Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 7, 2019

Santa brought us --------WHAT???????

Santa did bring us this cute ornament ---but he brought NO SNOW  this year.   All we have had is RAIN--RAIN-RAIN.
Well my Friends,   how was your Christmas?  Was Santa good to you?????  Even though I was afraid that I'd get coal in my stocking --I must say that Santa was VERY good to me....   WELL--- I wonder!!!!?????  Just read on!!!

Of course,  Santa knew that we NEEDED  (Ha Ha) some new t-shirts...   Here's a cute one,  Advice from a Mountain!!!

George's sister,  Janet,  gave him a gorgeous  WILLOW to add to our collection.  The name:   "Brother and Sister"...   Isn't that just so special?

This is a beautiful canvas made from one of George's pictures taken while we were watching the sunset at Mormon Row in the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming,  this past September.  

Georgie got a post card from his Bride!

Betsy got a new Willow from George named  You and Me...   Of course, I cried.  It is so beautiful. As most of you know,   I collect Willows and this year,  I not only got this one from George,  but got a beautiful one from one of my sons  (named Mother and Son)  and one from friends, Shirley and Robert  (named Grandmother). 

Here's another Canvas from our West Trip this past September.   This picture was taken along the Chief Joseph Highway at the Dead Indian Pass Overlook in Wyoming.  (Yes--there's a great history in this area.)

Another cute ornament we got this year

George took my favorite picture of Vivi (my Great Granddaughter) and me,  and had it made into an ornament.  Isn't it just awesome?

WELL---as you can see,  we really had a nice Christmas,  and Santa was good to both of us... BUT---there's one more thing.    Santa knows that as we get older,  we all need more exercise.   This past year has been one in which, due to health problems,  neither of us have gotten enough exercise.   SO---look what Santa gave us!!!!!!!

A Stationary Bike!!!!!!  For US??????   Oh My --My---My....  I haven't ridden a bike since my children were young.  Can I do this?????  

At least I am TRYING to smile!!!!!!!! ha ha 

Look at this guy!!!!!  He's got this!!!  
Now that it is January and we've had the bikes for a few weeks now,   I must admit that we both are still doing good!!!!!   Unless we are out running errands or going to appointments, etc---we try to ride for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon.  

Be sure to ask us in  July if we are still working out on the bikes....   I don't want that bicycle --sitting in our Living/Great Room to just sit there and collect dust......

One thing I have learned this year is that all of the 'stuff'  you see in a blog post like this is just what it is,  STUFF....  Yes,  it brings joy and happiness...  But---what is really important in life is staying healthy--  so that I can enjoy this stuff!!!

2018 was a year of changes.  My life is different than it was in 2017---but I'm not going to let the A- Fib define me.   I am learning to live with this constant 'fast-beating' heart.  There are things I can no longer do --but I can find many more new and exciting things to do.  My 2019 motto is  "I will not Give Up"....

Have a happy and HEALTHY  2019, my Friends.



Ann said...

You look so happy in the photos, I'm glad that you had a nice Christmas. I need to start exercising again. I've been a bit too lazy.
I can't believe that Santa didn't bring you any snow. He knows how much you love it. There must be a shortage though because we didn't get very much at all this year

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

You look wonderful dear Betsy, and George is your handsome sidekick.

A stationary bike sounds like great exercise. I'm wanting to get outside more to work in my gardens. I bought a pedometer to keep track of my steps. ;-)

Have a wonderful 2019 ~ FlowerLady

Big Dude said...

Looks like Santa was good to you.

Marcia said...

What a nice Christmas! We forgo the stuff this year and gave ourselves a mini vacation before Christmas. Having granddaughters and their parents here was also a very nice gift. Once I recover from this gall bladder removal I will get back to my exercise routine and classes. Missed them.
Happy New Year.

George said...

I like your motto for 2019! I just hope the bike helps us!!!

Betsy said...

It looks like you had an absolutely wonderful Christmas Betsy. I am so glad. The past few years have made me appreciate good health more. You don’t really understand until you lose it do you? Good for you and George using the bikes so faithfully. Next time you head out west, we’ll have to get together. Blessings always Betsy

linda m said...

i love all your ornaments. Hubby and i didn't exchange many gifts this year. I gave him some DVD's he wanted and he gave me 3 devotional books I wanted. We figured out years ago that our health and well-being are more important than stuff. I do really like you "bike" though. Think I need to get one for myself. Happy cycling.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I really like your hair, Betsy. I think it suits you well. The exercise bike is a good investment in your health. We had a treadmill that I used faithfully for several years and loved it. Then I developed some things that kept me from walking, and I lost my momentum. Just when I thought I was getting it back, I had another setback. Then we moved and didn't have room for the treadmill at the new place. But I know that I must work to keep active. Inactivity catches up with us very quickly at this stage of life. The Christmas gifts you received and gave were all treasures, especially George's Willow gift to you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow Betsy! The exercise bikes are just what you need! Now you can exercise in really bad weather (though that has never seemed to stop you!) ha ha! I love the expressions on your face while riding it!! All your gifts are wonderful, especially the canvas pictures!! I hope you will hand them somewhere. You are looking so good! I love your header!! We have had lots of rain too.

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you not only have the exercise bike but are faithfully using it. I use mine when I watch TV. Weather doesn't affect us at all. Keep peddling.

Fun60 said...

Another inspiring post. Good on you for finding a new way to exercise.

Ruth Hiebert said...

If I know you and George, as I think I do, that will be used regularly. You truly had a good Christmas and so did I.As usual, my son and granddaughter spoiled me. Life can be good, even when it's not exactly as we had planned it.

Chatty Crone said...

I liked all your Christmas presents for sure.

Betsy was that you - you cut your hair short and let it gray - i love it. Looks good on you. I think it is very becoming.

I am glad and I know how hard it is to not let a disease define you. But you are no quitter.

I have an old Schwinn Anodyne and I love it.

Happy New Year.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Keep peddling

Lynda said...

Your presents are beautiful - - and very meaningful to each of you. That's what makes a good present - - - when the giver takes the recipient's "likes" into consideration.
You are both amazing with your perseverance for "keeping on".
Thanks for sharing with us!

David said...

Betsy, Looks like you had a great Christmas. I understand the stationary bike...but as a present it wouldn't stand out for me despite the obvious health benefits. Ya'll are looking good! My motto after an EMS run to the hospital and 2 stents this past year is "Keep on movin' on!" "Move it or lose it" Have a great 2019! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
Your Christmas gifts and ornaments are lovely. You certainly had a wonderful time.
I like the idea of the exercise bike, but yes … the important thing is to use it regularly.
Love your New Year motto :)

My very good wishes to you (and George)

All the best Jan

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas😊
Beautiful pictures!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! Betsy, I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I love the colorful photos and you and your husband looked so happy. Happy New Year!

Wendy said...

Love your motto "Don't give up!" It's a good one to live by. And you will!

Looks like your Christmas was happy and just plain wonderful! No riches can compare to a loving family.

Happy January! (with lots of snow for you - but not here. LOL)

Lady Fi said...

Santa was good to you this year! A stationary bike is a great idea!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love all of your precious gifts (the ornaments are the best!) and the bike is really good for you both.
I hope YOU both have healthier years to come. YOU are both a wonderful gift to us all.

Connie said...

Wonderful gifts, Betsy! It certainly looks like you had a lovely Christmas. Wishing you and George good health and happiness in 2019.

diane b said...

You lucky ducks. Santa was really good to you. You must have been good all year. You are looking great. Is it a new hairstyle. You have a great attitude towards your AF problem. Good for you.