Veteran's Honor --5/17/19 |
Dear Friends, How is life treating you???? I hope things are going well.... My life is crazy ---and I thought retirement was the time I would just be able to sit and relax... ha ha .... I apologize that I don't have much time these days to comment on your blog posts --but I do take time to read them...
After dealing with Long-Standing Persistent A Fib all during 2018--with no good results from the medications I was receiving, at my insistence, I finally got referred by my local Cardiologist to go to a specialist, an Electrophysiologist, in Knoxville. My new doctor has finally given me hope when it comes to my health.
My new doctor changed my medication, and scheduled a procedure for me to try. SO--on April 23, I had a Cardioversion. This is a procedure where they 'shock' the heart --trying to get it back into Normal Sinus Rhythm.... They only had to ZAP me once (I was asleep and didn't feel it) in order to get my heart beating normally..... I was so so so pleased and amazed that this procedure worked the FIRST TIME they tried it... (Why in the world had I not done it SOONER?) AND --as of today, my heart is still beating normally.. I cannot explain how much better I feel. No more shortness of breath, no more weakness, no more exhaustion, no more dizziness; These were all of these things I suffered with all during 2018.
BUT even though I am doing well right now, my doctor wasn't finished with me yet... For most people with A Fib, the Cardioversion is a temporary fix... SO---I'm having another more permanent procedure done this week. This procedure is much harder and more invasive (a four-hour surgery with a night spent in the hospital). This procedure (called a CATHETER ABLATION) is more permanent --and hopefully (if it works for me), I will STAY in normal sinus rhythm for a much longer time, maybe forever..
I'm a 'fighter' ---and will NOT give up... I want my life back... Some people may just give up and live with A Fib --but that is NOT me. My only regret is not pushing much sooner for a referral to an Electrophysiologist.. I put WAY too much trust in my Cardiologist... BUT--I don't dwell on that now.. I'm looking forward. Please pray for me on JUNE 13... Thank You!!!!
For those of you who have blogged with me for years, then you know that George and I grow ROSES (along with Lilies, Day Lilies, Irises, Tulips, Daffodils, etc.).... This is the season for our Roses to start blooming. SO--we "walk the yard" most every morning taking pictures. Today I'll share with you some of my favorite MAY ROSES.... Hope you enjoy them.
DoubleDelight -- 5/18/19 |
Daring Spirit --5/20/19 |
Welcome Home-- 5/20/19 |
RioSamba-- 5/22/19 |
Queen Elizabeth-- 5/22/19 |
Flaminco-- 5/22/19 |
Sedona-- 5/22/19 |
Simply Magnificent -- 5/23/19 |
Crescendo -- 5/23/19 |
About Face -- 5/25/19 |
Peace --5/25/19 |
Alec's Red --5/25/19 |
Color Magic -- 5/30/19 |
Melody Parfume --5/30/19 |
Well ---that's enough beauty for today.... Hope you enjoyed seeing the Roses. Do you have a favorite or favorites?????
Remember to send me some good thoughts and prayers on JUNE 13 (Thursday)... I will be out-of-commission for awhile I'm sure, but I'll be back to blogging soon!!!!
The roses are beautiful. 'Peace'has always been a particular favourite as my mum had this one in her garden. I will be thinking and praying for you this Thurs and look forward to hearing more good news about your health in your next update.
Your roses are like children, who could pick a favorite? I love them all. The best is wished for you, when you have to be in hospital, close your eyes and think of these roses. 🌹
When we go to a doctor for anything we expect that they know the right course of action for us so it is only natural that you trusted your cardioligist was doing what was best. I'm glad you found a new one who knows a few more things. That's wonderful that you are feeling better already. I'm sure that you will pull through this surgery with flying colors. You have an amazing positive attitude and that goes a long way in recovering.
Prayers and well wishes coming your way.
Glad the heart procedure helped and you have hope for a permanent fix but it's sad that your regular doctor didn't send you to a specialists without you insisting - I'd be looking for a new one.
Prayers that the procedure gives you your active life back.
The roses are all lovely. Do they have much fragrance?
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I’m smiling with tears of thankfulness. God led you in the right direction. Will be sure to continue praying for you especially on June 13.
You are in my prayers and so is your doctor. What a blessing that you were strong enough to fight for your own health. Your roses are incredible.
Hello Betsy, sending prayers and well wishes. I am glad you are feeling better and the first procedure is helping you. Your roses are lovely, beautiful photos. Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!
I am so happy for you..I know you have been discouraged! You are being lifted in prayers as is your family who I am sure will do the usual worrying!
I certainly hope the ablation goes as well as the cardioversion went. It would be nice to be able to do things again. You got some great pictures of the roses.
Oh my I am so happy to hear your heart went back to normal beat and I will be praying for your procedure to go well. Your roses are beautiful- Double Delight with Flaminco are absolutely spectacular. Thanks for sharing!!
