Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 12, 2009

ICY Waterfall

On 1/25/2008, George and I drove to the Smokies (to the Tremont area between Townsend and Cades Cove) to hike to a new waterfall, Spruce Flats Falls. We parked at Tremont and hiked the 2.5 mile round-trip hike. It was a cold day (temperature in the low 30's) in the mountains. When we got to the waterfall, we were so glad we went. This waterfall is drop-dead gorgeous!!!! Due to the weather, it was very ICY. WOW!!!! Here are some pictures of our icy waterfall for you to enjoy. Above is the entire waterfall from a distance. Below are several more pictures.

Hope you enjoyed our hike to this 'ICY' waterfall. We had a wonderful day--and hope to see more icy waterfalls this month and next.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that would have been awesome to see. These pictures are great and intense to look at. You seem to be a specialist in waterfalls. A nice specialty to have.

Michele said...

These are just amazing photos, you have really captured them well!!
Nothing more beautiful than seeing a waterfall frozen in time...
they are captivating and mesmerizing.
Here in the Rocky mountains they are plentiful and are found everywhere but each and everytime I see one, I can only stop and stare at its beauty.
Very nice post!

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

In my mind Im in Carolina....
Hope you don't mind but I have linked my blog to you today.I woke up home sick for my Mom who is in the location not too far from where this waterfall is.

Thank You my Friend!!

Jayne said...

Brrrrrrr.... that looks cccccoooold Betsy! :c)

Peggy said...

Now thats what I call a perfect way to spend the day! Beautiful! I also really really enjoyed the bird photo and story! What great photos you captured.

Cedar ... said...

Hiking 2.5 miles in that temp. to look at ice,... hmmmm... are you sure you two don't want to come to the Adirondacks? You worked hard to get to that waterfall and it was certainly well worth it. Beautiful. Good for you!

Sunny said...

Amazing! I have never seen an "icy waterfall" ever, in a picture or for real.

You did such a beautiful job with the photography of them!

Thanks for sharing! Oh, and that place..."Cade's Cove" sounds neat!

I think I'll go google it.

Have a great Monday,

Richard said...

Beatuiful pictures Betsy.

I Am Woody said...

I love when ice forms on waterfalls! We went to Niagara Falls in February once - talk about some ice!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty to see. I can imagine how cold & clear the air was that day - kinda hard to hike in weather like that, but so worth the trip.

Lawsy Mercy said...

Gorgeous photos. I love living here and knowing I can jump in my car and be at that location in 25 minutes. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. When I can be a better bloggy friend I will be in touch. Know that you have touched my heart and that you are a special gift from God.



Leedra said...

The falls with the ice really do look good. Like the next to the last one (and of course the last one).

Glad you came to visit my new blog, it is still a work in progress.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Photography By Leedra

Patty said...

Oh how beautiful. I know where your talking about because I have driven through Townsend many a time to go to Cades Cove when I lived in both Maryville and Knoxville. Its been 11 years since I have been back that way so I have not been to these falls, but oh I would love to. The icy is so pretty. It is funny, but I miss living in Knoxville the most this time of year. Cades Cove is so lovely in the winter. It is the silence that I love the most..You can just be driving along, felling like your the only one on earth alive...and suddenly along comes a deer...ahhh wonderful memories..
Thanks for your post

Busy Bee Suz said...

That waterfall is drop-dead gorgeous!!!!!! You are right. Love it.

SmilingSally said...

You are right: it is drop-dead gorgeous.

NCmountainwoman said...

Wonderful photographs of the icy waterfall. We haven't had enough sustained cold to ice up any of ours, but that may be coming this week.

Anonymous said...

Frozen waterfalls - very nice! How does running water freeze like that though - amazing! It's just so amazing & cool!!!

Tina said...

Neat photos, Betsy! That must have been some walk/hike to capture these guys!! Sure looks cold...brrr.
we have SUN today, hoping to get up all the way to 24degrees!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Wish I were there!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. What a great hike, and a huge reward for the effort.

It's snowing here in MN. I should go out and take some pictures.

Thanks for the motivation.

artis1111 said...

Loving the waterfall. I live in Knoxville. We went to Falls Creek Falls last year. Great falls there. Kathy

Anonymous said...

Oooh as promised, an icy waterfall. That is gorgeous, almost lacey in places. Thanks for the treat!

Cicero Sings said...

We saw many icy waterfalls on our way home from the coast in December. I would have loved to stop and take a few pictures but it is hard to stop on the highway ... no place to pull off due to snow.

