Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 13, 2020

An Evening to Remember

Dear Family and Friends,   On January 8, 2020,   Mark and Robin took George and me on a special "Double Date"....  George and I drove to Knoxville,  parked the car,  and Mark and Robin picked us up and took us on a "Night to Remember" forever....

They drove us to downtown Knoxville  (which is somewhere we have not been in many years).  Knoxville has changed through the years with the community showing pride in their little city by renovating the old downtown buildings into restaurants and theaters and other types of stores which now draw folks back from the surburbs into the CITY..... I found the walk along GAY STREET (their "Main" Street) just awesome, and am pleased that the renovations have kept the decor and history of those beautiful buildings all through the years !!!!!

Downtown Grill and Brewery
After a bit of walking,  the Young Ones took us OLD Ones for a delicious dinner at one of the many terrific restaurants downtown.  This restaurant (which used to be in the old Woodruff Building) is named the Downtown Grill and Brewery.  What a fabulous restaurant! George and I had some of the best Pork Loin we have had in a long time... YUM...

Lobby of the Tennessee Theater

Following Dinner,   we walked to the nearby Tennessee Theater  (another theater with a fabulous history).   I had been to the Tennessee Theater many years ago --when my first husband and I went to hear the music of the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ in that theater.  When we walked into the theater this time,  I felt as if I had walked back into PARADISE.   What great memories that theater holds for so many!!!  WOW.

An old picture of the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ in the Tennessee Theater (which is the biggest memory I have of the Tennessee Theater)

DRUMLINE LIVE (a musical show for the entire family)
Mark and Robin had purchased tickets for the four of us to see this fantastic musical. Mark knew how much I have always loved Marching Bands  (since I was in one for many years in high school).  We also loved watching and hearing the bands at the Mardi Gras Parades we attended in New Orleans in the '80's when we lived there...  More great memories!!!!

But--the concert was much more than watching a Marching Band... Drumline Live is a synchronized musical showcase of the legendary Black College experience that ALSO features various genres of music from  Hip-Hop, American Soul,  Gospel,  Jazz, and more.

Mark took this picture of us before the concert.

The inside of the theater was GORGEOUS...   AND--our seats couldn't have been better!!!!

Looking straight up --at the ceiling above!!!!  WOW---those details were fabulous!

The four of us in the theater

Some pictures I took of the amazing concert;   On the way home,  Mark asked me what I liked the best... That was hard since it was ALL great.  BUT--there was a Saxophone Solo that was 'out of this world' that really caught my attention,  along with all of the phenomenal percussionists.

This concert was truly 1st class: the sound, lighting, costumes, and all of that incredible ENERGY!!!  WOW!

The concert was like a HUGE Halftime Show at a Fall Football Game.  They featured the sounds of favorites such as Tina Turner,  The Supremes,  The Temptations,  Aretha Franklin,  James Brown,  Prince,  and Ray Charles (featured in the picture above).

Guess who this is???!!!!!!  Of course, it's MICHAEL JACKSON (the "King").  

As Mark said on his Facebook Post after the concert,  "there was nothing which could take that huge smile off  of my face"....What an amazing performance...  I highly recommend it.  

My Sweeties:  Robin and Mark!!!!
Thanks so much,  Mark and Robin,  for this absolutely amazing, awesome, terrific evening.   I am STILL  EXCITED --and it's been five days now since we experienced this evening... I could go on and on about Downtown Knoxville,  our restaurant,  and the concert ... BUT--I'll close with some links you may want to check out  if interested.

Tennessee Theater and its amazing past:  Click Here
Downtown Grill and Brewery:  Click Here
Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee:  Click Here

I highly recommend  "Drumline Live" ---if they ever come to an area near you...  If you are looking for a  'feel-good' concert --for all ages,  this one is for YOU.  Kids would love it also!!!

Have an awesome week!!!!



Ann said...

What an awesome surprise and wonderful evening. The inside of the restaurant is really nice and that theater is gorgeous. It reminds me of an old theater we have here.

Big Dude said...

A very special evening indeed.

Marcia said...

Sounds like such a wonderful time. Only time I've been to Knoxville was to meet a nephew for lunch one summer day in the 90s. We were camping in the Smokies with my parents and James had a summer internship in Knoxville. Can't even remember where the restaurant was. Likely it was on the outskirts.

Chatty Crone said...

How nice!!!!!!!!!!!! You know I have been through Knoxville dozens of times - to go somewhere else. I never thought of it as a destination place - now I do. It had a lot of wonderful things to do and see!

George said...

This truly was a night to remember. Everything was fabulous.

Betsy said...

What a great surprise from Mark and Robin. How fun for all of you! That restaurant is really beautiful inside...but the theater is amazing. They sure don'tmake them like that anymore. It's absolutely stunning. Thank you for telling us all about the show, it "almost" makes me feel like I was there. Beautiful smiles all around.
The "other" Betsy

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, Betsy, Wow!!! And it was doubly special because you were with Robin & Mark. These pictures are fantastic. And I love seeing this town, since I will surely never get there myself. The restaurant is done in the old Grand manner. And you and George are all prettied up! You know, you should make a small picture album of just this trip. Buy a little album. I think my favorites are the inside of the theater, and you & George.

linda m said...

That will be a night you remember for a long time.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, they really planned the perfect double date for you two. Been to Knoxville but not there. Maybe next time. Sounds delightful.

Connie said...

What a wonderful surprise. Dinner and the show at the theater sounds like it was a fantastic time!

Fun60 said...

What a thoughtful treat. There's nothing like live theatre.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now that is the way to make special memories with your family. The smile on your face says it all.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy - wow that does sound like a great evening. What nice memories you will have for a long time!

Buttercup said...

Thanks for sharing your fabulous evening. I would love that show and will be on the lookout to see if it's coming to New York.

diane b said...

Wow what a wonderful evening. Your kids are good to you. The buildings look terrific and the concert and dinner sounded superb. Love your header too. You are both looking so happy and fit. Well done!

David said...

Betsy, What a nice treat...very thoughtful! We've been to the Downtown Grill and Brewery but we have yet to make it to the Tennessee Theater despite living here more than 10 years. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thanks so much for sharing this wonderful evening out in Knoxville. I will surely watch and see if Drumline Live comes here to Kansas City! I'd so enjoy seeing it. Peace and happy new year.

Old Lady Archer & Bird Watcher said...

Hi Betsy, Glad you had such a fabulous time in Knoxville. It has been quite a long time since we were last in the Knoxville area. We were in Seviereville and Pigeon Forge in October for 1/2 day while visiting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Have a great weekend!

William Kendall said...

The theater is beautiful!

Linda said...

Awesome theater and looks like a fun show!