Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Great 79th Birthday in 2021

Dear Blog Friends,   How are you doing during this VERY HOT mid-August weather???  We are both doing as 'good' as possible at our ages!!!! ha ha... We were lucky during my Birthday week to have some less humid/less hot weather for a few days.. That was nice and made our trip so enjoyable.

 We spent several days along the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive in Virginia.  We visited Peaks of Otter. the National D-Day Memorial,  Point of Honor Home, Skyland Resort, Belle Grove Plantation, and the Cedar Creek Battlefield. 

Then the family came to visit on 8/8/21 (after we got home from our trip). It was a wonderful Birthday week. Hope you enjoy the pictures.Explanations are on each picture.

Well, as you can see,  I had another wonderful Birthday week this year... Thanks be to God for my fabulous husband, family and you--my friends... 

*****************  AND THEN THIS HAPPENED:
After I wrote this post, George and I visited his daughter in Lebanon, Tennessee on Sunday (8/15/21). On the way home, we were in a terrible automobile accident. We were in the left lane on I-40 with several cars in front/back of us. Someone apparently changed lanes and then stopped, causing a three or four vehicle chain reaction pile-up.  We were the 3rd  car in that big wreck so we got hit both back and front.  God and our airbags took care of us and saved our lives. Our pretty little car was totaled  George escaped with soreness, aches and pains, but I was taken by ambulance to the ER. After X Rays, I found out that I broke my right wrist. They put a soft cast on my arm but it is very big and bulky and heavy. I have really struggled with it this week. I see the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow (8/20/21). Hopefully I will get a smaller cast.

As I told my Facebook friends, George and I were very lucky. It could've been much worse. Neither one of us have ever been in a wreck before so this is all brand new. It is definitely something I do not want to ever go through again. But we are thanking God that we are alive. 

PRAYERS for us please. This is going to take some time. And I need patience.





Ann said...

What a great birthday celebration. Your photos are beatufiul.
So sorry to hear about your accident. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

very_inky_fingers said...

Prayers lifted for you! Thanking God that you and George were not more seriously injured..how frightening!!! Prayers for healing and...patience!

George said...

I definitely hope this first wreck is also are LAST! I really don't think we need the added excitement to celebrate your birthday. You did a great job sharing our trip.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy. I am not on Facebook much so didn't see your news about the accident. How horrible. So glad God protected you. I will pray for you to heal up quickly. So glad you had a nice birthday. You look so young for your age. Stay well.

Betsy said...

I enjoyed the photos as always Betsy. Such a beautify area you live in and it was so wonderful that your boys could all celebrate your 79th birthday with you.
I'm sorry about the accident, but praising God that it wasn't more serious. I will be praying for healing and patience for you my friend.
The "other" Betsy

Lynda said...

First - - I LOVE your haircut. It looks great and enhances your beauty!

Second - - so very, very sorry about your wrist - - been there & done that - - - but as you said, Praise God, it could have been so much worse!!!

With the cast - - - see how much you are allowed to move your fingers while in the cast. I had a major time trying to get the mobility and strength back in PT. While recovering, good luck getting comfortable when trying to sleep.
Also, one thing I did that caused me problems was I kept my shoulders raised - - came about from cradling my arm - - which gave me some back and shoulder pain. So relax your shoulders. I put a heat "cape" on my back and neck for 10 minutes each night still before going to sleep.
Prayers for you and very thankful the accident was at the end of your trip rather than the beginning.

Big Dude said...

Happy belated BD and I know you enjoyed the time in your beloved mountains.

Arkansas Patti said...

You definitely had a marvelous Birthday week and so glad the boys made it. Did you have triplets?:))
However that accident could have been so much worse. Sick about your car but grateful that you and George were not more seriously hurt. Do take care.

Fun60 said...

Until the accident your birthday looked an amazing event. You seem to look younger each year that passes. The accident must have shaken you both. You must be so thankful that you escaped with minor injuries.

