Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

'Taint Funny

As you can see from the title of my blogsite (Joyful Reflections), I usually try to keep my blogs JOYFUL Yesterday, a post that I read really upset me.. NOW--before I write anymore, let me say that I'm not unhappy at all with the person who wrote the post. She did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings at all. It was just meant in jest. In fact, it was WHERE she got the picture above that upset me.

Like many other people, I have struggled with my weight ALL of my life, especially after I had my first child (1963). Unless one has been in my shoes, he or she truly does not understand those of us who have weight problems. Skinny people (or even people who have never been very large) just think that all we 'fatties' need to do is to just push back from the table.

WELL-- I'm here to tell the world that exploiting fat people (or really skinny people, or anyone who has a big bump on their nose, or ANYONE who just for whatever reason looks different) is just not right... The picture above was in a 'health retreat center' where people go to get healthier. It was there to encourage fat people to obviously get skinny. WELL--all of the health professionals in the world will tell you that exploiting a fat person does not give them incentive to lose weight. It just pushes them farther and farther down into a deep hole. Shame on that retreat center for posting that picture --in order to make others laugh.

There was a time when I sang a solo in a recital. My mother was present for that event. After the recital, she (bless her soul) came up to me and the first words out of her mouth were: "You look very large on that stage." Talk about breaking my spirit.... She didn't say a word about how I sang. It was all about how I LOOKED. My mother thought that by shaming me, I'd lose some weight. Things like this just work in reverse. My self-esteem just kept falling!

I have allowed my weight to control me most of my adult life (instead of me controlling it). I have lost and gained more weight through the years than one can imagine. Well--my life changed dramatically a few years ago when George came into my life. This wonderful man loves me for ME---whether I'm heavy or not. ALL of a sudden, he gave me a real reason to WANT to get and stay healthy. For you see, an overweight (or do I dare use the word, obese) person can't lose or won't lose until he or she cares enough about him or herself to make that lifestyle change. Nobody can do it for them and especially, nobody can shame a person into losing weight.

Several things have happened to me over the past seven years:
1. I'm HAPPY---and I'm HAPPY with me even though I will always be a BIG gal.
2. I have made a lifestyle change --and have added exercise and healthy eating to my life.
3. I know now for the first time that I'm an OKAY person, a child of God, and that I'm okay in God's eyes being just who I am.
4. AND---I now have much more confidence in myself and more self-esteem. All of those people who have laughed at me or made fun of me through the years can just go and "fly a kite"!!!! (I could use another term here. ha ha) They are not going to put me down any longer!!! Praise God!

I would love to talk to that Health Retreat Center about that photo... We ALL cannot look alike. There are big people and small people ---and when, as a country, are we going to realize that It's OKAY to be different, one from another??? I truly have had a good life and I wouldn't change much of anything in it--all through the years. What I would hope to change is the exploitation of those who are, for whatever reason, DIFFERENT. Enough of my sermon for today!!!!! Thanks for listening... I'll get back to the JOYFUL stuff tomorrow!!!!


Gardener's Garden said...

Betsy I was really shocked to see nudity on your blog but even more so to realize that someone is using this for advertising. My beautiful dauther has been struggling with her weight all her life and someday with Gods help she will prevail.

Kim said...

Betsy, so sorry to hear of this. I was out of comission yesterday and thankfully missed this.

You are a wonderful woman with a wonderful spirit. I am sorry to read of some of the troubles you had to endure at the hands of those who are suppposed to care about you.

Even though I have never had a problem with weight, I do have a problem with food. When I get really stressed out I love to eat and I over eat. I think women have a tendency to do that because we are so busy taking care of others that food comforts us just like it did when we were little and our mother oferred us a cookie when we were sad. I used to stress over gaining weight, but not anymore. I am happy just as I am and love to see other women being the same.

There is a lot of preassure out there to be overly thin and the more women reject those societal standards the healthier we all become.


Anonymous said...

Betsy, I think you are absolutely beautiful and I so admire the joyful, positive attitude you share each day. The hiking trips and waterfalls you and George share with all of us are so inspiring. Growing up with a visually impaired mom, it always hurts to see people laugh or make jokes about sightless people - you never know till you've lived it first hand. God created all people differently thankfully or it would be a boring world. Enjoy your day - no snow yet, huh????

Cedar ... said...

