Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving

Dear Family and Friends,   Thursday this week is THANKSGIVING DAY in our country.  Thanksgiving is a special time for families to gather and just enjoy being together.   George and I will spend a few days with George's son and family. George's son is an excellent chef ---so you know that we will really enjoy some 'good eatin'........ YUM!!!!

The picture above has always been a favorite of mine.  It was taken on one of our trips to the Hocking Hills area in OHIO several years ago....  I am thankful when I'm out in nature enjoying God's beautiful creations.

YES----remember your blessings and fill your home with LOVE!

I am grateful for so many things in my life.   Right now,  I think about my health and how much  better I feel when compared to a year ago.  When the "A-Fib-Bug"  hit me a year ago,  my life changed.  BUT--after my Cardiac Ablation in June,   I am now in Normal Sinus Rhythm --and feel as if I have my life back...Thanks be to God!

I am SNAZY ST. CRANBERRY!!!!!!  haha

I took this picture a few years ago from the parking lot of the Lutheran Church here in Fairfield Glade...  Seeing the steeple, the blue skies and the Autumn colors  reminded me of how blessed I am.

This prayer says it ALL!!!!!  Let's rejoice in the God who is always there for us in every situation.

We all have so many things in our lives to be thankful for --but sometimes, when life gets 'rough',  we ignore these blessings....  Today  (and every day),  let's CELEBRATE them!

To God Be the Glory......  Have a loving, happy, healthy and God-Filled WEEK.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Love to ALL,


Ann said...

That church in the first picture is beautiful.
My Thanksgiving turkey name is Hot Buns McTurkey...lol
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy

I am so happy you are feeling better and are back to your normal self.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, George and your family. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Jeevan said...

We’re all thankful for someone or something in life and it’s the kind of humbleness elevates us. Hope you have a blessed day with George’s son family and their special treats! Thank you Betsy, I enjoy your company in blog :)

Loved the pretty church image.

George said...

What a wonderful Thanksgiving post! This is just one reason I'm most thankful for having you in my life.

Dee said...

Amen!!! So good to know you are feeling good!! As always, I enjoy your pictures. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God Bless.

Betsy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family dear Betsy. We do indeed have much to be grateful for. May God continue to bless you my friend.

Big Dude said...

Nice post Betsy. I'm thankful for more than I could ever count.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your pictures are beautiful, and I'm so glad the procedure cured you! Do you still have to take medicine? I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!!

Fun60 said...

It is good to take some time out to be thankful. Enjoy your family get together.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
A lovely post, and we should all take time to reflect and be thankful.
My good wishes to you, George and your family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

All the best Jan

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you. Hope you have a most wonderful time with family.

Linda said...

Best wishes to you and your family, Betsy!

Betsy said...

Happy to hear you are feeling great and a Very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy! What a lovely post and reminder of all we have to be grateful for. So glad your health is better this year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I really enjoyed reading your Thanksgiving post, and the pictures are lovely.
Happy Thanksgiving!

diane b said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your families. I'm thankful for waking up every morning.

Linda P said...

Hello Betsy. I'm so happy that you are keeping well. Wishing you and George a blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family time.

William Kendall said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

MTWaggin said...

Happy Thanksgiving and I can see why that first photos is a favorite, it is truly special just like you!

David said...

Betsy, I hope that you and yours are having a great Thanksgiving! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Connie said...

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, Betsy.

Lady Fi said...

What lovely shots!