Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Backyard Birds

The cold weather finally LEFT us (at least for awhile). The temperature got up to about 55 degrees here in Fairfield Glade yesterday, so I took a chair and sat outside on our deck for awhile. OH--that fresh air felt SO good!!!!! And the good news is that this nice weather should stay with us for about 5 more days!!!
While on the deck, I had my binoculars and of course, my camera. The Pine Siskins had been at the feeders all morning, but were gone by the late afternoon. I did see some of my favorite birds: Caroline Wren (who was up in a tree SINGING loudly), Cardinals, our Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Tufted Titmice.. All of these are 'regulars' at our feeders. It was so much fun sitting there listening to the Carolina Wren singing at the top of his lungs. That wren was as happy as I was that it was warm outside!!!!
NOW--here's some good news. While sitting there watching the little birds, I looked up --and guess what I saw in a couple of trees not far from the feeders????? Two beautiful Mourning Doves! I have never seen them this close to the house and feeders ---although, since they are ground feeders most of the time, they may be eating the seed which drops on the ground under the deck (since we can't see that area without being in the back yard). Those doves just sat there staring at me!!!! I got a few pictures (note one above) of them which I will share today, along with a few other pictures of 'my' birdies!!! Enlarge the pictures for a better view!

Another picture of one of our Mourning Doves; He was sitting on that branch for the longest time--just watching me. We were staring each other down!!! ha

The other Mourning Dove was in another tree to the left of the feeders. He finally flew away--but the first one stayed for a LONG time!!! UPDATE: Barb looked at this bird closer than I did. This is a Northern Flicker instead of another Mourning Dove. Thanks Barb!!!!

This little Tufted Titmouse was playing 'hide and seek' with me.. I captured him while he was hiding at the house feeder.. Gotcha, little Titmouse!!

After taking his picture, he decided to show me his 'good' side!!!! ha ha

I love these White-breasted Nuthatches, and feel really good when I can capture them at the feeder. They flip in and flip out---and are constantly MOVING. I got lucky yesterday --and got his picture!!!!
Hope you enjoyed my backyard birds today! I enjoyed seeing them--but mostly, I just loved feeling that fresh, warm air!!!! Can Spring be that far behind??????
Hugs to All,


Kim said...

Love your pictures. I have not seen a mourning dove in my yard in a couple of months. I have not seen the nuthatches either and I miss them terribly!!

I am so glad to hear of your warm weather! I could be in heaven with temps in the 50s! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

Oh Betsy, I enjoyed these photos of your feathered visitors very much. I sat on the front porch in the sun yesterday afternoon and it felt so good. I am READY for Spring! Have a great day.

CountryDreaming said...

I'm happy to read your good news about warm weather and Mourning Doves. Unexpected friendly feathered guests are always fun. Have a great weekend!

Jessica said...

What you did yesterday is what I plan to do today. We are going to reach 50 degrees today.... I will be outside with the camera enjoying the birds.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your birds and the warmer weather too. It is supposed to get up to 40 degrees here and I can hardly wait.

Cedar ... said...

Our bird friends are wonderful companions. How nice that you could sit out on the deck and enjoy them. We expect a warmer weekend, but not that warm. I'll be patient, spring is coming!

SmilingSally said...

lol I have two morning doves who LIVE at my place. They can be found anywhere around the yard, but seem to like perching over my front door. I have an half arch window over the door, and I can see them, cooing and cuddling. It's cute, but their RESIDUE isn't!

NCmountainwoman said...

Amazing what a day in the relatively warm sun can do. We also have a warmup and it is very welcome after the bitter cold of last week.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You must never be without your camera!!! We have doves here too...they are so pretty. Ours get in the feeder right along w/ the cardinals and the squirrels. They are not very timid, like I would think they would be.

Anonymous said...

Morning Doves are so sweet. We have quite few around here and they hang out close by. We're in the 40s today which is a heat wave, but now enough of one to sit outside:(

Janie said...

Thanks for sharing your outdoor adventure. How fun to be able to sit out and watch the birds, a special treat this time of year. We get mourning doves sometimes, but I haven't seen any since cold weather set in.

Shelley said...

I think mourning doves are such sweet souls! You get a nice range of birds! Now I want to see you feeding that titmouse out of your hand.... ha,ha!! :)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Sitting outside in a lawn chair,'sigh',that sounds so good.The mourning Doves may not be that colorful,but I think they are beautiful.

I Am Woody said...