Betsy, wow,... i was also surprised this a.m. to see the photo, but now I understand, you took that from another site and your post explained. I also share that same struggle. and it is a struggle for sure. I am fairly average for a 66 y/o woman, but it is one of the reasons that my X left me just 13 mo. after we married in '04. ... I wasn't "trim and toned" I hope to find a George in my future,.. blessings to you both!

Natalie said...

I have struggled with my weight as well. In high school I finally managed to lose some and I kept it off through my years at college, but since having my son it has slowly crept back up. No one (excpet myself) has ever made me feel bad about my weight thankfully. I have finally come to terms with the fact that like you, I will never be a skinny person. I would like to lose a fwe pounds and generally be a bit healthier, but I am happy with who I am. My husband is happy with who I am and loves me for it. I got curves and they are not going anywhere! I am glad that you have finally been able to find peace and happiness in your life as I have in mine.

SmilingSally said...

Right on, Betsy! I'm fat too and have been for most of my life. I've been through all of this nonsense every January when we're all supposed to jump on board and diet. Well, you know what the first three letters of that word spells...DIE.
I'm not dieting ever again. Let's stand together against discrimination of any kind. God love us!

Lawsy Mercy said...

Betsy - Thank you for sharing your feelings. You have helped a lot of people with your words today. I've had my weight fluctuate in my life and the ridicule for the overweight is just awful in our society.

Hugs, Vanessa

Mary said...

A very thoughtful post, Betsy and all of us who are too big...and know it without anyone telling us, thank you....can identify with what you said. If only "pushing away from the table" was the answer! If it was that easy, we wouldn't be fat to begin with! I was a skinny active child, but it's harder when you get older and less active, and like it or not, I won't ever be "skinny" again. I like your attitude towards yourself and your wise choices to try to live healthy and be happy with who God made you to be. You have a lovely spirit and God loves us all just as we are!

Karin said...

I'm off to work and will be back to read this evening. I have an award at my blog to pick up. Be blessed!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Great post. Really, though, I like the picture. We have to be comfortable with who we are. (easier said than done.;0) I would love to be that woman who is comfortable enough to just be naked.....it must be freeing. that is the feeling I got from the photo....
Sorry you have had such issues with your self esteem because of your weight, it is nice though that you have realized we are more important on the inside than the outside. You are a beautiful person, in and out!!!!

I Am Woody said...

Thank you for your thoughtful post! I have struggled with my weight for a lot of years. Can I just say that I love George?? We all need a George in our lives.

Jen said...

Let's all have a 'Joyful Reflection' of ourselves! In Spirit, Soul and Body!
Thank you Betsy! ;D

jlshall said...

It really is truly shocking that a health center would display such a hurtful image, no matter what their objective might have been. I can certainly understand why you were upset. And Betsy, you know you're much more than "an Okay person"!

Judy said...

Betsy, Good for you, girl. I have a son that has struggled all his life with his weight and still struggles constantly. It definitely is not a laughing matter or anything to make fun of, or point out, etc. I am so happy for you and think that you are a remarkable person.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I only see the beautiful spirit come through on your blog. The weight battle will continue all of our lives and that is just a fact of life.

NCmountainwoman said...

Betsy, you haven't left the "joyful stuff." It's right here in your post. What could be more joyful than being happy and having more self esteem? This is indeed a joyful reflection.

Anonymous said...

Betsy, you are brave and wonderful woman. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone.

I have had a weight issue for about 10 years. I have a medical condition and take medications that contribute to the issue.

Last year, I was in the hospital for something not weight-related (and discharged Christmas eve) and my doctor came in to give me my discharge orders. She didn't mention pain management for the surgery I just had, or the adjustment she had made to my asthma medication. She only said, "Make an appointment next month, and loose some weight."

Needless to say, I have another doctor now.

A dear friend who has a serious weight issue is considering gastric bypass surgery to help with her diabetes and other health issues. Some of the things said to her by "well-meaning" people are so cruel.

You are so fortunate to have someone who loves you for who you are.

Focus on the things about yourself you can celebrate.

Small City Scenes said...

Good for you for speaking up. Some people can be so hurtful and as you say it is not at all funny. We all have issues and they are OURS not theirs.
You are happy and joyful and it shows. MB

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct & I agree wholeheartedly!!! Amen!!!

Diane said...

Betsy, I applaud you for having the courage to speak to this issue and for doing it so very well. Obviously, by the responses, you have struck a chord in the hearts of many readers! Thank you for your sweet, direct honesty and for giving us a deeper glimpse into the beautiful creation you are. Hugs to you, Diane

Leedra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cicero Sings said...

