Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Beautiful LILIES in our Yard --2019 (Part I)

Montenegro Lilies,  6/03/19
Dear Friends,  As most of you know,  we have a "Deer Eating Our Flowers"  problem at times.  As George always says (and I agree):  "I love seeing the deer as long as they are NOT in our yard".... Last year,  they loved munching on our LILIES  (one of my favorite plants).... And once they eat the lily buds/blooms --that plant is finished for the season. (At least the Roses will come back --after being munched on.)

SO during the Fall,  George dug up ten of my favorite lilies planted in the front yard,  and replanted them in containers --which we put on the deck.  This year,  I/we enjoyed watching those beautiful Lilies bloom...  I could even enjoy them, and smell their wonderful fragrance,  from inside our home --since some of them are close to one of our Sliding Glass doors... Moving the plants to the deck worked well--and I was/am a "happy girl".... Thanks, George!!!!

I have two blog posts showing our LILIES... They bloomed off and on from the middle of May   to the second week of July.  We had 12 different types of Lilies to bloom this year --and,  since the deer stayed away from our entire yard MOST of the time,  we not only had them blooming on the deck --but also in the front yard...   It has been a good year for the LILIES....  (And with the rainy winter and spring,  the deer had plenty to eat elsewhere this year..)

Hope you enjoy today's pictures.... You'll have to pick out a favorite (or two or three)....

Some of our Lilies on the deck,   6/9/19

Pink Lemonade Lilies after a rain,  6/18/19

Orange Electric Lilies,  6/8/19

This Lily, Pink Perfection,  just kept GROWING....  Not sure how tall it was,  but probably about 7+ feet.   George is 6'2" --so you decide!!!!!! ha....,  6/19/19  (NOW--see picture below!)

Pink Perfection Lilies,  6/19/19  (Thank Goodness for the zoom lens on my Canon;  otherwise it would have been hard to capture this huge Lily.)

A favorite of mine,  Muscadet Lilies, 7/3/19;  These beauties bloomed both in the front yard and on the deck.

Always a favorite,  Rosella's Dream Lilies,  6/8/19

An old-time favorite of many folks:  Stargazer Lilies,  7/6/19   (Those are Muscadet Lilies to the right.)

Golden Splendor Lilies, 6/19/19;   We were blessed to have these Lilies blooming both in the front yard and on the deck.

Purple Prince Lilies,  6/25/19

One of my favorite Lilies,  Lombardia Lily,  7/1/19;   This one's color is so amazing;  Looks like it could glow in the dark!!!!
Lilies are interesting to study... There are about 8 (or more) varieties.... Since making a 'combo' lily OR hybrid lily has become popular,  there are and will be even more varieties...

Two things come to mind of most people when thinking about Lilies... First are EASTER LILIES...  I always thought they were a Trumpet Lily --but they are in their own category,  Longiflorium Lilies...    The second thing which usually comes to mind are the DITCH LILIES.... Those are the orange lilies which grow along ditches or used as ground cover (since they are invasive and will spread)..  What you may not know is that the Ditch Lilies are actually Day Lilies --since the blooms only last a day..  BUT---since there are usually SO many blooms,  most people don't even realize that each bloom only lasts a day.

We grow Day Lilies also ---and ours get prettier every year --since the plants get bigger and stronger --and give us many more blooms per plant.....

Here's a webpage if you are interested in learning more about the VARIETIES of LILIES. Click HERE.  Two of our Asiatic Lilies in today's post are Montenegro  and Rosella's Dream.   Two of our Trumpet Lilies are Golden Splendor and Pink Perfection.  Two of our Oriental Lilies are Stargazer and Muscadet.    AND one of our Orienpet Lilies is Purple Prince.   The Orienpet Lilies are a cross between an Oriental Lily and a Trumpet Lily.  We used to have the Turk's Cap Lilies (which I always called Tiger Lilies).  We no longer have that variety.

As I have said,  Lilies are interesting --and so much fun to watch them grow and bloom.  Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our beautiful Lilies.... There's more to come soon!!!!!

Have an awesome day --and remember to contact those you love.  My sons have no idea how wonderful it is to hear from them.... I SMILE really big when I get those phone calls...



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I cannot get over how tall that Lily is beside George. What on earth is he feeding them on!!!! All our Lilies are so beautiful adn I can nearly smell them from here. Have a great week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

Your lilies are beautiful! Lovely photos. I hope you both are doing well.

Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

Ann said...

What a great idea to plant them in pots on the deck. That one tall one is amazing. I don't think I've ever seen a lily get that tall before. These are all beautiful.

Rita said...

These pictures are beautiful! Would make such lovely cards. George did a wonderful work taking these pictures and you did explaining the moving of the lilies.

George said...

