Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 8, 2021

February is the Month of LOVE

God is the center of my life,  and I definitely LOVE feeling God's presence whether we are out traveling or walking or just sitting at home.  This picture was taken while we were walking along the beach at Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina. Praise be to God!

Hello Blog Friends!!!  Hope all of you are doing a little better now that we are in 2021.... What I do know is that Covid is still with us.  BUT--George and I have had both shots of the Pfizer Vaccine --so we do feel a little safer now!   We are still being careful though,  since the Virus is all around us!

2020 and now 2021 has been hard on all of us in so many ways...I'll admit that I've had a lot of 'low' days,  not so much because of Covid --but for many other changes going on in our wonderful country...  To help me get through these 'low' times,  I try to focus on things that I LOVE all around me and in my memories.  

SO--since February (and Valentine's Day) both focus on LOVE,   my post today (hopefully to make you smile and think about some of the joys in your life also) is all about things I LOVE...  When I started looking for some photos to share ---I realized that there are many many things in my life which I LOVE. I could probably write many blog posts listing more things that I love --but I decided to stop with 10 tonight.... Hope you enjoy!!

I enjoy being with the man in my life whom I LOVE with all of my being.  This picture was taken while we were searching for waterfalls at Blackwater Falls State Park in West Virginia.  This picture of Blackwater Falls was taken on 3/9/20 on George's  Birthday!!!

One of my biggest joys is being with the FAMILY.  This picture of my 3 sons and their beloveds was taken at Christmas, 2019.  Oh how I LOVE LOVE LOVE these people!!!
Another thing I LOVE is watching the DEER in our area especially when there are little Bambi's running around!!
I also LOVE seeing a FULL MOON over the water, when we visit Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina.
Talking about things I love,   I LOVE our Fireplace --and we enjoy it A LOT --from late Fall --through early Spring....


As you can tell by looking at me,  I LOVE to eat!!!  One of George's and my favorite meals when we travel is to get SEAFOOD at Dockside Restaurant at Calabash, NC.  This meal consists of fried Shrimp and those delicious huge fried Scallops,  along with a baked potato and slaw..... YUM!!!!

Something else which I LOVE are all of our Backyard Birds.  In this picture I enjoyed watching a Mama Cardinal having a conversation with a Pileated Woodpecker!  Daddy Cardinal was watching from above.   Wonder what they were talking about?????? 

Here are TWO things I LOVE:  Sunsets and the  Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming!!!   This picture of the sunset over the Tetons was taken during one of several visits to the Tetons.

Oh how I LOVE to have FUN!!!!  George and I are always having fun with one another!!!!  This crazy picture was taken one Christmas while we were taking pictures using our tripod..
WELL---I could have  listed hundreds of things that I LOVE in this life--but today,  I'll stop!  I'll bet you can name 10+ things in life you love also!!!!!!  
Wouldn't it be great if we could keep the Month of Love  going all year long?
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day --and send  your LOVE all month to those you care about.
I need to add one more thing I love:   I LOVE YOU,  my Blog Friends....




Ann said...

Excellent 10 choices. Have a wonderful day

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy. Lovely post about love! Great pictures as always. So glad you and George are getting the vaccine. I am a teacher so I got dose #1 of the Moderna vaccine in January and dose #2 is this Friday. My husband will be eligible to get one sometime in March. Hopefully. So says our governor. Stay well and safe and I will see you again soon. :-)

George said...

I'm very impressed with the things you love and the pictures you shared to illustrate them. I'm particularly happy that I made your top ten list!

Marcia said...

Happy Valentine's to you too Betsy and George. From the sound of your writing, it seems you are doing better health wise. Good for you. we don't get our first dose of vaccine until the 23rd. Once we get the second dose we can plan to travel to Buffalo to see our other daughter, son in law and granddaughter all of whom we haven't seen since August.

By the way, the red text on the black background is really difficult to read. thought you should know. Is there a lighter red you could select?

Dee said...

I always enjoy your blog and the beautiful pictures!!! My dear husband of 51 years passed away in 2019 and I have missed him terribly. We did a lot of traveling and have been to so many of the places you go so it is neat to see pictures of places I remember. We had two sons and bless their hearts, they are so good to me but I will always miss my sweet husband. Thanks for your beautiful pictures and your optimistic attitude. I had heart valve surgery last August and I'm doing great. And too, I put my trust in my Lord and Savior who will never fail me or leave me. God Bless!

David said...

Betsy, I agree...love is the answer to mental well being. Tolerance is the key to unity and progress. We are jealous though! You have received both of your vaccine 'jabs' and we're still waiting for our first one! At my age I've been eligible for a few weeks now. I'm on 2 lists and Laurie is on one... Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Big Dude said...

Good for you on getting vaccinated - we are on the waiting list. I assume you had a little snow fix the other day.

Betsy said...

Good Morning Betsy and Happy Early Valentine's day. One of my loves is my wonderful blog friends from all over the world. Technology is grand when used in a good way.
I so enjoyed reading of your loves. I could echo most of them, putting my family in place of yours. :-)
I'm still trying to get an appointment for my dear husband. I have no idea when I will get mine as I just turned 61. He is 65 and an essential worker so he qualifies in our state for the vaccine. I'm looking forward to it and being able to travel a bit more.
Wishing you a wonderful week, full of God's blessings my dear friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think my favorite is you & George having FUN! Next would be the sunset over the Tetons. I am so glad you both got your shots! We have not, Virginia is ranked as the very worst state for vaccine distribution! So how are you doing church? We are doing Zoom.

William Kendall said...

The woodpecker and cardinal shot is a neat pairing.

Barb said...

Happy Valentine to you and George, Betsy! I love many of the things you named - hubby, family, wildlife, and beautiful landscapes. Glad you got the vaccine. Stay well!

The Furry Gnome said...

Lovely to hear from you Betsy! Have a good Valentine's Day.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These pictures made me smile. It is so good to look back over pictures from the past and relive those special memories .

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely to see and read abouot your 10 favourite "Loes" in life and some are the same as mine Betsy.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
A lovely post and I did enjoy seeing and reading about your ten choices.
It's so good to look back and remember special times and happy moments.

Enjoy your week and Happy Valentines Day Wishes for the 14th.

All the best Jan

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I think you are are one of the happiest bloggers I follow. You and George are always smiling and it's easy to see the love between you. Happy February!

Linda said...

Thanks for the fun post. The final picture is hilarious.

Jeevan said...

Thank you for the love and the sharing of 10 lovely moments from your life. Yes, life will be beautiful when there's love in everyday life, and we got to love daily :)
Hope you enjoyed the valentine, and I'm glad you got the vaccine.

Lady Fi said...

Gorgeous shots! Love that last one of you and George.

diane b said...

A lovely positive post. I love reading your posts. Keep on loving.

Buttercup said...

I share a lot of your loves. I'm putting travel and reading on my list. Reading has really filled some good hours in my life and so important in this last year. Take care, Betsy!

Kay said...

I'm so happy that you and George are now BOTH protected with two shots. What a good feeling that has to be. I'm waiting for my 2nd one next month. I just love your positive attitude, Betsy.

Kay said...

Thank you for sharing your happiness, Betsy. Dang! I thought I'd written a comment already. And yum! I love scallops too. I'm wishing you both a wonderful March!

The Furry Gnome said...

Yes, there are so many things to love.