Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 15, 2015

A Texas Granddaughter's Graduation

George and I spent the first week of June in Texas with family  (lots of family) at a beach house in Galveston so that we could spend time with each other and could attend a granddaughter's high school graduation on June 4. 

This beautiful young lady is BROOKE ELIZABETH.  She is the younger daughter of my middle son,  Mark.  We had a wonderful time ---so today I will share some pictures from our week.

Brooke has been playing softball for many years,  and is an excellent player..  Mark has two daughters ---and both of them played softball.  Mark even was a girls' softball coach for a few years.    He made the comment recently that he won't know what to do next year when softball season begins, and he won't have anymore daughters playing!  He will miss that so much!

There was time for lots of FUN....  While at the beach house,  we enjoyed lots of crazy games/cards/puzzles --most of which I had never heard of... We also enjoyed being at the beach while there..  This is Brooke and her wonderful boyfriend,  Tristan, enjoying the water.

One evening the family took Brooke and Tristan out to dinner to celebrate her graduation.  She chose Fish Tails Restaurant in Galveston.  Ten of us enjoyed the evening together, and the food was TERRIFIC.   For your information,  two of my three sons were there. My eldest son, Bert (Tre),  is the 5th one from the left.   Mark (middle son) is the 3rd from the right.   My other son (Jeff) couldn't attend this celebration --and we all missed him.  

Besides EATING,  playing games, and enjoying the beach,  we also enjoyed some time with Bert and his family at their gorgeous condo.   Here I am sitting IN the water chatting with son Mark at Bert's beautiful swimming pool.  Bert and family truly live in an awesome area in west Galveston.  That water felt SO good!

Then it was Graduation Night.... Luckily the weather was awesome (unlike all of the rain and storms that area had had the week before).   Can you see Brooke??????? ha...  There were more than 600 young people in her graduating class...

A proud Papa (Mark) with his wonderful daughter,  Brooke,  after her graduation

George and I are so very very proud of Brooke.   Not only is she gorgeous on the outside --but she is just as gorgeous on the inside also.   I ADORE this young lady!!!!

I love this picture of these two young people after their graduation!!!! Tristan is going into the Navy and Brooke will be attending a local community college while working fulltime.  Brooke wants to be an Accountant.  She will be a good one for sure!

The day after the graduation,   it was time to PARTY.   Brooke had a big party at her home not only for all of the family but also for lots of Brooke's many friends.  The house was decorated so pretty and the Mexican food was delicious...

This picture is Mark and his beautiful daughters --whom he truly adores... Bay Lee works and goes to college in San Marcos,  Texas.  She could only get off of work a few days --so we didn't get to spend too much time with her this year.  Don't you love this photo of Dad and daughters?  I DO!!!!

Here's one more picture of Brooke.   I hope that she had as much fun that week as all of us did!!!!!   AND---I hope you have enjoyed seeing what a wonderful week with family that George and I had...

I haven't been able to do much blogging the past couple of weeks at all.   SO---please update me if I have missed anything really important... I did read that one of my blog friends lost her mother last week... Prayers for Suzanne (Busy Bee Suz).  I also know that Ginny's husband (Phil) had surgery... Prayers for him --and for Ginny.

TODAY is my Blog-aversary!!!!  Do you realize that I have been blogging for NINE years... I began on Lightblog in June of 2006?   Changed to Blogger in 2009.   How many of you have been following me since 2009 or before????  Many of my blogging friends are no longer blogging --but I keep up with some of them on Facebook now.

Have a wonderful week.  And check out my photo Blog for a couple of pretty pictures of something in our yard!!!!   Click  HERE for that link.



Ms. A said...

You sure had the ideal time to visit, since we are now waiting to hear what "BILL" is going to do! I am sure not looking forward to this and hope it fizzles and doesn't do much damage.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, congrats to your granddaughter on her graduation. She is a beautiful young woman! And Congrats to you on your 9th blog anniversary. Time goes by so quickly. Happy Monday, have a great new week ahead!

From the Kitchen said...

Time with family is the best! And, it's even better with such a special event to celebrate. Best wishes to your granddaughter!! Happy blogaversary! I haven't been around since the beginning. In fact, I think back then I was trying to figure out what "blog" meant!!


linda m said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! Don't think I've been around since 2009, but I've been around a long time for sure. Those are such nice pictures and such wonderful memories. Brooke is a beautiful girl and my favorite picture is Mark with both his lovely daughters. You can really see the love and pride in his face in that picture. Thanks for sharing your trip to Galveston with us.

