Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Garvin Woodland Gardens, Hot Springs, AR

I recently blogged about the Anthony Chapel at Garvin Gardens in Hot Springs, AR. Today, I'll share some pictures with you from the gardens themselves. You need to know that we were there there in MARCH.. I can only imagine how much prettier the gardens are now (with more blooms-like the Azaleas). However, there were some 'beauties' there then--which I hope you enjoy. Above is a bed filled with Daffodils and Tulips. There were MANY of these beds around the gardens... Awesome!!!! Below are more!

Don't you love seeing LOTS of Tulips like this---in a huge group???? SO Pretty!!!

All of the landscaping within the gardens was fabulous. This was one of the cascades. Isn't it pretty? (By the way, seeing the cascades and waterfalls was the MAIN reason George and I visited these gardens. However, we loved seeing all of the flowers and that gorgeous chapel also.)

The cascade emptied into a small pond. There were lots of colorful Koi in the pond.

Hundreds and hundreds of Daffodils !!!! Want some????? (I couldn't get over seeing so many!!)

I loved seeing these colors... The Hyacinths in these gardens were some of the prettiest ones I've ever seen. Next to the Hyacinths were Begonias ---and behind the Hyacinths were Tulips. Aren't they pretty ---all of them together?

I love these orange Tulips... Many of you know how much I love the University of Tennessee Volunteers.. Orange and White are their colors!!!! SO---that's why I love ORANGE!!!!! ha

More cascades in the gardens; I certainly was impressed with the landscaping in these gardens. Gorgeous!!!

Finally, I saved my favorite 'til last. These are white Hyacinths. There were LOTS of them around ---and they looked just like snow. I don't think I had ever seen white Hyacinths before--but I fell in love with them.


The Bluebird babies at about age 9-10 days... You can now see all four of them.. (I marked them for you.) I took this picture yesterday afternoon. Click on it to enlarge. I will only be able to open the nestbox for about 2-3 more days since once they get bigger, I don't want to take a chance that they will try to fly out prematurely.

After I quit opening the nestbox, I'll try to get some pictures of Mama and Daddy coming to the nest---to feed the babies. Eventually, the babies will start staring out of the opening ---probably wondering what this big ole' world is all about!!!!! They should fledge sometime between June 2-5... Last year I missed them leaving the nest. I think they do it EARLY in the morning --like 5:30 a.m. Yawn!!!! Don't know if I'll get to see them leave this time or not.... I'm going to TRY!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and Memorial Day. Say a prayer for those who died ---especially those who died for our FREEDOM.



Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Breathtaking beauty. You and George have so much fun and see so many beautiful things together. Thank- you so much for sharing. I wish you a wonderful weekend...m.

Arkansas Patti said...

OK that does it!!! now I am going to have to go to Garvin Gardens. I love the ooodland settings. I am far enough away that it will be an over night trip so think I will throw in the Diamond mines also.

Your babies are so cute. I am now working on my second group. So far this year,no sparrows are bothering them. They sure do get packed in those nests don't they?

Enjoy the holiday.My prayers are for those who died and those in danger. Wars are awful.

Small City Scenes said...

What beautiful gardens. I am glad you went so we could share them with you. That nest is filling up with those fat babies. MB

Unknown said...

these gardens are beautiful and the mass plantings are simply mind blowing. Thanks for sharing these photos. Babies are looking good. Our house wren eggs have not hatched as of last evening.

T said...

Lovely flowers - but it's the waterfall and Koi in the pond that are my favorites!

Those babies are going to be all outside soon - can't wait to see those pictures.

Rose said...

If I had been at the Marvin Gardens, I would have been saying Look! Look! Look! Oh, I love those shots with so many flowers in one spot!

Carol Murdock said...

Hey, Betsy...
I've been to Hot Springs many times but had never heard of this place. WOW! Gorgeous!

PCovi said...

Yes, those hyacinths and begonias are amazing together!!! Of course the waterfall...beautiful.

You guys have a nice weekend :)
When you said cascades it made me think about going in the Opryland Hotel for a walk...

Busy Bee Suz said...

Great pictures...looks like heaven on earth.
I am worried that the babies are going to think you are the Mama. :)

Peggy said...

So relaxing to stop by and see all your beautiful photos! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Karin said...

Loved the Koi Karavan!! Just excellent photos of such gorgeous flowers! I could sit and enjoy that park for hours!

Your babies are going to venture out soon!

Have a wonderful week-end! Peace!

Joy said...

I want to go to those gardens in Arkansas. The tulips and all the plants just make a beautiful impact growing thick like that.

I guess that nest only had room for those 4 and no more. It's getting full in there.


Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

GO VOLS...orange is gorgeous but those white hyacinths are something entirely magnificent...gotta love em...

I Am Woody said...

That place is absolutely breathtaking!!

SmilingSally said...

A field of daffodils... I'm thinking of the poem.

Diane said...

Beautiful flowers, Betsy. I bet the scent of those white hyacinths was absolutely heavenly. Sweet little baby bluebirds.

Pigeon said...

All the flowers are georgous, but my favorite would have to be the white hyacinths. They really do look like snow.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Great photos from the garden, very colorful place. Those Bluebirds are filling the nest.

Rosa said...

Oh it all is so lovely! Amen to your last paragraph. Enjoy your holiday. xoxox

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers Betsy! My favorites are the pink tulips. Those little birds are so cute. Blessings to you and George this holiday weekend.

Connie said...

Such gorgeous flowers, Betsy! I loved the daffodils and the tulips, but they are all so beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :-)

Betty said...

Very lovely pictures.I love the Koi and all the beautiful flowers.
More later I am trying to catch up with all the wonderful blogs I missed.

Janie said...

What gorgeous gardens, Betsy. I wonder what would be blooming now. Maybe you'll get a chance to go back and see.
The bluebird babies are getting a lot more feathers!

Mary said...

Wow...so much beauty! I love the all! The babies are adorable.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

WOW! All those flowers are spectacular.The babies are growing nicely.

Wendy said...

One of these days, I would like to take a trip to Holland in spring when the tulips bloom like these. Yours are awesome! And the cascades too. I like daffys - they really say spring to me.

Your little bluebirds are really growing. I just counted the beaks to find out how many there were. And then I saw that you had marked them for us. LOL! Exciting! I hope you get to see them learning to fly.

Beth said...

Hi there, Betsy. Well, you've got me yearning to go to these gardens---what an absolutely beautiful spot! I am definitely putting this place on my list of places to visit. Thanks for sharing all those lovely photos!

RA said...

Wonderful shots, Betsy :)!