Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 11, 2018

COLLAGES--Spring/Summer 2018

PETUNIAS on May 9 and again on June 5;  Love to see them grow and expand!!!!!
Dear Friends,   Recently --while learning the Google Photo's Program,   I started  making collages of some of our flowers/plants.    I also have a  Picture Collage Maker program --which I use on occasion... SO today,  I am sharing some of my collages with you.  Hope you enjoy them!!!

The top collage shows how much the Petunias have grown in a month.... One of my joys when it comes to gardening is watching the flowers grow!!!!!  The Petunias will stay pretty until late Fall--and DEER won't eat them!!!!!!  Yeah!

We bought this Clematis a few years ago and planted it in the front yard --hoping that it would grow and wrap itself around some ugly utility pole wires in our yard which we wanted to cover up!  The Clematis said "NO" to that area.   SO --we bought a Climbing Rose to put in that spot (which is doing okay so far)   and took the Clematis to the backyard,  put it in a container and on the deck steps... The Clematis  says "YES"...  It LOVES this area...

Our HOSTA Plants LOVE living in Tennessee
I love "all-things-green" ---so HOSTA is a favorite of mine. AND---it does great here in our area.  The only problem is that the deer love munching on it ---so we have to sprinkle Deer Scram on the plants to keep them from getting eaten.

We love our Day Lilies ---and they are just now beginning to bloom.    Here are a few of them for you to enjoy.

As I said above,  I enjoy watching our plants GROW.... This collage shows how fast the Canna Lilies can grow....   Now---all we need to do is to wait a little longer to see some pretty RED BLOOMS...   BUT--I love the foilage on these as much as the blooms.

As you know,  George and I love our Roses... Since we had a lot of rain recently,  the Roses are really putting on a show for us now.....   I will share one more collage of Roses for you (below)!!!

ROSES 2018
Aren't they just beautiful?   IF you want to know the names of any of the Roses or Day Lilies,  just ask...   We don't have enough regular Lilies blooming yet  ---but if and when we do get more (IF the deer leave them alone),  I'll post a collage of them...

We are having lots of trouble this year so far with the Deer... Believe me --it is disheartening!  We have a love/hate relationship with those beautiful creatures...  We spend MUCH money on Liquid Fence and other things to keep the deer away, but it doesn't always work very well...   Thank Goodness,  their munching hasn't been as bad a it could have been  SO FAR.  The good thing about Roses is that they WILL come back after the deer munch on the buds/blooms.   BUT--the Lilies and Day Lilies  won't---at least until the next blooming cycle.

George and I 'walk-the-yard' every day --looking for new blossoms/buds....  AND--we take lots of pictures as we walk....   When the deer do eat our flowers,   hopefully,  we'll have photos to enjoy instead!!!!

Have a great week, my Friends.



Ann said...

Your yard is always so beautiful with all the plants. I imagine it's probably the most attractive dining spot for all those deer.

Big Dude said...

Your grounds look beautiful as always.

George said...

You are very good at making collages. I just wish our yard looked as good as the pictures!

Betsy said...

Never heard of deer scam. Will have to try it. Love all of your pretty plant pictures. I also like how you have done your stonework that surrounds them. My hosta's get taken out by underground pests.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The collages are a beautiful way to disply these images of your gorgeous flowers. I feel for you regarding the deer problem. Ever thought of getting a border collie? ;)

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful photos of your garden and flowers as usual! We don't really plant too many flowers or 'deer magnets' as we call them... We love the deer and there isn't much sense in us getting frustrated with the munching deer so we stick to perennials. There is one neighborhood in our 'village' where there are so many deer that we can guarantee close-up sightings for folks who come to visit us from the big cities. Last evening we drove through the area and we must have seen 30 + deer... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

linda m said...

You two have just the best flowers I have ever seen. All your hard work shows. The pictures are so lovely to look at - I love the collages.

Lady Fi said...

Ooo - so lovely

Lowcarb team member said...

How lovely to walk your yard and see wonderful blooms.
I did enjoy seeing all of your collages.

All the best Jan

Chatty Crone said...

You have the most enchanting garden I have ever seen.

Betsy said...

Your posts always make me smile. So beautiful my friend.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh what a beautiful post! You know how much I love flowers, so this is eye-candy for me. I do hope those deer lose their taste for your flowers.

Happytrails said...

Your flowers are so pretty, I can only imagine how they all look gracefully placed in your yard.

Linda said...

I love deer but they can be pests! Your collages are very pretty and well done.

Linda P said...

A walk around your garden looking for new flowers as they open and watch plants grow must be a joy. Beautiful collages. It's a shame about the deer, which is an unusual visitor to my mind, but must be a common sight in your surrounding area where they must roam freely. We're enjoying the few roses and lilies that we grow in our garden too.

Shug said...

One of these days, I'm gonna come see you in the Spring so I can view your gorgeous yard....I know it takes a lot of work...but the reward is so great.... Beautiful....

Beth said...

Such wonderful photos. I loved the roses the best. You have such a gorgeous garden, Betsy!

BeachGypsy said...

Pretty pretty flowers! I tried a clematis last summer and it didn't come up at all. I've never grown hosta, but this year we are, and they're doing well so far! Our cannas are up and getting ready to bloom too. My roses are blooming and my four o'clocks, geraniums and petunias. I plant many petunias every year! Those and marigolds, seem to take the brutal heat and hot sun really well here in charleston. Our yellow lilies bloomed a few weeks ago, and the orange ones are ready any day now. I love seeing your flowers and I do love those pretty collages, how do you do those?

Marcia said...

Such lovely flowers. My daughter sent me photos of her garden which includes plants from my old garden. She was able to get a peony to bloom that never did for me.

Are you still having problems with getting comments sent to your email? I am. How do I fix it if you have that solved?

Connie said...

Beautiful flower collages, Betsy! Isn't this a pretty time of year? There is so much in bloom and so much to watch grow. Your roses are always favorites to see.