Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Tennessee SNOW --Jan 22-23, 2016

Oh --how I LOVE LOVE LOVE snow!!!!  (1/22/16)
Well---you must know that this ole 'snow-loving' lady would certainly have a blog post about our Tennessee Snow this past weekend...  OF COURSE!!!! ha ha ...  First of all,  apologies to all of you up north who have experienced WAY too much snow from this system--and to all of you who have MUCH more snow that we ever get.... BUT--to me SIX INCHES is just perfect....

Here in Tennessee,  we don't get a lot of snow,  and the one we just had is one of the prettiest ones (clinging to all of the shrubs/trees/bushes) we have had in a few years... I remember some heavier snows here when we first moved here about 2003...  BUT--the past several years,  we just haven't had much,  to MY disappointment.

This past week,  we had about 2 inches of snow on Wednesday.  Then on Thursday,  the temperatures warmed up and we had RAIN.... Then on Friday night--we had LOTS of RAIN,  then SLEET and then SNOW... It snowed here on Friday afternoon--and continued all day on Saturday (off and on)...   BUT--it was bitter cold with a stiff wind on Saturday... SO--since I had had dental surgery last week,  other than to take some pictures and feed my birdies,  I stayed inside.

Sit back and enjoy the pictures --knowing that you can enjoy seeing snow from the warmth of your home... Grab a cup of hot tea,  hot chocolate or coffee!!!!!  Some of the pictures were on the 22nd as the storm was getting started, and some were from the 23rd....

I love the little red berries on this snowy bush (1/22/16)

The snow was really coming down at this time, and just getting started.  (1/22/16)

I love snows that cling to the trees/bushes/shrubs... (1/22/16)

Our TINY little SNOWMAN (accidentally created when we were cleaning snow from the deck)  1/22/16

Want to come and sit with me on our BENCH in the front yard?????  Brrrrrrrr.... (1/22/16)

Here's a close-up of the snow hanging onto each branch.. (Glad it wasn't ICE--like we had last year!)  (1/22/16)

Our home surrounded by snow  (1/23/16)

Our Holly Bushes in front  (1/23/16)

Our front yard;  I love seeing the designs in the rocks in the flowerbeds.  (1/23/16)

Shrubs along the upper side of the yard in front;  Interesting how the winds have blown snow on the  house!!!  (1/23/16)

Beautiful shrubs with snow on them;  Similar to my present blog  header (taken a few years ago); (1/23/16)

Taken from our deck--of the back yard and golf course;  No golfers out today!!! ha ha   (1/23/16)

Close-up of the Holly Bushes in the front yard  (1/23/16)

Snow on the big tree in our back yard (looking toward the golf course)  (1/23/16)

Icicles on the heated Bird Bath on our deck;  The birds love this birdbath when the ponds are all iced up....They have to have water in addition to bird seed.   (1/23/16)

A COLD Rhododendron in our backyard;   We had such a WARM December that many of our Rhody Buds BLOOMED early.  You can see a couple of the bloomed out ones in this picture... Bet this Rhody won't be as pretty this coming Spring!   (1/23/16)

The front sidewalk along our garage area;  (1/23/16)

One more picture of our pretty little home --surrounded by snow;  (1/23/16)

Sitting in my recliner,  drinking some coffee,  enjoying the fireplace ---and the view of the snow coming down;  LIFE IS GOOD....  (1/22/16)
OKAY---that's enough... Hope you enjoyed the pictures --from the warmth of your home!!!!!  I am recovering from THREE dental surgeries (on 1/19) ---but am doing GREAT...  Amazing how much they have improved through the years when it comes to  dentistry..  BUT---with improvement comes more COST....  Yipes!!!!!!   Oh ---the joys of getting OLD... ha ha

Have a wonderful day/week... Can't believe that it's almost February!!!!  Mercy Me!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely to see you blogging again and showing us all your wonderful pretty snow scenes and it would be lovely sitting by that fire, coffee in hand and watching the snow fall.

DeniseinVA said...

Pretty photos Betsy. Wishing you speedy healing after your dental surgeries.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, 6 inches is not too bad. We had close to 20 inches. Your photos are so pretty. I am glad to hearing your feeling well after your dental procedures. Take care!
Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Ms. A said...

Love the photos, but glad I wasn't having to deal with it!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your photos are great, but I'm glad to be down here in s.e. FL. Even though it is cold for us here, 49 at the moment, I'm glad to not have all of that snow to deal with.

May you continue to feel better after surgery.

Have a great week ~ FowerLady

diane b said...

Happy days for you. Pretty pictures. I would be in front of the fire all day.

linda m said...

Love your snow pictures. I have enjoyed "looking" at them through your eyes. Beautiful view from your recliner. Happy to hear you are recovering nicely and are able to enjoy your snow. Tell George to be careful when he goes outside.