Betsy said...

Happy Bogoversary Betsy! It looks like you had a wonderful time and I really enjoyed your pictures. Your family looks like they really enjoy each other's company. Congratulations to Brooke and Tristan. I hope all of their plans are exactly as they wish them to be.

Out on the prairie said...

You have made a lot of friends in 9 years, congrats. You are truly blessed with family and shared a nice area to explore with them.

Marcia said...

Congrats to your granddaughter. Must have been a fun week. I'm to be the family representative at my nephew's high school graduation on Wednesday. He's the youngest of my parents' grandchildren and since they are no longer with us and his paternal grandmother is too frail to attend my sister asked me to come. It's in DC so I'll drive and take the subway. Should be a fun day.

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, a lovely family and a beautiful granddaughter. Haven't spent any time in Galveston, but may have to go there specifically for the fish!

Janice K said...

What a happy time with your family. I think your beautiful granddaughter looks like you!

MTWaggin said...

What a lovely time with your family and so glad the weather cooperated as well!

Sylvia K said...

A happy time with your family indeed!! I'm so glad you got to be there and enjoy the fun!! A lovely granddaughter she is indeed!! Hope you have a great new week!!

Jazzmin said...

Congratulations to your granddaughter and your family on her graduation!! What an exciting time, and it sounds like so much fun getting to spend it down on the beautiful coast together. She is beautiful and has such an infectious smile, she has your smile!

Enjoyed your pictures so much. Best of luck and blessings to her in her future ventures as a new graduate.

Hugs and blessings,

David said...

Betsy, Looks like ya'll had a great time visiting your family in Galveston! Your granddaughter is very pretty and she looks like she's equally nice... We just finished a nice family trip too...visiting St. Louis and Omaha...Laurie's family and mine. Given all of the rain that Texas has had, that rain free graduation was lucky indeed! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lynda said...

Congratulations to that beautiful girl! I know she was thankful you all made the trip for her milestone event. You and George look even better in "regular" clothes. I almost didn't recognize you without matching shirts - - - but you did get the same colors in your dressier clothes. You were smiling when you wrote this because it shines through your words!
I was very sorry about Suzie's mom, too.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Congrats Betsy! Though you (and George) are elder people, I am a year early than you in blogging. Lol

My blog anniversary also marks in June. Glad to know you both had great time and fun moments with your granddaughter and families during her graduation. She’s so bubble and charming and expressed her achievement so well with smile.

Connie said...

Congratulations to Brooke and good luck to her in the future. Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

Terri D said...

You have a lovely family, and your granddaughters are both beautiful! How nice that you could all gather for the graduation celebration! Awesome memories made!

I've been blogging since 2007. First on Yahoo360, then on Multiply, and now on Blogger. You and I have been connected for over a year now, I think. Goodness I lose track of time!!

Ann Thompson said...

Congratulations to Brooke and best of luck to her as she begins the next chapter of her life. What a beautiful girl she is. Wonderful that you were able to spend time with family and enjoy the special occasion

Beth said...

Such beautiful granddaughters---entire family in fact. I've always wanted to visit Galveston. So glad you had the opportunity to spend such a happy week with family.
Wow! 600 kids just in her class! We only have about 350 kids in the entire high school!

Beth said...

Once you get to my blog, you have to scroll down on my blog archive to get the latest post to come up. I don't know what the problem is. It's up when I first post it then the next time, it says it doesn't exist! Beth

Marie said...

Congrats to Brooke!! You and Brooke look so much alike! I'm so glad you had a fun visit!

diane b said...

What a great time you have had with family. It is such an uplifting feeling being with family when you don't see them often. I found it hard to say goodbye last week when I left LA for home. Congrats to your beautiful grand daughter. I can see the resemblance to you.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Congratulations to your beautiful granddaughter! I'm glad you and George were there for her big day and enjoyed some family time at the beach. It's been years since I was there, but I remember Galveston being a great place to visit.

I've been away from blogland quite a bit myself this month. It's just such a busy time right now. Life is good, but busy! Take care and have a great summer!

BB said...

I cannot get over how much your granddaughter looks like you!! She's got a lovely smile. Beautiful family you have!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your family are all beautiful.Those radiant smiles must have come from Mom and Grandma.I don't remember when I started following you but I know it was before 2010.I sur sam glad that we met here first and then later in person.

George said...

We definitely had a wonderful time in Galveston, and it was wonderful to see Brooke graduate. She and Tristan are a cute couple.

