Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 13, 2019

Your Thoughts and Prayers are Needed. THANKS!

USS Abraham Lincoln
Dear Family and Friends,   Prayers are needed for my Granddaughter Brooke and her husband, Tristan.  Tristan is in the Navy and is currently deployed on the USS Abraham Lincoln which has been sent to the Middle East to help with the horrible problems happening in that area involving Iran....   I am sure you have read  or heard about this on the news recently.  SCARY situation for sure!!!!

Brooke is obviously very upset and worried.   AND --to make matters harder,   Brooke and Tristan's second baby is due the end of this month.  Even though she and Vivian (almost 16 months old now),  are with her mother during Tristan's deployment,   she obviously misses him so much... Prayers for Tristan and all of the men and women on the USS Abraham Lincoln --but also for Brooke as she brings Little Veronica (Roni) into the world soon...  Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers.

Here are some pictures of that sweet family.  Hope you enjoy them.

Brooke and Tristan on their wedding day

Having Fun

Aren't they just a precious family?


I am having Carpal Tunnel Surgery on Thursday,  May 16,   on my dominant (left) hand.  Since I won't be able to use that hand for awhile,  I am taking a Blog  Break.... BUT--I'll be back soon  (hopefully with no numb and tingly fingers)!!!!  Fun Fun!!!



Ann said...

Sending prayers for Brooke and Tristan and for you as well.

eileeninmd said...


Sending prayers for you, Tristan and Brooke. I hope your surgery goes well.

Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Jim and Sandie said...

Prayers for all of you from our house.

David said...

Betsy, If I had to be anywhere in the Mideast, I would prefer the USS Abraham Lincoln with its defensive capabilities and firepower. Of course our prayers are with them and all service men and women who are at risk around the world. Best of luck with the carpal tunnel surgery. Should be no problem! I've had both wrists done already...almost instant relief... Now recovering...not so quickly...from similar surgery on my left wrist that involved the thumb... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Dee said...

Saying prayers for your granddaughter and husband on the Abraham Lincoln ship and will be praying good results for your surgery on the 16th. God Bless!

Betsy said...

I have been praying for Brooke and Tristan since you told us about this scary situation for them. I will also be praying for your surgery dear Betsy and for a fast healing. I know George will take wonderful care of you.

Fun60 said...

This type of action has a knock-on effect on so many families. My thoughts are with you and your family.

George said...

I hope you'll have a very short blog break and be back with no tingly or numb fingers.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I will be praying for him, and for your surgery! My mom had this surgery on both hands, and was so glad she did. And you never even complained! Next time George posts something,I will ask him how you are doing.

Lady Fi said...

Wishing you all the best!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Prayers for your family and for you as you have this surgery. I have had that same surgery on both hands and the relief is wonderful. Yes,it takes a little while for the healing, but so worth it.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
Saying a prayer and sending my good wishes for Brooke and Tristan and for you as well.
Hope your surgery goes well.

All the best Jan

Chatty Crone said...

Prayers for all of you. I went out with Kelly tonight and as we were getting in the car she rolled the window up and my finger was on the rim and it got smashed to smelteries and it looks terrible and it hurts.

BeachGypsy said...

May the good Lord bless this sweet young family and keep the Daddy of it--Tristan safe and out of harm's way and may He keep him focused and brave and STRONG for our country's military and his important job, but also STRONG for his little family and the soon to be arriving little baby. May the good Lord bless and protect this young mother and help her stay calm and content and worry free while her husband is deployed, and free from anxiety so her pregnancy and delivery will be a good and safe one! I just know that God will take care of them, our son is ALSO ACTIVE MILITARY AND DEPLOYED PILOT and Tristan is on a good one, the Abraham.

diane b said...

Hope all gos well on Thursday. Wishing Tristan a safe deployment and a speedy return home.

Linda said...

I'm sorry they are going through this. During WW II, my mother's dad and and her husband (my dad) were in the Navy. They made it back but I know from how she looked when she told me about it that it was a stressful time for her.

Best of luck on your surgery! Check your desk height and such so you never stress your wrists again.

William Kendall said...

I hope the mission in the Gulf goes quietly.

Connie said...

Prayers for Brooke and Tristan here, Betsy. And prayers that your surgery is a success and that you heal quickly.

Happytrails said...

Prayers for Brooke and Tristan, it is a scary situation over there with Iran. We will also remember you in your surgery Thursday and for a speedy recovery.

R's Rue said...


Kay said...

I shall be thinking about your granddaughter, Betsy and hoping everything will turn out safely. Good luck with your surgery too. We'll keep eyes open for when you return to us.

Sandi said...

Praying for not another war...

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, just now reading this...I hope you are doing okay with the surgery. roger had it but I cannot remember how long it took him to recover. He had it on both hands at the same time. I will start including you in my prayers and also Tristan and Brooke. That would be so hard on all concerned.

Jeevan said...

My prayers for your family and let's hope nothing to worry! Take care and good rest

Elizabeth said...

Prayers and love for your granddaughter and her family. Praying you are healing well. My hubby had that surgery on both hands, but not at the same time, but back to back.