The Furry Gnome said...

Enjiyed your snow pictures, and love your snow enthusiasm! I just love a good snowstorm!

Janice K said...

I thought of you when I heard the snow was going through Tennessee and wasn't heading our way. Glad it was a snow you could enjoy. Also glad you are doing well after you surgery. God bless!

Unknown said...

We got a good amount in middle Tennessee from this one too! I'm loving it! After some hard circumstances, I am back to blogging but I'm not at Our Back Porch anymore. Come by and visit when you get a chance.

Cottage Blessings,
Rebecca at
Chippy White Cottage

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That IS a beautiful snow! We've had very little snow so far this year. There was one snowfall in November of about four inches and then a snowfall of about two or three inches a week or so ago. It's been a relatively mild winter for us thus far. I'd love to see the Smokies with that layer of fresh white stuff, though. Is that picture above the fireplace one of the canvases you've had made from one of your own photos? It's beautiful...and so perfect for you and George.

Jim and Sandie said...

I have to agree - fresh snow makes for beautiful scenes as does fog and frost. But enjoying those pictures from the warmth of Arizona is the best way for me anymore.

Dee said...

Your pictures are beautiful! Here in south central PA, there was about 30" more. Love to see snow on tree branches. Even though I was born and raised in northern IL, I have seen enough snow in my life time. lol One or two days is good for me. My parents were from MS and TN, so they saw very little in their growing up years.

Marcia said...

Betsy - we had more than 24 inches. We have the long driveway clear but we won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Learned from neighbor that the road is one lane and not down to pavement. Everything is closed!

Gail said...

Fantastic photos. Glad you're enjoying the snow.

Latane Barton said...

Hi Betsy... you got the perfect amount of snow. We got about 4 inches and for me that was ok. Kept me inside too long but hope to get out today and go eat at Ruby Tuesdays. I'm ready for someone else to do the cooking.

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Sitting in your cozy house with a fire watching the snow come down. Perfect. I know you were happy to see the beautiful snowfall.

I Am Woody said...

I loved this snow as well! So beautiful!! I'm thankful that Vol Fan made it out of his jobsite - just in the nick of time too. He was almost trapped at Love's Truck Stop on Friday as the snow started!! Wouldn't that have been fun?!?

LV said...

Such beauty, but thankful we do not get it in Texas. I understand, the money issues of getting old. Been going through eye problems and then I hurt my right hand and it has taken over a month to get better. I am thankful for each day, but it does come at a price sometimes.

George said...

You got some beautiful pictures of our snow. Now can we have Spring?

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, great pictures of the snow, but you can keep it there with you. I'll take our 75 degree forecast for the day.

Big Dude said...

Great shots Betsy and glad you got your snow fix. I think 6" is perfect for a snow fix as it is deep enough to cover everything and yield a nice white blanket but not so deep that it brings everything to a standstill.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, the snow is so beautiful and so are your captures for the day, Betsy!! Reminds me of the years I lived in Montana!! It's just gray and wet here in Portland and Seattle, but very mild temps -- weird winter???? And you do have the perfect place to sit and enjoy that snowy view!! Thank you for sharing the beauty! Stay warm and safe and have a great week!!

amanda said...

I'm so glad you got enough snow to enjoy, but not cause too much trouble!
We're hanging out up here in northern Minnesota, equipped with our snow plows and shovels, wondering why it's falling everywhere but here! We have crunchy winter snow cover, it's plenty cold and frozen.. but lack of good deep snow is putting a hurt on resorts and businesses who depend on snow recreation up here. I enjoyed your pictures, Betsy!

amanda said...

I'm so glad you got enough snow to enjoy, but not cause too much trouble!
We're hanging out up here in northern Minnesota, equipped with our snow plows and shovels, wondering why it's falling everywhere but here! We have crunchy winter snow cover, it's plenty cold and frozen.. but lack of good deep snow is putting a hurt on resorts and businesses who depend on snow recreation up here. I enjoyed your pictures, Betsy!

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy I like one good snow a year. So I am with you. We had a tiny one that doesn't count! So we really need one this year! Yours was lovely.

Linda P said...

Lovely snowy pictures, Betsy. It's good to see it from inside a warm house, however! I trust you're now recovered from the
dentistry. Not a good experience, but if it was needed then
glad you got through it fine.

David said...

