Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Same Lake---Different Seasons

George took this picture of Mirror Lake on Friday, and featured it on his blog yesterday. I liked this picture (above) because there was still some ice on the lake. This is probably one of the most photographed lakes in the Glade because there is a walking path that goes by there, and the main road through the Glade passes by there also. AND--this is the only lake with a fountain!!! Isn't it pretty????

After George posted his Mirror Lake picture, I decided that I'd show you Mirror Lake at different times of the year. Hope you enjoy my pictures!

The fountain is not 'on'---but you can see Mirror Lake after a snow. This one (above) was taken in January, 2007.

This picture above was taken in 2006 in the Fall. Aren't the colors pretty?

And I saved the best one 'til last (I think). This picture (above) was taken October 9, 2007--and I love the reflections and colors. Neat, huh??????

Have a wonderful SUNDAY. God Bless!!!


Kim said...

Another thing I don't like about winter. The lakes lack any character whatsoever because they are frozen solid. You are right Betsy, the last picture is the best. So pretty.

Jayne said...

Nice to be able to see the lake in different seasons... I, too, prefer the last one. :c) Have a wonderful Sunday Betsy.

Rosa said...

Well, you sure are up early! I too like the last one the best. Fall is my favorite time of year. Such beauty!

Michele said...

Gosh, it IS a pretty lake in every single season! I just adore that last one with its perfect reflection.
The mirror image, must've been a day with no breeze... absolutely stunning!
Very nice post!

Shelley said...

The last photo was my favorite too! I love looking at the calm, pretty lake! What a great place to go walking (and photographing!)

Cedar ... said...

I'm afraid I'm more of a purist,I prefer a lake just as it was created, with no artificial fountain. We have a Mirror Lake here too, it shares the village of Lake Placid, home of 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics along with its sister lake .. Lake Placid. But either way, with or without a man-made fountain, a walk by the water is always good!

Lawsy Mercy said...

Gorgeous pics all of them! What a beautiful setting.

Karin said...

What a gorgeous lake! Each one of the seasons has its own charm, but I love the fall picture the best. Having lived in the east and seen the fall in the Berkshires with my own eyes, I would guess that this photo, as beautiful as it is, doesn't quite do justice to reality. All the photos I took of that stunning fall foliage, just never quite captured the true colors. However, I know that camera's have improved since then!! I love coming here and relaxing at the wonderful pictures you provide.

Big Bear Hug,

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yes, you saved the best for last. SO pretty. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I like all of these. I did have a beautiful photo of Mirror Lake with the colors and reflections. Mine was also from Oct. 2007. Unfortunately, I lost the pic when I "murdered" my old computer.

I Am Woody said...


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Oh Betsy,I do agree,you saved the best for last.All the pictures are great and I can see why one would want to photograph this lake.Have a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Amazing to see how change of seasons up north make such a dramatic change. It looks like a reservoir. I'm assuming it's a back up creek, presumably a small one to make some local water front ... or is it used for water supply or other reasons?

Susie said...

Just gorgeous Betsy! How nice to have such a nice lake so close by. I would love to walk around it and enjoy.

Judy said...

You are so lucky to be able to see this lake and walk by it often. I loved the pictures.

Small City Scenes said...

Mirror Lake is just beautiful. I love the reflections. I take lots of reflections pics at my pond and then I guess I am the only one that sees them.

We have lots of crows and Ravens around here.

Ravens are much larger than crows and have a longer bill different shaped tail and they soar a lot more and they make a funny sound. GRONK!! very gutteral. I like 'em all. MB

NCmountainwoman said...

Beautiful lake in all seasons. Looks like a great place to walk.

Sunny said...

Hello Betsy! We have a Mirror Lake here in St Petersburg FL too! It also has a pretty fountain just like in the photo here. :)

One day I saw a rainbow through it from my 11th floor windows.

Beauteeeful photos! Thankyou for sharing!


Anonymous said...

That's really neat with the ice - looks like it "shouldn't be"!

Anonymous said...


Diane said...

Dear Betsy, Thanks for the comparison pictures. The season's change almost unnoticed except for major events, like snowstorms. However when you see it this way you sure can tell the difference, can't you.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Really cool captures of the lake through the seasons.

Janie said...

I like photos that compare the same place in different seasons. Beautiful spot all year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Such pretty photos. I love all the seasons but that last photo is my favorite.

SmilingSally said...

I live on a small lake, and my favorite look is when the water is like a mirror. Thanks for sharing.

Neal said...

All are beautiful but, like you say, the last one is the best one.

The Birdlady said...

"...unto everything there is a season..."

Dorothy said...

I liked all your pictures but the last one is simply stunning!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

So pretty in all seasons! Peavine Rd :)

Jen said...

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”

Love the picture collection of the seasons there.

Jen said...

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”

Love the picture collection of the seasons there.

amelia said...

This is stunningly beautiful!!

dot said...

That place is just plain pretty no matter what the season is!

Cassie said...

That last picture should be in an art museum. Just lovely.

Cassie said...

Oh Betsy!! I just figured out that the George that makes comments on some of the other blogs is YOUR George. Boy am I thick!

Mary said...

Looks great in any season!

Jackie said...

Betsy, thank you so much for all your comments on my blog. These pics of yours are BE U TIFUL!

BTW, everything you said about my lastest post is EXACTLY how my husband and I feel, in fact pretty much our whole area. I just don't know where all these people were on election day! lol

I was gonna write this long scathing post, but I thought I'd just leave it short and sweet, and let the picture do the talking. I hope it works and those who voted in this administration just stop and think for one second exactly what they did.

I'm sure you know that old saying...Be careful what you wish for!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to ALL who visited my blog today. I haven't been feeling well today (just a tummy virus)--so I thought it was more important to answer your blogs than to post comments here. I do appreciate all of you--and your comments. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Loran said...

Hi Betsy,

What a pretty lake! And the fountain is a very nice touch. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hopefully it's just a 24 hour bug.

We have no hope of spring for at least 2 more months would be my best guess. We just got an inch of snow tonight.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi MM, Thanks---I'm better today, but still weak with very little energy. I hope to get out some today --just to enjoy the sunshine and warmer temps.

We won't get much spring either until April I don't think... Some things will bloom in March--but we don't want too many to bloom (in case of a bad freeze after that). This happened to us in 2007--and we lost so many many flowers, shrubs, trees, etc. due to a horrible freeze in April.

Have a great day.