Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 20, 2020

A Short Visit to SAVANNAH

Beautiful Live Oak Trees complete with Spanish Moss in Savannah, Georgia
Dear Family and Friends,   Late Fall plus the holidays was very busy for us,  and due to this crazy schedule,  I am WAY behind on posting about some of the wonderful things we have seen and done.  SO--bear with me today,  as I go back in time to  the evening of Nov. 30 and the morning of Dec. 1st to show you a little bit from SAVANNAH, Georgia.

After leaving from our terrific Thanksgiving time with George's son and family on Nov. 30,   we headed to Savannah for the night.... Traffic was HORRIBLE --so we didn't get to Savannah until it was time for dinner...

Delicious dinner from the Sweet Potatoes Kitchen
Once we got to Savannah, we checked into our motel. By that time we were ready to eat!!!  George and I enjoy eating at local restaurants in specific areas when we travel.  SO-we searched YELP for recommendations. The one we chose  was the SWEET POTATOES KITCHEN.

We both enjoyed some Pecan Crusted Chicken with Sweet Potato Butter.  For my veggies,  I chose a Sweet Potato with Pecan Butter and some delicious cooked apples. For his veggies,  George choose Corn Pudding and Mashed Sweet Potatoes...  Everything was delicious --including their  "famous"  Banana Pudding (which we took back to the motel to eat later).

The Wormsloe State Historic Site,  Savannah, GA
We didn't have a lot of time before heading on to Charleston, but we wanted to see something special in Savannah which neither of us had seen.   SO-- we chose the WORMSLOE  State Historic Site.  Noble Jones arrived in Savannah in 1733.    The plantation built in 1828  (which is private) was originally spelled, Wormslow.  In the mid-1800's,  Noble Jones'  grandson settled on Wormsloe as the standard spelling. This archway was erected in 1913 to commemorate Noble Jones' grandson's son's coming of age.

The picturesque roadway leading us through the property
Seeing and driving on this amazing road was the HIGHLIGHT of Wormsloe to me..  (You can see this beautiful road as I chose it for my Blog Header Picture this month.)   Noble Jones'  grandson planted more than 400 Live Oak trees in the early 1890's to commemorate the birth of his son.   Being here in person to see it was AWESOME....

We enjoyed hiking around the Wormsloe Property...  This is a picture of a hardy Saw Palmetto bush...

A neat area showing what Colonial Life and Living was like to those early Georgia settlers.  

This lady was sharing information about Spanish Moss to some children who were there visiting

See me in the window?  This little 'daub' house has one room,  a sleeping loft,  and a chimney for cooking and heating.  A 'daub' house was made with a combination of wet soil, clay, sand,  animal dung,  and straw.Wooden strips in the form of a lattice (called a 'wattle') are used to 'daub' the sticky mixture together... 

Inside the daub house --where I just HAD to check out the fireplace!!!!

Jones'  Narrows is no longer a strategic water channel for large ships,  since the water has been directed to the Intracoastal Waterway which was created in the 1960's.  Now---Jones' Narrows is inaccessible except for very small boats.  

I told George to get down there and pick that leaning tree up!!!!  For some reason,  he laughed at me!!!!! ha

Some of the remains of  Noble Jones'  Tabby house;  The 8 foot high house protected the family from attacks by the Spanish and their Indian allies --between 1739 and 1748.  

After our nice walk around the facility --we headed back down that amazing road as we left Wormsloe.  
Well--- that's our visit to Wormsloe State Historic Site in Savannah, Georgia.... IF you ever get to Savannah,  we both highly recommend you seeing this beautiful place....Seeing the rows of Live Oaks is worth the trip!!!!!

Have a great week.



Ann said...

I love the road lined with all those trees. Just beautiful. That looks like a very interesting place to visit.

Rose said...

Oh, my....I LOVE that roadway! This is the type of place I like to visit. Just imagine living in that daub house! I always think about how small houses used to be and they were for whole families.

Arkansas Patti said...

You made me miss Spanish Moss-- but not the red bugs that live in it. That road way reminds me of a similar one in Florida near Hobe Sound. I loved driving under the trees.

linda m said...

I have just got to visit Wormsloe. I LOVE that driveway. Great pictures.

George said...

You did a great job sharing our visit to Wormsloe. I wouldn't mimd going back when we had more time.

Betsy said...

Such a beautiful place Betsy with an absolutely gorgeous driveway. I have never even heard of it before. Thank you for taking us with you.

David said...

Betsy, We love Savannah too. Lots of history and good food! We haven't visited the Wormsloe State Historic Site though, so thanks for the travel tip! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful sights. That road lined with these huge trees is breathtaking .

Chatty Crone said...

I love Savannah - a nice place to visit - we almost moved there once - don't think I would want to live there though.

Marcia said...

One day we will get there. The place you visited looks like something we'd go to see.

Kay said...

Thank you for sharing these awesome photos, Betsy. That header photo is amazing! I would love to go there.

Connie said...

Wow, the live oaks archway is amazing--so beautiful! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, that is a pretty cool historic sight. I love history and would like to visit there. I just read a book called The Kitchen House which is about a plantation and family from the late 1700s and to the early 1800s. It was so interesting and this post reminded me of many of the things I read. I am wondering if the slaves lived in the little houses like the one where you posed by the fireplace. So very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Lady Fi said...

Wow - those live oaks are just gorgeous!

Fun60 said...

What a spectacular entrance.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I so enjoyed taking this trip with you to Wormhole! I'd never before heard of it--nor been to Savannah--but now I think I'd like to go there. I have been to Charleston and found it so picturesque and beautiful. Hope your enjoyed your time there too. Peace.

Linda said...

Looks like a fabulous place to visit.

diane b said...

That is the most beautiful road. I can imagine how awesome it must be to drive through the tunnel. The early Australian settlers built their houses of wattle and daub.

Lowcarb team member said...

That roadway and the trees are AWESOME :)

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots!