Sunrise in Fairfield Glade on 4/25/17; I took this picture on one of our early morning walks on the golf course cart path. |
Welcome to MAY..... Here in Tennessee, we had a really good April.. Most importantly, the weather cooperated --and we got some much-needed rain... Our plants/flowers loved that water ---and as the saying goes, "April Showers will bring May Flowers"..... YEAH!!!!
BUT--we have already had a lot of color in April... Today's blog post is a 'hodge-podge' of things which have been going on from the middle of April to the end of the month.... Hope you enjoy seeing my pictures.. You can click on them for enlargements..
One of my favorite IRISES called Orange Harvest-- 4/29/17 |
We have many HOSTA Plants in our yard, and this is the largest one so far this year--4/27/17 |
ALEC'S RED ROSE -- 4/25/17 |
George taking pictures of some of our gorgeous IRISES ---4/27/17; Look at our grass!!!! Last Fall during the drought, this grass was BROWN. |
See that little plant in the middle of several Hostas? This is a new Climbing Rose ---which we are hoping will grow and climb up those poles/wires in the background!!!! We've had no luck getting Clematis to 'climb' there --so this year, we have switched to a Climbing Rose... I'll keep you posted as to how this works. (Taken 4/26/17) |
CRESCENDO ROSE-- 4/28/17 |
Our IRISES have really put on a show during April ... This is part of our Road Bed, looking toward the driveway. Wish you could see them in person-- 4/27/17 |
I love seeing IRISES in groups like this.. This group is named LEMON DUET---4/26/17 |
A beautiful IRIS in our yard, named WALTZ OVER TEXAS --4/27/17 |
Another April Happening (4/29/17) was a visit to our home by two of my three sons and our daughter-in-law; I was so excited and so happy to see them!!!! That is Bert (Tre) sitting next to me. He is my oldest son.. Behind us are Jeff (my youngest) and his beautiful wife, Dawn... George and I were thrilled that they came to visit... |
The happiest Mama in the world with two of her sons -- 4/29/17 |
Two of my sons, Bert (Tre) and Jeff; We missed Mark (and his Debbie) who live in Texas, wishing they could have been here also. |
Well, as you can tell, we have had a fabulous April..... The yard is pretty, the flowers are pretty, but best of all is FAMILY.
Hope you have a great week.... Get out and run around the Maypole this week....

Ahh. It's a beautiful, beautiful world looking at these flowers.
Your hostas look so healthy, not one little bite out of them. Can't believe how green everything looks. The ground is still hard here we need a bit more rain for the gardens. Love the range of colours you have with those gorgeous irises.
Pictures are -- as always -- beautiful. We're a way off from roses, so I'm especially enjoying the rose pictures. What a wonderful family time you had!
Wow! Gorgeous flowers and the roses and irises are a treat to watch… Good to see your yard in boom again and glad for you to catching up with your sons and I could feel the happiness though these photos.
Cheers Betsy
Your yard is so pretty. Love seeing all those beautiful flowers.
What a lovely family! These photos are inspirational to me as I am trying to learn to take better photos - wow - what a learning curve! Take care, Jackie
It's always a treat to see your landscaping Betsy.
Everything looks lush. Drought over? Did I recognize a hosta there? Nice to have the family gathering too.
We truly had an amazing April, didn't we. I hope May is just as memorable.
Oh my. Your flowers are gorgeous. I especially love the Crescendo Rose and the Apricot Nectar Rose. So nice of your sons and daughter-in-law to pay you a visit, too. Family makes flowers even prettier, right?
Beautiful Iris pictures. Mine have dwindled for some reason. My hostas had to be moved to pots so the moles or voles wouldn't eat them. Love those roses, they must love where they are too. They are so healthy looking. I see you have some in pots, I have a few in pots and need to amend the soil. Such a happy family picture, all of you have such sweet smiles.
