for our freedom. While reading some Memorial Day and Patriotic poems and stories on the internet, I came across this poem about our American Eagle.

by Helen George

Soaring above, on the currents he rides,
Watching for prey as he silently glides,
To watch him from yonder is such a delight,
As he cruises on high, resplendent in flight.

His beak is sharp, his eyesight keen,
With wings tilted down, he slowly careens,
Drifting aloft in an azure-blue sky,
In fluid motion, he passes on by.

A joy to behold whether flying or still,
A creature of God, his majesty thrills,
With freedom and joy may he always abide,
The eagle, our emblem of honor and pride.

Isn't that a neat poem?? For those of us who are 'bird lovers' --we think of the eagle as one of our most gorgeous birds. I am just so happy to think of the American Eagle as our country's emblem of honor and pride.


These are not baby American Eagles (Ha)---but are my four baby Bluebirds. My babies are about 10-11 days old. Aren't they growing like crazy???? All of the pink skin is gone --and they are even getting some BLUE in their feathers now... They are also out-growing their nest, don't you think?????

Well----whatever you are doing on this holiday weekend, remember to enjoy some of the smaller joys in life, such as the birds. This is the season that they are mating and having babies. I saw a tiny little Carolina Chickadee and a tiny Goldfinch at our feeders today. Just Precious!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend---and remember to say a prayer for all of those soldiers and others who gave their lives so that we could have the freedom we enjoy. God Bless America.



Neal said...

Good morning Betsy....No I didn't drop off the face of the earth....seems like I've just been really busy and haven't had time to do much blogging. Hope all is well with you and George on this Memorial Day weekend.

Jane said...

Oh, the babies are getting big!! Thanks for the update on their progress!

Jane and Gunny

Jayne said...

Lovely poem Betsy. :c) Your babies are growing like weeds! I think I read on Julie's blog that you have to be careful that you don't peek in after about 12-13 days as they are libel to spook at that point and try to flee the perceived danger.

Tina said...

Wow your little ones are getting big and adding more blue to this red, white and blue day!! How nice for you to be able to watch them..keep us posted and do hope you are able to get some pix of them fledging!!
have a great day...and weekend!

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the poem. If Ben Franklin had his way and the Turkey had become out natioal bird, don't think it would sounded the same.
Those babies must be craving a good stretch.
Have a good weekend.

Karin said...

Thanks for sharing that beautiful poem with us! The eagle is certainly a very majestic bird. I love how effortless their flight seems to be from my vantage point!And we rise on wings like eagles, as the Spirit gently lifts us to the sky! What a thrill!

Your faithful update on the bluebirds is appreciated! I've never had such an up close view of these events!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is such a beautiful POEM!!!! A great tribute to OUR Eagle.

Small City Scenes said...

Do you remember when Memorial day was called Decoration Day. I remember as a kid the older people calling it that. It was a day to remember those gone on before and going to the cemetaries and decorating the grave sites. Memorial Day is the day to remember all. MB

A Brit in Tennessee said...

A beautiful poem, Betsy !
The soldiers who have sacrificed, are indeed the reason for this day, and I for one am eternally grateful for them..

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I love the eagle and thanks for sharing the poem. Your Bluebirds are so cute.

I Am Woody said...

Nothing compares to seeing an eagle soar!

Diane said...

Very nice poem, Betsy. We do need to think more about patriotism and the people who have died (or been maimed) defending our country.

Loran said...

Very patriotic post. Still loving the baby blue birds.

Clara....in TN said...

The babies will soon "fly the coop" won't they? Loved the poem. Happy Memorial Day week-end to you!

Connie said...

Those babies are growing so fast! Fun to see their progress. :-) Happy Memorial Day weekend to you!

Tootie said...

They are sooo cute! :-) Your spring flower photos below, are beautiful! I do miss seeing the beauty of Spring.
I hope you and George have a very nice holiday weekend.

NCmountainwoman said...

Have a wonderful weekend, Betsy and George.

SmilingSally said...

What a neat post!

Janie said...

We see bald eagles here from December through February, and seeing them soar is always a moving experience. My dad was an Air Force pilot in WWII, and eagles remind me of the air force song, "off we go, into the wild blue yonder..." So, to me, it's an appropriate US symbol, and a very appropriate post for Memorial Day weekend.

Shelley said...

Betsy, I'm so glad you shared this eagle poem! I love it and its so appropriate for Memorial day!!
And gosh - I know you said there's 4 baby bluebirds in there - but it looks like there's more! Those are big babies! LOL! Hope you and George are having a lovely weekend!
I snuck away to the coffee shop to get on the Internet so I could check on my bloggy friends!

Rose said...

Betsy, this is a really thoughtful post. There is no other bird that thrills me as the eagle does; the canadas goose does come close, yet not quite the same.

Marge said...

What a wonderful poem! Thanks for sharing. I love the bluebirds too!

Anonymous said...

A pretty poem Betsy and those bluebirds are adorable. God bless America.

Dorothy said...

I like the poem, too! I want to know how on earth you get those pictures of the baby birds! Did they build right by your window???

Joy said...

That is a great poem. And I will be remembering those we said good bye to way earlier than we should have. They were brave and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.


Meems said...

Hi Betsy,
Your bluebirds are getting so big! Love the reminder of the eagle and the freedom we enjoy in this GREAT country. Have a great Memorial Day.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

Rambling Woods said...

We need to remember all our service men and women and hope that someday we won't need them to fight.... I love the little babies..they are growing up so fast...
Michelle From Rambling Woods

Susie said...

Betsy they had 2 Bald eagles at the zoo yesterday. We were so excited to see them. The pictures I took don't show their beauty like I would have liked to capture.

Your birds are certainly growing. Probably won't be long til they leave the nest.

Speaking of the nest, we have 2 eggs in ours.

lola said...

Hi Betsy, there is no other bird that looks so majestic than the Eagle. I have had the privilege to observe Eagle parents with young in the wild. It does speed up your heartbeat.
Your babies are getting so big. Not long now before they brave the big world.
I hope you & George have a very nice Memorial Day.

Unknown said...

It's a day to think about how so many before us have sacrificed so much ... Loved ones everywhere, and a nation, remember.

Grammy said...

Hi Betsy, looks like they need a bigger nest. I don't know if it is my vision. But I can barely see where one stops and one starts. I had to enlarge it to see them.
I have seen a few blue birds here this year it was exciting. Have a great week end.

Lagean Ellis said...

Love the poem. There's a family of eagles at Ollie's that have been there for years. So majestic.

How's your weekend?

The baby birds sure are growing.

I did go to Ollie's this weekend but he is still on the job in Wisconsin. He may be done this next weekend, if not, hopefully the next. He leaves for the next job in Nebraska on June 20th, so we'll have very little time together before it. This job is going to last 9 + months. ARGH! He should be able to come in one weekend a month. Keep your fingers crossed.

Your Friend,

Connie said...

Lovely tribute, Betsy! Very nice poems especially for today.

Those baby birds are really growing fast!

Hope you have had a nice holiday weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day, Betsy!

RA said...

What a lovely tribute, Betsy! Wow, the little birdies are growing so fast. I'm so sorry for not being able to visit as much as I like too. I'm still coping with this bad sinusitis. Have a wonderful week. Hugs from Indonesia :)