Since we are starting a brand new year, I thought it would be a good time to think about our lives (YES---even those of us who are retired can be very busy) and find ways to 'unplug' from some of the craziness at times...
My sons (in their 40's) stay SO busy and the stress can be great... I used to be the same way when I was raising kids alone, working fulltime, working on my Master's Degree, etc. etc. etc. Life wasn't always easy --but I just had to keep on keeping on! But --even back then, it was important to 'unplug' at times..
NOTE: All illustrations today come from the internet, and the article is by Danielle Zeigler, and the link is HERE. Danielle gave 27 ways to re-charge --but I won't talk about all of them. IF you want more info, be sure to click on the link.
One of the ones that really jumps out at me these days is to "UNPLUG OUR DEVICES". We humans can't seem to do much of anything these days without our fancy devices... We stay totally plugged in 24/7... Do you DARE turn off those devices for an hour or so each day --or LONGER ??????
While unplugging, do something that makes you happy... Maybe you love to COOK --and can make a fantastically delicious dinner. OR--maybe you want to READ that book on your night-stand --which you have never done... OR---why don't you LIGHT SOME CANDLES and take a leisurely Bubble-BATH???? There is so much you can do simply AFTER turning off those devices!
Another way to re-charge is to MAKE time just for yourself....It's never easy when we feel as if the entire world is counting on us for everything... We love feeling needed ---and many times, we give and give and give of ourselves until the well is dry!
One way I re-charge (both George and me) is to get out most every day (no matter what else is going on ) and take a walk. Just GETTING OUT IN NATURE is SO refreshing ---and makes us feel good all over. Even if you can't walk, just get outside some --and smell that air!!!!
Another thing you can do is to VOLUNTEER somewhere --especially if you are lonely, or feeling sorry for yourself. I worked with lots of volunteers when I worked in the church for many years. We couldn't have existed without those wonderful volunteers.
Another way to 're-charge' is to PLAN something upcoming. It may be a trip to see family far away, or maybe a special vacation to an area where you haven't been. Doing some planning will make you feel MUCH better.
One of my favorite things to do is to sit in my recliner, drinking a cup of hot tea or coffee, enjoying a fire in the fireplace on a cold, winter day, and watching my little birdies come and have a feast at the Bird Kitchen....
Another option would be to TRY SOMETHING NEW. Maybe there is something you have never done --but want to try it... For instance, take a paining class if you are interested... Step out of that comfortable box and do something new and different.
Keep that LIGHT shining within you all of the time... It's good for you and good for those around you. Can you recognize it when your light gets DIM? I hope so --since many people just ignore their 'lights' ---and keep on pushing-pushing-pushing....
One way to get that light shining again is to PLANT A GARDEN... We do that -and there's so much joy in seeing plants grow that YOU have planted!
Want to really make your light 'shine'?????? Then CLEAN OUT A CLOSET or get rid of the CLUTTER around you.... That will help SO MUCH.
Another way to 'unplug' and re-charge is to take a trip... And make it a RELAXING trip --where you aren't going from place to place and staying extremely busy. BUT--make it a trip like we take twice a year. One of our 'relaxing' trips is to the BEACH---where we can truly relax and be as lazy as we want to. Another relaxing trip is our annual trip to Arkansas --where we enjoy life on the top of Mt. Nebo...
LISTEN to MUSIC... That always help me to feel better when I am stressed or feel overwhelmed... OR--if you are married or have a special person in your life, enjoy a DATE NIGHT.
You have heard of "Unplug the Christmas Machine"..... WELL--how about unplugging yourself ---and re-charging your batteries! I am writing this for ME as much as I am writing it for YOU.... Just DO IT. AND--check our Danielle's list to see more... You might even add some to this list for others to read.
Check out my other blog, Betsy's Photo Blog, today. Click HERE.
Hi Betsy.
Am recharging now too. Been bloggibg for nearly a decade. Slowing down now.
As for unplugging device....oh no.....i have many ebooks yet to read. ..i can stop blogging but cant stop reading....yea i can still read hardcopy of books but still cant help loving ky ebooks too
Hi Betsy. You're right! I am still very busy even though I retired and even gave up my part time job at the library in October. I bake a cake and take those cakes for the dinner at the First Christian Church every other Tuesday. I attend the Ministerial Alliance meeting one Wednesday a month. I still attend the PINCH meetings once a month too on Wednesday evening. Every Wednesday afternoon I go to the senior center for games. I bake a snack for that. I go to church every Sunday and in the afternoon, I send out a weekly newsletter to those who did not come. Then, of course, I still cook lunch for myself and my brother-in-law. That keeps me busy.
Occasionally I need to take a break too.
Great post dear Betsy ~ Thanks for sharing those good tips.
Great post. This is definitely something we all need to do. I re-charge by taking a walk and just listening to Mother Nature, listening to relaxing music and sting in my rocking chair and watching the world go by. Thanks for sharing this great post with all of us.
Hello Betsy, great ideas and post. Happy February, enjoy your new week!
Unplugging is good that's why I don't have an iPhone and why I've never signed up for FaceBook. Email and telephone calls are enough ways to stay in touch. For Lent I'm giving up reading the news online. I'll get my news when I'm in the car at the top of the hour from NPR. That will be sufficient.
I have a lovely spot in my loft where I take a cup of tea and a book to read in the afternoon. Take a nap there too. Unplugged!
Good Morning Betsy.....A great post and one that we all need to pay close attention to. I definitely need to recharge my batteries! Even thought the "low Battery" light has lit up many times lately....I just keep on keeping on. It's time to RE-CHARGE! I love your header photo... you have really been posting some outstanding landscape photos lately....coming from your gorgeous area.... Hope you have a beautiful day!!
I agree that we definitely need to find ways to 'recharge our batteries'. I never would have thought retirement could be so stressful, but there always seems to be things that need to be done NOW. I'm glad we can get away for a few minutes to walk in our beautiful community or for a few days to explore our beautiful country.
Well done Betsy - we all need to recharge occasionally - even us retirees can get in a rut.
Betsy, Good advice! As for Laurie and I we're about as 'unplugged' as possible...and all it takes is a little change in routine to keep that spark going. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Good advice!!
Great post, Betsy. I agree doesn't matter how busy our lives are we need to make time for ourselves. I like to hang out with friends talk our day way or better yet shopping.
My first thought when I started reading this was,that for me to recharge,I get out in nature.Just me,may cameras and my God.If I can't get out then some good music that stirs my soul helps a great deal.
I am turning off the TV and turning on some music right now. :)
Great tips. And I love love your header photo.
This was a super post post, Betsy, and very thought provoking. I agree with unplugging. My dad and I were talking about this the other day...about how we both have trouble sleeping at night. I thought maybe it could be partly due to computer time- blue screen...I've been reading about it.
Anyway- I know you are anxiously awaiting snow..none here yet, and in the high 60's...What in the world??? It's February for goodness sakes!
They had this on the Dr. Oz show - people can't unplug a month from their electronics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish my own grandson would unplug - I hate all this. Good post. You and I can unplug!
Good advice Betsy. There are a number of those suggestions which I do to keep me sane, energetic and enthusiastic. If I could only chooseone it would be to get out into the fresh air and explore the world around you.
Very good advice. I'm going for a walk in nature with a girlfriend right now.
Wonderful post Betsy. We had planned to recharge this week with our cruise to the Mexican Riviera, but obviously that's not happening now. I think we've all gotten way too busy. Two connected sometimes. Have a wonderful day.
Blessings, Betsy
All great points Betsy. If I am guilty of anything, I unplug too much. Think I need some stress in my life:)) One thing you mentioned that really hit home though was cleaning out closets. Wow, do I need to do that. Also, I may be too comfortable and need to step out of that zone. You made me think. Thank you.
This is a good post...I cannot say that I am busy, busy, busy. Yet I do feel like I am always waiting. I won't go into detail. But the one thing that lets me unwind more than anything is fishing...I think it is really the being out. I can go and if the fish aren't biting, I can have fun just sitting and watching the water. Maybe have a book to read. But I do love to fish, very close to as much as I like photography, sewing, and reading.
Hi Betsy, Glad you enjoyed the eagle nest link. I like your post today with the nice advice. Have a pleasant day tomorrow!
All good ideas, and whatever works for you, you do need to find that balance. Getting out every day, volunteering, planning a future trip, they all help us.
Thanks for all the great advice and tips. I'm afraid to say but all the recharging I've done for quite some time is sit on my behind but hoping that'll change by spring. Hugs and love, xo
Wonderful post, Betsy!
I am a huge fan of re-charging and unplugging. I find it necessary to be centered and well in life with all tat is going on around us.
Our family is unplugged as much as possible.. some people are shocked to learn we don't have television (and haven't for several years) with a family of five kids ages 8-18.
I love to read. To try new things. Creating things. Sitting with a cup of chai. We play cards and games (recent hit with the younger kids is charades) on bitter winter days.
These are great things you listed... volunteering, getting outside, gardening.. Music is so good for us! Clearing out some clutter.. All so good!!!
Enjoy today, Betsy!
I think getting out in nature is the very best way for me to unwind. I think you guys are probably like that also. For example if I could just go to a place like this and sit on that rock for a couple hours I could really unwind.
A great post and a good reminder. Like you and George we are retired but I do remember those stressful days. Thanks for visiting Betsy and have a great week :)
I have declared 2016 as The Year of Dianne which means I am unplug and will do only what I feel like doing even if others thing it is a must do. Feeling old but glad to be here. Peace
A good reminder, and some good suggestions. Thanks, Betsy.
My favorite thing is to either read or run. The two R's!
Very very useful post... thank You...
These are all great ideas, Betsy. It is so true. We all need to take time out to take care of ourselves once in a while.
Very true Betsy and I always feel life begins only outside the windows and breathing fresh air and smelling the fragrance of flowers stimulate the inner. Absolutely everyone needs a break to reinforce ourselves and come up with a force do better than before, as well enjoying the life that exists once.
Great post, Betsy. I've been recharging the past couple of weeks, partly resting up from a virus that had me up all hours of the night. One thing we love about going to Branson is the condo we rent which is kind of in the woods and it's quiet. We love just relaxing there and just going out when we feel like it. Planning on going next month for my 70th birthday. Gads. How did I get to be that old? lol!
Take care and have a nice day!
Those are some great tips. I like unplugging from all devices, reading a real book, and finally walking our dog. I hope you are having a great week.
Those are all really good ideas on ways to recharge. Maybe the best one is to UNPLUG once in a while...
I know I need recharging on a regular basis. It seems that the more time I spend in natural settings and wilderness areas, the better I charge!
Good advice from top to bottom.... Thanks for reminding. :)
#Relationshipgoals. That's a healthy way to keep the relationship going.
Good post! I find getting outdoors is very helpful too.
Hello Betsy!
I miss your posts, so grateful for coming here!
Many hugs and have a nice week there!!!
Hi Betsy, I'm so glad you found my blog post helpful! All of these tips are so important, as you know. And it's great to go back to the list every so often for that reminder.
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