Hi Betsy, We're glad that you had a nice snowfall that you could enjoy! It is pretty... However, if Laurie never saw snow again she'd be a happy camper. Here in the valley in East Tennessee we get just enough snow that we really appreciate the other 10 months of the year! We wanted 4 seasons but we wanted a short winter and that's what we got. Our snow will be totally gone by tomorrow. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

I'm glad to hear that you're recovering from your dental work Betsy. I know that was no fun. Your snow is beautiful! We've had several days in the upper 30s and low 40s so a lot of ours is melting. We still have a layer of ice and snow on the road in front of our house. It looks funny because our backyard is melted and you can see the grass but our front yard still has about 10 inches of snow! I guess the backyard gets a lot more sunshine than the front yard. I liked seeing your heated birdbath and I'm sure the birds like that too. Have a lovely week my friend. Blessings,
the other Betsy

Ruth Hiebert said...

The snow you got is perfect,no,picture perfect.I love that kind of snow.Even though I live where we get lots of snow every year,I still love it.I am becoming more of a wimp when it comes to the cold temperatures.That wouldn't have anything to do with getting older,now,would it. LOL

Rose said...

One dental surgery doesn't sound like much fun, much less 3! Glad you are recovering...and glad you have snow to enjoy. It sure is beautiful. I wish we would have just one good snow at least, but am afraid I will get what I wish for at the wrong time! (Appts in Feb.)

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your photos are lovely. Nothing more beautiful than new snow. We missed the snows, they all went south of us and ended up on the east coast. Enjoy!

Arkansas Patti said...

You and I love the snow about the same and I am so happy you got such a beautiful one. Six inches is perfect. Not enough to crash your roof but enough to make outside a beautiful place. I am envious. Little Rock got 5 inches, we got a dusting that was gone by noon. Bummer.
Enjoy that view and the cozy fireplace. Perfect.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

That was quite the snow event for you! Beautiful. Glad you are well.

HappyK said...

Nice to see all your snowy pictures. : )

BB said...

All of these photos of the snow are great but I just love the one of you. You look so adorable in that shot and like a little kid playing in the snow. Good for you! No snow here in Florida thankfully but it was cold. Hopefully warming up a tad this week.

Connie said...

Your snow photos are beautiful, Betsy! I'm so glad you got the snow that you love so much. I'm also glad that we DIDN'T get all that snow from this storm. We got the tiniest of flurries and that was it. We were fortunate in that the storm skirted below us. Hope you're staying safe and warm. :)

Liene said...

Lovely pictures Betsy! We got the perfect amount of snow also, for us 3 inches or so. The boys got to go sledding, and the oldest even got to miss a couple days of school! Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty snow shots! Enjoy the snow while it lasts...

Andrea said...

Hello Betsy, haven't greeted you Happy New Year yet! Yes you have the best snow and the best neighborhood, and the best autumn landscape! I agree the white scenes are beautiful, but if i were to live there that long, because i am not familiar with it, i am afraid i might get a mental shock. It looks so silent, so lifeless, almost looks like death! Sorry, but i am from the tropics, hahaha.

Devilish Angel said...

Lovely photos...

Fun60 said...

Those photos are beautiful but I love that first one. It has all the joys that the first snow brings.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You look so cute cheering in the snow. We are still digging out. The boys finally return to school tomorrow, with a 2 hour delay.

Kay said...

Hi Betsy! This is so much fun! Six inches of snow is about perfect. My son had 24 inches in Pennsylvania and that was TOO much. :- )

I loved seeing your snow photos.

Linda said...

Pretty scenes and I love the accidental snowman!

Jeevan said...

Awesome photos from your environment of snow! I really loved the clicks on the snow clinging bushes and trees and the deck and house coated with snow was inviting. I think players will miss the ball if they played golf in snow being white in color. I could feel the warmth in the picture of your inner home… Glad it wasn’t snowing like other part of your country. Stay warm and taking care of your tooth… Hope it wasn’t painful

Beatriz said...

Very cold for me, br br br...
But it's a very beautiful landscape, with sure!
A great, but light, winter for you Betsy!!!

Many hugs from Brazil


Lux G. said...

Must be a lovely time for you. :)
My favorite here is the last photo. It looks so inviting, so cozy, so comforting.

Annie Jeffries said...

I absolutely love the perfection of your snow and I would definitely sit (for a few minutes anyway) with you on your bench. But then I would be very grateful for a cup of chocolate in front of your fireplace.

Sally Wessely said...

By now, your snow is just a memory. It was a lovely snow. I am grateful you could just stay mostly "sheltered in place" during those days. The news was full of stories of those on the roads that were met with misfortune. It has beautiful with warm and sunny days here. We are promised a snow storm on Sunday.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Your snow photos are beautiful. I hope you're recovering well after dental surgery. It's no fun going to the dentist.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I hope you are healing well. It's been almost a year since I have been able to blog. Your snow is just lovely in pictures. We certainly have had enough in SD.

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful photos Betsy! You live in a gorgeous area.
Snow? We'd settle for some rain out here.