I mentioned to some of you on Saturday that I was outside most of the afternoon--and had no luck seeing any new birds. I was so disappointed!!!! Then yesterday, I had a tummy virus of some kind so I didn't get outside much at all. However, I did sit on the deck for about 30 minutes about 4 p.m. And guess what? I did see some of my birdies and even got a few pictures. They must have known that I didn't feel well, so they came around to make me smile. The birds that I saw during that 30 minutes were: Tufted Titmice, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Cardinals, Pine Siskins, Robins, and Pete, our Red-bellied Woodpecker (pictured above). I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked but I do have several to share with you below.
See those two little Pine Siskins up in the tree??? I heard them ask each other if they dare go down on the deck to grab some food since that old woman is there!??!!? WELL--they stayed up there staring at me for a long time before taking the plunge!!!!
One of them decided to come a little closer. He flew into the Rhododendron. I'm sure he thought I couldn't see him in there.. Isn't he a cutie? (Enlarge the picture for a better view.)
Well---I guess they either were very hungry, or they finally decided that I wasn't going to bother them while they ate. (If you don't know what that big white ball is, it is one of our porch lights. Sorry it's in your view.)
The Chickadees and Tufted Titmice dashed in and out --and I couldn't get their picture. But the White-breasted Nuthatch wasn't afraid of me. He flew in and calmly ate from the plate. I think these are such gorgeous little birds.
Mr. Nuthatch left the plate and went to the 'house' to grab some more food. He then turned around and smiled for the camera!!!! See that smile????? ha ha
Crazy little Nuthatch.. As soon as I got his picture, he immediately turned around and said, "Okay--now get my best side." (Why do the birds always do that to me????? ha)
Hope you had a great weekend. Our warm temperatures will remain with us for several more days. YEAH!!!!
Hooray for you Bestsy!! They all wanted to stop by your house yesterday to tell you to get well soon.
Pete is a handome little guy.
What a nice group of friends to stop by to cheer you up when you felt sick. I enjoy our birds here too, we have all the same kind except your little guy Pete. Nothing like him or your Carolina Wren here. Pete's handsome!
Your red bellied looks so sweet! And I did see the nuthatch smiling! i love their "what,what" call. I always tell greg that the nuthatch is laughing at him!
I guess you're feeling better now? Thx for the photos!
So sorry you were sick yesterday. Glad you were able to enjoy the warmer temps for a little while on your deck, The bird photos are so sweet. I hope you are feeling much better today. Take care friend.
So sorry you were sick yesterday. Glad you were able to enjoy the warmer temps for a little while on your deck, The bird photos are so sweet. I hope you are feeling much better today. Take care friend.
Betsy: That is funny because our snow had but the birds into hiding. This morning I saw 8 different types. It was neat after not seeing any. We are in a big snow melt-off for a few days.
Hi Betsy,
I bet it was the same stomach virus I had a couple of weeks ago. I'm glad you're feeling better. Those were some really great pictures you posted. Your pictures always lift my spirits.
so glad you got to sit outside for a bit and capture these pics. Love the red-bellied guy...he looks like he is smiling also..along with the nuthatch!!
Hope you are feeling better. Love your outside shots..
I hope your'e feeling better today. Sitting outside in nice weather always helps me too. Thanks again for the help with identifying my finches correctly!
I'd say that is a lovely crop of birds for 30 minutes :-) Isn't it nice to sit out? ...and to see the rhododendrons perk back up after the cold? I like your woodpecker and nuthatch.
They are all so cute...especially the one smiling at you. :)
Hope you are feeling better. Take care, suz
Beautiful pictures, as always!! Hope you are feeling better!
I sure enjoy your bird photos Betsy. We did have a great weekend. We worked some in the yard and I'm going to do that again today. Our weather is pleasant with highs in 70's. Can't beat that in February.
Great variety of birds, Betsy. Hope you have a wonderful day.
P. S. I'm sorry you were'nt feeling well, I hope your're up to your smiling self today.
Neat birds. Hope you are feeling better.
Love the little Nuthatch! I don't see those here.
Great pics, Betsy! What kind of camera do you use? You always have such great shots. I need more zoom with mine, an Olympis C-8080.
I hope that you are feeling better!
What a sweet way to recuperate! I'll have to remember that :) Bless you!
I hope you are feeling better today. I have to take a zillion pictures to get one good one. They move so fast!
Neat, Betsy1 And don't those siskins have the sweet little whistle?!
Hope the tummy has settled down by today! Can't hold a good gal down for long!!! Things to do, places to go, birds to see.
Awww, they're all so sweet!
I am so glad that when you were sick God sent you such sweet friends to cheer you up....m...
Just great pictures of your birds. I really enjoyed looking at them. I hope the warm weather stays with us.