You got some nice pictures.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That must have been absolutely spectacular.It is beautiful in pictures so the real thing would be better.

Shelley said...

Gorgeous images Betsy! The ice on the waterfalls made their own nature sculptures!

Rosa said...

Oh my, that is beautiful! I love ice. We had a some icy drips (not waterfalls) last year up in the hills by our house and it was gorgeous. The blues are lovely. So pretty. But burr. It got cold here today!! xo

Dianne said...

Wow! These pictures are so beautiful they don't look real.

So, are you a Titan fan now?

Anil P said...

Must be quite a sight to see a waterfall frozen by time no less.

I haven't seen anything like this before, frozen lakes, yes, but frozen waterfall? Well, the pictures are beautiful indeed.

Jen said...

Oh isn't that neat. Must be really cold for running water to freeze!

Diane said...

You two worry me. Please don't slip and fall.

Cassie said...

Beautiful.I like the way the water stood still for you to take its picture!!

Aleta said...

How beautiful! Hey, Betsy, have you been to the Sand Cave in Cumberland Gap National Park in Kentucky? We went there two January's ago and the falls at the cave were icicles! It is an 8-mile round trip hike up to the top, but the views are worth it, and the sand cave is awesome! I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

Aleta said...

Betsy, here's a website to look at info on the sand cave: http://www.nps.gov/archive/cuga/sandcave.htm

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That is a neat falls in ice. Thanks for sharing your trip.

Judy said...

These are just amazing pictures and the falls are so beautiful. I love the picture of you two in the sidebar.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

AWESOME!!!! That is so beautiful!!!...m..

Neal said...

Beautiful Betsy. I think we've been to that waterfall.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, thanks for visiting my blog. Your comment is up now, First time commenters go through moderation, it helps ot keep the spammers away. I love your icy waterfall. I have never seen one before. Great pictures.

Mary said...

Wow...fantastic photos! This is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Those are such interesting photos..I was just telling your hubby that you need to get out and do everything that you can while you are both healthy enough to do it..My husband and I were once very active and now he does things on his own...

Anonymous said...

It's like freezing motion ...

Anonymous said...

PS You're now linked from my blog. :)

GeneaDiva said...

Awesome. I'm living vicariously through your blog tonight.


Rose said...

You know, sometimes only pictures do justice to something/some place...these are wonderful.

Jackie said...

Hey, Betsy! Terrific pics. I lived in Hermitage for two years in the...let's see...oh, yeah, the mid '80s, lol. A beautiful part of the country. Thanks for the nice comments you've made on my blog, I really appreciate them :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Bernie---You, with our love of nature, would love seeing this waterfall. Well--we aren't specialists, but we LOVE seeing them. We've seen 292 different waterfalls since 2001...

Hi Michele- Yes, that is a good word, Mesmerizing.. Seeing them frozen is truly as if they are frozen in time. We'd love to see the waterfalls out your way sometime.

Hi Kathleen----Thanks for posting my blog onto yours. That was NEAT!!! I can understand being homesick for this area. When I lived in Texas for 12 yrs. I missed the mountains SO much. Glad I came back!!!

Jayne--- Yes, it had been quite cold that week--obviously!!!! We like to hike when it's cold outside. Crazy us!!!!

Barb-- A nice couple at the falls took our picture together and we took theirs. BUT--we do carry a small tripod that we use sometimes when nobody else is around.

Thanks Peggy... I thought you'd love the Birdbath story!!!! Our animals do entertain us, don't they?

Cedar--Ha---I know it probably sounds crazy to those of you who live with snow and ice all winter!!!! We just don't get much snow and ice--so we have to go to where it is!!!! Oh Well--tis life! ha

Judy from Florida-- Well, being down there, I'm not sure you'll ever get to see ICY waterfalls. BUT--you did get to see that gorgeous beach !!!! Wow! Yes--Cades Cove is my favorite spot in the Smokies for sure!

Thanks Richard. I'm enjoying BOTH of your blogs very much!

Woody--That is one of our goals, to see Niagara in winter. WOW!!!! Loved your post today... You have had a fabulous life, haven't you???? AND--there will be much more to come I'm sure!

Mildred-- We enjoy hiking in winter. We dress accordingly --and actually, once I"m on the trail, I seldom am cold. There was one time we were hiking and there was total ICE across the trail ---and that narrow trail headed straight down the mountain. That's when I said "NO... Let's turn around."

Vanessa-- Hope things work out for you. I'm sure they will. Just have FAITH and PATIENCE. We go right through Maryville on our way to the Smokies when we go... I'll wave the next time we go through there!!!!

