Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 12, 2018

IMPROVEMENT is the Best Way to Describe it!!!!!!

Dear Blog Friends,   It has been two weeks since I posted.    Since that time,   I've had a really rough journey!!!!!!   Thanks for your thoughts, emails, texts,  messenger notes, and prayers for me....

Bottom Line for me:  Ten Days (Jan 30-Feb. 8, 2018) which included TWO separate illnesses/diseases and TWO different hospitalizations;   I am home now (came home on the 8th)  and beginning to feel some better with each passing day!

On Jan. 30th  I headed to the hospital  doubling over in extreme pain,  and was diagnosed with a terrible Stomach Bacterial Infection  (called  SCLEROSING MESENTERITIS)  Then on Feb 5  I was back in the hospital, with a very very rapid heart rate,  and was diagnosed with A-Fib  (ATRIAL FiBRILLATION)....    Over the two visits,  I was in the hospital for a total of 6 days/7 nights.

You probably have as many questions as I do... Why? How could these two things happen so close together?   Are they connected?   ETC ETC ETC.....  My answer:  I have no idea... I do know that I have had stomach problems  and sleep problems  for a long time --but nothing as painful as what put me in the hospital the first time recently... I always have to be careful what I eat, how much, etc...   BUT ----?????

About the A-Fib  (rapid heart rate),   I have no idea what could have caused it...  I have never had any heart problems at all and even no high blood pressure.... BUT-- I do know (and most of you do also) that I have had a lot of stress on my through 2017. Stress can cause all kinds of problems --even to a healthy person like I thought I was!!!!!    I also read that A-Fib can begin from infections (which is what I had with my stomach)...  AND---I also am ANEMIC --so that can cause A-Fib....  That's about all of the possible answers I can come up with now....

I have a detailed/by day record of my life during those 10+ days  IF you are interested in reading more....   You'll have to email me (betsyadams@mac.com) or  message me (if you have Messenger) if you want a copy....  Some people might be interested in reading more and others may not.... Not a problem at all for me!!!!!!   I do know that I have to live with the A-Fib FOREVER now  --and be very careful to get the correct dosages, just for me, (of my 3 medications I came home with).    If any of you suffer from A-Fib,  I'd love to hear from you since this is all SO NEW to me.

I'm not anywhere near 100% now ---and probably won't be a month from now.  I will just keep on  trying to move forward and get well....  I'm not sure how much energy I have to answer your posts anytime soon --but I do try to at least read them.  In the meantime,   keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

My WORD right now is IMPROVEMENT!!!!!!

AND --thanks to my George who is the best nurse in the entire world!!!  Bless his heart.



Ann said...

So sorry to hear all this Betsy but I'm glad you are finally feeling some improvement. You are in my thoughts and prayers that you will continue on the road to recovery and get back to a more normal lifestyle

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy, I am sorry you have been so sick. I am very glad you are improving. Sending my prayers and get well wishes. Take care! Have a happy week!

George said...

While I'm very appy that you feel well enough to post this, I hope we never go through another two weeks like the past two!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Thanks so much for the update, Betsy. I've been very worried about you. I knew that whatever was going on was more than a routine illness. I'm so glad you're feeling some better after all this and hope you'll see steady progress, even if slow, as your recovery continues.

Liene said...

Sorry to hear you've been through all this... Concentrate getting back to 100%- we wish you a speedy recovery!

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you have posted. I have been worried. Sclerosing Mesenteritis sounds very painful and scary. Hate conditions I have never heard of and hope you have that controlled now.
AFIB I have had for 3 years. Medications seem to keep it controlled--Sotalol to regulate the heart and Warfarin to keep me from throwing a blood clot. Both are long term and maybe life time. Ablation is a surgical option that has some success.
Hope you are checking all your options.
Hugs and prayers.

David said...

Betsy, Our prayers are with you and George! You're lucky you and he are a team... Take Care of yourself! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Jim and Sandie said...

So very sorry to hear this Betsy. You've been through a lot so give yourself lots of time to recuperate. Let us know once in awhile how you're doing. Prayers are being sent yourxway.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It's good to see you at least make this post. I pray that with each day you will feel a little stronger.Sending hugs and prayers.

Marcia said...

Wow! What a saga for you and I know its not over yet. I've never heard of that bacterial infection. I hope it was treatable with antibiotics. As to A Fib, my mother had that late in life. She opted for Xerolta (not sure how to spell it) because she didn't want to have to have constant blood checks and stay away from green veggies like spinach. Hope improvement continues for you.

Betsy said...

I've already commented on facebook but it's REALLY good to see you back here Betsy. I'm willing to guess your sweet George had quite a scare. Please see a really good cardiologist. And yes, you know how it took almost a year to get my meds straight after my pacemaker. It's not a quick thing to get dosages correct. You will be in my prayers daily my friend.

Rambling Solo said...

My healing thoughts go out to you. Wishing you better days with each passing day. Sallie

Fun60 said...

I have been thinking of you these last few weeks, so was delighted to read your post and know that you are now recovering. Take care and keep in touch.

Connie said...

I'm so happy to hear you are doing better, Betsy! Continued prayers for you here. Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself to give you time to heal.

Big Dude said...

So sorry to hear of your medical issues and glad you seem to be improving.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, it's so good to read this post and to learn what happened and what is happening. Thank heavens for George and his love for you. It's so good to know that he is taking care of you--as he always has--and that you are getting better daily. Please be good to yourself and patient with your body as it heals from this bout and as it grows used to the new aFib. Peace.

