Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Fantastic Trip to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone --August, 2015

George and I had a fantastic trip to Wyoming from August 17-28,  2015.   We visited the Grand Tetons National Park and also Yellowstone National Park... We had been in those areas in 2012 ---and decided to go back this year to see more...

This is my absolute favorite place that we have visited in our country.  There is so much to do there ---and each time we go,  we see many new and different things ---along with some of the things we want to see over and over....

In 2012,  we put an emphasis on waterfalls and geysers...  SO---this year,  we did visit a couple of waterfalls which we didn't see in 2012,  but we only saw ONE geyser this year.  In 2012,  we visited the Tetons in September...  At that time, the boat across Jenny Lake wasn't running (which was a disappointment).  SO---this year,  we decided to fight the summer crowds (which we hate) and go there in summer/August.

Right now,  we are talking about going back in 2018.   AND---since we did the Jenny Lake boat ride this year,  we will either visit the area in late Spring or early Fall.   I love September because of the Fall Colors ---but Spring might be nice also...

I could talk and talk and talk about this trip (and will have many more posts I'm sure) ---but decided just to pick out 15 pictures to share today.  Hope you enjoy this first batch of pictures ---and be sure to click on them for enlargements.

Above is a picture of one of our favorite places in Yellowstone,  the Canyons area.  We will continue to visit that area over and over ---each time we go.  When I can see mountains, canyons and waterfalls all together,  I am definitely in my 'happy place'.  The picture above is of LOWER FALLS of Yellowstone ---as taken from one of our favorite overlooks,  Artists Point.

Here we go ---riding the boat across Jenny Lake, in the Tetons.   We got out on the other side of the lake, and hiked to a new waterfall for us,  HIDDEN FALLS.  We also did some hiking on one of the lake trails while there.

We took this picture on the trail to Hidden Falls.   Our weather while there was PERFECT---the entire time..  It was cool in the mornings and at nights --but warmed up into the 70's during the daytime.

And OH the WILDLIFE.... I could do an entire blog on the wildlife we saw.  We saw BISON/Buffaloes,  Elk,  Pronghorn Antelopes,  and another very special one --which I will show you later in this post... Can you see the little 'hitchhiker' on top of the Bison in this photo?????  ha

One of our favorite hikes in the Tetons was to TAGGART LAKE.  The mountain views are terrific on that hike ---and then sitting there next to that lake just gazing at the mountains just made chills run all over me... SO NEAT!

Besides Hidden Falls in the Tetons,  we took another hike in Yellowstone to a waterfall which we had not seen in 2012.  This is FAIRY FALLS.

This is CLIFF GEYSER in the Black Sand Basin,  and was the only geyser we saw this trip.  BUT--walking around that basin was special since the colors were gorgeous.  We also walked around the Midway Geyser Basin ---and enjoyed seeing the Grand Prismatic Spring.

One thing that George and I love is to eat special foods in places different from our home area  in Tennessee... In 2012,  we ate alot of wild-game (bison, elk, etc.) ----and we wanted to do the same thing this year.   The above picture was probably our favorite dinner of our visit--although we liked all of the different foods each night we were there.  This dinner was at the Canyons Lodge area restaurant and consisted of Bacon-wrapped Wild-game Meatloaf,  asparagus,  fresh bread and mashed potatoes (with skins included).  EXCELLENT meal ---and we had bison as our meat for FOUR of the nights we were there... YUM.

Some of the gorgeous Thermal Areas in Yellowstone;  The colors were awesome!!!!!

One of our favorite hikes in Yellowstone  (in the Canyons area) was the RED ROCK TRAIL ---leading down to a great view of LOWER FALLS.   We hiked this trail both in 2012 and 2015.

One day we drove to Mammoth Hot Springs and walked up and down their intricate stair system build in and around the thermal areas.  This is ORANGE SPRING MOUND at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone.

Another wonderful hike in the Tetons is in the SCHWABACHER'S LANDING area.  This picture was taken in that area with the mountains in the background --and the Snake River nearby.

While at one restaurant  (in Lake Jackson Lodge Hotel),  we just HAD to try some HUCKLEBERRY CHEESECAKE.... I don't think I had ever had huckleberries before ---but I loved them.  They grow wild in this area. The huckleberries  taste a lot like blueberries --but may be a little more tart.  Anyhow--the berries really balanced out that sweet and rich cheesecake...  (Believe it or not,  both George and I lost weight during our vacation...  We did eat very small breakfasts and lunches ---so that we could enjoy dinners out each night.)

Here is my SURPRISE... I saw my FIRST MOOSE along the Snake River this year.  I didn't see a moose in 2012---so was ecstatic to see one (actually we saw TWO before the week was up) while there... SUCH EXCITEMENT....  They are HUGE creatures.   AND---I can't wait to show you that adorable Moose T-shirt George bought me this year.

I'll close with my favorite picture I took on this entire trip (I think).  Someone on Facebook told me that it may be the best one I have ever shown..  I don't think it was the photographer,  but in this case,  it was being at the right place, at the right time.  This was taken at Schwabacher's Landing in the Tetons showing the reflections  of the mountains and the puffy clouds...

I could go on and on showing you many of the other places we visited while in Wyoming,  but I'll stop and let you enjoy these today!!!!  Don't forget to click on the photos for enlargements ---especially that last one.

Hope you have a fantastic September.  There are two more gorgeous photos from our trip on my Photo Blog ---so don't miss seeing them.  Click HERE to visit that blog post.



Anonymous said...

Fabulous shots of your amazing trip! Love that moose - so stately.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW! Well what aa fantastic trip. The scenery is spectacular an the last shots is sstuning althought the wwriting on it spoills it for me, very distracting. Loved seeing the Bison and Moose. You and George look greatin all the photographs. Have a great week.

Out on the prairie said...

What a charming trip, sometimes you have to be wit the tourists. I love the rugged mountains and of course all the wildlife.

DeniseinVA said...

Wow! These photos are fantastic Betsy! You visited my favorite places too and then some. We are hoping to go back next year some time. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. The bring back so many happy memories of our time there.

Ms. A said...

I have been really enjoying all the photos of your trip. ALL of them are fantastic!

eileeninmd said...

Hello betsy, awesome photos from your trip! It is one of my favorite areas to visit too. I love the Moose and the view of the mountain reflections. Have a happy day!

Manzanita said...

Hey Girl.
Fantastic pictures. Some of the best I've seen of the area.
Living so close to Yellowstone, we sometimes take all
that majestic beauty for granted. Thanks for reminding me.

linda m said...

That was some fantastic trip. Love all your photos. Makes me feel like I am right there with you. Than you for sharing your trip with us.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh my gosh dear Betsy! What a fantastic trip and the wonderful photos of all of that beauty! You and George are blessed to be able to travel to all of these great places and I thank you for sharing them with us on your blogs.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Liene said...

Wow! Two parks that I've always wanted to visit... how wonderful that you were able to enjoy them despite the summer crowds. Beautiful pictures, and congratulations on your first moose!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a fabulous trip! I would love to travel to those spots and would like to see more of your photos! Hugs, Diane

Marcia said...

I wondered where you were since you hadn't blogged in a bit. Sounds like a great trip. We have the Tetons on our "to visit someday" list. Yellowstone we did see in detail with the girls last century. You did take some lovely photos. So nice the weather cooperated for you. Did you drive or fly and rent a car?

Chatty Crone said...

I knew you and George were somewhere - what a fantastic trip. It had everything. Wild animals. Wild meat. Geysers. Moose. You two were so cute together. The boat ride. I know you enjoyed the trip and I enjoyed the pics.

Dorothy said...

Your pictures are fabulous!!! I hope to go back out there someday, maybe when Jeep retires :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You've inspired us to spend more time in the Tetons the next time we go out there. These are all just stunning shots. I'm so glad you got to see the mountains this time, instead of only smoke. :)

George said...

Your beautiful photos do a great job of summarizing our wonderful trip. Yellowstone/Grand Tetons has so much to offer and we were always surrounded by God's magnificent creation.

Betsy said...

Good morning Betsy. Wonderful, wonderful pictures of some of my favorite places in Yellowstone and the Tetons. Huckleberries are usually very prevalent up here in Washington too, but the drought this year has really cut down on the crop. They are delicious. We love bison and eat it quite a bit. It's so lean but great tasting too. I'm looking forward to more pictures of your trip.

Cath said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip. I have never been out that way (we stayed coastal when we were living out west. I love the pictures!

David said...

Betsy, Looks like you and George had a great trip... Fantastic photos too! We love this area as well and especially seeing the animals. The scenery is hard to beat but we like the NW coast of the US and the West Coast of Canada about equally with Yellowstone and the Tetons. Beartooth Pass out of the NE entrance to Yellowstone is one of our all time favorite drives. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

Spectacular!Gorgeous! Awesome! and Amazing! These are just a few words that come to mind while looking at these pictures.I am so glad you had such good weather and beautiful scenery to enjoy.BTW,Betsy,would you please whisper a prayer for me.I'm heading back to the doctor in a few minutes. I have a lot of pain in my left foot,making walking difficult.Thanks. I love you and appreciate you.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, one of my favorite places!! We went there frequently when we lived in Montana and our kids loved to go there as much as we did!! Wonderful captures as always!! Thanks for the sharing the beauty and the fun and bringing back memories of my families trips!! Hope you have a great week!!

Rambling Solo said...

What a fantastic trip. Love the buffalo and moose. The reflection of the mountain and clouds in the lake and the sunset on your photo blog are my favorites. You have encouraged me to plan another trip to Yellowstone and include the Grand Tetons. Thanks for always sharing your photos.

Jeanne said...

Your pictures are amazing! So glad you were able to make such a trip! We traveled to Minnesota and into Canada recently but I have been busy and haven't had time to get back into blogging. Maybe soon :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a great trip! Sch beautiful pictures and delicious food! I also enjoyed following along with your adventure on Face Book. Have a great week!

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, wonderful shots, especially the reflection one. Of all the places you two visit, this is the one that is on the top of my bucket list. Thank you for taking me along at least via photo.
Can't wait to see more.

LV said...

So glad to see you back. I have missed you and George so much. Happy tho you both are well and enjoying great places with each other. My sister and I visited this area several years ago and loved it. However, we flew. May you both continue to enjoy the b blessings of life.

Neal said...

Beautiful pictures.....that is really a beautiful area. I think this photo (taken in 2007) is about from the same place as your last photo. This one

Ann said...

wow, what beautiful scenery. That had to have been a fabulous trip.

Nellie said...

What an amazing trip! Of course, my interest was quickly taken by the food.:-) xo Nellie

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

A diet og game and local berries is very popular these days. I loved all of your photos and I think of you and George whenever I hear water falling.

Susie Swanson said...

Wow, what an awesome trip. I've been keeping up with your beautiful photos on FB and never get tired of looking at all the beauty. Ya'll have made lots of memories. Hugs and Blessings, xo

The Furry Gnome said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip Betsy! And those photos! The first one is perhaps the best photo I've ever seen of the canyon and falls. The last phot OS outstanding too. And that desert!, great stuff.

Big Dude said...

Glad you guys had such a great trip and excellent photos as always.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Only one word: "Outstanding"!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a great trip for yall to make....these pics are gorgeous! I didnt know the Tetons were so magnificent.

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

Smiles Betsy.. Hope you are good ! Lovely shots and write. I am happy to see you that you are still young to travel. Welcome to Kerala, God's Own country!

Small Kucing said...

Lovely header photo by George, Betsy.

The 15 photos you have selected is awesome. Guess ones have to go several times to this place to fully cover it. It seems just to vast area for one trip

have a great day, Betsy

Jo said...

Dearest Betsy, what an amazing trip you share here with someone like I, who's not seen the glorious Grand Tetons. I love the views and wildlife (and the Huckleberry Cheesecake!) Is the bird on the Bison a type of Oxpecker - we have similar which hike and feed on the deer and wildebeest here in Africa. Thanks for sharing this beautiful experience. Blessings Jo xxx

MTWaggin said...

Fabulous shots and so glad you made it over Jenny Lake this time (still on my list). Lucky you on the moose too - and a big ol bull to boot! Woop!!! What a wonderful trip!

Jeevan said...

Absolutely fantastic captures from your trip and your words reflects (like the awesome reflection at the last image) great happiness and cheers about the visit and relish on your favorite dishes. Both the bison and moose look majestic! Love the vast view on the waterfalls along the canyon.

Connie said...

What a fantastic trip! Your pictures are all gorgeous, and what fun to see a moose!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! That is so beautiful, there's nothing more beautiful than the wild nature. Yellowstone has always been high up on my wish list of places I want to visit. Stunning pictures Betsy :)
Can see why you love it there

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!
It was a wonderful trip, wasn't it?
Beautiful photos also and a great desire to live around the nature most of the time as possible!
Take care and enjoy everything!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Hi Betsy, yes we are out and about--traveling around Eastern Washington. Went to Spokane to see Bob's son Paul and his wonderful wife Michelle. We stayed a couple days and saw some nice sights including Spokane fall which is quite spectacular in my eyes and right down town---Imagine that. I will post when I get back. We are visiting the ranch in Ritzville . So much of Washington has burned and is still burning so we won't go there. Some of our favorite places too.
Love your beautiful Grand Teton pictures. I did follow you on Facebook too.
Always nice to be home too isn't it.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i am so glad u all got out west ... just s gorgeous area. did u c any fires? i've heard they have had a wild fire time this year. so sad. love all the food 2. looks delicious! what fun. hope u both r well & keeping smiles! happy weekend!! ( ;

Judy said...

What a wonderful trip. I would love to go there someday.

NatureStop said...

WOW! WOW!Betsy, what a fantastic trip and lovely lovely images. Stay blessed! Am here in bloggerland after ages :)


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well, I'm about green with envy- you know this is my all time favorite park! I loved the mud pots (painted pots were so cool), the geysers, the beautiful mountains, but we have never taken the Jenny Lake boat ride over...that is on my bucket list.
I'm glad you two had so much fun. Hope your Tennessee heat is not as bad as ours is now in Arkansas..I'm about sick of SUMMER!

amanda said...

Oh, Betsy! What an amazing trip and fantastic photos! I've never been to either of these National Parks, but I love National Parks and my dream is to visit them all some day.. You just bumped these two up on my list with eagerness!!
I am curious, did you guys use a timer or have someone take all the wonderful photos of you and George in front of all of these gorgeous scenes? They are such treasures from your adventures!!!
My sister and her family just moved to Wyoming this summer from here in northern MN.. We will be planning a trip out there in the coming year and I can't wait to include these great places!!!
Thank you for sharing! I'm excited just having read this post. :) Reading your excitement about seeing a moose and more... I was feeling it with you!

Linda said...

I am jealous. Looks like a fantastic trip!

diane b said...

It sure is an amazingly beautiful area. Your shots are great especially the last one but please don't write text on a photo (except a tiny copyright watermark). Text is a no no in the photography world. It detracts from the beauty of the shot.

D said...

Betsy! wonderful photos and yes, that last one is absolutely gorgeous! Mammoth is breathtaking as is much of the park. So happy you had such a great time, but next time come a bit further west. ;)

Kay said...

Sigh... Your photos brought back such lovely memories, Betsy. I never, never get tired of Yellowstone. We've been there four times and I want to go back there again. Yellowstone and Glacier are my favorite places. I love that photo of you and your lovely hubby.

Rose said...

oh, Betsy, these are wonderful photos...just so very beautiful. I enjoyed them all.