It's the inner beauty of the heart that counts and you've got plenty of that for that is what shows in all of your pictures of you!

Leedra said...

Betsy, I was under weight until I hit 36, I went from under weight to over weight (almost overnight) and have never been able to do anything about it. Doesn't help to have arthritis now, but that didn't come at the same time as the weight. People do say hurtful things and I agree it does not help me to take it off.

I, like you, have found a wonderful soulmate that my weight does not affect the way he feels about me. He supports me when I try, yet again, to lose some weight, but doesn't say anything about my weight.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Photography By Leedra

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to ALL who have posted comments today. You will never know how much I appreciate your thoughts and support. I had a very 'teary' day yesterday--and struggled as to whether or not to make this post. I didn't want to hurt my friend who originally posted that picture. I started not to post that picture --but then again, the picture was the 'root' of my disapproval.

I guess the bottom line is that all of us HUMANS have our own baggage to bear. I have never smoked, nor had any drug or alcohol problems. I do however enjoy eating... And I never thought that I ATE to get rid of other pain in my life. I just enjoy food---all kinds of food. What else can I say????? But--being over-weight is such OBVIOUS baggage. Those of us who have weight problems cannot HIDE our excess baggage!!! It's very obvious to the 'world'---and the world says, "Get rid of YOUR baggage. You're ugly."

Thanks again SO much!!!
Hugs to all,

Shelley said...

Betsy - every photo I see of you on your blog and every post that I read of yours confirms my knowledge that you are a beautiful person! The joy radiates from you!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Psalm 139:14 says,I will give thanks to Thee,for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:Wonderful are Thy works,and my soul knows it very well.
This verse speaks to me many times.Yes,I am one who is well padded,but I believe I am just as special to God as the skinny person.Betsy,thanks for speaking out and saying what I as well as others are not able to say as well.
God's richest blessings on you dear friend,Ruth

Anonymous said...

People that make fun of other people usually do so to make them selves feel better because they usually feel bad about them selves. We all need to listen to each other and forgive each other to release the tensions of the world.

Peggy said...

Nice post! I have accepted I will never be thin but I am happy with who and how I am now. Thats all that matters. I too try to keep things light and cheerful on my blog. Yesterday I had to fire our hired hand and it really upset me. There was no other choice. It will mean all the feedings and chores fall back on my shoulders alone to do but I will know the animals are well and safe. Thanks for thinking about me.

amelia said...

Amen, amen, amen, you couldn't have said it better!!!

Bj said...

I've always said "Some people are meant to be big, others small". I have big friends & small friends, and love them all. I have gained about 25lbs. in the past 4yrs. I've never felt better! My friends say I've never looked better. Went through a trauma in 2001-2004 which really made me drop weight. I used to be tall and skinny, now - just tall. BUT very happy and THAT is what I love too. I agree with Busy Bee Suz, "being comfortable with yourself" is what really matters. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Karin said...

Wow, I love the sensitive way you handled this topic. I sure can identify - including comments and comparisons with others made by my mother whom I cannot ever please to this day. I've always thought I was a big girl, but when menopause hit I gained about 30+ lbs. and simply cannot lose them. I don't overeat, I underexercise. Exercise causes excruciating pain (I've had two car accidents and one severe fall that damaged my knee) and without exercise I don't lose weight. My hubby gets annoyed with my being upset with myself! He truly LOVES me as I am! Like the previous commenter said - there are big girls and small girls! I'll never be a chihuahua, I'm a German Shepherd in comparison and so be it. I know God loves me! If people avoid me or think less of me because of my weight, that's their problem not mine. I'm grateful for people who show compassion and kindness.

I enjoy your blog very much!!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What a good thought provoking post this is. I too have issues with my weight as well as my self worth. I too have a good husband who does not have issues with my weight. I love every word you wrote!!! Thanks---Mary

Neal said...

That was a good sermon Betsy. :) I never had a weight problem until about 10 years ago when I started gaining some weight. It has been very difficult for me to change my eating habits and of course everything that I really like is bad for you. Besides that, I just love to snack, especially after dinner so it's hard to lose weight when you have all those bad habits. However, I will say this .... I have pretty much always said that if you don't like me the way I am then I don't want you as a friend. Maybe that's a bad attitude but that is the way I feel. Don't let anyone tell you that you are less of a person because you're overweight.

Anonymous said...

