Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Our Yard during June, 2015

Hi There,  Remember me????? ha ha.... As you probably know,  I haven't been blogging much at all lately.  First of all,  let me say that everything is FINE with us.  In fact,  life is GREAT.  The real fact is that we are just staying SO busy.  BUT--this is the kind of 'busy' we enjoy!!!!  Whether we are taking pictures of our yard/flowers----OR working in the yard to keep things looking good----OR whether we are traveling/hiking---OR whether we are just out walking with our new FITBITS in order to get/stay healthy;  OR whether we are working on our food plans through "My Fitness Pal" (online)--in order to eat healthy,  all of these things take up time --but are things we enjoy and need to do!!!!

Speaking of getting healthier,  we highly recommend the FITBITS (wear them like a watch) since they keep track of our heart rates, our steps,  our exercise/workouts,  our sleep habits. And--  since this program syncs with My Fitness Pal,  it all works together helping us make good choices about our eating and the NEED for more exercise... My Fitness Pal keeps up with all of our nutrition,  so we know when we are low on something such as Vit. D or calcium, etc...  AMAZING how much we both have learned and how good we are doing (with A LOT of hard work).  George has lost over 16 pounds and I have lost about 6 pounds.... I don't need to lose much---but need to firm up and try to get rid of some of my 'flab' (left over from years of being so heavy)....

I do post on Facebook most every day --simply because it is EASY to do and I can spend as little time or as much as I want to.   Blogging is different... As you know,  I have been blogging since 2006 and never EVER run out of something to blog about... BUT--I have this little person inside of me who cannot help feeling guilty when I do not have time to visit your blog posts.  I know that there are others out there who can 'blog without guilt'--but that is just not me.  I enjoy visiting ---but right now,  I just do not have time.  SO---the easiest thing for me to do is to NOT blog myself.  That is the main reason I have not blogged recently.  But---I do MISS you and your blogs very much.  I really do!

That being said,  I want to show you some beauties in our yard this month... This is the prettiest month of the year here I think because we have ROSES,  LILIES and DAYLILIES all blooming at the same time... Hope you enjoy seeing some of the beauty around us---and can tell by looking how much work and effort it takes to have a yard like ours... There will come a time when we can't do it any longer --but right now,  when we are healthy,  we enjoy it and love to share it with YOU....

The picture above was taken on 6/27/15 as I stood out in the road looking back toward our home.  Today I'll share six of our different flowerbeds around our yard.  Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

Our front yard looking toward the road  (6/27/15)

Lamppost Flowerbed (6/17/15)

Small Daylily Bed beside our Garage (6/17/15)

Side Flowerbed (next to our deck)--6/17/15;  I enjoy all of these beauties from my kitchen window and also from inside our living/dining area..

Small Daylily Bed in front of our big Rose Bed (6/25/15)

Daylily Bed  (6/14/15)

Looking toward the Small Daylily Bed,  the Rose Bed, and the Garage Daylily Bed (6/27/15)

Another view of our Side Flowerbed (next to the deck)--6/17/15;  George and I love to sit on the swing early in the mornings and have our devotions while we smell and enjoy the flowers.

Daylily Bed (6/26/15)

Beautiful Road Bed ---showing lots of Lilies (tall ones) and Daylilies (shorter ones)--6/26/15

A view of the entire Road Bed showing the Lilies and Daylilies (6/27/15)

Another view of the Lamppost Lilies  (and surrounding area) --6/19/15

Another view of the Road Bed (6/26/15)

Here's one last view of our little home showing off some of the colors (6/27/15)
My apologies again for not visiting your blogs.  I'm not sure when I'll ever be able to do it again on a daily basis since I am not sitting at the computer very much these days.  But--my health (at my OLD AGE) is much more important than sitting here!!!! I'm sure you understand that!

Since I am way behind with my blogging,  I still have stories to tell and pictures to show... If you didn't read about it on Facebook,  then you will need to hear about us getting stuck on top of a mountain in a fierce thunderstorm...  AND--I haven't shared with you our time in New Orleans (which was quick but fun)... AND---then there is the Anniversary trip to North Carolina we took last week (our 14th Anniversary was on June 23)....  And of course,  I have a gazillion pictures of Roses,  individual Lilies and Daylilies.... SO--one of these days,  I'll be back!!!!!!!  I just am not going to promise that it will be on a regular basis --at least not now.



Small Kucing said...

every year I admire your yard . It look so lovely every summer

Small Kucing said...

every year I admire your yard . It look so lovely every summer

Andrea said...

Hey Betsy, i am so happy you are fine. Don't worry about not visiting our blogsites, as you said your health takes the priority. Take your time. But you know what? I came here now because i also felt guilty for not visiting here for quite sometime now, very timely as the answer to me is this post. haha.

I have already memorized your house facade and your gardens. I will not forget that house on top of that incline that blends very well with the environment because of its paint, but i recall the former paint is not green, hehe. And those blocks retaining wall, that is George project. Lastly, your lilies are all very beautiful, i envy their health, well cared for. And...my best regards also to George.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy. hood to hear from you again and to know that both of you are fit and well and even getting healthier. Although I am on Facebook, I really do not have time for doing it, I am committed to doing my blog and also I like you, try and comment on all the posts that come into my dashboard and also comment on all who belong to the memes I follow. I know a lot don't do this but I believe that giving is better than receiving and that on my blog has paid off. Thai post is lovely and it is a real treat to see many aspects of your beautiful garden and all the hated work that you and George puts into it. sent my regards to George and tell him I miss his Roses , however I think you are very wise to get your priorities right for both of you. Life is too short to be doing the wrong thing and if you do not have your healthy you have nothing except the love of Jesus. All the best and have a blessed week ahead.

Kay said...

I'm having the same problem with visiting right now. I have too many things taking up my time. My husband insists I keep up with posting because he thinks it keeps my brain moving. Alzheimers run in my family.

Your garden looks glorious! The flowers truly give everybody a riot of happy color. Happy summer!

Ms. A said...

Everything is so lush, green and blooming! Lovely!

Jeevan said...

So wonderful photos from your yard and flower beds! The lilies enhance the yard into a colorful garden. Good to know you both are doing great with health and of course blog isn’t a world alone and enough to share. But this is a place very special to me and I know it is also for u, hope u enjoy life at your other ends.

Take care, Betsy!

Margie's Musings said...

Your gardens are beautiful, Betsy.

I blog early in the morning when I first sit down to watch the weather and news. Then before I go to bed, I check blogs too.I get up at 5:00 AM and don't go to bed until 9:00 or 9:30.

I work 20 hours a week at the library and between getting up and getting down to put away books and DVDs, I get plenty of exercise.

Arkansas Patti said...

So good to hear from you and know you are doing fine if busy. Hey, it's your blog, blog when you want to and visit if you can but it should never feel like an obligation.
As for Fitbit, I am getting conflicting reports about the safety of using them with a pacemaker. I'll check with my cardiologist in July.
Be kind to yourself and keep enjoying life and each other.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad to hear that you are doing well! I feel guilty too if I cannot visit, which is why I cut back to 3 days a week a couple of years ago. It's pretty manageable for me.

Out on the prairie said...

you have a nice yard

The Furry Gnome said...

Hi, good to hear from you. But I have noticed your posts on Facebook, so I know what you've been up to. Nice lilies you have. Our very first Day Lily just bloomed the other day. In a couple of weeks we'll have colour like you do.

Latane Barton said...

You two do stay busy. I've heard of the fitbits or whatever they are called. Sounds like they are a great idea. And, hurrahs to George for his weight loss. Wish i was that motivated.

troutbirder said...

Awesome photos and "you go girl." Do what you can when you can and don't feel guilty about anything...:)

Liene said...

Love your lilies Betsy! Happy 4th if I don't make it back before then!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your house and yard are so, so beautiful. I can't even imagine how many hours of loving labor it takes to achieve that, but that work certainly pays benefits not only to you but to all who pass by.

Big Dude said...

Your place looks gorgeous as always - thanks for sharing it.

George said...

Your wonderful photos make all the work in the yard very worthwhile. I rather like the way the place looks, if I do say so myself.

LV said...

I truly understand, but have missed you and George. Your life and health comes first. I always enjoy seeing your home,flowers and your adventures. Take care.

David said...

Hi Betsy, As far as blogging...hey, ya'll are retired and you shouldn't do anything that you don't feel like doing! Congrats on the fitness thing. We're both working out and we've lost some weight but food is entertainment for me! Your yard and flowers are beautiful but it looks like too much work for me. (I'm retired from doing what I don't want to do too!) Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sylvia K said...

Love to see your posts/photos anytime you put them online, but I do know there are other things more important!! Your yard and flowers are so very beautiful and I do love to see them when you have some time to share with us!! Hope you have a great new week, Betsy!!! Enjoy!!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your yard and I always have. I can see why you have been too busy to blog - that is my problem too Betsy. I am glad you guys are doing so well!

Betsy said...

