Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 19, 2018


Dear  Friends,   I thought it was time to give you an update as to my crazy health situation…   The good news is that even though it is a slow process,   I am gradually improving…. NONE of my problems are life-threatening  —and there are days when I feel really good and days when I don’t….I have learned to stay positive and keep putting one foot in front of the other…  I am determined not to let this get me down!!!!  It’s all about ATTITUDE at this time…

Most of you have read about my situation in a couple of previous posts…  But in order to refresh your memory,  I have had a couple of back-to-back problems which put me in the hospital TWO times… The first problem is a Stomach Issue  —which we are still working on.  The other problem is  a diagnosis of  A-Fib —which we are also still working on… 

Taking a REST at a strange-looking tree --on our hike to Cataract Falls on March 8

The A-Fib situation actually (the more serious of the two) is farther along in improvement than the stomach issue.   My Cardiologist  and I have been working out a good balance for me —so that my heart rate is not too high and not too low…. The best news is that my resting heart rate has dropped from about 73 to 57…..   AND—I’m able to do some exercise/hiking/walking now (even though I’m still slow and don’t have much energy)…  We took a mile hike on March 8 and then another mile hike on March 14….   That’s a good start….  

With those heart medications  (I am on FOUR —3 for my heart rate and blood pressure and 1 as a blood thinner),   there are always side effects….   Some of the side effects I am dealing with are  weakness and shortness-of-breath (mostly when rising from a sitting or lying position),  lack of energy, sensitivity to light,  and swelling of ankles/legs.  Like most prescription drugs,  we have to ‘pick our poison’….  I can live with some side effects  if the meds help my problem….. With heart issues,  it’s all about the correct dosages..  I have changed dosages at least 3 times since the A-Fib started on Feb. 5.

Hubby said I was a Movie Star --with the extra sunglasses on my head;   SO--I gave him that Smarty Pants look!!!!!!! ha ha  (taken on March 14)

The doctor and I have talked about cardioversion and ablation in order to ‘shock’ the heart into rhythm.   IF the meds don’t work,  we will consider that.  BUT—I need to be patient and see if we can get the correct medication to work first…  AND—since I’ve only been dealing with this problem for 5-6 weeks, we are not ready for anything drastic yet.  Besides,  for the most part,  these meds are working for me  (IF I can put up with the side effects). 

The Stomach Issue situation is a ‘work-in-progress’ also…  My symptoms are numerous.  Some are:  a queasy, nausea type feeling;  burping; very full feeling even after a few bites;  bloating; stomach pain; etc.)  Some days I have no problems or pain, and other days I do….????  Frustrating since it’s hard to pinpoint even when I write down everything I eat (or can’t eat)…   There’s no rhyme or reason for any of this…. CRAZY!!!!!  Leave it up to me to make things hard!!!!!! ha  

Taken a few years ago,    I want this YOUNG KID back!!!!!! (Gonna try hard to find her!)

My primary care physician has been working with me on this issue.  He’s the one who helped me with my sleep issue several months ago, by giving me Trazadone.  Recently,  I have had an endoscopy and a Barium Swallow test.   The Barium Swallow test showed a problem where my esophagus enters my stomach.   SO—I am being referred to a GASTROENTEROLOGIST  —with my first appointment this morning!!!!!!   Hopefully,  someday/somehow  the ‘experts’ can figure this thing out…  

You’d think I’d be losing TONS of weight through all of this —but with all of the bloating and swelling and since the doctors all say to eat what I can and not what  I would normally eat if I were watching my weight,  the weight loss isn’t happening now.     By the way—some of my favorite foods now are peanut butter and crackers… That’s not exactly food for one watching her weight… ha ha ….   Oh Well—I just want to GET WELL, so I eat and drink to stay as healthy as possible through this.

What do you think has caused all of this to a person who was healthy a year ago—taking NO PRESCRIPTION meds????????   I will probably never know but I do think that STESS and SLEEP ISSUES I had in 2017 started it all.   I had had some minor stomach issues off and on  for years —but  nothing like the past few months…But  heart issues????? NEVER….  I truly think the A-Fib was caused by all of this other stuff….   BUT—who knows?   

The key for me is to try to stay POSITIVE and keep on pushing myself forward one step at a time… It would be so easy to give up and sit on my butt….   BUT—I’m not going to do that!!!!!   I WILL get well —but just need to remember that it won’t come over-night….  My goal:  Stay positive and find my PEACE.



Ann said...

I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Your positive attitude will get you to your goal though. Hugs and prayers Betsy.

George said...

I thought you were giving me your movie star look!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, you do look great. I hope you can solve the medical problems. I know how much you and George love to hike. Your positive attitude does help! Sending my prayers and get well wishes. Take care! Have a great new week!

linda m said...

You are a movie star. Those are some great pictures, love that tree. Praying for good health for you.

Marcia said...

Thanks for the update. I was wondering how you were doing. Be thankful for every day that you wake up and at the end of the day thank God for all that went well in that day. Sounds like you are doing what you need to do.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I love the "movie star" photo with the sassy look. So glad to hear that the improvement is continuing, even if slowly.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Hang in there my friend. With prayer and the capable help of good doctors you will get through this.

Betsy said...

Betsy, It was so good to get an update and I'm glad you're able to be "out and about". You truly are an inspiration to me. I am NOT just saying that. You are an inspiration. I have so many of the same issues as you do and I'm only 58! Somedays I do just want to give up but then I think about you. You are a bit older than I am and you maintain such a positive attitude.
The doctors talked ablation to me too, but so far the meds have been doing a good work. Praise God! They do make me very tired but then I can't sleep at night. How can I be SO tired and not sleep? My resting heart rate is about 57, down from 94! Now that the weather is better, I'm trying to get out and walk more too, even if it's just around Hobby Lobby or Walmart!
My dear Betsy, you are in my prayers daily. I have felt since I "met" you here online that we were kindred spirits. I think God placed you here where I would find you right when I needed a friend just like you. Many blessings always to you and your sweet George. I get the feeling he's your knight in shining armor, just like Dennis is to me.
Love and prayers,
The "other" Betsy

Connie said...

Betsy, I am glad to hear that you are showing improvement and hope that you are soon feeling as healthy as you did a year ago. I think you're right about keeping a positive attitude. That will help you to get well again.

Big Dude said...

Sounds like you have really been thru it but glad things are improving. It's hard for me to conceive that such an active person as you ever has health issues.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I want to know all about your appointment with the specialist this morning! I, myself have been quite sick since Christmas, and dealing with my Gastro specialist. Getting old is not for sissies! I do agree with you getting out and about! This will keep your muscles strong and you will not get debilitated. I am taking a med to slow my heart rate, Asacol. Maybe you are too. One of my close friends has had her heart shocked more times that she can count over the years. But she is finally on the best medicine now. Now that you have a stomach specialist, I think your troubles will soon be over, he will FIND a diagnosis. Please keep me posted, Betsy!! E-mail me any time.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Betsy ~ So good to see this post from you. You crossed my mind recently and I wondered how you and George are doing, so said a prayer for you.

May you feel God's healing love, peace, strength, energy and joy flowing through and surrounding you ~ FlowerLady

David said...

Betsy, Well...you certainly have the right attitude. We have to keep on keeping on while working out our problems. I'm in the process of trying to figure out an irregularity in my heart beat myself...but other than one incident in January, it hasn't slowed me down. (Of course, I wasn't as active as you were!) I repeat my mantra for us 'older' folks..."Aging isn't for sissies!" Time and attention to the symptoms will solve your current medical issues. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So happy to hear of your ever improving health! You are in my prayers. Enjoy your gorgeous flowers which should be blooming soon if not already there in The Glade. Also enjoy the deer on your course. Have a wonderful coming week!

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh dear, I didn't know you were going through all this as I was kind of sidelined myself. I am better now and know you will be also. You have one of the best attitudes of anyone I know.
I too have been dealing with Afib which came to visit when I turned 75. Several folks I know have had the ablation and it has really helped them. Just do everything you can in your power (eating right and prescribed exercise), lean on George, trust the docs to do their magic and God will do the rest.
Keep improving gal.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Betsy - I HATE hearing this - you are in such terrific shape - the best in your life - how in the world did this happen?

I am going to pray this just all clears up. That you get on the right medicine and they find out what is wrong with your stomach. I am sure they checked the gallbladder and things like that.

Oh dear friend - take care of yourself.


Susie Swanson said...

I' so glad to hear you are doing better. It's hard to get through things we don't understand but I admire you for your strength and having a good attitude about it all. You are always in my prayers. Love and Blessings.

Happytrails said...

Betsy, so glad you are getting better and you have such a positive attitude. We all have our ups and downs physically, but a lot depends on our attitude and perspective...kudos for your positive attitude.
Getting out in nature and taking it in is good for your entire being, so keep on keeping on!

Annie Jeffries said...

Dear Betsy, It's hard to slow down isn't it? You have always seemed so vital and active to me. Now that I'm actually living within shouting distance of you we'll be toddling up to each other instead of walking perkily, but we'll still be grinning never the less. Hugs, Annie

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Glad to hear to are getting a bit better. Nice to see you out again. Positive is good. Be careful with prescription meds as they are not always safe. Sending positive vibes.

Kay said...

