Dear Friends, To say I am struggling now is an understatement... Life is just hitting me in the face --and I have to find ways to decide what I can do and what I cannot do... There's just never enough time in the day anymore, and I constantly feel overwhelmed.... Guess I need to realize that I'm slowing down in my OLD AGE... ha.. AND---I need to take time to realize what is important to me at this time and what is not. There are just so many things in this life that I want to do and see.
Anyhow---as much as I love blogging and love ALL of you, and even though I have tons of pictures I haven't shown yet, I just feel as if I HAVE to take a break for a little while... I'll be back soon I'm sure. In the meantime, have a great Thanksgiving...
God's Blessings on ALL of you.

Dear Betsy, enjoy your break and I, for one, hope to see you blogging again later. Blessings Jo
Dear Betsy ~ we all have to take breaks sooner or later, it happens.
Enjoy your break and come back when you feel ready, refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit.
Happy Holidays to you and George ~ Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady
You know what's best for you and if a break from blogging is needed then go for it. I look forward to your return. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you Betsy. Enjoy your break. I have been on one for a while and may be longer. Will see you when you return.
Enjoy the break. See you when you get back.
Everyone needs a break...take care of yourself. I just want you to know I love your blog and it might be the reason that we will one day soon move to your area of the country. Hugs!
Enjoy your break, Betsy! I hope you and George have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Totally understand but you and your lovely pictures will be missed.
Sending love and hugs your way.
We have all needed to do this on occasion and I totally understand. Hate to see you go but hope you enjoy the respite and that you will be back soon. We will be here whenever.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
You're going to be missed!
Yes, blogging isn’t life and sure we need time to relax and realize what really matters more... blogging could be a part of sharing and hope come back soon :)
Take care
Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy your break but do come back and let us know what you're up to.
completely understand. :) see you when you're back.
Sweet Betsy, I sure do understand and I''m taking a blog break too, maybe permanently, who knows? I'll be thinking of, and praying for, you and George.
I will miss you Betsy. But you need to prioritize right now.
Take care, and enjoy your break! Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, and we'll see you here when you come back...
We all need a break now and again. Enjoy the break and don't feel guilty about it we'll all be here when you get back x
As you know, I did this myself a couple of years ago. I do understand. You'll be missed, and I hope you'll return to blogging one day. But it's a choice you have to make for yourself. You have a good outlet for sharing your beautiful photos on Facebook, after all.
I'm on break, too. Just wanted to say have a good one. Happy Thanksgiving.
Enjoy your blogging break.
Look after yourself, and come back when you are ready.
A little early perhaps - but Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and yours.
All the best Jan
Betsy, I totally understand what you're saying... I'm considering a break from blogging myself (or at least a slow down). At our age, it is a matter of priorities. What is most important or the most fun for us? Go for it! Have a terrific Thanksgiving... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Totally understandable. That's what happened to me when the grandkids came along - - - not enough time in the day and I had to prioritize. I, too, LOVE blogging but it has been two years I think since I have posted. My thought is our "grands" are only this small once and they come first - - - after my Jesus and my husband!
Now if I had a housekeeper and a cook - - - think of all the extra time to do the fun stuff.
LOVE you BUNCHES and you will be missed but I feel we will see you on the blog again. So thankful for your friendship year round and not just during the holiday appreciation times!
Have a good break, and come back recharged!
I will miss you but I understand the need to take a break. I look forward to your enthusiastic return when you are feeling like blogging again.
Oh, we'll miss you! But I hope you have a very pleasant break and a lovely Thanksgiving.
howdy there Betsy..I"m going to miss you but you ENJOY YOUR HARD EARNED BREAK....and come back to us when you feel 100% ready for it, okay? We all need to do that from time to time. Take care of yourself and whatever needs to be done. We'll still be here waiting!
Hi Betsy, do I ever understand!! However, you will be missed and I hope you at least check in when you can. I've realized that there is no way that I can keep up with commenting on blogs every day and I don't even try. I used to feel guilty about it, but realize now how silly that was. I'm blogging whenever I have time. The saying about 'blogging without obligation' is a good one! Now, have I talked you into not quitting entirely? :) Hope so! We'd miss seeing those wonderful photos and hearing about your trips!!
Take care and enjoy your blog break. Love, Cheryl
I can certainly relate. Enjoy your break!
Go with your heart Betsy! Enjoy your break - we'll still be here when you feel ready to get back.
Dear Betsy
I'll miss you, for sure! But just you know when is the time to have a break. So, take care!!!
Bia <º(((<
Bless you, Betsy! You need to take care of yourself first -- and we can wait to greet your next posting -- whenever it is -- very happily!
I've been taking a break from blogging, too, because of work on a book that got its deadline moved up because the editor I'm working with at the publishing house is pregnant and going on maternity leave soon. I finished the book on the afternoon of election day -- thank goodness. And now I'm back. I so understand the need to take a break when other life events intervene.
I hope you're okay, Betsy, and just feeling a bit overwhelmed. Best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you enjoy your break. I really have slowed down and not really that old...I try to blog a little to just feel normal. But if I try to do too much, I feel like it becomes a job. Yet I don't want to quit completely cause I miss the interaction...
We all need a break once in a while. Enjoy yours. : )
Hi Betsy, All the best! Have a restful helpful and good break from your blogging activity! Have a blessed Thanksgiving next week.
Sorry you're overwhelmed; you can't do it all. Have a great break. :) XO
Take care Betsy...
Happy Thanksgiving. Be well, Betsy...:)
Aw. Will miss your posts. But do get all the rest you need. :)
See you soon!
Well, somehow I missed this, but I hope you enjoy a nive break. This is such a busy time of year for everyone. Happy Holidays to you and George!!
Howdy Betsy from Charleston! Just stopped by to check on you and say hi. Was greeted with that new banner up there, oh my, that is so gorgeous! Hope y'all are okay and enjoying the holidays
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