Mourning Doves are my favorite bird - I could listen to their call all day!!

I'll be thinking of you today. I am headed out to enjoy the warmth and visit Machine Gun Falls.

Dorothy said...

Good Morning Betsy!
Those doves are beautiful birds! Well, all birds are beautiful! Glad you are having fun with it!

Dianne said...

I love Morning Doves! We had a couple nesting in our fern, hanging on the frong porch in TN. A perfect view of them from the laundry room. They look as though they have eyeliner on.

I saw a Quail walking across the back wall this morning with something in it's mouth. Seems too early to be building nests but what do I know?

Karin said...

Oh to sit on a porch, have such a view and have all those gorgeous birds entertaining you! What a blessedness! Have a wonderful week-end!Spring is coming!

Unknown said...

It's always pleasant to hear the morning doves in the morning. And yes, we have a warming trend here: but still cold by Florida standards. But the nights feel great. And thanks for the idea on a post: I've been thinking a little bit about that global climate change suggestion you had. It's such a controversial and complex issue, I'm not sure how to tackle it in one post, by it is worth a mention and consideration for sure. Have a good weekend Betsy.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: It is so nice to see the birds. Ours seem to be hiding.

Diane said...

Betsy, Besides being in some fresh air and enjoying it you had a regular bird parade. Isn't God wonderful? What more could you ask for? Maybe a latte?

Anonymous said...

Nice to see your bird friends. It's very windy here today, so not much happening at the feeders. I watched a goldfinch on a twig beside the niger tube feeder, trying to grab a seed from the port - the wind swung it away, the finch learned forward, then the wind blew it back, and smacked the poor finch right in the kisser! That happened a few times, and the finch finally gave up...

Janie said...

Hi Betsy,
I hadn't seen the Superbowl "fetch" commercial, so I looked it up online. Hilarious. Thanks for pointing it out to me!

Jen said...

Yeah!! we had 50's today too!
But I'm not going to get Spring fever too early, then it really makes the rest of winter drag on.
I had my first White Breasted Nuthatch today! :)

Anonymous said...

Great pix. And I'm so glad it warmed up for you to sit outside & enjoy the fresh air & the pretty birdies.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


We're loving this warmer weather too...but I'm afraid it's probably a tease for us! I love all your backyard friends....great photos again!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Kallen-- This morning there were lots of birds at the feeders. All of a sudden they ALL flew away and didn't come back for a long time. I looked and looked for a hawk but didn't see one. BUT--I'll bet there was one around.

Mildred--Doesn't this nice weather just feel GREAT??? I was outside most of today also--but didn't see any new birds. Darn!!! ha

Hi Country Dreaming--Thanks!!!! I do enjoy the birds although today I didn't see many outside when I was out there. LOTS of them come to our feeders in the early morning. They need to get used to seeing Mama out there with them... ha

Jessica--Hope you had a good day today, Jessica. I went back outside again today--but didn't see any new birds. One has to have patience in order to be a birder. Patience is not my strong suit... ha

Pigeon--Glad so much of the country is having some warmer temps this weekend. I'm sure it's just a tease --and winter will return... Darn!!!! ha

Cedar--Well, I know this warm spell is just a 'tease'--but it sure feels good being outside. It was warmer today (almost 60) --but there was a strong wind, so to me, it felt colder than yesterday.

Sally--How neat to share your home with the Mourning Doves. I love to hear them 'coo.' I do know about residue... You should see my deck after 40 Pine Siskins have been there!!! ha

Carolyn--Hope you could get out today and get some fresh air also. I went outside again today looking for more new birds. Didn't see any!!! Darn! I'm not very patient!!!! ha

Suzanne-- I am learning to take my camera with me EVERYWHERE I go... It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks--but taking the camera is something I can learn EVENTUALLY. ha ha...Our doves have never visited our feeders---but the one yesterday was sure looking at them!!!

Lilli--Well--at least the 40's are better than where you were, aren't they??? I know it's just a tease---and winter will return. Darn!!! BUT--let's enjoy the warmer weather while we can!!! Have a great Sunday, Lilli.

Janie-- These warmer temperatures are just going to be a 'tease' ---but I am really enjoying them this weekend. I'm sure Winter will return .. Darn!

Shelley-- Ha Ha---Right now, they are not used to me being out there. I need to stay out there quite a bit so that they'll get used to seeing me there. I hope that I can get one of them to eat out of my hand someday! I'll keep you posted!

