Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 22, 2018

Snowy Range Scenic Byway, Highway 130, Wyoming ---9/15/18

When we first got on Highway 130,  we could see where we were going!!!!!!  WOW!
Dear Friends,  On the way home on Sept. 15, from our West Trip,  George and I meandered off of I-80 and took a wonderful 'back road'  between Rawlins, Wyoming and Laramie, Wyoming.   This was Highway 130 which  is called the Snowy Range Scenic Byway.   We had never been in this area ---and in a word or so,  we LOVED it.

Snowy Range Pass is part of the Medicine Bow National Forest.    The Snowy Range used to be called the Great Sky Road.  Today I'll share pictures from our little  'side trip'....   Hope you enjoy them!!!!

Along Highway 130,  we enjoyed the beautiful Colors of Fall.   (Photo taken from inside the car)

Oh how I love seeing the ASPENS in their glory!!!!  And the Lodgepole Pines were beautiful here (as opposed to Yellowstone --where many of them had been destroyed by beetles)

The SNOWY RANGE is now in view!!!!!  Wow!

Getting CLOSER and higher in Elevation  (the Peak at Medicine Bow is 12,013 feet)

A nice lady took our picture together when we stopped at Libby Flats --which was over 10,000 feet.  

One of my favorite pictures from Libby Flats --showing one of the many GLACIAL Lakes in that area.  I think this lake is named Bellamy Lake.   

From the Libby Flats area,  I took this picture looking south --toward the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.

From Libby Flats,  we just had to walk to the Observation Point in the distance...  See it????  It is so neat --and looks like a castle!!!!

I haven't found any details about who/how this Observation Point was built --but I do know that it is an official  Historical Site.

On the way up!!!!!   What an awesome observation point.

I took this picture of George at the Observation Point.  The weather up there wasn't cold --but it was VERY windy.  Hence NO hat for my man!!!!! ha

 I love seeing the Lodgepole Pines here... I did learn some interesting trivia.... Do you know what a Krummholz tree is?????  It is a stunted or deformed tree caused by the wind/extreme weather in high altitude areas....  I've seen many Krummholz trees through the years --and George and I have always called them our Creative Trees... ha

Another beautiful picture along the Snowy Range Scenic Highway;   That peak on the right is named  Sugar Loaf!!!

I'll close with one more picture of the Gorgeous ASPENS showing off their colors along the Snowy Range Scenic Byway.
Well---as you can see,  George and I loved this little side trip.   IF you are ever in that area,  we highly recommend it.. However,  this road is closed from November to June each year due to high amounts of snow.....

If you enjoy high mountain hiking,  there are LOTS of trails.   I'll close by giving you a great website telling much more about this amazing area.  Click HERE.

Have a great week.. We plan to have a wonderful week ahead!!!  Blessings to all of you!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The scenery is spectacular. \have a wonderful week ahead

Fun60 said...

If I am ever in your part of the world I will make a beeline for this area. I would love to see these beautiful scenes for myself. In the meantime I will enjoy your photos. (Not sure why my first comment didn't work. Hope this is OK.)

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, lovely scenic views of the mountains and the aspens. The lake scene is lovely. It does look like a great drive to do, the scenery is stunning. Great photos. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Ann said...

WOW, what a beautiful area. Thanks for sharing it with us

George said...

I sure am glad you found this road -- it was a beautiful drive!

Big Dude said...

Really pretty scenery Betsy and always good to catch the Aspens at the right time.

Arkansas Patti said...

OK, you have convinced me. That part of Wyoming is now at the top of my bucket list.

Kay said...

Just beautiful. You guys are so lucky to take trips to all of these fantastic places.

David said...

Betsy, As you know, we love back roads and the sights we find. However, the Snowy Range Scenic Byway is one that we've never driven... Thanks for the tip for a future trip! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

Hell Betsy. Such beautiful pictures. I don’t believe we have ever driven that road and I can’t imagine why not. We have traveled most of the roads through Wyoming and Colorado at some point. Those aspens are amazing. We saw similar sites on our trip last week. Although I love the Midwest where my roots are, my heart lies in the mountains of the west. I love the photo of you and George. You both look so happy. Blessings always my friend,

linda m said...

Awesome pictures. What a beautiful area.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That was a very good choice to take that road. The scenery is amazing. I knew immediately what the word Krumholtz was. The direct translation is “ crooked wood”. I do know a lot of the German language.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I've come to love Wyoming and its diverse landscape. You traveled a route that we've never seen, though; and I can see that we missed a treat. So much beauty. You really did hit the aspens at their peak, didn't you?

Jeevan said...

Wow! It’s quite scenic highway and fascinating all the ways. The observation point holds breathtaking views all around and wonderful to flat landscapes at that height. The pines really made the views enrich hand they are so different from the pines planted in mountains here.


Connie said...

What gorgeous views! That road is aptly named. How lucky for you to take this side trip.

BeachGypsy said...

Very pretty part of the country!! sure enjoyed seeing these pretty pictures and the happy pictures of y'all having such a good time! that observation point sure was nice. The trees and the Fall colors there sure were pretty. We just got back from a vacation up North and oh my goodness it gets COLD UP THERE! ha ha ha LOL We even had to wear coats. And hats! And scarves...........lol lol lol. But I loved being up in the beautiful mountains again!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I did not know what a Krummholz tree was - interesting.

And you are in short and there is snow in the background - love it.

Beautiful photos.


Small Kucing said...

Hi Betsy

How are you? Glad you are back to blogging again . Yea, i have not been blogging for some time . Happy to see you are traveling again. Have a nice day, Betsy.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my Betsy, the scenery is simply spectacular, I love all of the photographs you've shared. What a wonderful area this looks.

I hope you've had a good week.
My good wishes to you.

All the best Jan

Shug said...

SWEET.....the color of the trees are breathtaking.....such beauty all over the place. Just so happened that while you were on this particular road trip, I was just about 20 miles from your place. We were on Sam's yearly business trip out that way. maybe next year we can meet up again for dinner....

Lady Fi said...

What fabulous scenery and great views!