Ginny Hartzler said...

SO glad you are better. What an awful winter you have had.

The Furry Gnome said...

So glad to hear you're improving Betsy. Glad you've got a good nurse. I head to the hospital for my big surgery on Friday, then I'll be slowly recovering like you.

Chatty Crone said...

I tell you what - after everything else - you did not need this. But it might be a message to slow down and take of YOURSELF better. I do want you to do that - and don't rush. Have patience in all things. sandie

Adrienne Zwart said...

Prayers that you'll be feeling 100% again soon and that you get your medication dosages all optimized!

Sally Wessely said...

Hugs from far away and many prayers. XO

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh Betsy, I'm so sorry to hear of all the sickness you've had! I'm glad you are home and improving each day. I will be praying for a complete recovery. Take good care of you and let us know when you feel able how you are doing. Hugs, Cheryl

Betsy said...

Terrible you have been so sick. Stomach bacterial infection? Gosh, that had to be awful painful. Could it have been food borne or like you said don't know what caused it. 2017 was a stressful year for you. Now time to rest and relax. Take care of yourself

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!!!
I'm so glad you're back and better now!
With the time we are becoming more fragile, and we simply don't understand why! After that everything come back normal again...

My best wishes!!!

Bia <º(((<

Jazzmin said...

I will be praying for your wellness and feeling stronger and stronger♥ I'm so, so sorry to hear about you dealing with all this and am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! So happy that you are back at home and improving.

Hugs and many blessings & wishes for wellness,

Jeevan said...

Sorry to hear dear Betsy, but glad you are on improvement pace and confidence to go ahead with life. My best wishes to you and George to carry away
I’m not very active on blog lately and couldn’t check yours too. Hope you continue to share and get energy and support to write

Linda said...

Dear Betsy, Please take a deep breath and take care of yourself! Right now the most important thing is to get well. I'm glad George is watching over you.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. You've really had a hard time lately. I sure hope and pray you are feeling better and will get well soon.

Shug said...

Oh dear Betsy.... I have not even had time to post, and I am so sorry that I did not know you had been so sick. Who could imagine that you would have two different things going on and overlapping each other. You have had a lot of stress this past year and you are so right....stress can do some damaging things to our bodies. Bless your heart...you are in my prayers and I'm trusting that each new day, God will give you much strength. Take care of yourself.... big hugs!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

My rapid heart rate is corrected by a higher does of B6 vitamin daily. I also get fast heart rate when an illness strikes or I have a reaction to a medication. I find I am fine with Benedryl as needed and an anti aniety med , very low dose ot it as needed. Stomach bacteria can be reduced by sodium bicarbonate in water as needed. But I once had a tiny parasite that needed medication anf it caused low iron in my body. A few weeks of an iron supplement helped. And to assist with possible other issues I now use food grade diatomacious earth A great product for seniors. There is lots of info on the web on how to use it and where to buy it.
I hope you will soon be better.
PS Try to use bottled water on your travels. And boil your water at home if it is not filtered.

Janie said...

I hope you are continuing to feel better, Betsy. Day by day.

Lady Di Tn said...

As said before 2017 was hard on us both and January must have been the tail end of 2017 instead of beginning 2018. As we both get better daily remember what Pat Summit said "Right foot, Left foot" then repeat. That was her response to how she was getting through her illness. Peace

Lux G. said...

So happy to know you're feeling better, things are getting better. Take all the rest you need. When you come back, we'll be here waiting. :)

LV said...

So sorry you have had to go through so much all at one time. Stress is a bad thing that is hard to control. May you soon be back to better days. Think of y u but just been leaving you to your rest.

Kay said...

Oh my gosh, Betsy! I can't believe all that you've had to go through. I am so sorry. I'm wishing you a faster recovery now and hope you're not in any pain.

pembrokeshire lass said...

Im so sorry to read all about your health. Do hope you are soon 199% or even better!! Life’s so difficult isn’t it? Who knows why thesethings happen! As you know, I had operation after operation and thought now I can do the things I havnt been able to do for years .....walking etc ....and....lo and behold. I had a chest infection last Zjune that ended up in my being hospitalised with a bad asthma ....and then ....they thought something else was wrong ....did a bronchoscopy and diacovered I have a very rare respiratory condition with no cure!! Oh joy. I have to say .....it makes you 5hink....doesn’t it??! Joan x

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Hope this finds you feeling somewhat better. How horrible to be that sick. I will pray for your well-being. Hope you enjoy your gorgeous spring-time flowers in your yard and get to see some deer on your golf course from time to time (and all the birdies cheering for you, too!). Hope your weekend is nice.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hello, Betsy!! I am so glad that you are home and beginning to feel somewhat better now!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Dear Betsy, I am sorry you have been so unwell, but pleased to read you are slowly improving. If I lived nearby I would pop around to see you, but as many miles separate us I send you my prayers, positive thoughts and get well wishes.

Good wishes to you and George, you are in my thoughts.

All the best Jan

Marcia said...

It's been a month or so. Any improvement? I hope you're feeling better each day.

Marcia said...

Hope you are getting the rest you need to recuperate.

Lady Fi said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

Continued prayers and healing thoughts for you Betsy.

All the best Jan