Good morning Betsy! I do enjoy your blog posts but also like the quick updates on facebook. I don't think you should feel bad. Life is for living, not sitting at a computer all of the time. The summer is hard for me to blog because of the data issues I have at the lake...and I refuse to stay home from the lake just to blog. So there you have it! :-) Our daughter has a fitbit and has for a couple of years now. She just got a new one this summer. She has several friends and cousins that also use them and so they encourage each other in their activity and other goals.
Your yard is gorgeous as usual and I enjoyed reading about your new bench on facebook. Enjoy your life my friend!

Ann Thompson said...

This is the time of year to be busy and I admire your energy and determination to get and stay healthy. You are an inspiration. You can get back in to blogging when the weather gets cold again.
Your yard is beautiful as always and I enjoy seeing what you've got growing

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous,gorgeous,gorgeous. Now,here's an idea,you need to hire me to charge admission and get people to tour your beautiful yard.You could get rich and I could enjoy the flowers as much as I wanted to.
Nah——probably not the best idea I've ever had.Maybe I still am suffering from the effects of the morphine and therefore not making any sense. LOL

Marcia said...

Was wondering where you got to but then you did say you were taking a break. Love your lilies. I have them blooming here too with more on the way.

Good for you staying fit.

Terri D said...

Since I see you on FB every day, I haven't been worrying about you. I know how it is when you don't blog for awhile and then feel the need to catch up. It is hard to do. No worries! Enjoy each other and your fit-bits!

diane b said...

A beautiful garden. I understand you slowing down in blogland. It is time consuming and although mentally healthy not physically so. I too have My Fitness Pal but instead of fitbit I use Map my Walk Ap which also syncs with My Fitness Pal. Sometimes I forget to turn it on like just now when I actually got Bill out for a walk. However, I can put it in manually on the computer.

Dorothy said...

Great blog post ans pictures, Betsy! I sure don't blog as much as I once did. Like you, Face Book is so much easier. Your yard is beautiful!

Linda P said...

Your yard looks beautiful. Enjoy your summer days. It's important to make time for yourself, your husband and family.

linda m said...

Your yard is gorgeous as always. Don't worry about blogging all the time. Time for yourself and George is more important. We will always bee here when you do blog and enjoy reading them even more. Have a great Summer.

Connie said...

Betsy, I absolutely understand that your health has to come first. Blogging and commenting on other blogs can wait. Your lilies are all so beautiful. I love how you have so many different colors.

Beth said...

So glad you are well and happy. Beautiful flowers as always. Take care and blog when you can. They are enjoyed by so many. But I'll start checking you out on Facebook.

Beatriz said...

How good we have a lot of work doing what we love, it's a privillege!
Your garden is a spectacle, as always. Apparently you did very well to spend all this time away from the blog... The flowers are beautiful, the green makes the perfect match with your home, and your health seems to be getting better and better, congratulations!!!

Hugs and take care!
Bia <°)))<

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about us - we'll still be here. But I hear you about feeling guilty for not visiting blogs - for me it's an essential part of blogging.

I'm loving your yard - so pretty! Enjoy your summer and continued good health!

Linda said...

My, you have such a variety of flowers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Glad you are busy and happy and have one of the nicest yards in FFG! I like the Lamppost Lilies the best of the bunch you have shown today! Have an extra-good Thursday!

Debbie Taillieu said...

Always enjoy a tour of your beautiful yard!! Thanks again for the link for the lilies!!
Have a blessed day!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Gorgeous flowers!
I love My Fitness Pal; such a great tool.
I too don't blog when I can't read....just doesn't seem right to me. :)
Enjoy your weekend!!!

Megs said...

Such beautiful photos! I so understand your commitment to real life- as you know, I'm off Facebook because I found that too time consuming- I'm still visiting just a handful of blogs- the beautiful, positive ones like yours! I'm looking into the FitBit- I'm doing a lot of tracking via my iPhone, but FitBit sounds better. Still going steady on my weight loss journey, added a 40 minute ( almost 3 mile) walk early in the morning- GUESS WHO inspired me? It really helps me stay on track all day.
Have a great Fourth!

Rohrerbot said...

Hi there Betsy! NO stress on the blogging. I'm with you on the FB vs Blogger bit. One post a week is all I can do and that's a lot of work as it is. I'm glad you both are working on your health and that FITBIT is fun. Micheal wears one when we walk and I'm always shocked at how much we've done...even when it seems like it's so little. Have a wonderful 4th!

Janie said...

YOu do have a lovely and colorful yard. I love the daylilies.

Diary of Dido said...

Your garden is absolutely breathtaking!