William Kendall said...

I hope the healing process goes smoothly. Do take care.

The Furry Gnome said...

SO sorry to hear that. Take it easy and recover fast!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am so happy that you got to celebrate your birthday with all those who mean the most to you. God really painted some of the most beautiful scenes for your viewing pleasure.It is my constant prayer that you will heal quickly and be as good as new.

Judy said...

I'm glad you are both okay. That is so scary. Of course I am praying and sending love.

Chatty Crone said...

What a way to celebrate your birthday - happy birthday. I hope you got that smaller cast and you are getting some patience!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Betsy!! Thanking God that you both were not hurt any worse!!! He was looking after you for sure!! I will be praying that you will not need surgery, and can get something lighter on your arm. Please let us know how the doctor appontment went. I hope you can get a nice new car.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh no! I was so glad to see your birthday photos and want to wish you a happy birthday sweet lady. But I am very sorry about the car wreck. That is so frightening and I'm glad it wasn't worse. Take care and allow yourself to heal. Try not to worry about anything and just take it easy...both of you! Sweet hugs and I'll keep you in my prayers too, Diane

David said...

Betsy, Looks like you had a great birthday! Great trip and the family gettogether topped it off. I'm a couple of weeks older than you young folks. Sorry about the wreck, I-40 is a high risk highway for sure. Hope the healing process goes well. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
I am so pleased you had such a great birthday celebration, I so enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.
But my goodness! I was so sorry to read about your accident, that is so scary. I am so pleased you are both ok and send my prayers and healing wishes.
Do please take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Mary said...

Happy birthday, Betsy! I'm sorry that your celebration was marred by the accident but thankful that you and George are both fine. Will pray for your healing and hope you get a less bulky cast to deal with. Your photos are lovely and the trip looks like it was a wonderful one.

eileeninmd said...


I am so sorry to read about your accident, a sad ending to your birthday trip.
Sending prayers for you and wishes for a quick recovery.

Jeevan said...

That sounds terrible, and I am sorry for the accident but glad you guys are safe, and I wish for a speedy recovery of your arm. It's good you enjoyed your birthday around beautiful places and in the embrace of a warm family before this incident took place. Lovely shots Betsy.

Take care and stay strong

Lady Di Tn said...

Just got time to read blogs I use to follow. Love your header. Also, hope this finds you with a much lighter cast on your wrist. Yes both of you were very lucky and I am grateful God was watching over you two. Now the big ???? how are you gonna top the birthday this year with the biggy that is coming next year.
Peace Be With You

Wendy said...

Life is so full of ups and downs! So pleased you and George are OK after that horrible accident.

I love your pics - they're always so beautiful. And happy that you had such a good birthday. Love seeing your family too.
Blessings and prayers that all will be well.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, spending your birthday week or so visiting the beauty of the Appalachians and then being with your family must be something your will cherish for years to come. And then, of course, the accident. I'm so grateful that things weren't worse. And I know, too, that you always find some good in every situation and I bet you've done that with this near-tragedy as well. I will pray. Peace as ever.

Twilight Man said...

I am sending my love and prayers for both you and handsome George. The news of the accident shocked me but God really protected you both. Nobody likes road accidents like this as it's messy and traumatic.
Take care dear.

Kay said...

That is the most amazing looking pie, Betsy. Happy Birthday!

However... good gosh! I'm so sorry for your accident. I'm glad you came out of it OK, but darn... even if it's just your wrist, it sounds so painful. I hope it heals very quickly.

Linda said...

Beautiful photos! Please give us an update. I hope by now you are totally recovered. Best wishes.

Esther Day said...

Dear Betsy, I am so glad to hear you are doing better and healing from that awful accident. Your pictures are always so beautiful, thank you ! We still need to talk about our shared ancestors. We do have a lot.
Love, Esther Kestner Day in Viginia