I had to deal with anorexia in my family...That is awful and I applaud you coming to term and loving you for you...Now I would love to evolve that far myself...

Anonymous said...

Betsy, My sentiments exactly. It could NOT have been said any better. Glory to you, be happy.

Jackie said...

Betsy, that was an absolutely terrific post. You go, Girl!! I've been on a lose/gain weight roller coaster since my first all you can eat pizza nights in college. The Lord cares about us being healthy for his service inside and out.


P.S. Puppies could care less what we look like, too!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Barb---I didn't like that photo either---but needed to post it in order to make my point. I just couldn't believe that a so-called health clinic POSTED that... Just affirm your daughter --and keep telling her that she is beautiful!!! I't's great to hear from you.. Seems like forever!!!

Kallen---Thanks! My sweet mother loved me. She wanted the best I'm sure --but while wanting the best, she did alot of harm to my soul and spirit. I had a job where I always took care of everyone else's needs before mine. I just let myself go--and ignored the weight gain most of those years. BUT--it bothered me on the inside --so I had this inner-outer battle going constantly. When I would died and lose weight, I always felt so much better about myself. BUT--I've never been able to maintain my weight. My poor body has given up on me!!! ha

Mildred---Thanks!!! I do have a good attitude about life--most of the time. The weight issue has been with me so long--and is the ONE thing I haven't gotten total control of (and never will). Yes, thank goodness that I am getting exercise these days--but getting the exercise itself doesn't take the weight OFF. BUT--as I said in the blog, I am healthier now because of the exercise and eating much healthier than I ever did before. We have had a tiny bit of snow blowing around in the air this morning--but that's it....Oh Well!!! ha

Cedar---Sorry about the photo. I generally wouldn't post a picture like that.. Well--if your 'x' left you for that reason, he wasn't worth having to begin with. And he certainly didn't deserve YOU. I pray that you do find a George also!!!! After my first marriage broke up, I stayed single for 20 yrs. I never dreamed that there was a George out there waiting for ME.

Natalie, I gained 60 pounds with my first child (doctor's approval then) --and never got it off... That was the beginning of my big problems with weight. Being happy with who you are and having a hubby who loves you for you is what counts.

Sally---Ha---me and you too!!!! I've been on every type of diet in the entire world... I could write the book on dieting. It doesn't work. YES---one can lose weight on any of those expensive programs. BUT--that doesn't keep the weight off. And because I have yo-yo'd for so long, my poor old body has finally said: No MORE!!! I truly think that yo-yoing is worse than staying heavy your whole life...

Vanessa---Thanks!!! I could write a book on the ridicule... It's just so unfair. By the way, how are you????? Hugs to you, my friend!

Mary--- I knew there were alot of people out there who felt like I do--but your comments do so much to help me. I really am doing fine; otherwise, I couldn't ever have posted this blog. I couldn't even talk about my feelings about weight for a long time.

Karin---thanks so much for the award. I left a comment on your blog. You are so sweet to think of me.

Suzanne---It's not the nudity that upset me... It's the fact that a so-called health clinic posted this ---in order, I guess, to convince people to lose weight. It's just flat-out discrimination. If they were trying to make the point of being comfortable with one's own body, they should have posted a nude picture of a 'normal' sized person--whatever that is. HA! I am comfortable with ME now---but it wasn't always like that. The 'world' made me feel unwanted and unworthy. When one is put-down enough, they begin to believe it. It's just one of those things that one doesn't understand, unless he or she has been where I have been. Yes--I'm doing much better --and am happy with me, but that certainly wasn't always true.

Woody--- I'm glad you love George. He truly is a KEEPER. I'm sure VolFan is a keeper also...He's got to be since he's a Vol Fan!!!! ha ... Yes, I am truly blessed to have George in my life. He SAVED my life.

Thanks Jen--- I do try to stay joyful, and can most of the time. It took me a long time to love both the inside and outside of me!!! You are special... Thanks!!!

Joy-- I agree and that is why I was so upset. What were they thinking???? We all love to laugh and we love to laugh at other's expense. There are plenty of "See the Fat People" videos online ---which people love to look at and laugh (just like they do at other people who are 'different') ... But---a health clinic???? GADS! Thanks for your kind words.

Judy-- My youngest son has a huge weight problem and I feel so guilty since both of his parents had weight problems. He is the greatest young adult in the entire world--but he struggles BIGTIME with his weight. He needs a gastric bypass--but his insurance won't cover it. They'll pay bigtime though when he has a heart attack. DUH!!!!

