Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 5, 2016

Welcome December

Poinsettia Tree at Biltmore (11/20/16)
Dear Friends,  I thought I'd stop by and say HELLO... George and I are doing fine --and just came home from visiting George's son and family in Florida for Thanksgiving..

On the road to Florida,  we stopped by the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville,  North Carolina,  to take some Christmas pictures.    I wanted some new pictures for my December headers for my blogs,  for Google+ and for Facebook...

We enjoyed walking through the Conservatory ---and I really enjoyed seeing all kinds of different  sizes and shapes and colors of POINSETTIAS.  My header (above) is  a picture of some of the brightest hot pink Poinsettias I have ever seen.

Today,  I'll share with you a few more pictures taken on that day (11/20/16) at Biltmore.  You can click on the pictures for enlargements.

Light Pink Poinsettias at Biltmore (11/20/16)

Some Red and White Poinsettias  at Biltmore  (11/20/16)

A beautiful Multi-Colored Poinsettia at Biltmore  (11/20/16)
Have you done your Christmas Decorating yet?  Many of my friends have --but I'm just getting started with mine...    Do you like Poinsettias?  I do ---and a good friend sends us a gorgeous Poinsettia for our home each December..

Hope all of you will have a blessed December.



Big Dude said...

Good to hear from you Betsy. We must get over to Biltmore for a Christmas visit at some point.

Jo said...

Good to see you again, Betsy. The poinsettias are so reminiscent of my childhood. We had them in the garden and my mom would use them as decorations at Christmas time when they bloomed. Nowadays you don't see these much in South Africa. Have a blessed day. Jo

Kay G. said...

The Biltmore is AMAZING! I love the big house but it is the gardens and the flower arrangements that I really love the most!

Ann said...

They're so pretty. I think I like the light pink ones the best. I've got a few decorations out but not many and I haven't even begun to dig out all the totes.

George said...

You got some great photos in Biltmore's Conservatory It's easy to see why we like going there so much.

Arkansas Patti said...

You definitely get your money's worth out of your season pass. What a great place--year round--to visit and take pictures.
So glad you are safely back home after your Thanksgiving visit in Fla with your son.

Devilish Angel said...

Welcome back Betsy. As usual as photos are lovely...

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, the poinsettia tree must be a sight to see. There are so many varieties, but I still prefer the red ones.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beauty filled post. I do like Poinsettias,but rarely have one in my house.I have no good reason for that, except maybe that I'm too cheap to buy one for myself.LOL My favourites are the traditional redoubt I really like the one in your header as well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite HAS to be your header, it is gorgeous!! What an amazing sight hit me when your blog came up, full of JOY.

David said...

Betsy, We just finished our decorating a couple of days ago. Great timing as we had 2 couples stop by for a visit the night we finished! We purchased a large 'flat' table top tree with lights pre-installed and then decorated it rather than drag out and assemble our big 7' tree. It made life a lot easier.

That Biltmore poinsettia 'tree' reminded me of an actual poinsettia tree that Laurie and I saw down in Australia many years ago. It was in the north (tropics) of Australia and it was so big it completely covered the side of a garage. I had no idea that they could grow so big! Have a Merry Christmas! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Marcia said...

Lovely poinsettia. I set out to purchase one but saw a friend before heading to the store and she gave me one.

Are you seeing any of the smoke from the fires in TN?

Decorating done and shopping almost finished too. I need to share some photos.

Fun60 said...

That poinsettia tree is incredible. I've never seen anything like it.

Betsy said...

I love poinsettias and just bought two home yesterday for the kitchen island. A big red one and a white one. My sister carried one dinner plate size white poinsettia for her bridal bouquet when she married on Dec. 28. It was amazing and I've loved them ever since. Your photos are lovely, especially the tree and your beautiful header.

The Furry Gnome said...

That's a beautiful poinsetta tree!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The header shot is gorgeous! I do love poinsettias, my favorites being the traditional red color. We don't get into the decorating, but I do love seeing others' decorations! A blessed December to you, and a very Merry Christmas!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy! The poinsettias are beautiful. I see them growing wild in my Florida neighborhood, a new sight for me.
They are pretty plants. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

LV said...

That is truly one of the most beautiful places ever, especially during the holidays. Thankful you both are well and still enjoying life. The best holiday and health.

Connie said...

Wow, that Poinsettia Tree is gorgeous! Sounds like you had a lovely time there.

Lowcarb team member said...

Welcome back ...
Love your header picture.

Christmas isn't Christmas in our house without a Poinsettia (or two!)

A lovely post and I'm so pleased you had a great visit.

All the best Jan

diane b said...

A beautiful variety of poinsettias. I haven't started to decorate the grandchildren are not coming to Brisbane this Christmas so I have little incentive.

Barb said...

Good to hear you've been traveling and spending time with family, Betsy. I love Poinsettias but am not sure I'll have any in the house this year. We'll be away for Christmas so maybe I'll buy a small pot for myself when I return. Your photos are gorgeous. Happy Holidays!

Linda said...

Lovely shots! I don't like to decorate this early but I did encourage my husband to put up some lights to be seen outside.

Linda P said...

Glad you had a lovely time with your son and family for Thanksgiving and stopped by Biltmore. The poinsettias are beautiful. I never seem to be able to keep them looking good myself so appreciate seeing them massed together in displays at Christmas time. I haven't started to decorate yet, but will probably do so next weekend. Wishing you and George a blessed December.

linda m said...

Those poinsettias are so very pretty. And you captured their beauty perfectly. you are so fortunate to live close to a place like The Biltmore House and Gardens.

Marie said...

nice to see you! glad you had a nice and safe visit. :) I miss Florida at times. we visited Boone back in October, it was a nice getaway for a few days. :)
beautiful header, they always are. :)
happy days to you,

Busy Bee Suz said...

The hot pink poinsettias are just lovely; I want!!!! XO

Small Kucing said...

Good morning, Betsy

Oh i love Poinsettia . They makes the place so festive. Havent try planting it yet