Wow, you had a real bonanza of an afternoon at the bird feeder! Glad you felt well enough to get out for awhile. Great bird photos. I don't think I've ever seen a Nuthatch. We must not have them here.
Pesky little birds are always turning around on the camera, aren't they? Funny how soothing it is, though, to just sit and watch them eat birdseed.
I'm glad you felt better enough to take some great pictures. Your White-breasted Nuthatch is cute. I had a few last winter but not this year. I miss them!
You have some great photos, Betsy. I think your right that birds and cats and dogs and other creatures know when we need a smile, or a purr, or to rub someone's head. and I love nuthatches, too.
Hope you're feeling better today.
Betsy,I'm glad the birds game along to help you forget at least for awhile about your tummy.
Sorry that you got a bug. Sure hope it goes away fast. I'm glad you did feel like taking those wonderful pix of the birdies. Thanks.
Sure hope you are on the mend and feeling better soon! I love all the pictures of your wonderful birds! Totally amazing! I love coming here!
Be blessed!
Kallen---yes, those birdies did bring a smile to my face. Pete is quite special around here.
Cedar--Pete's my buddy... He follows me around (from above) when I'm in the yard. He'll holler at me!!!! Quite a special relationship.
Shelley--I'm beginning to recognize the little birds by their sounds... Some of them have SEVERAL calls. I still have ALOT to learn!!!!
Cassie--Thanks, I'm fine --but have been weak today.
Mildred--The deck is a great place to sit when our temperatures are so mild. I am better today. Thanks for asking.
Tom--Just the opposite here.. When it is raining or snowing, the birds FLOCK to the feeders. Strange, huh, how birds act differently in different sections of the country.
Connie--Well, another of my friends had it recently... So something must be going around. I hope George doesn't get it.
Tina--Pete, our red-bellied, is quite special to me. I think he flirts with me from the trees when I'm outside. Think George should be jealous???? ha
Pigeon--Thanks. I'm much better today--although was weak most of the day. I'm still learning the birds also... I have ALOT more to learn!!!!
Mary-- Yes, our Rhododendron always tells us what the temperature is out there. And it loves our weather right now!!! Wasn't that a cutie hiding in the rhody????
Suzanne--Thanks, I'm better today--only a little weak. Yes, that Nuthatch seems to like me. Some of the birds are more shy than others. The Nuthatch is NOT shy.
Woody--Thanks!!! Yes, I'm feeling MUCH better today.
Susie--This is definitely working in the yard weather!!!! AND of course, it's good bird-watching weather!!!! ha
Diane --- I did have a wonderful day.. I feel much better today. AND my birds entertained me again today.
Carolyn--Thanks, I'm MUCH better today (thank goodness).
Dorothy---I love the Nuthatches also. They don't seem to mind when I'm on the deck with them... Others are more shy!
Aleta--I emailed you the info on our cameras. I do need a better camera with more zoom (as long as I'm trying to get pictures from birds at a distance).
Diane--There's nothing to make one feel better than being outside on a beautiful day watching the birds...
Jen--I'm much better, thank you. I too have to take a bunch of pictures to get good ones!!!! Those little birds move quickly!!!!
Deb-- Oh My---when I hear fifty or more of them up in the trees, it's wonderful hearing their little whistle... So squeaky and cute.
Cicero--Thanks. I'm fine today. ... I enjoyed seeing the birds even when I didn't feel well...
Tricia---Yes they are!!!! VERY special!!!
Mary--Absolutely... There's no better cure for a tummy ache than sitting outside letting my birds entertain me.
Judy--I hope the warm weather stays with us also. We may get rain tomorrow and/or Thursday though. BUT--rain is okay!!!!!
Janie-- We have lots of Nuthatches around here. They are not as afraid of me as some of the other birds. The Nuthatches, Tufted Titmice and Chickadees seem to 'pal' around together.
Loran--Yes, those birds love to give me their 'other' side!!!! It is so much fun just watching them!!! What simple joys in life!!!
Mary--There's no better cure for a tummy ache than to go outside on a gorgeous afternoon and watch the birds entertain me.. I'm fine today!!!!
Wren--Yes, animals love us regardless---and they do know when we need some extra love!!!! I'm much better, thank you.
Ruth-- Those birdies did help me to feel better yesterday. TOO CUTE!!!
Lola--I'm fine today--except for being weak. Seeing the birds yesterday actually seemed to make me feel better.
Karin--Yes, thank you. I'm much better today!!! Well---glad you like my birdies 'cause I do TOO!!!! ha
Hi Betsy,
You got some really good pictures of your birds, and I enjoyed seeing them.
I hope you, too, had a good weekend.
Glad to hear from you Betty.. The birds are fun for sure! Hope you are having a great week.
That Red Bellied Woodpecker photo is awesome!
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
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