Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 11, 2021

Fall Blooms in our Yard 2021

 Dear Blog Friends,  Fall/Autumn is one of my favorite seasons...  Here in our area of the USA,  the changing colors and falling of leaves is happening very late this year.   In fact,  the Dogwoods (pictured below) are about the only Fall Colors we have so far... We've had a very warm Fall so far--and the trees need some colder weather to make those colors happen.  I told George that we'd be picking up leaves at Christmastime this year!!!!! ha    If and when we get some pretty colors like the picture in my header from another year,  I'll post again.

The warmer weather does keep the ROSES and our re-blooming IRISES showing off their colors  --along with some other blooms we are enjoying...SO--today I'll share with you some of these beauties...  The ROSES are looking pretty --but that will be another post.   ENJOY!!!

Our Pink Dogwood showing off its FALL COLORS

Gerbera DAISY

Immortality IRIS

My Friend Jonathan IRIS

Our Beautiful CLEMATIS

Another Gerbera DAISY

This amazing Fall Reblooming IRIS is named  Harvest of Memories.

IRIS named Anxious

Similar but different; Meet Clarence IRIS

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the 'pretties' in our yard.  Most all of these pictures were taken in OCTOBER,  2021, with only a couple in late September. 

Thank You for your kind words in my last couple of posts... It's wonderful to hear from you --and thank you for continuing to  visit my Blog even though I haven't posted much lately due to my accident...

I'm doing good.  My wrist is healing nicely.  I do finally have an appointment with an ENT Doctor this coming Thursday (TWO  MONTHS after our accident)....  I still have hearing loss due to the airbags --but am not sure what they can do to help me..  We shall see!!!!!

I'm still waiting to hear from my referral to see a Neurologist --and am waiting to hear back from them with an appointment....???????

I'll keep you posted -so please continue to pray for me through all of the waiting...

God's Blessings.




Kay said...

You really have the most beautiful flowers, Betsy. I’m so glad you’re healing well. We’re all pulling for you.

Ann said...

Your yard is looking beautiful as always. Love the red of those leaves in the first pictures. We're not seeing much color change around here yet either.
Glad to hear your wrist is healing. Hope all goes well with the appointments you're waiting on. Hugs and prayers.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

Your fall flowers are gorgeous. I love the Clematis and Gerbera, beautiful blooms. Take care, I hope you feel better soon. Enjoy your day, have a happy new week.

Mr. Bill said...

Lovely flowers...and sending our best for your complete recovery!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy. I am so glad to hear that you are healing up after your accident. I sure hope you can help for the healing. Thank God that it wasn't much worse! These are lovely pictures and your fall picture on your header is stunning. Have a good week. I hope we will see you in blogland again soon!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You live in a beautiful part of the country, especially in the Fall. Take care of yourself. I keep you in my prayers my friend!

Dee said...

As usual, I so enjoy the beauty of God's creations that you capture in your pictures. So glad to hear your wrist has healed and I hope you can get in to ENT soon. I treasure the fact that my husband and I were able to travel to so many of the places you and George have visited and the fun memories I have continue to make me happy. God bless!

Dee said...

As always I so enjoy your beautiful pictures of God's creations. Glad to know your wrist is better and hopefully it won't be long till you can get an appointment to see an ENT. My husband and I have visited most all of the areas you and George have traveled too so it always brings back happy memories to me when you post those spectacular pictures. God bless!

George said...

I hope we do get some fall color soon, but in the meantime I'm enjoying the blossoms we still have in the yard. You got some wonderful pictures.

David said...

Betsy, You always have such pretty flowers in your yard! Keep on keeping on re: healing! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ginny Hartzler said...

Betsy, let me know what the ENT said! I hope you don't have to wait on a lot of test results. We have no color, either. I think it must be because of so much more global warming. It is to be in the 80's all week here! I love your white immortality! Do you remember the Bee Gees song of the same name? It is beautiful, was a tribute to their dead brother Andy.

Betsy said...

Beautiful flowers and we're right there with you with leaves falling. Very few have changed colors at all yet this year.
I'm finally getting in to my new dermatologist next tomorrow. I made the appointment three months ago and that was the first availablility they had. My psoriasis is coming back now that we've moved from the dryer air of Washington State to humid Nebraska. I want to get it nipped in the bud before it gets bad.
I hope the doctors have some answers for you for your hearing. That has to be frustrating.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful close ups.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photographs, so lovely to see the blooms and their colour is amazing.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

All the best Jan

The Furry Gnome said...

I'm amzed at the flowers you still have blooming!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You have so much beauty on your yard. All I have left is the Maple in the center of the yard. It’s leaves are now turning yellow. Praying for you and waiting to hear what or if they can help you.

Linda said...

I'm glad you are healing! The flowers are lovely.

diane b said...

As usual the most beautiful flowers in your garden. Glad to hear that you are recovering except for the hearing loss. Wishing you all the best.

Wendy said...

I didn't know iris bloomed in the fall! I have so much to hear now that I'm in OK. Love all your fall pics. Your garden is lovely.
Big hugs

Jeevan said...

The irises show off well in your yard, and I hear from some bloggers from the USA that fall could be late this year, but glad you still have some colorful flowers to enjoy before the entire landscape changes its color. I hope your ear problem is solved soon and you recover from the incident.

Take care

Shug said...

Hi Betsy.....I know that I've been missing so many wonderful post and I'm trying to get caught up on all of them. I've missed blogging, however....I do keep up on FB. Your header photo is definitely one that would make a gorgeous piece of art. All of the flowers are so very pretty.....

yokyoud said...

I really appreciate your work Thanks for sharing it...🥰😍😘

yokyoud said...

I really appreciate your work Thanks for sharing it...🥰😍😘