I'm glad that you approve having lilies on the deck and that we had so many beautiful blossoms this year. Hopefully we can have as many next year.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Betsy your lilies are stunning. I have an allergy to Easter lilies but not some other. It is determined by the type of fragrance they give off. Having deer around is not always the ideal situation but we do all have to share space on this earth to survive. Nice post and George looks fantastic to. Say HI for me.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Betsy your lilies are stunning. I have an allergy to Easter lilies but not some other. It is determined by the type of fragrance they give off. Having deer around is not always the ideal situation but we do all have to share space on this earth to survive. Nice post and George looks fantastic to. Say HI for me.

Arkansas Patti said...

Great job George defeating the deer and saving the Lilies for your enjoyment.
That is one tall Lily. It must really like what you are feeding it.

Betsy said...

Such beautiful, beautiful lilies. Thank you for sharing them with us today. I know what you mean about phone calls. I love hearing from our kids and we don't talk to them enough. Mandy and Alex are very good about calling, but our son in Montana...not so much. We always called him the absent minded professor. Ha!
Have a lovely day my friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great idea it was to move them to pots on the deck! It is a wonder that the deer did not come up to the deck, though! I knew about Day lilies, because we have them. But I had actually been wondering about what an Easter Lily IS. So it is it's own different thing! Too hard to chose favorites on this post today! But let me try! Montenegro, Pink Lemonade, Muscadet, golden Splendor, and Stargazer. I cheated and chose almost half, ha ha! I am so glad you are doing well, my friend!

David said...

Betsy, Nice photos of your beautiful lilies! I've never seen one as tall as Pink Perfection...wow! We had a doe and her 3 babies graze their way through our front yard just yesterday. They nibbled on just about everything! We took lots of photos... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Connie said...

Your lilies are gorgeous, Betsy! So clever of George to plant them in pots on your deck so that you could enjoy them without the deer dining on them.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy,
How can we choose a favourite! They are all so lovely :)
Such a nice post to read, thanks for the information about lilies, and wow, your photographs here are amazing. Beautiful blooms and wonderful colours.

Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

Fun60 said...

What delightful lilies. So many colours and that tall one must be a contender for the Guiness book of records.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each one of these Lilies is lovely, but this time I had no problem picking a favourite. It has to be the StarGazer.This was Jake's favourite, so it has become mine as well. The Pink Perfection must have been on steroids to grow that tall.

linda m said...

They are all so beautiful. I can't believe how tall that one is. I know what you mean about phone calls. Wish my son would call me more often.

My Tata's Cottage said...

OH my goodness, those mean ole wild rabbits eat all the pretties too. It is quite sad how wildlife has no where to go. Seeing deer in the city where my niece lives, which is so desert like. They walk right up to the fence. They are also all over the cemetery in my hometown. We have coyote, racoons and rabbits. They are all quite annoying but those rabbits are the worst. My niece in California rescues house pet rabbits and she dislikes the wild ones because of the disease they carry. But it is what it is. WE have too much building up here.
I have missed seeing and chatting with you. We lost our precious great grandboy Alastor Avery Aug 4. It has been so difficult for our entire phamily.
I sure love all the pretty lilies and I have many tiger lilies in my front yard. We need to weed out front, the month has been difficult for us.
Take care and glad to see you are doing so well. HUGS and LOVE and PRAYERS

Chatty Crone said...

Okay I am not much of a gardener - I know about lilies but I have never seen the deep red Montenegro Lilies - the first one - it was gorgeous! sandie

Linda said...

I did not know lilies could grow so tall! Your flowers are always lovely. Did you know day lilies are said to be edible? (And not just by deer!)

Linda P said...

Your lilies are all beautiful and what a good idea to have some growing in pots on your decking and nearer to your house. I like growing plants in pots as I can move them around. We don't grow many lilies, but the ones we manage to nurture are precious. The lily that grew this year also went sky high almost to the roof of our covered yard! Next year I might grow some outside where they'll be just as happy. Continued good thoughts re. your health.

Shug said...

Can't believe how tall that Lilly is....I've never seen one grow that tall. I'm guessing there is a sweet sweet fragrance all around your house. They are all beautiful. I love that beautiful PINK colored rose on your header. The perfect pink....

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ooh, I think I like the Stargazer Lilies the best, but the simple white ones are just beautiful. You and George have a blessed day!

William Kendall said...

They're very pretty!

Lady Fi said...

So very beautiful!

Marcia said...

Such a lovely assortment. Good idea that George had to move them to pots. But I wonder why the deer kept their distance this year? What did you do differently?

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thanks so much for these photographs of lilies--day and otherwise. For me, lilies are such an inspiration because they open themselves wide to life--to rain and sunshine and all of nature. I hope to be as open to the possibilities of life as they are! Peace.

diane b said...

I'm glad you have found a way to deter the lily munchers. Your lilies are so big and beautiful I like the last one best.

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture and yet pretty bloomed lilies! Ever seen such a tall lily plant and bloom… Glad the deer stayed away and nice of George to transfer these plants to containers to let them rebloom.

Have a nice week ahead

Kay said...

Those are so pretty, Betsy. I'm glad you were able to rescue them from the deer.