Leedra-- I keep telling myself that people will get tired of seeing our waterfalls. But then, I keep on posting!!!! ha ha... Oh Well--'tis our life!!!

Patty--You'll have to come back to this area sometime soon. I'm sure the Smokies look just the same!!! Cades Cove is my favorite place in the Smokies. One late evening, we drove through the cove and saw lots and lots of both bears and deer.

Thanks Suzanne... Isn't it just amazing to see a waterfall with MOVING water, ice over??? That shows how cold it had been that week.

Sally--Thanks... That's a good description for sure (drop-dead-gorgeous).

Carolyn--We rarely get weather that is cold enough for this to happen. This particular was pretty high in the Smokies, and we had had a VERY cold week.

Tricia---It takes extremely cold temperatures to make a waterfall freeze like that.

Tina---Yes, it was cold that week. We do enjoy hiking when it's cold outside--but thank goodness there was no ICE on the trail. We've had cold weather this week also--and they say it will get REALLY cold on Friday. Brrrrrr.

Hi Phyllis--- I hope you get to come back to this area and see the Smokies soon... Have you ever gone to Cades Cove??? You'd love it!!!!

Fiona---You have snow and we do NOT. It's going to get very cold here this week---so maybe we'll get a little snow.... I HOPE!!!!

Hi Kathy----We are neighbors!!!! Thanks for visiting my blog... Glad that you have been to Fall Creek Falls.. Gorgeous, isn't it???? Come back anytime. I'll check out your blog.

Hey Deb, You did give me the inspiration for this blog. Thanks!!! BUT--I'd love to see your icy lake sometime.

Hi Cicero---I'll bet you have LOTS of icy waterfalls and ICE everywhere up there in Canada. I'm jealous. I'd love to see some snow---just a little!!!

Ruth---Well the real thing is better for sure---but I'm glad you enjoy the pictures.

Shelley---Yes, they do look like 'ice sculptures' don't they???? Have you bought that horse yet???? ha ha

Hey Rosa... Yes, the weather people are saying that it's going to get REALLY cold (an arctic front) by the end of the week. Brrrrrrr..

Dianne---YES---I am a Titan fan and am sick that they lost on Saturday. This was their YEAR and they threw it all away. Darn!!!!! Think Narrow Dog would like that waterfall???? ha

Anil P---Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come back anytime. The temperatures have to be extremely cold for the waterfalls to become icy.

Jen---YES, it had been VERY cold that week--which is why the waterfalls were icy. Thank Goodness there was no ice on the trail.

Diane-- Don't worry. We are careful... There was no ice on the trail.

Aleta---I haven't heard of Sand Cave , but will check out the website. We've been to Cumberland Falls --but not Cumberland Gap. There is a pinnacle there that we want to check out also. Fun Fun!!! thanks! ; `

Thanks Tom.. We always enjoy our hikes--and this one to see an Icy waterfall was very special.

Thanks Judy from KY--- (There are now 2 Judy's on my list!!! ha)... Thanks for looking at our pictures on the sidebar. I love this new blog and its possibilities.

Hey Mary---Thanks for stopping by... Haven't seen you in awhile... Glad you enjoyed our waterfall.

Neal-- This one is near the Tremont camp area. You go through Tremont and then head up the mountain from there. It's a nice hike and a beautiful waterfall.

Hi Pigeon... Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed seeing yours especially those beautiful pictures of the birds. Come back anytime and I'll keep checking yours.

Mary--Thanks!!! Glad you liked our Icy waterfall.

Michelle-- thanks!!!! Life is precious and we never know from one day to the next what will happen. You are right..George and I need to 'see the world' while we both can. Love and Prayers are with you!!!!

Yeah Wren... Thanks for linking me. You are linked on mine...

Hi GeneaDiva---Welcome to my blog. Come back anytime!!!!! I'll check out yours.

Rose---Hope you are getting some REST --after you big weekend, your illnesses, you kitties, etc.... Glad you enjoyed our Icy waterfall.

Hi Jackie, I enjoyed your blog... Hermitage, huh??? Even if it was in the '80's, I'm sure you remember this part of the country!!!!! Hope you can come back to visit sometime!!!

Anonymous said...

what an awesome waterfall although I don't think I could of hiked in that cold, you go girl.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Stacey... We love hiking in winter--but at least it's not THAT cold here in TN most of the time. Thanks for stopping by. Come back anytime.

Gill - That British Woman said...

what super photos Betsy......

Gill in Canada

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Gill. Hope you get to visit here sometime.