Thank you for this update, Betsy. I'm so sorry for all you're going through. I'm working on sleep issues right now too. I've taken Melatonin, Benedryl, Ambien and now I'm back to Melatonin which is working sort of OK for now. Please take care of yourself and keep letting us know how you are.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I read your posting on Facebook and left a comment there. What I'd like to add here is that I always enjoy your photographs. Not only of the lovely garden you have, but also of you and George and your hikes and all the beauty you find on them.

I know that things are hard now, especially since you've been so healthy, but your attitude is a winning one and I trust that as the days pass you will find yourself feeling a little better each day--a little bit more ready to do all the things you used to do. The thing is, of course, that we--you--are aging and with that comes change that often hard to accept and to embrace. But you've embraced the difficulties of your whole life. You are a survivor. You will get through this and spring into spring just as your perennial garden is doing! Peace.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Betsy, I've been wondering about you and hoping to see a post, finally today I see a post! I really hate to hear that you are going through this battle, but you're so right--attitude is awfully important and you seem to have such a good one--important weapon in this fight. I love the "movie star" picture, that is adorable! I do hope you are feeling much better very very quickly and they can figure out the exact correct dosages you need, Hang in there my friend! GET WELL SOON, WE ARE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!

Linda said...

The cute pictures made me smile! Glad the a-fib meds are helping. I've had digestive problems for years and am having some success with Norm Robillard's Fast Tract Diet. Research is coming up with new knowledge about the good and bad bacteria in the gut. I have SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and it is tricky to treat.

I hope the gastro doc can help you. If he prescribes meds, be sure your other doctor knows what they are. Health certainly gets complicated as we get older!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh dear, you are dealing with some serious stuff such as A fib. My uncle has lived with that for years now though. He still works full time at 78, so theres hope for you to get meds right. As for the stomach, seem hard to figure it out, I know many who deal with it.
You have the right attitude, small steps til you get back on your feet!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh dear Betsy, it was so lovely to see this post from you and get a health update!
By the way I love that Sassy photo!

I do hope that your medical team will help you back to good health and fitness soon. Definitely a positive attitude helps!
Sending my prayers and get well wishes.

All the best Jan

Starry Dawn said...

Dear Friend, Betsy, Oh! I'm glad to hear you are getting a little better, and staying positive with your attitude towards life. I was looking for your health update, because I was worried after I read your last posts. Everyone, including me, who had the honour to meet you, I'm sure they all love you so much and miss you when you are not here -saying something about your precious life. You are a true inspiration to those who know you and read your unique posts. You are a fighter, a survivor, a beautiful person from inside and out. I really wish that you Accept My Friend's Request in Facebook, so that I'll be able to read your updates more easily. God bless your beautiful heart forever. I let you know that I pray to the Lord for your complete healings and prompt recovery on daily basis. I pray in Jesus' Almighty Name. Amen. Blessings & Hugs from Poet Starry.

LV said...

Wish there was something we could do to help you. Hard to understand the reasons as you have always been so active. Trust you will soon be blessed with better health. Take care.

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

So sorry to hear you've had health problems. From your blog, I know you will have a great attitude and spunk, and will get it all under control. Love the picture of you with the tree. You always look like you have so much fun.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hi Betsy, I've been thinking about you and hoping you were feeling better. I have stomach issues also, and am scheduled for yet another endoscopy soon. I can't take nsaids because they burn my stomach, so I have to suffer all the arthritis and sciatica pain as well as I can. I think you are right...being positive and taking baby steps to get well is the answer. Don't give up!

Betsy said...

I do pray all is going well with you and that you have a Wonderful Easter.

diane b said...

It is sad to hear you are not 100%.It is a blow when you have been so healthy when something knocks you down. I don't think you should worry about what caused it. AS we get older we are bound to have things go wrong as our bodies start to wear out. Just keep up that positive attitude and hopefully the experts will sort it for you. Bill has had A fib for years. He takes medication and has a Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator because he has also had ventricular tachicardia. He has gotten used to the unusual heart beat. He does get tired with walking.

Pat Tillett said...

Hi Betsy! Really glad to hear that you are both feeling, and getting better. It's been several days sense you posted this, so I hope you feel even better today!

Sally Wessely said...

I hope that each day brings you closer and closer to health. I love that you just went on that trip. I hope to answer your email soon. As you may know, I’ve been very sick too. It has not been fun, but I’m finally doing better. Hugs.

Linda P said...

Dear Betsy, I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues and thank you for explaining what is wrong. I have valued your prayers for my health over the past few years and have remembered you and George in my prayers. You had a difficult year in 2017. I hope and pray that your treatment goes well and your health improves. Stay positive dear blog friend. I know that will help you. Every blessing to you and George.

Robert said...

Betsy I have a lot of the same symptoms you have. I eat steal cut oats at breakfast, black rice and veggies at lunch and chicken or fish for dinner no bread , no dairy, no meat and no sugar. NO more problems!