Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Autumn Joy Sedum in our Yard --September 12, 2015

Hello Fellow Bloggers,   I just HAVE to share some of our crop of AUTUMN JOY SEDUM in our yard now... George's Daddy gave us these beauties several years ago --and I love them.   This has been one of the prettiest years we have had yet with these colorful FALL perennials.  And even though they say that these plants love the sun,  I have them in various places ---and some are definitely in the shade.. They are ALL doing well.

IF you want something that is hardy,  takes almost no care at all,  is resistant when it comes to most diseases,  is deer- proof----and one that gives a lot of color to your yard in the Fall----this one is what you want...

The neat thing about these little plants is that they begin one color ---and gradually change  colors as we go deeper and deeper into Autumn... They start out a very pale pinkish color (with almost a  very light bluish tint) ---and then gradually turn bright pink... Then ---the pink changes to a deep reddish color ---and ends with a rust-colored look (perfect for late Fall).

We have Sedum in 3-4 places in our yard ---and all of it is thriving and blooming right now.... Oh how I love these little plants!!!!   If you want more information about Autumn Joy Sedum,  you can 'google' it.. Here's one link I found,  so you can click HERE.

Enjoy our pictures.  I love Fall ---and our weather this weekend has been incredible.  The leaves are coming down (although we don't have any color much when it comes to leaves on our big trees).  BUT--we are having some signs of Fall (such as Burning Bushes turning red,  lots of Fall Wildflowers blooming, etc.)...  And this cooler weather this weekend will HELP.

Besides some Vinca that we planted (to replace the Pansies),  our Canna Lilies --and our gorgeous Roses----there isn't much else blooming here right now... Things are beginning to die out in anticipation of the upcoming Winter.

Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements!

Some of our Autumn Joy Sedums are in our English Ivy/Vinca Minor (Periwinkle) bed.  It's nice to add color to all of that green.

These Autumn Joy Sedum plants are along our sidewalk leading from the garage around to the deck. 

Here's another view of the Autumn Joy Sedum plants (along with Hostas --which are ending their lives now)---along the side of our home.

Here's one plant along the side of the house... Isn't it pretty?

Here's a close-up of one of our Autumn Joy Sedum blooms.  You can see how it is beginning to get darker in certain places. 

Finally,  here is one more look at some of the blooms in our Ivy Bed.
Hope all of you are doing well... We are fine ---and trying to get back into the 'scheme of things' after our big trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone.  Maybe --one of these days---I'll get back to blogging on a more regular basis...

Hugs to all,


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes it certainly is alovely plant at this time of the year Betsy. Have a great week.

Kay said...

You do grow the most beautiful flowers, Betsy!

Jarka Panci said...

Betsy, your sedum autumn joy and very very nice. This is a wonderful flower. I wish you a beautiful autumn, enjoy it together just fine. Jarka

Ms. A said...

Gorgeous! Wouldn't mind have that in my yard!

Fun60 said...

What a fabulous Autumn plant. Glad you are still keeping up the blogging.

Ann said...

Your sedum is very pretty. Love the color of it

Small Kucing said...

I have not seen sedum here. Hmmm i wonder if it suit our weather. will find out more from my local nurseries. They are so pretty

have a great week ahead, Betsy

Jo said...

Hello dear Betsy; wonderful that George's dad "lives on" in your garden! And I love your header - WOW! Thanks for sharing all the beauty and love in your lives. Blessings Jo

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your sedums are a gorgeous color and how neat that they are from George's Dad's garden.

Enjoy the start of your fall weather ~ FlowerLady

Out on the prairie said...

A fun flower to have, I thinned mine out this year.

linda m said...

What a neat flower to have in the yard. They sure are pretty. Maybe that is what my yard needs. Hmmmm

Marcia said...

Your Autumn Joy looks lovely. Mine is almost to that stage now too. As to deer resistant? Not here. They've been munching on the leaves and some of the flowers out front in Mom's Garden. The ones in the Perennial Garden are protected from the deer. One year I had finches nibbling the leaves which was very strange. They are a wonderful harbinger of fall.

Linda Kay said...

Great picture on your header, Linda. Sedum can be very beautiful

LV said...

That is the kind of plant I need. Yours is very pretty, but you have no ugly ones of any kind. So nice hearing from you and knowing you both are still enjoying life and well.

George said...

Your sedum is especially beautiful this year. I'm sure Dad is smiling because you enjoy them so much.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, they are SO beautiful indeed!! I know you must enjoy them so much, I know that I would!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!! Hope you have a great new week!! Enjoy!!

Rose said...

Love the sedum...Sarah has some. I don't know why I have not gotten any.

Anonymous said...

Such pretty shots! Autumn is a great time of year.

David said...

Betsy, Pretty fall flowers...and more importantly deer proof too! Laurie's hostas were eaten to the ground this year and they even worked over our rosebushes! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Arkansas Patti said...

I will have to look into them. Love the color when most everything is thru blooming. Hope they are vole proof. Maybe if deer don't like them, voles won't either.
Enjoy this beautiful Fall weather. Think we have one more hot spell coming.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous! I think there must be a special magic around your place.Everything just grows and blooms in wild abandon. I love it.

Betsy said...

I have never had sedum in my yard. You have made me curious to try some next year. Your yard is always so pretty and vibrant...just like you!

HappyK said...

Very pretty. I have a few of them in my yard too but had forgotten what they were called. Thanks. : )

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The Sedum is very pretty, and you're a good promoter of it. :) Love the close-ups.

Chatty Crone said...

Very pretty - love to see the two of you and your flowers. The pink next to your green house were my favorites!

diane b said...

It sure is a pretty plant and makes your garden look great. I haven't heard of Sedum here but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. The best thing it is deer proof. I'm looking for wallaby proof plants. They don't eat my lavender.

Shug said...

Gorgeous header photo.....and I have to tell you.....you and George are just the sweetest couple ever. So much love there!! Fall is one of my favs too..... Beautiful scenery around your place!! So much work goes in to all this beauty and I'm thankful that we get to reap from it....

Jeevan said...

Seems these flower lean an invitation to fall and much cooler climate! Very pretty flowers in shade of dark and light pink, and also neatly bloomed around the home.

Glad you both doing well and enjoy travelling around :)

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy

As I can see you are very busy with your beautiful plants... Your garden is always wondeful, regardless of the season!

Many hugs and take care!


Sweet Posy Dreams said...

I like Autumn Joy Sedum, too. We have a couple of groups, the largest by the front steps. I think the bees are always happy to see it, too!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

I like Autumn Joy Sedum, too. We have a couple of groups, the largest by the front steps. I think the bees are always happy to see it, too!

Big Dude said...

Looks really pretty Betsy. Bev has some and we always enjoy the late summer color.

Connie said...

These are so pretty, Betsy, and they look great against the green of your house.

Unknown said...

Autumn is here with all its beauty. Leaves are slowly starting to shift colours here.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, you plants are lovely. It is a pretty color. Beautiful collection of images. Have a happy day!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I'm glad to finally get by your blog to say hello! Your flowers are so pretty and I'm going to have to get some and plant around my house next year. I love the color! Hope you are doing well and had a nice trip. I will have to come back and check to see if there are photos that I've missed.
Take care and have a nice Friday and weekend!

Oh, btw, how did you like the debate last night? I hated the way CNN moderators were trying to pit the candidates against each other and their questions to them. I'm still not sure who I like best, but I thought most of them did very well last night, in spite of CNN.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, We now have a real yard as we recently relocated a bit SE of where we had been living. So, I look forward to possibly planting some Sedum in a spot here. Thanks for the nifty idea. I think that Sedum will grow OK in my area here. Have a fantastic weekend!

Barb said...

I also love sedum and have several varieties including Autumn Joy. It is tolerant of our hard winters and comes back each spring to give us color. It's also water-wise so doesn't need much care. Yours is taller than mine - beautiful.