Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Yesterday, I posted a patriotic poem about our American Eagle. Today is Memorial Day---and I have two more poems to share. I'm sorry I do not know who wrote either of them--but I like them both. First is one named "Memorial Day":


We set aside Memorial Day
Each and every year
To honor those who gave their lives
Defending what we hold dear.

In all the dark and deadly wars,
Their graves prove and remind us,
Our brave Americans gave their all
To put danger far behind us.

They made the ultimate sacrifice
Fighting for the American way;
We admire them and respect them
On every Memorial Day.

The other poem is entitled "Always Remember". This one truly touches those who have lost a loved one who fought the good fight. Read this one and remember.


We bow our heads in silent grace;

Proud to stand upon this place.

To honor those who we love and lost;

Whose lives were taken at such a cost.

Through the pain and sorrow,
for all the brave and true;

To always be remembered
by me and by you.

To heal the minds and hearts,
of those who still live;

Always remembering
what they had to give.

Live your lives with pride
in hearing what I say;

May God bless and keep you
on this and every day.

Whatever you do today, or have done this weekend, I wish you a very happy Memorial Day. I spent some time with one of my sons and a couple of grandchildren. Life can't get any better than that!!!! (I'll share pictures tomorrow.)


This beautiful rose, appropriately named Memorial Day, (how 'bout that?) is blooming in our yard now. We have 48 rose bushes---and right now, 28 of them are blooming, many with several different blooms. Wish you could see our roses!!!! Come on ---and we'll show you around!!!!!


Finally, I can only open the nestbox ONE more day after today ---as these baby Bluebirds are really growing, all four of them. I'll bet they are uncomfortable in that little nest now, don't you think? SO---at age 11 days (approximately), here are the sweet little bluebirds. Click to enlarge the picture.

I took pictures of the Bluebird babies to show my grandchildren. They enjoyed seeing them from eggs to birth to age 11... Tomorrow, I will peek and take one last picture of the birdies. They should fledge sometime the first week in June.

Happy Memorial Day to YOU.


Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful poems. I like them. Don't we have the most beautiful flag---ever.

Boy those babies are really growing.

Be safe and enjoy. MB

Tina said...

Good morning! Happy Memorial Day..hope you have and see a nice day weather wise!!
Good choice of poems..nice to read..love the flower/rose name for this wonderful holiday!
I'm ready to see those babies start to show up at the nest box door...hanging out, looking at the world!!

Kim said...

Happy Memorial Day Betsy! What a wonderful and fitting poem. I love tracking those bluebirs. I can't wait to see them in a few more days when they are even bigger!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty rose "Memorial Day" is. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Great post, beautiful rose and the birdies are looking good.

Beth said...

How lovely to have a rose that honors (and blooms on) Memorial Day. It is a gorgeous one. Thanks for the very nice post, Betsy. And for the beautiful baby bluebirds update!

Judy said...

Loved the poems and your rose is beautiful. Grandchildren are just wonderful in my book. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Arkansas Patti said...

Liked the second poem the best. Thoughtful post.
Your babies are almost there. Mine were gone in a few days after they looked like that. More beauty will soon grace the skies.

penny said...

Wonderful post for Memorial Day, Betsy. I enjoyed the poems...
Enjoy your Memorial Day :D

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful poems Betsy.
So happy you were able to visit with your family.
Take care, Suz

Susie said...

Nice poems Betsy! Hope you have a wonderful day today.

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful poems! Have a wonderful day!

T said...

The poems are just perfect for today!

Have a great day!

Carol Murdock said...

Great post Betsy!

Diane said...

Very nice poems, Betsy. Our flag truly is beautiful, especially what it stands for.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Neat flower and a nice way to celebrate Memorial Day.

Rosa said...

happy memorial day. i can see the blue in the birds now! awwww. enjoy your holiday.

NCmountainwoman said...

Lovely post, Betsy. And, yes, we must remember!

Pigeon said...

Happy Memorial Day! Wow, You sure have a ton of roses. They are beautiful. I love watching your baby birdies grow.

Diane AZ said...

Lovely Memorial day poems and rose. Yes, the baby birds are getting some blue color on their wings. It is fun to watch them grow.

Betty said...

Lovely Poems. Wonderful rose. Your little birdies are very cute.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Well that beautiful rose knew just when to open.Have a great day.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Both of the poems are great, Betsy! I'm very thankful for all those that serve our country!

And I've enjoyed seeing your baby bluebirds grow! They do look a little crowded in there, don't they?

I hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day!

Kelly said...

...such a nice post. I loved how you recognized this special day.

My inlaws moved last week to Tennessee! They are about an hour west of Knoxville in the mountains. Now I know someone living in your state!

EG CameraGirl said...

It's wonderful to see how proud Americans are of their (your) country.

Most Canadians are proud to have you as our neighbours!! ;-)

HWHL said...

Hey Betsy! How are you? Sorry I've been AWOL (keeping with the military theme...) from your blog. I've been so busy with the new job I don't have much time to read blogs much anymore, but I wanted to stop by and say "Hi!"

I LOVE your patriotic stuff on your blog. I'm the daughter of a career military man and patriotism has alwasy run VERY deep in our household. VERY important to remember that freedom is NOT free!

Hope you are doing well!

My new job is going fine... I dont' LOVE it, but I LIKE it, and (importantly) I'm very thankful to have a job! :)

Take care!

-Happy Wife

Janie said...

You have an appropriate rose for every occasion! The poems were lovely. Glad you got to spend some time with family.
I was wondering about the fledge date. Will be fun to see the little birds fly.

Wendy said...

I would love to come and visit your rose bushes. 48 in all!!! THey must be beautiful! thanks for keeping us up to date with the babies. They are so sweet and you can actually watch them getting bigger and bigger each day.

Nice poems. Happy Memorial Day.

Forty Two East said...

Oh I really like those peoms!! I was thinking about my Uncle today..he was in the Army, but passed away when I was a young girl. I still remember him but it's been so long ago. Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day too!