By the way, I've been following you since before 2006!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Brooke is beautiful and everyone looks so happy - glad you had a nice time. That pool looked inviting. Happy 9 year anniversary. You have a lovely family.

Sally Wessely said...

Betsy, this was such a heartwarming and happy blog post. I could feel your joy and pride as I read each word. Brooke is a beautiful girl. She has that smile like you do. I bet she has your great personality too! Her sis is just as cute. Mark must be so proud of his girls.

Family time is such a great blessing. I AM SO HAPPY you had this time with your boys and your grandchildren. I know how much that means to you.

Congrats to Brooke!

I'm so glad you started blogging. Just think of the friendships that have been formed by blogging. It is all very amazing. Hugs. Love to you and George.

carolina nana said...

Wow Betsy that young grand daughter Brooke looks alot like you, same beautiful smile.
Congratulations on nine years of blogging, I'm coming up on 6 in July. My how time flies, does not seem that long.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Brooke has one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen!

Small Kucing said...

Congratulations to Brooke

It's so nice for you to be there :)

Beatriz said...

Congratulations to all your family Betsy!
It's so nice when we have someone so young realizing her dreams...
By the way It seems you had a wondeful week at the beach, huh!!!

Many, many hugs darling

Bia <°)))<

Margie's Musings said...

We have all missed you, Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Double congratulations - on your lovely Granddaughter's graduation and your fantastic blog's anniversary! Have a great day today!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Congratulations to your granddaughter. Brooke is a beautiful young lady. I wish her the very best. I'm glad you could attend her graduation and happy your family had a great time. Enjoyed the photos.

Linda P said...

Congratulations to your lovely grand daughter and congratulations on your blog anniversary! You had a wonderful time with your family I can see and lots of relaxing at the beach must have done you both good. You all look very happy.

Rose said...

I am so glad you got to spend time with these grandchildren of yours....and it sounds like you had a wonderful time. Your granddaughters are so pretty....

Small City Scenes said...

What a fun time everyone had. Thanks to Brooke--LOL!
Those grand girls of yours sure have your happy smile.

Peaches McGinty said...

Happy Blog-a-versary Betsy!! and here's to many, many more of your lovely posts!! also, a big congratulations to your beautiful and incredibly smart Grand-daughter! you have an incredible and very attractive family, aren't you all gorgeous! I really do love the Graduation Ceremonies in the USA, after all the students hard work it really should be celebrated properly, I love all the family can attend too - when my eldest graduates from Uni, only 2 family members are allowed - I thoroughly enjoyed this post though! x x x

Susie Swanson said...

Congrats to your grandaughter and the whole family. What a special occasion to be with family and enjoy a beautiful young lady's milestone. I wish her all the best life has to offer. Congrats to you on your blogging anniversary. I started in 2010 and the past couple of years it's been hard to keep up and i know I've missed out on alot of happenings but when I do I enjoy it so much. I've always enjoyed every post you've made and look forward to them when possible. Much Love and Blessings, xo

Lux G. said...

9 years! Wow! Congrats. Amazing years.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Hi Bestsy,
It's been ages since I have stopped by to check out your blog. I am sure it was wonderful to visit with family. We are headed out this week to Ohio to visit our home and our family. Congratulations on your granddaughters graduation.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely young woman - so full of joy and energy!

And congrats on NINE years of blogging - that is a huge achievement!

Sherry Ellis said...

She looks like a really happy young lady!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

She is so pretty! I see that yall have had a blast at her graduation. You havent missed anything on my blog! Continue enjoying yourself

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a special visit!

Happy blogiversary! I started blogging in Dec 2009. I have been following you a long while, but I am not sure how long!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Congratulations on another grandchild graduating. What an exciting time. I loved all the photos and wish Brooke a BIG bright future. Tell Mark that Jeff still coaches even though he doesn't have any kids on the teams. :)
9 years??? You are one committed blogger. SO thankful that I've met you and George.

LV said...

So glad you and George could attend this very special event in your granddaughters life. The coast this time of the year is a great place to be. Have not been in a long time. Glad you are doing well.

Linda said...

Congratulations to Brooke and also to you! You've almost caught up to me; I celebrated 10 years of blogging earlier this month.

Manzanita said...

What a dear and loving family. So happy you could attend this grand send-off into the world for your granddaughter. The pictures are fun for me to look at, since I don't travel any more. I wish I still had your spunk and endurance for travel. Enjoy this beautiful week-end. Boy, the summer is fleeting.