Ruth--The doves are beautiful. I"m sorry that hawks like them so much. I worry about them since I know we have hawks around here. As I told you, I didn't have much luck seeing any new birds today. Oh Well!!!!

Woody--I love the doves 'coo' also... They are gorgeous birds even though they don't have the color that many of the other birds have. How was Machine Falls??? We hope to see Rutledge and Machine Falls SOON. Hope you post some pictures!!!

Hi Dorothy--Are you having this gorgeous weather also??? Of course, down there in Mississippi, your weather is always milder than ours. I love this 'tease'---but I'm sure that Winter will return soon. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Dianne-- Neat that you had Mourning Doves so close. Did you see the baby doves??? How special that would have been. I think some birds start mating and nesting early in March. Don't know about your area though. Have a great Sunday.

Karin-- It was a wonderful day. Today, I went back outside and it was so nice. BUT--I didn't see any birds today, boo hoo!!!! I guess they were at playing somewhere enjoying the nice weather themselves. ha

Hi Bob, I am just curious about Global Warming since there is so much controversy about it. My biggest problem is that I cannot stand Al Gore and the things he says. He may be right---but it's hard for me to believe him. (He's from Tennessee.) Thanks so much!

Tom--Well, today I went back outside looking for more birds--and I saw almost none (other than the regulars). I was disappointed --but I guess the birds were away having their own fun somewhere. Oh Well!!!

Diane--God is wonderful!! It felt SO good being outside in these milder temperatures. And then to see all of those birds made it very special. It wasn't a latte --but I did have a cup of hot tea out there while I watched...

Deb--We had more winds today also---and our birds weren't around as much as they were yesterday. Poor little finch!!! I worry about ALL of the birds when they have to deal with the horribly cold temperatures, the winds, etc. Poor things!!! They really do depend on us to feed them.

Janie--Wasn't that a 'hoot'???? I'm glad you found it and could watch it.. See why I thought about that commercial when looking at your baby fetching!!!!????

Barb---OH MY... I had no idea. I thought since those two birds were together --that they were both doves. I should have known better. I made the correction on my post. That really is a Northern Flicker. I hadn't seen one around here since Fall. Thanks again SOSOOSOSOSO much!

Jen--I agree... This nice weather is just a tease for us... Ole Man Winter WILL return. BUT--in the meantime I will stay outside as much as possible and enjoy the warmth. Glad you saw the Nuthatch!!! Be careful---you'll get addicted to this birding!!!! ha ha

Lola--Thanks!!! It was so nice out there and just felt so good... I know we'll get more winter, but this little 'tease' has been FUN.

Tammy---I thought you would be getting the nicer weather also... Doesn't it feel GOOD??? I agree that it's just a 'tease' and that Winter will return. But--it's fun right now anyhow!!!! Right????

Grammy said...

Hi Betsy, Don't you just love this warmer weather? We do not have the Northern Flicker here that I know of. I enjoyed your photos.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

We have several bird feeders and we do so love to feed and watch the birds. It is so wonderful that the weather is warmer. We have our Granddaughter visiting this weekend and we have been making Valetines for her parents...Smiles...m..

Jayne said...

Wasn't it a glorious day!!! It was up to 65 here Betsy. Ahhhh.... the fresh air indeed.
You can have all the Mourning Doves you'd like from here. My husband calls them "the cows" at the feeder...lol. They'll find a way to perch on the smallest feeders I have and look like they are going to tip everything onto the ground.

Love your Flicker!

Jerry in Tampa said...

Hey Betsy! Love the pictures! It finally warmed up down here in Florida yesterday too! And we were ready for it - you get real spoiled down here with the weather.... I thank you for sharing your area, I just LOVE it up there!
Be safe!
Be healthy!


Jerry in Tampa

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Grammy, Yes, I love this warmer weather. It's a TEASE I'm sure---but right now, it feels good. The Flickers are pretty. I'm sorry you don't have them.

Mary--I didn't realize you knew and lived near Phyllis (Shabby in the City). She's a great bloggy friend. She mentioned that you all had gotten together. How special!! Hope you enjoyed your granddaughter.

Jayne--So you are over-run with Mourning Doves, huh??? So far, we are not. BUT--who knows what the future holds. Ha!!! I'm sure they could take over the feeders.

Jerry--Glad to hear from you. It's been awhile. Glad your weather is nice now also. Take care of that grandbaby!!!!

Leedra said...

You asked me alot of questions about how I know the birds. Now one for you....will you know the Flicker when you see it again?

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra