Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 1, 2023

Family Celebration honoring son, Bert, who died on 4/21/23

Bert Wilhite (Being crazy; Picture taken in 2018)
July 18, 1963- April 21, 2023

Hello Blog Friends,  Bert opted to have an outdoor celebration ---and not a traditional morbid and sad service...  It worked out well--and it's the type of 'service' I want when I pass away...

SO----Twenty family members got together on Saturday, April 29, at Cades Cove in the Smoky Mountains for a Celebration of Life for Bert...It was awesome and was a time of healing for all of us. We laughed and cried as we told stories about Bert. We also enjoyed a terrific picnic lunch.

We had had rain for the past few days but Saturday was gorgeous. I told my sons that Bert 'sent' us the beautiful weather. I'm sure he enjoyed hearing the stories that we all told!!!! I am so blessed to have a fabulous family --and Saturday was definitely a day of HEALING. Thanks be to God. (The picture was taken about 2018---and I'm sure that expression on his face was him listening to our crazy stories!!! ha)

I was scared when we planned the celebration thinking that it would be too hard for me. HOWEVER --I loved it and it was pure healing for me. Thanks be to a loving God who takes good care of us. AND--knowing that Bert is in heaven which has to be a beautiful place, and knowing that he is now out-of-pain is a blessing.  

Thank You for being so kind and compassionate to me through these past THREE months. Bert had one of the worst kinds of cancer ---so it's a good thing, although I miss him terribly, that he only lived with cancer for those three months...

Love to ALL,



diane b said...

I'm glad it was a successful day and helped you heal.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

The outdoor celebration for Bert, sounds lovely. It is a time for healing and happy memories of Bert. I wish you and your family peace and comfort.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Betsy, I love Cade Cove, such an interesting place from yesteryear.
So sorry to hear of your son's death. Grief is hard, even with our faith.
My husband Raymond was killed on his motorcycle in Nashville on the 4th of June last year. I am beginning to adjust and have just written his story as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam. Much love. Crystal Mary Lindsey <>~~

Lynda said...

I remember the first time we had a gathering for a grandparent when I was old enough to enjoy the company of adults. When they started telling stories, they were of happier times and even some funny times. I realized what a blessing it was to have those wonderful memories. Those are what we hold dear to our hearts with thankfulness for the time we got to journey this earth with them.

Mevely317 said...

When the time comes, I'd love my family to do the same thing for me! Thank you for sharing your healing throughout, Betsy.

I'll be attending (via a Zoom call) my cousin's service this afternoon. I fear it will be the traditional sad sort -- but at the same time, I'm curious to see some cousins still living. It's been decades actually; and isn't it a sad state of affairs when funerals prompt folks to start talking again.

Big Dude said...

A picnic in your beloved mountains - what a great way to celebrate Bert's life.

Betsy said...

Good Morning dear Betsy. I know Saturday had to be a very hard day for you. It's wonderful that you feel it helped you heal a bit and it's what Bert wanted. Isn't it amazing the difference in services for believers and non-believers? It always seems a celebration with believers. Although those left behind are sad, (understandably so), we know that our brother or sister has now "graduated" into Heaven. Isn't that where we all long to be? With our Father? Bert is now there. Enjoying all that God has prepared for him. And you WILL see him again. He's right there, enjoying all of the wonderful blessings that Heaven offers and waiting for all of you to join him someday.
Meanwhile, I can only imagine how much you miss him and his laughter and funny faces. Hang in there Mama. God will help you through this time when you ask Him to.
Blessings and much love,
The "other" Betsy

George said...

The celebration of life for Bert was simply wonderful.

Sandee said...


Big healing hugs. ♥

My Tata's Cottage said...

The celebration of life sounds wonderful. I think it was a very good thing since you all love the outdoors so much. What a beautiful and thoughtful post. Much love, hugs and prayers my friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Our hearts go out to you, Betsy. Again, I am so very sorry.

William Kendall said...

It sounds like it was helpful.

The Furry Gnome said...

So glad the service was healing for you. And in Cades Cove, what a beautiful place.

Marcia said...

What a great celebration of Bert bringing closure for everyone in a positive uplifting way.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I know the pain is still raw and deep, but I admire your ability to see at least some positive things. I am thankful that your celebration of Bert’s life was healing in many ways.

Nellie said...

Sending you my special thoughts and prayers for strength and comfort. The service sounds very moving and appropriate. I’m glad you were able to honor Bert in this special way. Hugs!!

Ann said...

Glad to hear that the service was a healing experience for you. Warm thoughts coming your way.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am keeping you in my prayers. I have sons and I hope I can empathize with you. I'm glad you had a celebration and that is helped you. Lots of hugs to you my friend, Diane

Lowcarb team member said...

The outdoor celebration for Bert, sounds perfect, especially as it helped you heal. Keeping you in my prayers.

All the best Jan

susan q said...

weather permitting, an outdoor celebration of life would be the best send off for me♥ I hope you are finding comfort with your family and friends♥

Sandi said...

My condolences, Betsy. God bless you and keep you.