Thanks Tom for posting. I figured all of men friends would stay far away from this post!!!!! Yes---living with the weight problem is a fact of life and will be with me forever. Darn!!!! ha

Carolyn--Oh you are wonderful!!! Thanks so much... I have found it hard all through the years to talk about my weight problems. My good friends have heard me yapping about it---but for the most part, I didn't talk about the inner pain I was carrying. BUT-the good news is that life is GOOD.

Fiona---I guess if I weren't so happy in life now, I'd never be able to talk about this. Lots of people have medical issues which cause weight problems. But the 'world' doesn't know that either --or accept that as a reason for not being slim. As I mentioned above, my youngest son has a serious weight problem. He needs gastric bypass--but his insurance won't pay for it. They will have to pay for it once he has a heart attack or something. DUH!!!! Yes, people can be cruel---and even though I can let some of those things go, some of them stick with me. Thanks!!! I do focus on my life now--and hallelujah for this life!!!

Hi MB---Thanks for stopping by.. You'll have to come back to check out my more-joyful posts. HA!!!! You are right---we ALL have issues and baggage.. It's just that weight is so obvious...

Tricia---Thanks!!!! I appreciate your support!

Diane--There was a time when I couldn't have discussed this issue.. Now that I feel okay about myself, it's easier to talk about it. I do appreciate all of these posts and know that I do have support. Thanks Friend!!!

Cicero---I know now that it is the inner beauty that counts ---but there was a time when I had a constant fight between the inner and outer parts of me. Thanks!!!

Leedra---Thanks for your support. It does help TREMENDOUSLY having someone in my life who loves me just for who I am.. After my first son was born, I had gained about 60 pounds and didn't get it off... I remember going back to my hometown to be in a friend's wedding. I didn't want anyone to see me due to the weight gain. I went (because I was singing at her wedding), but I ran away RIGHT after the wedding. My friends caught up with me though---and they loved me even though I didn't love myself then.

Thanks Shelley... You are right.. I am truly happy now. I love life--and I even love myself these days. It wasn't always like that though.. I guess that is why I let a picture like the one above upset me so much. I just feel as if 'fat people' are constantly laughed at and discriminated against. Many people don't mean it to be vicious ---but it can truly hurt at times.

Thanks Ruth... I always knew down deep that God loved me---but when the 'world' kept saying that I was not beautiful, it made me struggle... I never complained about it; in fact I seldom talked about it at all. BUT--now that I'm 'free'---I can talk about it. I do think that many people go through what I have. I guess I need to write a book. Thanks!!!!

Thanks Bernie... You are right. Most people who laugh at people who are different in one way or another are really insecure themselves. And yes, there are so many tensions in the world and in our country... It's all about acceptance and understanding. Thanks for your thoughts.

Oh Peggy--I'm sorry. I've always heard it said that it's hard to find good help. People want money but people don't want to work these days. It's the crazy world we live in. Hope you can find someone else--someone who loves your babies like you do!!!

Thanks Amelia... I hope you'll come back and visit my blog when it's a more joyful post... This was just a blog I had to publish!!!!

Welcome BJ... Thanks for your kind remarks. I agree: it is how we feel about ourselves that is important. It just took me many years to get to this... Thanks!!

Hi Barb, Well---the weight issue is far-reaching probably more than we know.. IF I can say anything to a young person who has a weight problem--I'd tell them to learn to accept and love themselves just the way they are. It doesn't do any good to 'tell' someone to lose weight or to laugh at them.. The problem just gets worse. I lived it for WAY too many years. Thanks!!

Hi Mary---Thanks!!! Sounds like you and I have alot in common!!!! The best news is that we both have great husbands ---and good lives. Praise God for that!!!!

Neal---You are so right. I appreciate your wise words... I totally agree with you--but sometimes, things like that post, really get to me--and the 'sermon' comes out. ha!!!

Michelle---Anorexia is just as bad as obesity---maybe worse. There are alot of food-related diseases out there... The Fast-Food world ruined us!!!! I used to work 'til about 10 p.m. at nights sometimes years ago, so on my way home from work, I'd go through the drive through and get a burger and fries... Yipes--that's the worst thing I could have done. Thank God I don't EVER do that anymore.

Lola--Thanks for your kind words. Do you have a blog????