You will be in my prayers. I love your blog and take enjoy the many trips to the Smokies that you take. I pray God will give you many more trips. Your posts brighten people's days!
gorgeous roses! And yes, of course, you will be in my prayers, sweet lady.
Funny I should read your blog for the very first time today and you are writing about your heart. I have been short of breath for quite a while now and several different meds have been tried so I may be getting my heart zapped back into rhythm too. I hope I have as good of results as you have had. I don't want to live this way with shortness of breath at every exertion. I think God led me here today.
Hi Betsy, Your yard looks wonderful...lots of color with all those bright flowers. Too much work for me but I can appreciate the look and the effort. I'd never heard of that shock treatment for A Fib...very interesting. I'm sure that you'll do fine with the upcoming surgical procedure...our prayers are with you. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
The roses are all beautiful. I'll take a bouquet, one of each please. LOL Sorry that you have to undergo more surgery, but praying that this will give you great quality of life and for a longlong time. Love you lots and will be praying for you.
Good Monday Morning Betsy! I'm so glad that the procedure worked for you. My regular cardiologist is an Electrophysician...ever since I got my pacemaker. He has been talking about an ablation if my tachycardia persists but mine is no way as severe as you have had so I have delayed it as long as possible.
You will definitely be in my prayers. I know that God will hold you in his hands and that He will guide the surgeons hands as he does the procedure.
Much love and congrats again on little Roni. She's darling.
So glad you got at least temporary relief from the AFIB and wish you great success with the ablation. I know two people who had it and are delighted with the results. Let us know when you have it.
Hugs and Prayers from Arkansas.
Bless your heart - - literally! So thankful you found someone who could help. You are a second friend having a surgery on June 13. The other is having a knee replacement.
Praying for success for this surgery and rapid recovery with no complications. The things we cope with and endure with each year that passes.
Love you!
Simply Magnificent is my favorite and it is like you!
Hey I am very familiar with that procedure. Many of my friends have had it and my SIL.
Guess what my son is? An electrophysiologist - in Cincinnati - at Children's Hospital.
I will definitely be praying for you on June 13th - you can count on it! I know your scared - but God is with you.
Love, sandie
Beautiful flowers. I hope the procedure goes smoothly.
Dear Betsy ~ your roses are beautiful as always. Thanks for sharing.
Glad your first procedure did your heart good. You're in my thoughts and prayers for Thursday. Do keep us posted.
Love, hugs & prayers for you and dear George ~ FlowerLady
Daring Spirit, Rio Samaba, and Flaminco are my favorites. But they are all so beautiful! We know people who have had this procedure, and it has worked well. I know it will do so well for you, because your surgery is on Phil's birthday! Yes, I trusted in my orthopedic surgeon for many years, constant pain and shots. Begging him to find me options, and he said there were none. I finally found a pain clinic that was able to take the pain away with Radio Frequency Ablation, all that time in pain wasted. Praying for you, Betsy...that the procedure will go well, and be very successful!!!
What beautiful roses!! I’ve always loved them but never had just the right environment for them!!!!!
You will definitely be in our prayers!!! Your surgery is the day after Mike’s surgery so I’ll be all prayed up for both of you!!! I am so proud you are doing this in order to continue your active lifestyle!!! God has you in His hands!!!!
They are all my favorites! So beautiful!
I will include you in my prayers...
Beautiful roses! God be with you on the 13th.
Your roses are lovely. I am glad you found a genius doctor... he sounds so much more advanced than most cardiologists, and I thought they were experts. Saying a prayer for you, dear Betsy.
The roses are absolutely amazing. Like you. That is good news about your AF. I don't understand why they didn't shock you ages ago. Bill was shocked back into sinus rhythm the first time he went to hospital with Ventricle Tachicardia Unfortunately ablation wasn't possible for him in the ventricles so he had to have an ICD. Implanted Cardiac defibrillator.
I'm sure you will be fine but it is scary for you. Sending you best wishes.
I will be for sure praying for you Betsy. I know George will update us all when the procedure is over.
I love all the roses....can all the pink ones be my favorite?
Betsy, your flowers are gorgeous!!! I will be thinking of you and praying for successful surgery on June 13th. Jeep is having surgery on June 17th to repair an abdominal aneurysm of his Aorta. Prayers would be appreciated if you are able.
Oh wow....such a gorgeous header photo. Of course, I've seen your place in person and I know how much hard work you and George put in to making your place look so pretty. I am in awe of how pretty each and every rose looks. So much beauty! I know you are going to feel so much better after this procedure and I am certainly covering you in Prayer. Hugs
Beautiful roses! Thinking of you.
I'm happy that the specialist was able to find some new things for you to try which are helping you to feel better. Your roses are so beautiful. I think I like the Flaminco the best, but it is hard to choose.
Hello Betsy.
Your roses are just so beautiful, it's hard to pick a favourite one.
Thinking of you and saying a prayer.
All the best Jan
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