Beautiful Sunset Beach Town Park 5/9/17 |
We are home after a wonderful TEN DAY trip... We left home on May 6 spending the night in Simpsonville, South Carolina. We then visited Ocean Isle Beach (Islander Inn) from May 7-10, and then we took two days and drove to Tampa, Florida for George's son's wedding (May 12-13). The wedding was on May 13 at 4 p.m. After another two day drive, we got back home on May 15... WHEW!!!!! We had a great trip---but it is wonderful getting HOME for awhile --before we leave again!!!! ha
As you can tell, my Monday's Blog Post didn't get done ... BUT---even if it is late, I hope you will enjoy my post today! This post is from one of our favorite parks in North Carolina where we love to WALK. We enjoy taking walks on the beach --but we also enjoy visiting the park either just before or just after Dinner (late afternoon).
This park is Sunset Beach Town Park, in Sunset Beach, North Carolina.... For more information about this amazing little park, click
These pictures were taken on four different days (May 7, 8, 9, 10) as we walked.... Hope you enjoy the pictures... You can just sit back and feel as if you are right there walking with us... OR--you can find a swing or a bench and just sit and relax....This place is perfect for the locals to walk their dogs ---and almost every time we walked there, we met some wonderful, friendly people --and most of them had dogs!!!!!!
Walk along the path with us!!! (5/7/17) |
This is definitely a dog-friendly park!!!!!! (5/7/17) |
OR--you can sit in one of their comfy SWINGS and read, meditate or just watch the boats travel up and down the Intracoastal Waterway! (5/10/17) |
A view of the Intracoastal Waterway--as we walked to the shore-line. (5/9/17) |
From the shoreline, I looked back toward the park... (5/9/17) |
I love the big Live Oak Trees in that park!!!!! (5/7/17) |
Two People in Love taking their silhouette as the evening sun was behind us!!!!! (5/7/17) |
Standing between two trees --taking a picture of the water; Can you see the bridge in the background? That is the bridge to Ocean Isle Beach --where we were staying at the Islander Inn. (5/8/17) |
There is a little fishing and boating dock which goes down to the water (on the left where you see the beginning of the dock)... (5/10/17) |
Another view of the water ---and the comfy benches (for lots of relaxation) (5/9/17) |
A crooked tree --with lots of character I'm sure!!! (In the distance, you can see a sailboat!!!) (5/9/17) |
I love this picture since I absolutely love reflections.... There is a home on the other side of the water... That would be a great place to live for sure!!!! (5/7/17) |
Hope you enjoyed walking with us in Sunset Beach Town Park... The people are proud of their park --and even pick up after their dogs... There are lots of events scheduled throughout the year there... It is such a neat park---and if I lived in North Carolina, I'd definitely choose Sunset Beach!!!

What a beautiful place. And I love those trees! The swings are a nice feature, too.
What a great place . Its beautiful there
We have a home in Asheville but I'm not sure where this is. I'll look it up. Hope you had a nice time in FL and got a few pics from that part of your trip! Enjoy your week....home sweet home! Hugs!
I knew it sounded familiar! I looked it up and it's just north of Myrtle Beach! I've been there and love it! I bet the weather was nice there too. You were a long way from home when you were on the coast of NC! Hugs!
Betsy, Another lovely park! You and George sure do find them... Nice views of the Intracoastal Waterway. But...No waterfalls! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
That park looks so beautiful, Betsy! I would love walking there too.
That is a most beautiful place. The pictures all show that beautiful evening lights warm and comforting.
I love the fancy walkway, the sweet little bridge, and the beautiful refection in the last picture! And they even have water bowls at the dog hitching post!! Gosh this last picture is beautiful. Your header is gorgeous!
You are such a busy lady. Here I sit at home for months on end...but I do travel vicariously through you. Gorgeous pictures once again Betsy.
Blessings always,
Public green spaces are a blessing and this looks like an enjoyable park to walk in for the locals especially as it's near a waterway. I'm sure you're glad to be home after an exciting trip, but it sounds as if you're going away again in the near future. Enjoy a rest in your lovely home and garden until then.
Your shots of the park make me want to be there with you and I like the dog hitchin post
Hi Betsy, so glad you had a great trip! The park looks pretty, a nice place for a peaceful walk! Enjoy your day!
You did a great job capturing the beauty of the park in your photos. I really enjoyed our walks there.
That certainly is a gorgeous park. I can just picture myself sitting there enjoying the serenity and the views. Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely park and love that it is dog friendly. If I lived near there, I'd visit it a LOT. That was some drive you did for George's son's wedding. At least you got in some R & R before you made the trip. Hope you post pictures of that also.
... welcome home! Sounds as if your trip away was wonderful, glad everything went well.
I have so enjoyed my walk around the park with you, I especially liked seeing the beautiful reflections ... stunning.
Have a good week ahead.
All the best Jan
You find somewhere of beauty no matter where you go. Thank you for taking me along with you.
It looks like a lovely park. You make me want to head south again.
What a beautiful place to be. Love the shots of everything. Your reflection shot is perfect. You could flip it and wonder which side is up. haha
How fortunate you two wonderful people are able to take such trips. And go to a wedding too. YAY!!!
Wow - you have some really lovely photos, there Betsy! Nice that you two can bop around and have fun. So happy for you both and thanks for sharing!
Howdy there Betsy, I do love hearing all about all your travels, so fun! This is a very nice park! Very pretty views. Hey, if you'd gotten on that sailboat out there, and stayed on the water, you probably/maybe would've ended up right at our place! ha ha ha LOL---if you did, I would greet y'all with a big glass of cold sweet tea! Glad you liked the post about the flower fountain! How was the wedding?---hope you have pictures for us? How is you yard---what is in bloom there?
Wow - what a fabulous place! And I do love that last shot - so peaceful with the reflections.
Dear Betsy, I love all your amazing blog posts and photos, especially when you show beautiful waterfalls and the Ocean. I just love NC & SC.
I'm sure you & George had a great time in those days by the beach...
God may bless you both, and your loved ones. Greetings from Starry.
Would love to take a stroll here myself. Lovely!
As always I enjoyed my walk with you...thanks for sharing. Such a friendly and lovely looking place. I am so glad you got a way on a trip and you were able to enjoy it so much.
I love looking at yalls travels! Intercoastal waterways are so neat. In NC too. Big oaks are so amazing. Reflection pics are beautiful
Love that reflection! Looks like a really nice place.
Hi Betsy, I just love it when a town has a wonderful park! Thanks for sharing the snaps of that beautiful little park on the Inter-coastal Waterway. Glad you had a great trip. Enjoy your fabulous FFG!
A very beautiful place and love the big trees and the reflection too! Have a lovely day!
This is a gorgeous place to walk....and it would be a wonderful place to just sit and watch life go by.
Ha...cute little dog hitching post... You two still amaze me with your active life style. I love it and think it is awesome. gorgeous pictures. Tyler is going to be stationed in SC and I am looking so forward to going to see him. I hear the Carolinas are so pretty... Glad y'all had a fabulous time. take care
You all sure know how to have fun!
You are a true lover of nature and capture it so beautifully in all your photos. Happy to learn that you enjoyed this trip.
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