Jackie---That's the key---being healthy!!! I'm no longer a slave to the scales... I'll eat right and exercise --and just live one day at a time, the best I can. Thanks!!! That puppy probably thinks he's 100 pounds... HA HA

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Karin, Somehow I missed your 2nd post... Sorry!!! My mother meant well--but what she tried to do to help me did more damage than good. I'm sorry about your situation. We all just do the best we can, don't we? God Bless You!!!!

Jayne said...

I don't know Betsy, I think this post *is* joyful in that you have reclaimed your life! :c) You are so very right. Shaming anyone, or making them feel "less than" is no way to "help" them get healthy. The scale is only a number. A number is not who you are. Bravo to you for owning your life, making positive changes, and loving yourself!!

Rose said...

Betsy, I had a big long comment typed but it was getting way, way too long. So will just say, I think everyone should read this post. You voiced what a lot of us feel.

Diane said...

Thanks, Betsy, for your great words. I don't have much to add that the others haven't commented except to say that it's not about the weight, it's about loving yourself, and that's the hardest part. I get very angry because now our dear government is even climbing on the bandwagon that we all have to lose weight. It's so wonderful to not be alone.

Breathing In Grace said...

I'm not sure how I happened upon your blog, other than I do believe in "it's not odd, it's God"!!! I've had a weight problem for most of my life, too, and my own Mother had a lot to do with it, but I won't go there and won't play the "blame game"!!! I am so glad you are now comfortable with your size. I am overweight...and I'll soon be 54 years old...and only recently have I realized that all those years that I've been so down on myself and felt unworthy (by the worlds' terms)...that it was only Satan using my weight against me. It took me so long to realize this and what a break-thru. I walk, and I'm healthy, which my blood and blood pressure prove....so I will not buy Satan's lies any longer. God loves me...big, or small!!! Sorry to be so long winded...but this is a subject near to my heart, too!!! Blessings to you...and George!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Jayne, I think you are right... I do feel JOY being able to tell my story of freedom from the weight issue.. Thanks!!!

Rose--I have found out that there are many people out there who feel the same way, but most don't talk about it. All people have 'issues' in their lives--it's just that being over-weight is just so obvious.

Diane--You are right. It's all about loving ourselves. Sounds easy--but I went through so many years running away from myself!!

Deb--Thanks for visiting my blog. Sounds like we have alot in common... I have 'freed' myself from all of this weight baggage --so would love to help those who haven't. I carried it too many years!!! Come back anytime,

Gill - That British Woman said...

I totally agree with what you said........

Gill in Canada

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Gill. I just "HAD" to make this post. It's something that is dear to my heart!!!!

Wendy said...

This is an excellent post! I say we all boycott those horrible clothing ads that use skinny models. And use normal people to model clothes.

I am glad you found happiness with your hubby and with yourself.
p.s. - I found you on Mary's blog.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Wendy for visiting. Come back anytime.. Can you believe the support there is from friends on this weight issue??? I think more people struggle than I ever realized! Thanks again

Mary said...

There you go, Betsy. We are talking about the same thing, aren't we?

Life's a struggle until we decide to make it easy for ourselves.

You go, girl! Wise words here...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Mary for checking this one out. When I read your blog about your situation, I wanted you to read this one. We ALL have our baggage!!!!

Lori said...

Amen, Betsy!

I never had to worry about my weight until I was about 42. With age, surgeries, etc. sometimes I don't recognize myself. It really is a battle.

We are all children of God who should be seen for our hearts and how we treat one another, not the outer shell that houses our hearts. I'm glad that you put this post up.....it's food for thought that everyone needs to ponder.


Unknown said...

Your struggle sounds like my lifelong struggle and I have a mother with a similar mindset. In fact I come from a family of midgets and at 5'7 they loev to call me 'big' Sarah....well you can imagine the impact that has had on my life! Like you I was blessed with the Hubster in my life and he loves me whatever. Right now I have gained back the 40lbs I lost last year thanks to my thyroid disease and yet again I start the fight. I will never be skinny either, but I'd just like to be stable and not in my big clothes for awhile.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Lori... I agree that it's not the outside of us that counts--but society certainly looks at heavy-set or obese people in a different way. It is a struggle-- but at least I've come to terms with being able to love myself.

Oh Sarah--Maintaining my weight is my biggest problem. I have lost and gained TONS of weight all through the years. AND--no matter what I do, I cannot seem to maintain my weight.. Oh Well--tis a puzzlement!!!! Let's encourage each other!!! Okay????