Happy week ahead
Betsy, Lovely sunrise photo! One of these days we'll have to get up early enough to see an actual sunrise... Great looking hostas. The deer decimate ours every year after they grow enough to provide some fodder for them... Family visits are great aren't they?! We'll trekking west later this year to spend time with our son and his family in Nebraska and Laurie's family in Missouri. As for the rain...we need a break from it now! The lakes are overflowing and the ground is just plain soggy... It does beat the drought though. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
What gorgeous family pictures!! And Betsy, you have totally outdone yourself with this post!!! Oh my, so many favorites!!! And here they are: Orange Harvest, Lemon Duet, and Waltz Over Texas!!! Can you see a theme here, ha ha! Some of them have the most strangely beautiful names!! I guess the breeder is the one who names them. And not to minimize the beautiful sunrise! They do say that sunrise and sunset is more beautiful after a rain, and I agree.
What an absolutely stunning post Betsy. We don't have much blooming up here yet but it helps looking through your blog. I'm so happy you had your sons come to visit. Family is everything. That is why were considering moving back to the Midwest in a few years when my hubby retires. Our family is there and we're all alone up here now since the kids have all moved away. We're missing family.
Blessings, Betsy
Bet your neighbors love having you on the block. What a lovely place. So glad you finally got some rains. I know how drought tears at the heart of a gardener.
How cool that some of your best planting (sons) came to visit. Know you really enjoyed the time you got to spend with them. Maybe next time--all three??
The blooms in your yard are all beautiful, Betsy. Great family shots too. I'm glad you had such a nice April.
I know I've said it before, but your yard is as beautiful as any park and better than many.Amazing flowers, from roses to Irises and all the others which are still to come. You look 100% happy to be surrounded by your sons.
Glorious flowers! Beautiful spring color...and a wonderful family get-together!
Can't believe you have Iris in April. Our Iris and Hostas are little more than leaves or spikes coming up.
Your yard had a lot of spectacular color in April. That was a nice time to have visitors. How wonderful to have two of your three sons come to see you.
Blooming Lovely photos Betsy.
What beautiful flowers! And of course - family is the best bloom of all.
Beautiful flowers.
Beautiful family.
What a lovely post.
Happy May Wishes.
All the best Jan
Your flowers must be the envy of the neighborhood!
Dear Betsy, Lovely photographs of gorgeous plants as well as your two sons and your daughter-in-law. What a happy time you must have had with their visit.
Here in Missouri we have few flowers blooming as there as been so little sunlight. But May is supposed to get warmer and the rain is going to cease. However, in south-central Missouri right now there is bad flooding. Many homes being inundated.
Such a lovely visit with the kids. :)
I love your garden very much. It's so beautiful with so many blooms .
So many beautiful flower pictures-- I love them! that sunset up there looks like fire doesn't it? Love that picture of him making pictures of the flowers! Y'all got any spring/summer plans made yet?
The best part of the post is the happy looking family! I love the flowers too especially the iris.
Nice shots, Betsy. Our Hostas, Iris and Roses are just thinking about showing themselves---and I see George in shorts---not cold here but not warm either. So happy to see you with your family. Your boys sure look like brothers---thank goodness--LOL
Hi Betsy, I wish my yard was as lovely! You and your hubby should be proud of your efforts. Glad you had needed rain - we are still waiting for another good soaker here in my area of Central Florida. Have a great weekend!
Your garden is gorgeous, Betsy! I've had trouble growing a vine in a certain spot too, maybe a climbing rose is the answer.
How wonderful that two of your boys came out for a visit. Mine's visiting me right now as well, but he's a late sleeper, so I'm keeping busy visiting blogs until he gets up.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my hodgepodge post. It's so lovely to "meet" you :)
Enjoy your Sunday!
Oh Betsy......these are some really great photos! Love the ones of your sweet family.
How wonderful to have your family together. You have such an amazing garden. The flowers are spectacular.
Oh, wow, lots and lots of beautiful flowers....and so happy for you to get to see at least two of your sons, but I do wish the other one could have been there.
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